THE KI.AM ATH NEWS THE KLAMATH NEWS Pago Fire OME, Gil 1SITORS mi n n ICUS ft AM While You're Setting the Stove Stop a moment and see if it is worth an other winter. A good stove bought now will give you more returns for the money spent than one gotten later. We have a fine line of heaters for you to select from now. Prices from $3 to $30. Coal Oil Heaters from $8.50 to $12.00. Electric Heaters from $6.00 to $9.00. We have the celebrated Monarch Malle able Steel Ranges. And you know what that means in a handsome kitchen and a well cooked meal. ROBERTS HARDWARE FOR HARD WEAR Phone 173 & HARVEY 422 Main The Square l,.4j u.u. r 1 ' " operated here tor ovr for ,B(J ono-bilf mri H of whl,h ,:m, lh,y n. The mre his mZL, . J- m.Dnrmcnt of Will w II Kl.rn.ih reside,,,, . J I'M 10 .he merly ociutiU.4 i. .1.1 wor ""Oil igl ot-oor ttoolJ i HOI .rr.ned dm, .orM j " It j I MWflor Get the Ring GEO. M Also don't forget we spec Watches, Chain, NeckUca u The complete jewelry Guaranteed watch and jewel Let George M October Econom F. W. Woolwo Saturday, Octo Tremendou Specials MORNING U.00 A. M Import - H:13 A. M IW-KUilful .m A. M. Tut M,y"Tr," -rt, IOMK. A. MBlue riP Hurt To 10.15 A. MSSSltai 1:4.1 A. M lHf J ',x,n? .... 1 1 MM) A. M-Hinl.rlK' 1 1 A. M.1.lnn V m " NOON 8:O0 l M.-Kvr HX)RirP.ln.fb!S 4:;k r. NIGHT ..r Many other .pec.a-uVdayi us on ... ....(Mt buyinic pow.T of I kill'1 ...j.. initlKutlnn in riJi B-iitM makwi poiMllilei J!IM ,..'i..rh low DflcKi. Lj'm iivv. r Mi . tl flnatwlrk OUCnftl tilt PctwU-k jewelry more at H!th ud M:n Blrem txut ihrie DJDtr KO ' w i.i , i loll lliw quality mcrchaDdUa. I Putwlrli bold odo of thej I moil DOtauie war rw ru ny fclirnoi ex-oldli-r, havln a clta- !' ., . h. IITlh onr!nora In P XWU III"" n - - r . f. vnlkmirv In arlliin an Prmtn-o . H'o: "You performed your I 1 i-likfullu lit lh. lnaf Mr h nn hntrKMlr wounded In lh 8. r '. . . . . . .... rt . .. m M A a k.i Kind oircnitive epi. i. j B. P. LEWIS GROCERY 223 South Sixth Street Phone 355 Call on us for your fresh vegetables, fruits, flour, feeds, dairy and stock salt, staple and fancy groceries of all kinds. We specialize in good coffee, tea and spices. F. R. Hamilton Meat Market will supply you with fresh meats, beef, veal, pork, pork sausage and fresh chicken. Come in am! look at our meats, also the prices. We Make a Home Out of Your House Have you considered the necessity of a good neater to insure comfort during cold winter frcm ' We have thcm' Good oneS ?riced $2.75 1 up f"n 'the small air tight heater, up to the Mas 1 2 one of our most popular sellers which e guarantee will give excellent results under any conditions. Remember We not only have stoves, but ir exact needs in the whole furnitlre line. K we please you tell others, if not tell us. O.K. Furniture Co. 190 T - . sJ Wl 1 I no. 6th St. v 'saaa i f 1 The O. K. Furniture House w wtabllV-ed In Klarnnrh KallM about four month ago and f lln a blK need anionic refildcntx hre who dalre brfuht clean artl (! rl-ed moderately to thor oughly equip more livable home. The (). K. handlea boih new and UHod art!clna but the buyer can .epend upon the ued article being both aerrlceable and good. Krni'Mt I'erklna la preprltor of .the ). K.. and he anec'allz)i in d?llver!nt? and Innialllnft bulky furn'elilngi to the purchaaer'a home. T oldest and one of the mom dependable grocery houaea in Klamath Falls la the B. P. Lewis Grocery on South Sixth street es- Phone 755 !'hed ten years ago. by Mr. I Lrwid and I'nro hln 11 rvt hn a1 v 1 f-eath about one year ago oper- obu on me aame lines 01 noneit aervice by Mrs. Lewis. Te B. P. Lewi grocery baa always ' been known as the lead ng coffee dealer of Klamath Fall heafdes a full ' line of fancy and staple products. A department handling freoh and cured meats Is also a feature. George Metz has operated a jewelry store In Klamath Falls for the past three years, and fol lowing out the slogan of his pro gressive establishment a great many Klamath people with Jewelry repair or purchase prob lem, have learned to 'Let George do It." - Recently the Metz Jewelry es tablishment has - been enlarged and according to the proprietor again needs additional room. Be sides the sale of all kinds of quality jewelry. Metz retains at all times, expert aales and re pair assistants. The Triangle Cafe. 633 Main street was established In Klam- Made - to - Measure suits Cot no more. Call and fn lect our fall and 'wintr wool-i-iiH now on display. TTe have (fl, Intent shades im1 -weave, Herges, Inauguration Hlues and Poudre Hlues arc very -popular now. .Also Casslmercs, finished and unfinished worsteds, in pen il stripes are very good. $35.00 to $65.00 N. B. DREW Men's Togs A GOOD PLACE TO EAT Open Day and Night CAFE ath Falls -four years ago by the present proprietors. O. E. Rae and Arthur L. Fortson. The Tri angle lias enjoyed one ' of the best tj-de of any Klamath eat ing bouse through a policy of , arfy!g to the fullest degree th-9 wants of their ' customers. Good food and generous rort ons rhas attracted a host of friends to patronize the Triangle regularly, and as there Is no business which respond quicker to the bors's ri r the public, this accounts for the establishments rapid growth. ' Roberts V Harvey Is a pioneer t-trdware firm of Klamatb Falls, havibg been established - under the firm name Roberts & Hanks. 18 years ago. Mr. Harvey the junior member of the - present f rm bought in two years ago. Roberts & Harvey spec'alize in honest hardware for bardwear. A policy of honest merchandising hu built up for the firm one of the beet trades in Klamath Falls and It is the ambition of the pro prietors to build their firm to the position of leader in the line In Greater Klamath Falls. Kemember our sale will close Saturday night at 1 0 o'clock. Watch for announcement of our opening, you will want to come and see us in our - new home. SQUARE . DEAL DRUG STORE BOSTWICK JEWELRY STORE Watches Rings - Silverware Com plete stock of jewelry of cjuality. ' Priced Right Watches Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. Work absolutely guaranteed. Call and inspect our stock. IRWIN BOSTWICK