TffWPAr. OCTOBER ao. twt PERSONALS SUMMERS THE KLAM ATH NEWS ' Page Three . Kr.k Adam. , of M.rriH J , -Klamath '" Mr ,0( Mr-. George Nobis iJrs'lia " business visitors at Kunty .e.t yesterday. : i.k Htron of Wideband , a town business ysster- 47. Mri rri.Dk Hchmlt of Beatty A , bumnea trip to Klamath J rail Tuesday. ur and Mr. Ilarnoy Croup . the proud P11 ot ' ou ters f Mrs Ray Pickett drove In from M"n yesterday to do shop-pi-" " m"ed In the evi slDf. uiu iirrtha Loflus left Tues da, tor Settle. Wash., after sev Jril week visit here wltb her Uier Mr. Jon Avery. Mrs C. T. Cole of Sen Frn thto i bre visiting her slater Mn Harry Ackley of tbU city (or a few days. , Mr J. C. Corkrey end son Vlr (1! w-re bore yesterday frorn up per Unc"ll valley doing hop ping lor the ranch. Mr ami Mr. Clarence Walker of upper Langell valley were In lown vemrrday doing shopping with Klamath Vail merchants. A. I Kortson of the Triangle Cafe and Frank WIIHama left retterday to bring in a deer from the Green Spring mountain coun try. . Mrs. Addle Walker entertain ed Mr. and Mra. John Mountain at dinner Tuesday evening. An enjoyable time was epent by tboae pretest. Mr. and Mra. A. M, Deaver and diorhter Hrtty and on Jack drore by Klamath Kalla on their nr home frrnn Long Beech, Calif., to upend a day at the bom of Mr. and Mra. Nate Otterbein. They left for Ashland yeaterday evening after a day or two at Ashland tbey will return to their home in Portland. ' SUMMEIIH, CM.. 29.Invit. tiona have been sent out for a masquerade HallowonVn party to be held at the wrhoolhouHc on Friday evening, the 31t. There will be lota of witches, ghosts, black caU, etc. to help entertain and refreshments will be served. It I hoped that everyone will at tend. Thlriah Anderson of Merrill pent the week-end with Marion Weat. The many friend of Mr. and Mra. V. M. Alexander will be glal to know that they are pleas antly situated on the roust at Taft. Calif., where be is princi pal of the high achool. Th baby who. was quite sick when tbey left here last May now doing nicely and gaining in every way. Mrs. Mary Williams and daughter Mrs. Bally Manning at tended the Mt. Lakl Ladles Aid oclety at the home of Mrs.. Koonts last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter West drove to Atgoma last Wednesday and visited Mr. and Mrs. II. 8. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Manning visited .with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Townsend on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thco. Case Jr. and baby spent Saturday and Sunday at the borne of Mrs. Mary William. C. W. Hamilton haa been har vesting bis potato crop the last few days. He bad a, targe yield! of excellent potatoes and is hipping part of tbem to Artois. j Calif., as there is no market here for them. The Jolly ' Neighbors ciub which disbanded last May for the mmmw months wilt hold lis firel meeting for' the new year Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of the president, Mrs. Paul on the highway. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ramiby were entertained Monday eve ning at the Walter West home. A wild goose dinner being the main event. Wanted your watch and clock to repair. Let George do it. 622 Main St. OlStf TSe PepSs Say l.VrA.Kl TIM15KH KKOULI) UK I'Mf'KI OX TAX HOLLK Editor Klamath News; . The time is near when the vo ters of Klamath county will de cide whether or not they desire an administration for the small property owner and taxpayer or the large non-refdent taxpayer. The men who signed the peti tion asking C. II. Underwood to make the race for county com-j misHioner were not told the real fads. WbyT It would not sound good in the first place audi would not be popular la the sec-; ond place. . Ioes the truth ever hurt any body Tbe public can be the Judge. If Burrell Short is elected com missioner for the next four years we bare every reason to believe that many thousands of dollars of value will be put on the tax rolls of Klamath county, that C. H. Underwood says he will In vestigate but be does not eay he will favor, namely a recruise of the timber lands. Our present j county court have been in cor-j reopondence with a number of: reliable timber cruises and findt it a business proposition to get limber of tbe tax rolls. One reliable firm has just fin ished cruising 80.000 acres in Lake and Klamath counties and find on tbe average just a frac tion over a 50 cruise. Do you blame tbe big interests for not wanting Burrell Short re elected. The small mill owner is conceded to be a thing of the past. Do Klamath county peo ple want our town and county owned and controlled by just a few timber barons on their own bidding or do they want Klam ath Falls and Klamath county to Invite the wgrld to come to our county to help develop one of tbe greatest empire la the west ? - Why befog the Issue, and ask the Vtfters of the taxpayers on the pretense of good sound busi ness principles, where they aay themselves that they only want control. Burrell Short needs no Introduction. You ail know him and have never found hint any where except for the right. A vote for Short I a vote for your self. . W. T. LEE. Klamath Falls. Oregon. October 29, 1924. Oa November 4 vote for T. M. DURHAM For Constable. . (Paid Advertisement.) Fred R. Goddard Candidate for Mayor Election Nov. 4, 1924 Paid Advertisement On November 4 vote for T. M. DURHAM For Constable, (Paid Advertisement.) Vote 61 Lloyd L. Low Republican Nominee for SHERIFF Second Term .Continued Business Administration Law Enforcement Without Fear or Favor Paid Advertisement by Lloyd L. Low To the Voters of Klamath County: Do you want the finances of Klamath County turned over to Jack Kimball and the political ring of the Chamber of Commerce? If You Do Not, BURRELL Vote for OUT Commissioner For County ' PAID ADVERTISEMENT by J & REED M H