THE KLAMATH NEWS Page Two u - - - - . . 1,1 BLY SPRAGUE RIVER DI.Y. Oct. 17. Mr. Mamlti SPRACUK IUVKU. Oct. IT. twL.iirr umvr crad teacher i The Standard oil truck from Chlloquln made on of lis f re- Spracue Hivrr hero a a KtaliMth Fall Vial Mr lat S.unrdiy. While thereiquent trln la Mr.. ltockover visited the coun-, Tueaajr. iv achool uinrlntcudcnt' of-1 fire. I Mr and Mr Kverett Whet stone motored to Klamath FalUjfost SIS hate ut been recelted Community lng!n: m held la the hoolhoue Wednesday en:ng. Thirty new on Duua Saturday to attend to torn bu lnei affairs. Mai Obenrhaln drove Marvin The money wn raised by volun tary subscription. II. M. Arkley of the Arkley Cross's trurk to Klamath Fall Lumber company. Klamath Fall Saturdav. lie returned the um!n la town Tnursaay. day. ! Auatia llaydeh wii here on Mr. Harold Thrut on and j loursc buinea Thursday, daughter Ceraldine left for Klam- William Darne rame through atfc Kail Saturday. Mr. Thru-1 here with hi band of aheep Mon. tn will reside In Klamath FalU day. lie rooting them from In the future. . The l-des Aid held an enjoy able and Interesting meeting at the home of Mr. KJ Caebeer Sr. last Friday afternoon. He. Iinap and wife were there from Iteatty. Friend of Mr. O. W. How- ard are glad to know that she the marsh rouniry. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Langell en tertained Mr. and Mr. Fred Langell i. dinner Sunday. Charlea Morton baa bought U' Pankey' Frank Coburn. Claude Clopton'a and aome of Tim Urowna rattle. A he wa driving through toward Malin. ha recovered from a quite ser-i while stopping at Vlerlaa. the lou illue. cattle watched their chance and An enjoyable evening waa all came bark home. They proo !enl at the Community hall I ably readied they were leaving a Saturday evening when the: good country, young pcaple of Sprague River held a dance there. Jim Dixon, accompanied by Cbarlr Adam, drove to hi aheep ramp near Deatty (he early part of the week. Mr. and Mr. Morgan, accom panied by three of thetr chil dren. Doris. May and Walter departed for Medford Tuesday of Ihii week. The Morgans will friend the entire winter there. A telephone meeting wa hld October 12 at the Community hall. Most or those who have a telephone on the Sprague River local phone line were preeent.. - The chairman and committee of the Illy opera ho as had a meeting Sunday afterternoon. It wa. decided to have the flue fixed, the light prc'ected. the move jacketed and numerous Im provements made. The work will begin the last of this week. Un til this work Is completed bas ketball practice will be discontinued. Kuse Winsard wa guest of A llilimore folding organ hj been received by the local church. It la a gift from Mr. Kvhaufele of'Lo Angeles to the Friend church. Mr. Too. Whetstone of Illy and her two daughter were In town buying auppliea during the week. BONANZA ; BONANZA. Oct. 17 A Sunday school convention will be held In Bonanza Oct. 24. Kerr. C. C. Un let, president of the county Sun day school board w be here. The convention will be held In the church The Christian church choir of Klamath Fall will fur nish the music. Dr. Sarah K. Smith of Klamath Fall waa a buine visitor In Booania Oct. 12. Dr. Srrlth haa recently purchased the Johnson property In Bonanu. Miss Grace Lytle was a supper guest of Mr. Ada Parsons and KLAMATH AOKNCY. Oct. IT. Uame A. Howarlh Jr., la leav. ins Saturday for a trip to Wle-I jconaln. He will be gon several week. J Charles flrophy who waa In charge of the Callmu lookout last 3tamvr I la ChUoqula with hi brother and family. It was a patient recently al Klamath valley hospital aa a reenlt of an Injury to hi leg when on duty at the lookout. Currlna all and guarantee t'nlrersal electric bauboM ap. pit lance. oil I FT) I MTI IIKH AT IIIITIMT IMU.tM FX Th Hey. W. W. Davl of the Immanuel Baptist church la del Iterlng a aeries of iwrmon W lurea beginning with the creation and ending with the second com ing of Christ. Itev. Davl la an artUt a wall a a speaker and I illustrating hi talk with crayon drawing which direct the hearer into a fuller realization of lb truth. Judging from lh entbualaam of hi hearer b talk are highly pleasing and they wrm to show great research Into Bi ble history. Those who are eon- j needed with the church wish the j general public to know that an i Invitation 1 extended to all Id attend. Our constant aim la to havr all our customer satisfied (a every transaction wKh n. Cur rin aay so. Ola Halloween place card, tallies and decoration at Houibw.U'a. 2C4 Main Street. OH I1 A drug at ore for well people, and sick peopU a well. Currin for drug. oil Halloween place card, tallies oKorimiu at ioniawtu a, I. O. O. P. I I - tJkr Klamath tadga No. 1J7 r...:N.rvKr,diy n"h,s rroiperUy Ilebekah Udg, No. 104 Meet first and third Thar, days; Mrs. W. U. Cofr. N. a. Kwaona Fnrarepment No 41-J Meet every Tuesday night; Man rlc Uli, c. I'. Crater Canton Meet .very Wednesday evening; W. C. Wells Commandant. If we don't have the artl you want In stock w will t.ll you' the most convenient place to get It. Currin for drugs. oi$ 2H Main Street. uit-:i j A vU t lo our st or U usually ! prctf.table and I alwaya pleasant. , l urrin aay so. Oil Halloween place cards, tallies and decoration at Sooth well's. tZiVt Main Street. OU-21 the Obenchain boy during last Ml' KUa Armstrong Sunday evening. Mr. .Cora Poole and her daughter Lena and Ruth Poole and her son Lee Poole accompan ied Walter Bell to Ashland Sun day. They, visited la A.hlacd week-end. Mrs. O. W. Howard wa de lightfully surprised Sunday when her sister and brother-in-law 'Mr. and Mrs. Will Lumas of Medford Our drug service Is helpful. In telligent and constructive. Cur rin aay so. Oil j Dr. Casber. sheep inspector. I and returned Sunday evening, paated through Illy Wednesday. I Mia Wllletta Welch of the Marvin Crr? drove to Klamath Horton school, near Olene. visit FalU this afternoon. i ed her sister. Mias Ursula Welch, Jack Kimball, head of the K. in Bonanu Sunday. MUa Welch IIKIIK'H A IIAHOAIN Fortjr acres of UsmI. on Mer Hit road; T(h aome) Improve nwnia; will aril far BUS) rautli If solil at on re. or will lake 9&U down aM S(M) la) alt moo I It . Addrrwa OOI J4colli. F. P. A. boys has been at their caliin durinz the past few day. The K. F. P. A. boys leave soon, since the pine beetle worker start their camp in a few day. D. (J. Givan returned todiy from a trip to Klamath Fall. Mcloinore cattle are in Sprague Rirer valley . tonight at the Woodruff Walker ranch. Merrill Wall! upent Wednes day n'ght at home while on the drive with McLemore cattle. Will Lumas, Fred Orchid and Ollie Howard left for a hunting trip Tuesday morning. Jim Dixon, Charley Adams and Joddy Owen returned Tuesday from Fort Klamath where they have been on matter of business. Poster are up to. announce the coming of a comedy: and dance October 28. Is a graduate of the Bonanzi high itchool and Is now teaching at the Horton school. Henry Wood of Portervllle, Calif., i visiting bi brother Wm. Wood of Bonanxa. Wood ar rived Tueeday. He came direct ly from Canada where he ha I been visiting but will return toj Portervllle in about a week. ' HTOI.F.V GOODH PAItkF.D l. OTIIF.U MAS H HOt'SK ti ll'. P. MTF.Rfl lawyer Hull Q, IjoonU Bide Phone, Office tl; Re. 4S4-M MERRILL MKIUULL, Oct. 17. Many friend in Merrill will be pleased to know that Loyce Sieford ha convalesced Aufficienlly to be taken home from the hospital, af ter having remained there for several week. MIh Sigford at tended the Merrill high school last year. W. F. Jinnette left Monday for Oakland. Calif., to attend the (funeral service for his mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Peobstel, who have been visiting in Mer rill for a few week, left this! week for Lohanon, Ore. The student body of Merrill lilKti gave a yell rally Tuesday evening, and serpentined the town after which a big bonfire near the Hchoolhonse wa enjoy ed by the young people. SPRACUK RIVKR. Oct. 17. Upon hi return home recently Albert Chiloquin found hi house had been broken into and number of things carried away. Government officer tracked vis itor to home of Fred Hood. A search was instituted and a num ber of the mkiMlng article were reported Identified. Fred Hood was away at the tltno and dis claims any knowledge a to how they got there, j Wanted your watch and clock to repair. Let George do It. 22 Main St. OlCtf Halloween place cards, tallie and decorations at Southwell', 621 Main Street. 016-21 Geo. J Walton IVHl HAXCK and! IIOMM "Tli fllcnfs Inlcmtt FlrtM lie. Ilione Stan, 727 Main Ht. DIM. MALLtCTT A MALLKTT Chiropractor 7th A Main, over Underwood' Phone, office 420; Re. 507 FRKD BITCHING Ileal Kt ate, Rental and Fire Insurance 1020 Main St. Phone 274-W FT. KLAMATH Dr. C, W. Hamsha-w, dentist Will be at Ft. Klamath Hotel Monday of each week. . 18,23,28 Square Deal Drug Store moved to Winters Building, next to Pine Tree Theatre. COME OVER XV. A. I.FONARD Dentist 4O0 Mala Ht. Phone I0-J ""It From Hours B In ft . ' - Kink. i.iiirr a-.' AUontAtU, Addrea, Z-X m. . J't. I'JO Offlr, Boa! S Offlc II - mm ' IR. F. R. nitnni.. -''.ihii eop.,h P).rWj1.fc1M. - 0. F. Tft., KUmaifc Fall, Ofgo, urimr taxi Open nail OomhI Care Waldorf Pool Hall Phone S4I MOXCLAIIl I1F..UTY KIIOPK (cl a mutliflnl sfiingle lob. ISO Mala Ht Itione 8J Near corner of Fourth Kt, TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get food an, OPEN ALL NIGHT 62.1 Mala nwMtt MR. NATK OTTKItBUX Krai estate yot Macula Kt. Phone 534-M DR. J. l. (iOBI.K CUwmw f'ltUil aad firound 700 Mala Hirrct Ptwme 1.U-W EVANS Shoe Repairing Good Work Right W 1014 Main Strut Klamath Falu, On. 1010 Mala Htreet Phone 10" Large and small caa White Star Line Better Service PaINTING and CALSOMINING Satisfactory Work Guaranteed Estimate Furniihed W.F.WIEDEN General Delivery KlamathU Let Your Glass Troubles Be Ours "fir.E-.'.3KKr THE GLASS HOWE 11th and Pine ROBERTSON'S oi.f... c.m 9:00 3n ...40c Lunch-ll:30to 1:30 Dinner-5:00 to 7:30 j" Watllei every SPECIAL SUNDAY DJNNERS