I Page Eight THE KLAMATH' NEWS SUGGEST SOME CHANGE FOR GAME AND FISH m , i I "l I 1 : ' 1 " SOCIETY f K.ntota of It. W. PrW lKll ( mmi Mivrnr IVrrr l i lliMwn ilrn for ItoqtMM ' MAll JON'CO AND IIHIIXlK IN' ) HONOIt OK MISS CltONql'ldT M.'aa l.eLalne Weet was boa teaa Wedntaday evening at the home of Mm. Wilbur Jonea to honor of Mli Itarhel Cronqust. who Is a ne teacher In the hlgi Hrldae and Mah Joogg KCOENB. Stpt. J9. A bill to heal the defect in the nrent Uw ' prs00i. wherehv the atate Kame ronnnli-- v-r pljvril and light rclreau- h'on ta deprived of the rlsht to menu aerved. Th gueata were oixn and clrse seasons w- tne Mcadatua l.ynne bahin. J. It. unintended at the f:nal meeting s'jaw. John Houston, the Mlsaee of t!ie Oregon S'ate Sportsmen- Vera Houston. Clara Calltlna, association. Anticipating, how-1 Margaret Worden, Joeph:n ever that there la a poahlllty of ! Mndley. Myth llan'an. Uiretia not being able to ra n th s right ; J.nntr-gs. Clidva Coa's. Klolae for the comm!lon. the sporta-1 Vclhrin. Jan IWv. vnna inn passed another resolution j Mack and the gueata of honor. nk".iM the following: ; 1. A un'form angler's l.cense. iTKA TO fK rcadent and non-rs!dent of $3. : SEHVKD FRIDAY ;. Creation of a game pre-1 serve In Lake county for ante-1 nrearclffe and Mis. lope and .age hen.. rlMn ThT,P,i V Ww",BV!' 3. Aboltion of beaver trap-! to , I inspect their new ahop on south 4 An an'.mal hunting license, j nih street, coating $25 for Japanese who are1 not citixen and other aliens. i MOTORKD TO 5. Requirement for women to ASHLAND SUNDAY buy hunting licences. .... Allowing disabled veteran. , '- ' . Ji . iillllivu U VA Dixie Klaine. Mra in me -iiu . u - dauhler 'Cray. Mrs to h and hunt without license. r. . 10 a 1 . Maude Hood and Charles Cln from September 10 to October I1 ,A,h,"d 4r. 9n .TtBHin to .11 carta of the ?rd!ng day there TlUt.ng - " - - a " - rrlan.li aiaie. Hate. ( 8. An open season for fout;.... rom April 15 to November 20 To VISIT II KHV pew n all sections and providing that T" ,S,T HKHl- KhV 1 trout ovr 10 Inches long 1e eiught in tidewater during the closed season. Lake Change Opporl The Oregon leg'lature will be asked to lntenrene against the placing of Diamond lake, now In the Umpqua national forest and under forest sutvervlg'.on. tn con trol of the federal government under Crater national park. This lake, it was brought out. was one of the greatest assets the com m'aMon has at present for tak ing rainbow trout. A closed season on sage hens and prairie chickens for five years was recommended. The attitude of Richard V. Pr".ce as a member of the s'lte game commission was condemned pnd hl removal by (Jovernor P'.erce urged. It was declared that Prke had failed to act in tV best interest of sportsman ship. The resolution said he had used Ms efforts to place Diamond like in the Crater lake national park under federal contol. that, he failed to attend meetings and showed a "destructive rather tha, helpful" attitude in meetings of the game board. Af'er passing 15 resolutions vitally affecting the flnh and game laws of the s:ate. the asno r'ation adjourned to meet again in Portland net February aH giicut" of the Multnomah Angler) and Fishermen's club. A3toria City pu-cbies 18 ,Trpi of waterfront for recrettion rrk. DAYS The Reverend McLean Gold e. arch-leacon of the diocese of eastern Oregon, arrived last night lo confer with the IHahop'a nunnilitee uf Kt. Paula KpUro pal church on matters concern ng the welfare of the pariah. IKCKITION TIII'RSDAY nR TIIK RKVKUKNI) Y ARNF-H The mrmbrrs of lrar Met ho d!l church are giving a recep t un Tnurtday ven.ng at the chiirb for their new paatur. the Rrverrnd T. I). Yarnca. and h'a family. OLDH -XCKKRSON WKDDINO IN' SACIUMKNTO Mlaa Leslie Olds and Homi N ckt-raun. both ft rmrr resident j nf Klamath Fa'U. were marrWd I Hunday In Sacramento. The young couple will make tba'.r: home In Sacramento. SOCIKTY PARISH MKKT WEDXBSDAY EVE. AT SPISTOPAL CHURCH There will be a Pariah meeting j Wednesday at 7i30 p. m. In the Episcopal church lo dlacuaa plan for th coming year. Arch-D-a-; con M. McLean (ioldle will W the principal speaker. All mem ber! and lntereatad friends of the church and Sunday school are nrged to attend Refi-vahment ! wUI be served and a social hour will be enjoyed after the meet ing. Portland Work begun no 7- story building for Htumaaer- Frank Drug company, lo coat 1300.000. FORUM GIVEN ! . UT4, OVER TO BOY A" SCOUT WORK TCStggS H,JI, Hnkrrn W ill XV!. b nn.. . ' 4k nl i'i.. .... ,,rnm mnrnenn tf M, ,lUii,. i,,-r ' fniiu chamber of commerce th; Wed-1 ". neaday will be a Hoy Wut a'rir " with all energy end all ,k,.rs! """'.'on - Hirkenfeld I . w.ll dal with thla very Import- ' m';y u'!l E J 'W ant t ropes ticn. 'n In. nun u-tt dallV 11 u Th meeting of Uat Fridiy night In which de!i-gir fr. m m u i . M.dford and tir.nt. I'. 'ir ,S V? Cr U a Merrill and Matin.'., A ZU Under the supervision MRS. BESSE BREARCL1FFE and MISS ALAINETI IOMPSON THE Aianime llhmifcj Sfepjpya will open for business FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 at 107 So. 7th St. Tea will be served to those who wish to inspect our shop. Perkins Furniture House On 6th, between Main St. and Klamath Ave. WWU . The Furnisher 0f Happy Homes " C Rocking Chairs for Every Grass Rockers for the children. Just like a large rocker, has a shaped seat and full a arms. A siuriiy rocker for attractive Phone 93 Holiday Greeting Cards We have a wonderful display of Nev Year . and Christmas Greet ing Cards. Make your selection now for delivery Dec ember 1. Your choice of Engrav ed, KmboHsed or Print ed Design. We guar antee only one order of each design will lie sold In Klamath Falls. W. O. Smith Printing Company may; Th fiv.n.i m-i . o i .1 eaatern Oregon, arrived laal i 1300.000. PV : 1 ! r. 11 1'innruuiii m in frTI Finish I t!C 75 V- 1 u I .11. 11 1 11 u -JJ II 11 sw 1 am 1 iifcf a T-ll , TL!. 1' . i'i 1 l I M it tfTl m ROCKER SPECIALS Seasoned oak, a practical sew ing rocker, but is not out of place in the bed room or living room. Member of the Family Grass Rockers folks, well made lne siaes au lack are careful ly shaped to af ford maximum comfort. 15 The luxurious remarkable auto seat is a feature of this beautiful rocker. A very attractive well built rocker which will look well in any room in your house, made of best seasoned jum wood, a select hardwood. $12J Oak Rockers A substantial and rocker upholstered comfortable with brow lonfher. we enuine pani. rame is 01 soi uu, j..A removauie cumu. ' - m. by coil spring, gives unusual fort. $12.58 euggeation of the price and quality of 1 us 1 a wofivafc' - . t many rocker, wo hove to chooe from. Furniture of '