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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1925)
Page Six HKSOM'TION r'iftti Mrert Patrmcnl The Cur Ksineer. pursuim to resolution of th Common Council hr"tifr adopted, hafinr, on the IJrd dar of March. 1S5 fl!l .liana, specifications and estimste of the cost of tmnrorinn 3th street from Pine ntreel northerly to Jet teron street, inclusive, ei.-iud ni n'-eTv-ections. and the council hav .ag taken same under advisement nad finding said plan.. specific-nuns nd Mi:mnn to be satisfactory: HE IT HKItEHY RKSOI.VKD 'hat said plans, specifications and -tftlmai for the improve men: of rh said portion? f .1th street be rind tie same are hereby approved: nd w: it rrnTiir.n r.::s;i.vMio hat the c-jinmoa council he-ei.y rie.-!sres it intention t improve ".aid portion of 5th street in ac cordance. it fa aaid pbns spe.-ifua- i.ins and estimates. Said iuiprove .Bent shall consist of paring said iwrtion of said street with concrete uarement. reinforced concrete pare rnent. Warrenite bitulithic paie .neni. or Warrenite bitulithic pave ment with bituminous concrete base. r aaphalttc concrete pavement with -ode base or same with asphaltic oncrete base, at an estimated cost. -Deluding cement sidewalks, curb tnK. setters and drainage, for con crete pavement or Warrenite bi rnlithic pavement of $18,101 00, and lor reinforced concrete pavement or Warrenite bitulithic pavemn with bi'umininis concrete bam-, of, tlsijlii). or asphaltic concrete pavement with rock hase or same with asphaltic concrete Case $H. (!I St. Said improvement in either: event to include grid n. roiling and curbing, ani drainage: aid pavement to b th-.riv-f.iur iJ4i feet wide, with coocre'e sidewa!k six 11 fe-et wide on both . thereof, with parking strip, leveled throughout on both side, excepting at intersections where slid pavement U to be full width of intersection: and BK IT FIRTHKU UKS'I.VKIJ by 'he rojimjj council that the pro-pe-tv y.erejnaf'er des.-r ted h. snd herebv ;? jeciarei to lie lien-;:' led to-w.t: 1 ? 3 M block 5v: lo:? 1. 2. 3, f. . 10. b'.i.-k 47: lets it. 4. 5. blo.W 4.1 K.r.t Add:'ion to Klamath Kails. Ion 1. 2. 7. S. block S. and '.on 3 4 5. . block of -he Oricmal Town of Kiama'h Fa'.U. Oregon, and tiie H.iii Scbi-! property whicli li-1 be. tween 5th street and Block 31. Firat Addition to Kiama'h Kalis. Oregon, on the one hanl. and Block 4i. sa!d Addition, ana High street, on the other hand, all of said property lie. ing located in said First Adi -tinn and Original Town of Kiamath Falls. Oregon. And that said property above described be and hereby w declared n He heefTrod sti-l assessed for the eipase of aaid improvement; aud UK IT rTKTHKK RESOLVKD that Monday. the JOth day of April. at the hour of J Oil 'clock. I m . at the Council Chmler in the Cur Hail of Klam ath Kaila. Oregon, be filed aa the time and place for th hearing of objection and remonstrance against .aid proposed improvement: and The Police Jud-te be ani he hereby is drectej to cause notice of said hearing to lie published as by charter provided S'ste of Oregon. Co-in'y of KUmath Crv of Kiamath Falls. s I. I.em I.. tlagh.igen. Police JnAz of the City of Klamath Fail, ii.-t-con do hereby certify that the forecoing is a duly enrolled copv of a Keaolut'.on adopted by the comm. in council at i's adjourned regular awing held on Wednes. J iv March Ji.U. and of the ah ile of sai l resolution i. km I. ;a;hac.ex. po'.i-e J u : ;e Manb : ! 5l Apr::!.;. 3. 4. 3 T S IIKSOI.ITION Paving I'nil South KUmath Avenue The City Engineer, pursuant to resolti'lon of the Common Council heretofore adopted, having on the S1rd day of March. Is;;. filed plana, specification and estimates of the cost of improving 4:h street from Klamath Avenue to Walnut The Season's Greatest Sovel of Marriage "The Goltleu Bed" Bv WALLACE IRWIN Produced aa a Paramount picture by CECIL B. DE.MII.LF. from a wrcen adaplalitin Iy Jeanie Macpherson nith Rod LuRncque, Vera Reynold,, Ulliuu Rich, VAarncr Bator, Theodore KoslotT and Julia Faye in featured role. (Copyright. 1924. by Famous Players-LxJcy Corp.) TWENTY-FIFTH INSTALLMENT The doorknob of the Oval Chamber rattled. She saw faer sister, dressed aa for an occasion, descending the stair and taking her time about it. Mar ataret ran up the steps, past Flora Lee without a word, and closed herself into Iier bedroom. Here she fought against abft impulse that was always with her. a rteAire to cry her eyes out and lose Sier nerve and give up utterly. But when she was ready for bed and f he light were out and her balcony windows open to the westward-faring moon, she did a thing which she had not done' for many years. She knelt beside her bed and prayed. At first St waa tbe Lord's Prayer, because that pure supplication, learned by rote, averred as a password to a gate long dosed to her. Then came her tears as she drooped with arms outstretched .across tbe coverlid and asked brokenly. "Father la Heaven, how can I? He loves me. . . He's so good, and I've sriven him my promise. But bow can I. Father, when I don't love him? I've cried so hard. . . But 1 don't. I don't. . . ." CHAPTER 41 Since Jo had been on duty the niirbt 'iicfore it as A'imah who opened the a?ahijy Holtz establishment next morn Jnr. He was earlier than usual. ha intr .'efit feverishly, wakiug and tossing between dreams of an enchanted lady -aho came from tbe moon and lay his shoulder, signing in her 1 Jeep. In the practical light of morn ing ber vanity cne worried him. I'er- bapa be should have it the :iifftrt before. Time and airain he ' -.a-Tied the fooiU'i, ep-nive trirle in' ins hand. woiKiering wlmt tojo about it ; lied li; lanii 1. v. It. M..u.l l.u'.i ' '.liougtit untiling of running his Kurd up : ttift Peake hous-. ringing at the big: fsunt door and handing the thing in to : a servant with his compliments. But 1 a memory of last night 's mr.gic aroused m self-cons.iou-nt-s. What if tbe, Peake girl tlie little one hoiild lier sf come to the dc"ri-? Xothing could i have been more suitable to his taste: 'ie niale up a number of InnfNome j eeches with which to lay the pr-:i',u j sjuare of silk in the hand which had i wnce clsed on his zKr of peppermints. Tuen the idea wouhl till him with ba-h- f.iln'.s. lie coiildn t do H gracftilly Tie felt. He knew so little -about wo-t -men nice wumen. After his mother. -MalM-l Siek had been the nicet. and' fclie events had proved, wasn't over nice. Driwn at the store us soon a he lu i (tided the ci.lored rr;iistaUut for laying his dirty mop on a new shim case. : tie went to the telephone and called the ' Vcake residence. A haughty African : voice answered his re-iuest for Miss; Peake. Which Miss Puke, suh" "oh." Up 10 then Adrivh had triven them the simplest p-sssible classitlca-1 lion: the Big One and the Little One. ' So he thought for an instant, then aUed. "How many arc there?" I "They're two. suh. I reckon." said ' the voice. It became immediately! vispiciou with the question. "Who is' Ibis talkin ?" ! "I'm Mr. Holti." Then because, an j tmcordial silence greeted his explana tion, lie went on, -I wanted to speal; to ! her aliout a purse alio dropped last j night in my car." "oh." decided the voice, and grew' warmer, "that would lie Miss Flo " I "Well " ho cleared his throat' with the awfulness or his reguest i could I speak to her"1" j "Miss Flo l.ce- Law. Mi.tali Holt.' fche ain't uuta haid yet." j "Then I'll call her later, huh" Come what would. .Vlniah as determined that bis confert-nce over the lost proMTty should be Willi the young1 s'ady herself. Like many another! 'knight, he was anxious to claim a i share of credit for his ds-J. ) ' rthe ram' finer-ally (gits tip 'Ixiut leoeno clock, suh. explainedfhevt.i"e. a boast that she associated with hooli gans and could show him a few of her friends that would make hu bair curl. Admah was not prepared for the sur prise that greeted him that morning. This time he had Do difficulty in speaking to Miss Flora Lee. "Oh. hello. Candv Holtz'" she cried ! In a tone of sweet familiarity. about him that apKvil. d to girls. The Swells sometimes tek up with his kind There wa-s the of young Carter aud Mabel Stek. for instance. Flo Ia'e. She was engaged to that foreigner with the long name. He raked his memory, trying to recall the newspaper account of herenrazement. . . . This brought on a disagreeable train of thought. If "flood raawnin ma'am." Iieg-an Ad-1 she was encaged to that spigot ty Count mah. and rummaged hU poor mind for a graceful w ay to continue the conv ersa tion. "I hope you didn't catch cold, lend ing me your coat and everything. I was real worried about you." This in her most wooing tones. "Gosh, no." he munibU-iI. aud was at hat right had Flo l.ce to take moon light rides Willi her head on Admah fiotlz's shoulder? Crossing the side walk toward lilick it Son's dressy show window Admah laid his hand on the sleeve which ner lovely hair had brushed last night. May be she iui t the right soil of girl. But like mailt once ashamed of the inelegance. "I m I another one. caught in the trap of right tough, ma'am I mean to say stalled like his Ford on a bad road, he floundered and stopped. "I never saw anything so sweet In my life " she assured him. wherefore he took heart to ?o on. 'Say. Miss Peake. I got something Flora I-ee Peake. he had reached the point where he ceased to care about that . . . At the door of Click At Sons a natty person ta blue serge stepped forward and fondled hLs right hand. Hello. Ad'" exclaimed Monty Fem- ofyours. I reckon you thought maybe j back. "You're certainly been a i u sKippea away wnn it. "How rowltf you think such a thing" Her voice mellowed him like the drunkard's first glass after a night's debauch. Wei!, I've been totin it round in my stranger round hya! Lookin' for a nice line of fall suitings?" "I reckon so." said Admah. and glanced shyly across rows of tables, piled with diversified apparel. '-I just dropped in. wonderur if you could rig pocket " He failed to mention the ! me out in somethin' nice ti, weir t. arucie because ne wasn t sure or its tea party. came. " oh . my vanity case" sh-1 cried raptured. "How -u-f of you." I CHAPTER, 42 "Not at ail. ma'am. I was only wor.derin' should I send it round to you or would you stop ia at the store "Oh." Just an instant to consider. then T ho invitation whicn stopfe-d the; beating or his heart. "If it isn't te . much trouble, couldn't you bri:,g it f round 1 11 be here all afternoon, i suppose you come in to tea Shortly after tbe telephone conversa tion that weignedsolll'leon Flora Lee's time and conscience San Pilar sent Ms peace olfertiig in the form of orcMds and one of his. brief, jd -asant notes to remind her that he was to luneh with her at half p-vst one. Carlos v as !aish with sucli reminders as were others w bo I I should lie ru'ht irUd to" he followed r lora Lee's broken trail. responded so faintly that he wondered A m"e alter twelve, wtien she began if he heard. j dressing to receive her lord-prospective, "That awfully nice of you. Then hT minl retained a more or less we 11 see yr u at four. Mr. Holtz?" j llefinite program for the day. She had Maybe he replied to this. He was' a-sked that candy man in at four: that never sure. A little later he heard him-I mucn " c,,'ar enough. What she self cilied by name and found Jo at Wivs 10 Iri him was another his elhow, complaining that he could never use the telephone si-tee Ad got chawi.n the rag with the dames. Only vaguely did Admah. hear these reproaeies. For a spacn of lime ,e moved about lu a dream, serving shadowy customers, weighing out phantom chucks of candy, answering questions which, as far as he under .st.jod them, might have le-en spirit tappn She had asked him to tea. Tea at the Peakes'. Tea with the voung Diana, sipping nut of a u-oldeii up. bathing him in the liquid beauty of Iter eyes. Tea. He didn't care for tea. not parti cularly. Ho always t'Mik colf.-e fo, "I'll call her then." persisted Admah and hung up the receiver, wondering -vaguely at the customs and habits of tiw aristocracy. Promptly at eleven hp had laid !ii d'dlar watch on the counter io order to keep close track of the time ho went again Ui the telephone and asked for t he P-ake number. Because he waa In total Ignorance of what had transpired behind the Peakes" ground-glass door he previous night, how the Mule One mil kissed her noble flnnce, then j snapped !p r finjers under Ins nose with ! matter: that would come, she f..t, upon the wines of inspiration. Alrea-1 -he was beginning to reh nt tier mischievous plan f'arlos' ori t.i js at.l his pretty note had cooled her desire for rei-nae. liut the candy mar. w tuld serve as a lesson to Bunny who must Ijetaughi not to do it again. Yes, the candy man could be made use of in some way. Her wandering min i wavereo. first she was sorry she had asked the randy man at all. then she was sorry she hadn't made a job of it and asked him in to lunch. It would have been delicious to watch poor Bunny's face when her strange guest attacked the I a-sparttguswirh his knife. The picture breakfast and onlv acceote.1 t... . combined with thoughts of thincs she sort of medicine when he haj a head-1 m,h Jr to stir the oddly matched aehe. But rich folks liked it. He had ' r,val,t tickled her to such a fl j-ry of read about in in the n.iv. ls of Mrs ' '""tnter that old Linda, who had been Humphrey '.Vard which Myrtle l,,r- ! wa'ting half an hour to put her Irro her rowed from a branch library. Over the ! ',r,"i''. '" her temper and threatened, counter Admah racked his brains ror 1 not deumt'lv "t volubly. Flora some recollection of bow folks array -d i '", f'an''' Holtg go glimmering into the themselves for the highly literary rite I "'aim of romantic impossibilities, .she Dress suits' Probably not: at the I t,,r"e,J ht,r attention to San Pilar and Hamilton Hotel where he pad. up to! wh4 nl" ha1 ufl,"r a fortnight then, received his vnTal training he ! ""old lie off ror F.urupe with a iiot.ced that only waiters wore dress i roron't on ",r luggage and a right to suits in the daytime. A sftvnipe hat i dr ht h" Pleased, with Bunny's mayl e. and a lungtailed coat like ' ! eonaent. of course. But she had tugL'er preacher. . . j learned to manage Bunny. II ; settled this point in the most- She had waited and played the game prac tical way possible. When , s I until she got Just what she wanted, back was turned Admah walked out of Money and position and a chance to the store without so much as a hy-your- away. The Peakes. as a family leave ani sought the est ilihshuient of were losing their magnificence. They Sar.iuel (llh k & Sons who. ,y their w"'e borrowing feathers with which to own advertised admission, were the deck their pridejust a little longer-long leading clothiers of the state. Monty ! enough to put Flora Lee on an ocean Fernhaek. w ho played howls tt pailer s i ""er. and away on her foreign adver was a salesman at (Mirk's. Montv was 1 tures, . . After that the deluge of bills the handsomest dresser In tiie Live I and foreclosures. Well, ho thought Wires Club, anil before he rolled the I with charet..ristic sophistry, when he ball he always removed the rings from v ofT th"ir hands thev would be free ni soft right hand. j of their most cMen.ive responsibility. With one Idea In his fevered mind I S,,e " lir, 'i "f that atmosphere Admah charged so ihrough10' ,mI''nding doom; her grandfather the (irand Avenue traffic that a police- i ,h"t !"","' a harmless lunallc- her man stopped him with a p,,,tn I rather growing more hateful and pale llrm. "Cahful thar, Mi,...r Holtz'" and silent every day: Koland swagger Or.llnarlly the deference would have!1" ,n wi,h Prenteroua s.hemes for flattend his pride. But his thoughts i,h" restoration of their fortunes. , . . we-e too busy to receive,rd Im- Ko'n- married and living on a prel pressions. at the IVakcw'. The ' rrioiw allowance, was taking on the Little One what was her regular ', of family head to whom Peg and name' Flo The nigger at the ! , lora mu defer. Poor Peg' fir Phone had said It. Flo .ee. He put a" ,ne l,f " waa about to leave Flora the name on his rostry and said it over i 1 " regretted hut two things, the com and over. Funny how they d taken a ' hannship of her sister and the suave notion to each other. . . . he ,j gnr lutury of the Italian be,ro.(m whi. li our (,f her ay t , fri.r j, u,. she had Inherited from her mother woi,,:. :tJ if he re.Uv lu 1 . ., , !- ' 'U'- "- TO BE CONTINLEOl avenue, including Intersection at Walnut avenue: Mh street irom Klamath avenue to Oak Avenue in eluding intersections. Tth slice: from Klamath avenue to oak avenue, in.ludtnt interaections: ath street from ialnut avenue to Oak avenue, and ih street fiom Klam ath avenue to Oak avenue and U'h atreet from Klamath avenue to Wal nut avenue. Inclusive, including in tersections at Wain II avenue and Walnut avenue from ih s'reet eastrely lu 11th .'reel and tk avenue from th street eastellv to 9:h st-eet: and the council having taken same under adv iseno-nt anil fllli'mg said plans snec-.fli a: ..'lis and e-iitllates sailfaclerv I'.K IT HKUKIiY' that said p'.sns.' Is and eit:iti4e. for the i in pro .. nt t-n ' of the i:d port ion of s.,i,l a'live d.-s cr:bed stree-.s be anj the same are heretic i.ppr.n e.l : a:: 1 UK IT Fl ItTIIKi: HKSoI.VKti that the ciinnc.I iV-eby declares its intention to itliprtve sa'd iuirt-ou of saol aieoe d.-s.ri'ed stree', in accordance w ill a d plans, specifications and esti mates s.i iniprovem-nt to con sist ef paving sa.d portion tf sa J street wl:h concrete paveuit-n' re inforced concrete pavement. War renite bitulith c pavement, or Wa--renue bituli'hir pavement with bi tuminous concrete base. or as phaltic iv.ncrete p.ivemer: with r ' k base or same with a-pha'itc con crete base, at an estimated cost, in cluding cement sidew.i!k curb nr gu'ters ani drainage, fir ion r-te pavetnent or W'arreDlte b't'tl t'lii pa.-iu-u: of $ll.;n3.14. aaj for re. inforc.,1 con-rete p.oetnent ir V,c ren.te tin IlitthlC pavetller.t witli ! 'ti:ii:n;is ri-tti-i-t b.i-e, of Jl-'1.-7:'.- To, or aspli.i!'ii ii.mreie pave ment vv;:h :,Mk ba- or sjtne w;tii asi'iiai" i- i ncrete Im-.- ll.'i'T'i.1 To Slid irupri vern-nt n e 'li.-r e.-.-T io in, -ill 1- nr. id ni: -o";rik-ijr'irt .ml drail.j-e. s.nd p.ive-H-Ill to be .( f.., ; w.Je. eViept r:h sr-. o r'.fii K : ,i ;-i . 'i jv.-mie V.'ninur avenue, where the same id to lie f;i:l width and with i-.,:k r- l s j"-wa!ks s.v l S i feet wide on botii s des of said in; ;r iv.-tnent hr Htghout i:s en:ire d.s'an- e. e. c-pt on .s'r-et f-mi U ain'r avenue to Kiamaih avenue, whe.-e 'li- s.iid p.oetnent :s f ill d-h. anil on the easterly side of 7:h .-tree!, between KUmath aventf atid Oak avenue, where the s.itne ts to I.- f-j?; '.v-.d'h s.d--.i'k in th--e,...r:y of su.j 7:u .-tree: only: ani 111: IT FCKTHKU MKSHl.VKIl by the common council tiut the properly hereinafter (.rihed be and hereby i, deoiar-d to be bene fitted, to-wit: Lots 1. . rt. s. j. j,, ),i,.k T4. lots 1. 3. hioek !.; all block . a: block i.7: Jots I. 2. 3 4 r, block 9Z. Iots 1. 2. 3. block "1: lots 8. 9. In. block 6: lot" 1. 2. 3. 4. block S3 all block S4: lots 3 to 10 lnc block 76 : Kits 1. 2. 3. 6 to In" inc.. block 77: anj all block and 1 j. s 4 - block HI; lot., 3 to 111 lnc! block 7s : all block S- lot i s . s l.lo.-k i. a. I m Klamath AdJ ti-n to tue ( Klamath Fill. "re..n I- I io !. inclusive. I ""I ,.:er A.IJtrion. aiij I"'. 3 4 & block 7. I'snai Add lion. ,d all of the properly l.tug Klauiatil .venue and oak aienue. and between th ,t,eet and Mh s'reet. and be tween ih street and bio. k V Klamath AJdition. said la't Jes, i lied pr.iperls be.Ug I jl.d easterly f'oill bio. ks I and 7s Klamath Addition If. pe. U. I-'. I " '" , ve I"' I -' " ' 17 in. . l-IO't. I"" ' '' I ,, Ins, ve. I.I ,. k I an I lo's t ;, 6 k ,'. ail II I 'ana I A, t :i .n to 111" I l "I lv'-,MI j'li Falls, lltes on f tt I l i' ' l I " : ' ''' ''"'' ,... -i'i. I be and If"- i" as declared to he bctietr'.-d and a.esse, l-.r It vp-ll-e Of "I- I -111.'. .""'"' jrth: rr FritiHrii; ufshi.vfh tnat I-iiIjv. C.e :'ll d-o "T t ;.!,', IS.'. a- th- .ion' of "0 k p III . a- the I oiiii. il Chat'ib. 111 the II ill ol K:.i'll ath Falls. Oleg .il. be lived as I he t:m and P'ace t ir the hearing of oojectiona a n , r.-monst ran. e. at.tin-' ... d r -c.- improvemrnt and The 1'iii.e JtoUe be an, I lie hereto is J:re, '.-,1 to cause not . .. ,f -aid hearing to be p.lV.hel a- hv cii.itter piovid'-d S-..te of Or-g m. Coun'v ..( Kian-.jtli I ' ; - of K I -it a ' h F'a.'s ss I. I,. - u I. ..g-i .' li I' t' - J -id;.. . ( 'lie i '::. ff Kl in l'h Fa I 'a. i 1, ti ,( . !:-- 'tv ' -!'. "lat the f treg..iig :. , .! i'v en'.''.:e.l ! ,.f a ll.-sotl-.t.. ;i I t,,- (he c, Il - ,,-it c .it ' - -.1 "-'It 1 '1 r-g., Tt.eet -.-' !:' 1 ,-n We Pi-. ),i M i -.' '.- !l I '-' ' an I "I tile v i. :- ,.; .i:.i - ...:!! -a I. KM I. i : . . ! I i ; K N' V .l'i-lg.' i ,-. h "l t .' - i '.: I'.l sol I HON Sseoinil Slieit P. IV fluent The l V Fn . Lit--e- ; -ir i; ri ' c r. if tl '. t:..- I 'tint- :i l"".:i . u r.-I..! .r.- ...1 !:. I :. -i .it l.i ; :-d .1 u ( M . .i l fr. I p'.ttie. ! ..rt ti- an I ...t-n. f tile c.s- if ::i;i-li,:: .'ii.t -t:e... f''-!il I, II- s'r-.,-: no- ' . -, J. f f T i ..'r- .-t lie i'lltr- '.!:!-..'. ion .1' .1- fter-OU stleet. til- in er-e -t i.'iis iti -I,,- :.:;,- . f -a ,1 tin prov.-iitetr liMr.-tofore h.o us le-en pjVtd. Iill.t ti e c, un.'il;!-; t.ikell same under a,v ;-.-ineiit and f .nl nt s. .1 ;.i.,ns specif :. at o.u.s ani ,-s'i males s.vtf jctorv , UK IT IIKIlKltV Kh.sol.N l-.h that said plans sp...-! f ,i jl : i n s jnd eat. mates for the itiiprovenien: of the said portion of -lid street lie and the same are hereby approved, and BK IT Fl'ltTHK.'t ltKSt.l.VKH that the i -mnion .-uun il hereby declares us intention to imiirove said portion of 2nd s-re-t in .ic,-l(rd. ance w ith said plans, epe. if;, atlon' 4d es'linaie. tswid improvement Io ,. n.ut of paving saiu im.,.... ... .tr.eia with ...ncrrt. pav.u.enl t. ,n(or.el ...ii r-ie pavement. ar-iui- hituliih.c pa.eWB". "'J" nne hiiuliihi. pavemeot wllk bl. lumtnou. ...a. ret. ba.e. or phallic c. n.ret. pavenient with toe has., oi same Mh asphaltic eon ,re'e ha.e ai an e.tlmaied roat. In-,-liid n cemen' -tde walk., rurblna. . aud drainage, for .'iinrrwle ,4enien' or Warrenlie bltulilhlr iM.ement of fl ;i. anil 1"'r" .nlo . e l ...n.reie pavement or W ar r, .,.,. I i ilnhtc pavement wlto '.I ,n n ia i"H' tele baae. of II.. . ; , so aaphalllc roucrete w.i'i ro.k haee nr aaine A , j tirf t-c .oncrele base. s.(id Improvement In t.- io include grading. '. ..,, oik- and drainage, said ,,, , , ., I . be I WentV fo T4 I ;, ,., ,,. iti , on -rete able walks , ,, t,.. t ci both aldea thereof, ,,, ,t . . ir i lenaih. with -.i-k'it; st,., ;.-ieie,; ihroughout .... t.. h ,!,-e, e .-pong at Intrrsec , ,. w" ff s"l t ivelllent la 111 f-i'i w .lth .f in'etse. Hon: and Ml II' HIIIIIKII i tie . .iiiuieii r.mncil lhat the proi-r' here.liaft.r llrscrlbe.l It nd ., decla'ej tO be beO '.te.t. to w I I : 7 and t block &: and l .ls '. 4 T. and t. block ( m the Original town of Ktainath Falls Oregon. and !,,t. I ;?...' and l blifk li.'a t. 4 1 t. 7 and . !, o, i, H lots 1 4 j 7 and s l,:.k 1 t, 1. :. 3. . ,-I I" 1. 1 .. k I", lot. . 4 j,, -. ',!,.. k K. and lot, 1 2 ..-it t,1... k I '. ail u K waua t II.-.-.. ,-. V ldiiion to the Clty .f K. t. .'Il Fal'.s. Oregon. nd ' . I' el , I'- ff t above I... 1 .. If -.-'iv declared 1... '., netitl.-d .ml a se. for .. . ; . f el d tc ;.- ov efll.-nt . .' I y 1 r Fl l: 1 Hill: LI'S. 'l.Ylill c Mel,; the ;'.r ,1 IV of ..!; 1 .' I he I r . f mi ' , fc ;. r1; j. t he I otinrtl ,-i,'..-t , ri tii.. Hall of Klatn- , ' F.i". I"t,cii be fixed a. til -il.- at I la- f the of -.. . ::a .. u ,( r.-lnoti.i ranees ..-.-.- , . 1 ;,-,.p,., 1 itn p.-ov .Mueiit . Thursilay ApHlji br Ihe cltjr wngi, .I..... ur .d k-.u1,;; -4,- MarC 1.,,..,. KJ, ". AtATSI IN TMK ( Ol T7T7i,a- , HTSTK I.I.' ..lM,7T'r In Ih. M.u.r , ,J;"H. . A Kolheringh.m ,v!;,Uu N...... her.,., ,.7:vr ... ' ' aaar u ,, K"'hl,,' lain of (' ceased ha A render. n a tltial acrount , f trail. .n of oi .,.,. aetlleiuenl and fil,.a ,'",". Hon f.r the dt.o. ,1UM, la and thai Ihe 4il, uj . at the hour ol s pV of'' at the counly rourti,,, ath Fall.. Ore,,.,,, ha. tl appointed by .aid ,ur, . 1 1 i f satil ritaaal trrJ th. hearing of .ai.i is-.tuJ?,' trlhution. at which tin,, ,J , ' anr iwrii Interc-.i.,) " a may file hla earept, ,, h lu Ihe aaid final an-oaw eoiiie.i the eanie. ,j lkJ ' If anv. why a fm.l d:.,,,, aid estate should n it k. Hale.j Uila JOlh ICS c at j. neu. 'atf n AM.llS A booster Klatrnn tnd Kiama'h Fal'e snl ,w,, tmale Indtia-ry luere:ja..., Klamath N.w "'' Ity ( II sH ItKI.AP Clerk I' ' J i lc In- nn i 1 V.-.n ! . !.- I :.::w!i,.l 44 in' K & j REAS FOR RF I I !, (. JKhK-Tl. V !. I -1 1 s t 'itf CiTv f Klirn-tth K!l. (':'n i! lur.-liv n-rttfv that Itlc f ; urii; ; A duly nrnllt4 ropy if !.i' !u::i n aditptJ th .m:ii:ih'i ..Hinril it :ti d lnurnrj "en ! i r nift-t :nx held tn W dtir MtrrW .jih. 2:. Ha n'e-iT'.in !ti ftnprnvf. 2nd utrra-t 1' :t, I rif rrr' northerly to J-( t r.'i . mi'ludinc in!nii t :nn at Jt-Or4on anr) approving U- p;jn. .ii.'.-in. utiiim and thi rt ''v, if lt..t thiT".f mitifn.t tfd Radio Specials We lire overstocked i hevrral niaki s of Sun nrd Hitdio ami offer Tm Tulie Sots without oritvi hs low as $65.M Wisp huyi-rs will not f to we these. Earl Shepherd Co. Radio. Tube. Fresh Katteriei 507 Main St. ONS RESULTS In N ews Advertising Read This Ti gh: Price Pilots 5S1-R. Work Guarantee! Davis Rug and Linoleum House KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Feb. 18, 1923. The Klamath News, Klamath Falls, Oregon, Gentlemen : Just a line to tell you that advertising in your paper certainly pays. We have kept tab on the results of each ad, and we have had definite results from every one. We have noticed particularly the resulta obtained from your country mailing list, vith much gratification. Very truly yours, CLAUD- H. DAVIS, Furniture. Combined with circulation, the elean, clear-cut type fur nished by Ludlow composi tion furnishes the advertiser full value for every dollar spent for publicity. The Klamath Daily News lias both: Ludlow Composition 100 and Circulation! i