THR K1.AMATMI Page Four 1ENCH CABINkT Don't Drive Without T t BOUND 10 FAIL SAYS PRESIDENT LI insurance: t III! D. You're n Reckless Driver, If You Do 1BC Just think (if tlu accidents you have seen lately, all you have reatl alnuit ami the terrible loss in life anl money automobiles ld have take!) thjs year! Ith Are vou the next victim? ii may be, no one knows! Then Ity t. I.. IIIMIHKUII I'AUIS April 4 Kali of ihe Har riot of France a pn .li. lor.ielit Former l'r.-!.i- in Miller tnd. !' ; a . a n!:H:itf f.r lit- sn ;.to in i In- I'livlinn in the .I'l'.ui- 1. 1 in Tl:i' e I all! ' . i.. i t l h i Seine t ir. nrri'w relitious 'i'l f.u-m ' l'r" I i n Easter Steps Forward in Entrancing Footwear Most women' mind are now turning to the Easter promenade and most of their feet are turning towards Wickersham for the correct and smartest footwear. And Wickersham is prepared with gorgeous new styles, fit for feet of admiration and daintiness. Pictured "The Gladsmere," a new arrival, but only one of dozens of good styles now on display here. Exclusive showing of Corticelli Chiffon Hosiery on display Wednesday Newest and Most Exquisite Shades will then be available MAIN 822 Tl:. n- WICKERSHAM'S I Stvlc Shoe Shrro .- J- J- A ' ' j '' '7-; kZUfSd Four-wheel brakes, Fisher body with one-piece V. V. windshield, Duco finish, balloon tires, full automatic spark control, unit instrument panel, driving controls on steering wheel, automatic windshield cleaner, permanent visor, rear-view mirror, transmission lock, heater, dome light, invisible door checks and extra-quality upholstery. All th ese in the new L Its luxurious comfort and conspicuously low price reveal again how effectively Oakland, Fisher and General Motors have combined their resources to provide out standing quality at small cost. . .t:.u VtM ;! i.'w::::i. :r. iiu'si ion of Fr.mtv's f- n r !! I'llV'-l wift: fl.;f of I'ol.iM.l. l':t h. --Slovakia ii! Juo SI.i .... Kranvo annot repudiate li r I rorr.i-es of fn. mNhip " tn ti:s'usMnp ihf Kuropoan sts-unty tlution He charred that thr pr.-nt (tov ornment brought up h rvltuinui Ksue ami f mphasiitM th pritnnw of .Marshal Joffrc to Alsace -Lorraine that religious liberties would r spec led. Meantime, the jtovrnni--nt contiti ues to draw up its linen Cor the prate content hih will f.ue it on Tut.-da:". when the finance mruMire prepared ty Arulolc de Miinzit. proposal, the plans .ire btinj; k-pi se.r-t. "It is impossible to what the povernment prrvposs-s." de Mon zie said today. "A: this Uta: there is no a tual project, but Tm-1a at ter a labinet meetibc I ir.ake a dt J:L.Te iroposil. The spokes-man fur Premier Her riot tn a statement l:i the pn s aid the principal need of Kr..a. .it ti;.s time is to make lu.-te it; lial.iii- .nit the budget. lierrio: conferred throughout tlie day w:ih ar.ii poiit'ial Kail ers. indudinjt Lew is Loucheur, the left radual leader, anl Aristido Lnand, former pnmier, buth i whom oppose the tdpital levy. Their groups ia the thainber must be wtn over if Utrnol i u retain a nrk inp majority in tl.e ihaiiiiur. A committee r-pretnt M-na: raduais tailed upir. Ib-rnoi, bu: re iued to give the d-'.aiN of their i C inference. 1 it is wise lT yon u secure hoi roM i.ii;c o:i jour ear: ror the little that is investeil you receive untold comfort in knowing that you ride insured against all possible accidents! Tomorrow is too late! Your car may be stolen tonight, or it might burn, some one may run into you or you may accidentally run into some one else. Then it is too late to get insurance NOW IS THE TIME. MOMYER & MOMYER INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS. LIS 203 Hopka Bldg. Phone 366 FAMOUS BANDIT CHAPMAN WILL GO TO GALLOWS 4 R R R Garage Three Regular Fellow i 831 Klamath Ave. -Roy, Rex and Ray.' Phone 212 HAF.TFOr.ri. Conn . A;r Gvra'.d Chin-.r.. the cUy s n: - r. satiunal iia-i :. stakerl h.s :n U'Y Ciapnjs J h'.mtcli c.!-J That ;h ii:a h he'.d in a; v re JiU.- an J tr.r" ;ha". -r .i5a . a r--a; a-o ar.y re :n sir;:. S i.i-i1 ; jry rvf.irnt-a a verJ.c. ! fruU'.y an i t'.;e J'ljse a-arJ. d :.) frpani2:d sOk.vty Chan-an's hfe the stake in the fc:p?e?l eame of Chapman s natiouai iare-r. Tne decision as that he had k;l':ed Policeman James Pkelly o! New Britain. Conn. June at sunrise a3 the date .et ir eaciety to co'.iect. Dut Chapman, like a pood p.iker p'.ayer that he is hard'.y chanced expres?ic n a the hand of the law r-'a. hed out and swept the taia. clean took everything he had. What's more, he has a chance to rrcover. IT he can finance it he is going to ask the court to let him play hand to see if he can't g"t even. He is licked hul he won't qait. I'p tJ today the game bad been a'.l Chapman's. He had been the center of Interest. Everyone was talking of what he did and the few things he said. The state. In the public mind, hard'.jr seemed to figure. Chapman played his lone hand for all that it was worth: he built up around himself a veritable my thology a romance that gripped the public and made him a sort of wicked hero. "They didn't try me for murder." was Chapman's comment on It all, made to his attorney. "They trie! me for being a mail bandit anj when they decided that was what I was they convicted me and that's ,V.l there is to it. ' I did:': have a chance from :he s:ar:." Chapman's conviction came at 10:30 a r. . tcday when the Jury sent word to the Judge that a ver di;t had been reached. - . - .v r . A New Front EM But the Same Old Slogan Courtesy, Quality, Service Work Well Done Absolutely Guaranteed Money Back if Not Satisfied GLOVER, The Jeweler Sign of the Big Street Clock Cotton that has been developed in sn Italian colony in F.i Africa is claimed to be superior In quality to Egyptian An Illinois man has invented a form of pantograph with which the heads of persons can be sculptured from their photographs. mi '