DAILY THE KLAMATH NEWS C "rantesd Circulation Over 2800 Official Paper of City of KLAMATH FALLS United Neux and United Press Telegraph Services Vcl. 2, No. 119. (Kvery Morning Except Monday) KLAMATH FALLS, ORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1925. Price Five Cents CHARGE AGAINST "lErS, ! H SWINDLERS B THROWN OUT C""Tt Dismisses Cae Of , "eclair, Doheny and 'i Ex-Sec'y. Fall ' I.OM AXtirXKH. April A woman's rlKliI li llk "" hi-cn iirtich by I lie court. Huxrl.ir Jllilur ;le '"" tenbiy IUiInm- mi Injunction brought by lliilirrt K. Macy. Jwhl, win. wmitiil bin wire rcalinlnctl fri.m talkli'if hImiiiI IiIiii. "Highly liiiiruilUul" the court decided. HERE SOPPORT ! BASEBALL CLUB Committee Expects $3,000 To Be Pledged By j i Tomorrow Ilf HAYMOND l'l..iri'Klt WAHHIN'HTON. II. C. April J. The government Hiiiiercii u severe setback Id Ita caae against Albert ( B. Pall, Hurry F. Sinclair mill K. I., j S Doheny. when lint criminal Indlet l BisnU charging thorn v. 1 1 1 i hribervj ' (ttd conspiracy In connection wllh tha ' Taapol Dome ml California! i Oil leases were declared Illegal on s ; I technicality by Justice McCoy In lliej District of ('oliiinblii Supreme court.' The court held Hint Hi Indict-! scat ven llicgul because Oliver I AID IN FOREST PRESERVE MOVE III Klart the Slop For- Klumutli will nit Flrea association iiiovinint RRaln. Over 80 business men pledged themselves to subscribe 120 toward Did Klamath Fall baseball team yesterday at the rate of ( a month durliiK lh" season. According to the' committee who did the canvassing, the number will be swelled, without a doubt, to lull pledgers by noon to morrow, when representative of the Northern California buHeball league w.111 be here to complete arrange ments for Klamntli runs entrance Barclay Reported Taxi Driver is Klamath Indians Caught by Wilson Caught By Cops A t j 1 But Escaped Again' In wi!(1 chase Flan A JNational Tribal Conclave throuahthe atreet. of theci,yend-;Tr;bai Council To Launch Convention To Be , ing when Alberson s car van turned Held On Shores Of Klamath Laks In June; Great Pageant Is Planned. K. Paean, a special awNtu.it to the.. .,.,. , 0,ah. formu- " "" l",K"B attorn.y general, who wan assisting , t , ehumiwr of commerce ; With the 150 signers $3,000 will; tha special guverumrnt counsel, waa yesterday afternoon. (iratlfled by ; be safely lurked In the Ml! chest by j- prssentln the grand jury room when ,.,,, , 0,nlnw lstthe time tha -anon opens. May 17. .Wllnes were testifying. The two . - ,. .-. ,, ,. hnn.e rues' Hllua Itanlay, who ciim-I fiiiio Hie Klaiimtli county Jull twi iikii.'hihI who la witntii by fidirul Mutlmrltbit who an' anioua to aM.rtiiln what lie know of tlu niyalerloua ilenth of I'mblle JackMin, waa rnptuml by D.puly Cuuatuble Klnley W'llaon in liiliHuiu late yeatcnlny. and MUK'il while ander RUHnl of W ilson Hlillc itlir two were In 11 ciife for aupper, acconlliifc to a reHirt rrri'lnt here UM nlitlil. Iturclay ha - M-vrrul ec- taculur cafii. I Hie p.il lllolltll. ' $ According 'rfii jib' rtfttirt, Itur cbiy waa blillttV; in jt rabln cIom In t'lilliMjuIn -V'Ijcb Wilson in nd e tlm al'M-at. ".'ii;a) broiiKbt to the rare wheTcv ie aaft Wllmin were awaltlno thv arrlmil of Con. table Mlmilley. fit escort Iturclay to Klamath Kaila. Tfforta to ronflrni the reMirt by telephone to t 'liiloqulll were unavailing. .Neither Hbadley or WIImid rouhl Im rta ImmI.' Kllm Alberaon. taxi driver fur a linul tail line, waa arreated on a liiiuor charKe late yesterday after noon, followiiiK a aenaational cliase into a muddy side street and over-: hauled by Chief Loucka and i'atrol- . man Cooper. Alberaon waa lodged In the county Jail and his car confiscated by the ' officers, who claimed to have found: a small amount of liquor In the car. pans are under way by the! members of the Klamath tribal Alberaon objected strenuously to the' Kl th ndian tribaI council' council : : Seldon Kirk chair- arreat. and claimed that no liquor - ' - . , .. i , . . taken from him or the car. and for one of the feaUit Indian man, Jess L. Kirk secretary, 'that he was beinc hold by the off- gathering of modern times, to Samuel Clinton, Frank Coburn, irers because they claimed to be able be staged June 22 to 30 on the Sim Riddle, Wernie Foster, to smell liuuor abont th3 car. Ac-. shores . of Aeency lake at a Levi Walger, Joe Ball. Fred M'ording to the owner of the taxi M. Manning has point on the reservation Hendricks, Finley Wilson, Dice grounds known as Wlul-Kse.' Crane and Ben F. Mitchell. ftovarament counaul. At lee Pomcrene and Oven Itolmi'ta, alaii were In the room, but they were there as roun- thslr aaslKtiiiit made the proceedinx invalid,: the court held. This has 1 the effect of wipiiix the xlato clean ' ao far :aa the critiilnnl Indictinenta re eoacerned unleaa the Kovern- Bient can have .McCoy overruled on an appeal, which will be taken. ! ' !f New lllillcliiieiita If the court la upheld, the covorn : meat eoiinael will hrlnn new Indlrt- rut to a minimum, d.wpite the mil-, versal drouth. It has been decided to attain enlist the aaalstance of the boy scouts, ramp fire Klrla, and oth er oraanitntions to enroll the 1925 membership during the Inst week In June and Including the first three: days of July. The regular national forest pro tection week cornea from April 27 to I May .1. Klamath will go theiu one: better and boost the cause an addi tional week J tint at the season of the yeur when real danger from fire! Guard House ToPortify County Jail -;ofr: to- wlll be given with each contribution. Kiitliualaalic .u... nvi.at.l I...1U AV.rV IT'', TUf V'"""'"" P'"1,ni," boy scouts, camp fire girls, and otb- , . , 0,,proached was en- I a hel lid" "rZ : has " "-'- ' 1925 thusiuatic over iLpec.a of a real r Invalid, the court held. This has ,,,,,,., ,iP(n the last week In . .. ... , tail ClUO UCIIIK cniHiilinu.:" nun:. The committee of five appointed !at a recent meeting of the chamber of commerce will meet with the Cal ifornia league representatives morrow, with a final plana. ! -.in ui k'lniimili ViiIIk more I fail break in other recent dava. ; meats on conspiracy cnargea ana (rst munlfeal. The Klamntli roun- ""' t coaUnaa to fight the caae. Aitvlru lr fbsnilsr of conuiieree cren-l""n ' ,he 0,ll"r nlon,,,e,!, trom Atlee I'o rem,, one of the Uod wlt, utiinK this Stop Forest ; Kch team will receivo lis own gnte I special counsel, said lh.il he wus Knm movement over last year In al-1 receipts except Klamath Falls. It t ... kii .ii.......ru...i .n.i ii.i.i Hi. . - .. -. .... .. i iimlei-atond an extra surcharge c w. ...... .... most every imiweren conuniiiniy ui - . . . ., i rrullac Was nurulv a technical nnint.i.i.. v,.r.h. lof $40 to $50 will be charged by the approval. f An lasmed late aiipeul will lie taken,, Ofduers. for the 1915 association. i visiting f nd li this fails to overturn Justice unpointed yesterday, were K. II. Hali:Tnl" lH : line Attorney H ; luuin ri.tninMt tn Hi.fenrt Alherain t a late hour last night AlbersoafThe celebration will be known; twus admitted his freedom on bail. as the first annual convention: Kan Hoot and Thomas Asignoii'of North American Indians,! were arrested by local police officers anr redmen from all the vari-: ! yesterday afternoon and charged ou, tr;be, m the Unite1 States,! i with driving w hile intoxicated, fol- ,, . . ,. , t . in i. i., s well as Canada and Mexico,; i lowing a head-on collision between ... 'I i the car driven by Root and Asignon w"l meet with the redmen of. with a machine driven by Dominicn Oregon. i HATFORD Ct.. April 3 The Kernese, S. P. Bection man at Mid-' It is planned to Stage the big ' jury which Gerald Chapman hlm ',a"d' Indian convention just prior to' self selected to de-termlne wtaeth- The collision occurred at the cor- tng roceo event that will er mu,t al-d n Connecticut K anu .nam sireeis, . . . , t,,j jj-, gallcwa or end his day more Deace- u'.r. nil rut'lstn In lh. - ....... i ... . . " tn T..H. n a ti l. iuny in me Aiiania leaerai peni- scene hv nrnsnects of a free lor-all " "i " i v JURY OUT IN CHAPMAN CASE The Klamath county Jail, from view to making theiwnicn lour prisoners escaped unjmix.lip I comparative ease two weeks ago, i and source of inauy a free-for-all will lie i.uvcriitTU luw a icniauic luia of (ilbrallar according to plans beln? suTnltted by Sheriff Hurt Hawkins to the county court for fight and a torrid mix'ure of eign profanity prompted by 'tentlary fought for nearly 10 hours BULLET FIRED prcMltlent, A. M. C(l!Ur vice preHl chnl JuliiiH Mut'lliT tr.'uaur.T. unrl Lynn Saliln nfpri'tary. CitHh prixoft of 20 will he divided , amnliK tlx Kluinalh hoyit iind k'1 who up tin KreatCbt mini lit-r of1 uif'iiihfi.slilix In tho UHvmi httion this yi:tr. ThtTt 1 no -ost fonnt'cttMl with JoiiiiuK. innly u plt'dtut'. Over :t,roo wtTt; KiKiicd up h ru lust yt-ur. NEW DRUG STORE WILL OPEN SOON ' McCoy,' new Indictments will be lf: brought, This base bus no connection what ever with the civil cases to break 'the Teapot Hume Iciikc, which Is J now pending In couit at Cheyenne, f S'yO. 111111 ni t lull is mil in fected ill I any way by the iua.hiiiit of the hrili-- ery and, conspiracy charges here. Chlirgea Qtlllsbeil J The four luillit itietiis iiuushed i charged: ; 1 Albert II. Kail with accepllng i a bribe from K. I.. Ooheny. J, ijTUslifiiy K ith glvlr.s a bribe to i Fall. I: t S Fall and Doheny with conaplr f acy. to defraud the government In , leasing the California oil reserves. " 4. rail mid Hurry V. Hiiiclulr with conspiracy lo defraud tho gov ernn;?nt In le.ii.liiit the Teapot Home reserve. ? Members of Sim lair s legal stuff "10 lnR business, and will operate I suggested that Hie lliiee year statute.'" H ,IHB pharmacy. i ot limitations might prevent resur-i The store is complete in every dc- Ireettoa of the briliery charges of tiie tall. and Is one of Klamath Fallal court were uphold on that appeal, nicest looking establishments. Moth I However, there Is n six year statute gentlemen will move their families' ot limitation on conspiracies to dn- to Klamath Falls and become a per-1 fraud the government and -two ofimanent part of the community's team when, it plays here, to defray the costs of extra mileage and all night stopovers when necessary, it is believed that the league representatives can ex-1 plain this extra charge to the com plete satisfaction of the local com mittee. However, if It develops that I the local learn Is to get Hie worst of J the financial arrangements the local ' committee will stand lis ground and j refuse to enter the league. I c for the erection ! nouae on the , . 4-u - a i j e .or- n.tu uiai K-e-" oi ues ui;0, the queston of his guilt of the tourists will be attracted to the j the murder of Patrolman Skelly j Klamath country for the dou-;in New Britain and then was lock- ble attraction, which, combin-'ed "P for ,ne nlfnt at 10:34 p- ied, will be the most singular m- Friday ni8ht n,e ,-t0 reach i . , , . . a verdict. f- .. .- ' i pageant of pioneer frontier, Hopes tor a qu1cklTerdlct had aays ever staged. , long iince been dashed. Twic8 According to 'the plans of ! late In the afternoon the Jurymen the tribal council, the Indian ;ha- come back into the court room conclave will have a two-fold for aid in their uk ot decisloa be- san -fraxcisco. April 3. -A : purpose. To -bring the" many -'tween life and death. Firot they had asked Judge Jennings for a constantly. The guard house is to ' was Intended for some federal of- The plans of a cupola roof of the Jail wnere iwr; is nour ouiei. ured mruugii a ... n uiuca lUKCincr lur me purpose time table. which might shed light sMfts of guar.N will be on duty j federal court room at 6:30 tonight 1 0f discussing development of n the nhvslcal nnsrfl-llltv of truth the Indian, especially the in the defense evidence which. ! youth of the various tribes, claimed Chapman was in Holyoke. Mass.. on the afternoon before the murder and in Brooklyn .at 8:20 the same evening. " Then the Jury again emerged Frederick C. Forbes and Ceo. A. Cunning huve established themselves In Klamath Fnlls. and will soou open for business Forbes' Pure Iirugs. at Klghth nnd Main streets. Until Mr. I'orlies nnd Mr. Cun ning have had years of experience in both the retail nnd wholesale end of Unusual But True (Over I-nst Motifs Leased Wire) ficial c .inected with the trial of (iiiirlr.i rum rnnnine case. United States Harsh! Frederick wil- be one of the purposes. Isnia announced. I The other is to present a pa- The Jury in the case involving geant for the benefit of whites seizure of the Canadian steamer ; and Indians alike. deDictinsr: frnm it., .etr t S Jt) an ask- Acc rding to present plans a time ; Huadra and trial oi mem.tere ioi npr ; historical events of American ed Judge Jennings to read testi clock will be Installed in the guard cre"" and dire'"""9 of the Cons I history, insofar as the relation-' m0Iy a witrexs and the pro- to be punched every half "" "-e . t.j,.. . .u .u;t prietor of the Old Colony Inn at tiring to a Jury room wnen tne i..ui.i nit . . , shot was fired. nuilet missed be situated at a vantage point where all windows of the Jail can be scan ned with one sweep of the eye. It will serve as protection for the guards during raina in he summer. and cold winter nights. house. hour bv the deputv on watch. "r,nS lo " "r ruu,n 7 ' 7 Meriden. Ct.. 16 miles from New The added fortification of the "t was Ilre(1- . lb ;.C,eea. BrUajn wh(ch ha(, p,aced chap. will be accomplished through " , .viui-n.se ia locaieu on lite man and Walter Shean at the Inn . t i - ; . ,i c,o,a n;.. , r. .... . ... little expense. and according """""" i.m. " uaiies - Calltornia Highway, on the night before the murder Jail very NKW YOUK. April S.--TI111-othy Nelson, 23, is dying at a hospital lifter an eight foot fiill from the seat of his truck. Mean while :t ve.ir old Hubert i.icken back. who fell four storries from a fire escape Into a back vard, ia suffering only from minor scrapes and bruises. to Sheriff Hawkins will make the , trM Attrrney Kenneth Gillis. wllile ' ah0ut two miles north of the ! when Chapman claims he I Jail practically Impregnable. I he was engaged In the same court ; ; room several months ago. was in Williamson river bridge. It Brooklyn. 1 Calls Dome Decision ! "mie pMce ar'"lea yis ENGLAND TO BUILD ! : plosion to a fire cracker, a steu- lor a large number of Indians. j A Mere Technicality , ographer on the offices ot District it js planned to have the In- TEN FLANE HANGARS i I Attorney Sterling said ehe had seen; .. , . .. . ,. , ' the Indlctmenis f anew.- j h t : . .. iirji ib-iiis 4 Tha transactions complained of oc curred in 1921. The bribery Indlrt , menta grew out of K. I.. Dnheny'a ' admission before the senate Teapot ' Dome Investigating committee that , he sent Fall $100,000 in cash to 1 -Vaahlngliiii In a little black satchel r by bis son, K, L. Doheny, Jr., whose ' Continued on rage 8) might he brought active civic nnd business life. ItU l.THV AX1) ItAlltV H.M'KItT IIKItK Tt ADVIHK OH! NAP(7Y! ; BY .JOHN HELD Jfi ,0 l"N $::riek of T.'.'l SHEIK , v fx Of special Interest to poultrymen and dairymen In Klamath county Is the expected visit to Klamath Fulls and vicinity of A. L. Inge-J brltson, an expert, from the poul-l try and dairy service bureau ot the! Sperry Flour company. Mr. lnge- brltson will make his headquarters at Murphey's Seed store and plana on visiting many of the ranchers. He will arrive In Klamath Falls Monday and will be glud to have all poultrymen and dairymen meet j him to discuss their poultry nnd dairy problems. I'lTTSltl'IUill. April 3. Well. It was a great day and the "kids" at the llruddock township school would be glud to have the school threatened more often. Following receipt of a wa'rning that the building would he bomb ed, eight teachers marched 375 pupils hurriedly Into the great outdoors. There was no bomb ing but the police are holding a suspect whom they believe sent the threat. 1 Justice McCoy's ruling. ly a technical point." t I SOUTHERLY GALES 1 HIT OREGON COAST WINSI.OW. Ind., April J. I'ollce are seeking the thief who robbed Charles Hume's grocery store. Inking $3ti0 which Hume had saved lo pay the funeral ex penses of his wife, who died sev eral weeks ago. VINTON, Iowa. April 3. Finger prints of the 200 students In a schrol at Belle Tlnln are to be taken In an effort to trnce the thief who stole $85 from the school superintendent's office. sel In commenting on the quashing ot in-1 exhaustive examination d'clnients against Albert B. Fall.Uel. Edward U Doheny and H. F. Sin- ,.,ir ! Lester Wishard Takes t the ho- Over Harriman Lodge An appeal would he filed at once. Pomerene said. He admitted it was questionable whether new indict-; Lester Wishard. formerly of Lan-j ments could be brongTit on the' jell valley, took charge of Harrl-i bribery charges against Fall and j man Udge as caretaker on April 1 Doheny. '1. Harriman lodge gets its name' Th .inline of limitations does ' from the late railroad magnate not affect reindictment on the con spiracy charge, but there Is a question with regard to reindict ment on briliery charges," he said. I ve iirtoi'N should bo screened tit hennl," says Margy. - (Copyrighted) COLERIDGE, Neb., April 3. Mrs. Mose West. 80 yeura old ia dead here from pneumonia said lo hnve set In when she recently bobbed her hair. PORTLAND, April 3. South-1 enst gales ct 48 miles' voloclty were reported from the month of( the Col 11 m liln river following the posting of storm wnrnlngs along !T1LVr,s uitJHT IH.AMK (iKOIKiK the Oregon and Washington coasts, j The storm warnings were ordered continued along the roast Marshfleld to Tatoosh Island. HI-JINKS WILL BE STAGED AT PINE TREE The Crater Lake Shrine club's famous Hi-Jinks will be staged In connection with the regular bill at tho Pine Tree theatre on April 13 according to announcement made yesterday. The decision to re-stage the show was arrived at after re peated requestg were made to the E. H. Harriman. who purchased the property sometime ago and used It as one of his summer homes. The lodge is situated In the heart of nature's wonderland on the jluke shore of Upper Klamath and .a equipped with all modern con veniences. Aside from the sum I mer home built by Harriman there, ! are small cottages which wer ft vvpi WD Ohio Anril 3. ne Ilasl 01 a un apparently ironi . " are not worried at all by j the room cf the hotel Henry across tumes. some in buckskins and LONDON, April 3.-The war min- It is pure- the street from the rederal build-. "mcia 111 uiaimcu auu imi.m-.imi; iiaS ....urD .un.-i..-. .u. Atlee Pi m-iing. I ers. Teepees will probably be construction -of 10 airplane hang- v - 1 . r Th I 1st t hp hoclnnine of a erene one of the government conn- -"arm cniei 01 uie our-; provided lor tneir camp. - 7 "'- " eicni "lie r. I . , , r .. . . nat on-wide Dlan for home defense. the oil suits, said today in, eau uep. imem o, The Indian convention is ,.,.," ,.. ' ... ..., t. ltlllltlir;i 1 u r aui-S III! oitsvuw- sponsored by the following wlll he ,.reated. FATHER RICARD PREDICTS WET ! APRIL; MILD TOWARD THE LAST April will come In like a roaring. April 15 Fair, but under a cloud, lion, but will depart as meek as a 1 "rival of cool wave which means only a barometric rise. Anril Is The northern disturb- cast by Father Rlcard, the noted as- an(.e Jnst Bnn0Hm.edt RainnK , tronomer at the Santa Clara observ-i deptn an, extension and seeking to atory. On the whole. It will be good reach Byron and San Francisco. Lots weather for ranchers and umbrella of trouble in the former town, sellers. 1 April 17 Becoming fair. April 4 Cloudy with sprinkles. , April 18. 19, 20 Fair over prnc April 6. Clear or clearing, with tically the whole littoral, rain tn favored spots at the east-, April 21, 22 A rather severe de- huilt for the Pleasure of'the Har-jward. High pressure areas will taue pression to anect tne wnoio coaai riman guests are also Included the property. Kl.AXXAti.W WINS SAN FRANCISCO. April Patsy Flannagan. Stfi Paul dun oy local pci pie wno latieu " 1 weight, won a ten round aecision nigii pressures win ucunvu us..u..,c.( see the first performance March ov,,r Tuffy Wing of Portland here 27. tcnight In a torrid bout. Flannagan Two new acts will be added to.had lhe crowd going all the way. the hill nnd n'l act" win lie nrusnen 1 In positions in higher altitudes. nnd refresh the parched fields. . I April 6 Rain on and near the April 23 Clearing showers northwestern coast, with a chance of April 24 Becoming fair here, but Its coming hither and stretching fnr- raining over parts of the northwest, 3. ;ther to the southward, distributing while a small depression is runningT light-! wet goods all along Its course. The, to the eastward. April 25 Fuir over whole coast. April 7 Cloudy, another chance April 26. 28 A new disturbance for rain. Over the northwest, with a poor Anril 9. 10. 11 Fair. ; chance of its moving southward. Anril 12 Fair In California but 'which means fair In Central and Mr. and Mrs. (Icorge .Mett arc re from reiving congratulations on the add! The: Hon of an 8-pound son to their fam- storm waa reported to be 4 8 north and 135 west, moving rapld lly eastward. ily. Mr. Metx ia the proprietor of the Mets Jewelry store, whose pop ular slogan ia "Lot George Do It." up and rehearsal thoroughly. Fol lowing the next apperanre at the Pine Tree the show will probably be put on under the auspices of the Medford Shrines In the Rogue River valley metropolis. CKLLO tiKTS DECISION j HOLLYWOOD. April 3. Tommy Cello of San Francisco won a ref eree's decision over Young Datto, Filipino lightweight In their 10 round bout here tonight. disturbed in the northwest. ! Southern California. April 13 Raining from Vancon-; April 29 Fair, ver to Eureka and Sacramento,. April 30 Same cloudiness, but whence the leap hltherward and be yet fair. 1 ' yond will meet with no obstruction. There will he disturbances on May. April 14. Clearing but ipriLkles. j t, 4, 9 and 12.