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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1924)
Page Eight SOCIETY DUCK DINNER AT LINPESTY HOME John LInfesly entertained a few friends laxt night with duck dlnnnr. Those present were the Ml mm Ethel Nlon llatel Noble. R. E. ratteraon and the hoit. K ED RON CLl'H TO HAVE DINNER The Kedron club will hare a dinner thie. evening at the Pres byterian church at 6: JO to whie.i all members are invited. LADIES AID TO MEET TODAY The Ladle Aid of the Grace Method si church will meet thla afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carrie Malers on Lincoln street. TO SPEND FEW DAYS AT DIAMOND LAKE RESORT Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Thomas and sniill diugbter, Mary Mi yesterday for Diamond lake where they will stay until the end of the week. SOCIAL GATHERING AT STEINMETZ HOME A number of neighbors called; on Mrs. V. J. Stelnmetx yester day and epent an enjoyable social afternoon. M r a. Stelnmets's guests were the Meda tries. N. B. Drew. C. M. O'Neill. Wm. San ders. H. W. Bathiany, O'Neill and Guy Manning. HAPPY HOCR CLUB TUESDAY AT STEINMETZ'S Mrs. W. J. Stelnmetx enter tained the Happy Hour club Tuesday afternoon at her home on Ninth street. Th prefect were the Mesdames. L. Ruconkh. R. A. Emmitt. Jaul Johnson. H. E. Jones. Harry Richard-ion. N. W. Coseboom. Wm. Sanders N. B. Drew, O L. Brown. 'Jim Grimes, W. Tempter George Humphrey, Marvin Lucas, C. M. O'Neill. Jennie Hum and the bos less. EASTERN STAR HAS INDOOR PICNIC A delightful time was upent Tuesday evening by the members of the Eastern Star when they had an Indoor picnic. The mem bers were attired In "kid" cos tumes with their hair down their backs In braids. Basket lunches were brought and a Jol ly good time was had. Mrs. W. C. Van Emon a lue Instigator of the novel party. SURPRISE SHOWER . GIVEN FOR ALGOMA COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sowell were '- surprised Friday evening when a number of friends gave them a household shower in the read'ng room of the Algoma hotel. The evening was spent in dancing and refreshments consisting of sand wiches, cake and coffee wete : served. Those present were the Messrs. and Mondamea, Arthur Simpson, George Hoffman, Bill Sowell, Austin Cox, Russell Trea wartha, Charles Prices.. Ben LofUgard. Earl Brown Concer- good, Juian Abbott, Herb Eng ; land, J. R. Brown, George Helms, ; Robinson, John Windsor, Fred 1 Ilagelsllen. 8. Li' Masters. J. Q. Howell, A. R. Davla. Oacar Mat hews. F. R. P eaters, the Mas dni Matt Kgaa, E. C Murray. R. A. Anderson, George Uhrla. T. O'Connor, Miss Tuelma Con rergood and Karl Engle. TllE KLAMATH NEWS BARNHART'S IN NEW LOCATION HAS OPENING High School Notes Veil 'Lradrr Klrvtml Nelle Elliott hi elected yell leader for the school year art' led her first pep yesterday morning the regular as sembly period. A number of new yells have been select dnd with such a live wire at the head the rooting auction promises to do Its 1 1 art at all the game. l int Cimue HntnUy I Klamath county , high school 1 will play the first game of the ! season Saturday when they meet i Ashland on the Ashland gridiron The football boys, with One Carl son as coach and Bus Christy is captain, have been at It liard since the beginning of school and have some good material, several letter men holding Important positions. The team will leave tor Ashland tomorrow and a goodly number of students are expected to go over Saturday morning. Juniors limn Carnival The Junior class has plans un der way for the annual Junior Carnival to be given about Hallowe'en time. The carnival will be bigger and more fun than last year and will furnish the fundt for the customary Junior Senior picnic. Near Kant Contribution At a collection taken last week for the benefit of the Near East Relief over $24.00 wm realised. Dean of Ulrla Active Miss Donna Mack, dean of girls, has had her hands full since taking on the responsibili ties connected with that position. Af:er ber first meeting with the girls at which she explained the nature of her work she has been a help to a great number, es pecially In planning courses and solving problems peculiar to the freshman year. Innovation In Typing Claaa For the first time In the his tory of the school the typing classes pound the keys to the tune of the Marseilles or March ing Through Georgia. This la apposed to have an uplifting af fect apon the rhythm of tt typ ing and Improves the "touch" that la so Important t good typists. HONEST MEN STILL EXIST IN AMERICA SALEM. Ore.. Sept. 24. (United News) The municipal automobile camp manager here received a money order for SO cents from H. P. Cabel, route 2. Fuerta, Calif. The money order was to pay for a night's accomodations at the camp. Gabel explained that wnen ne was packed and ready to leave the manager of the cam-p could not be found and he was rorced to leave before any one returned to whom lie could pay the fee. 188 Nrfth Fow-Stopcdt PIhini S1S-J iiet rt polJtan Hltup Will Afford Many (nirf un'tlr 1111 Dcnlrt) Kliimalli Presenting a marvelousty met ropolitan air, the new shop of Mrs. George Ilarnhart opened yesterday at lit North Reventti street with a Urge crowd ttklnt advantage of her In't'al aaJes. The shop has the d s'lnrtlon not often found In a small commun ity and will prove a wonderful attraction to He women shop per who are looking for late The hangings In the new shop! are lit gray with decortv touches of rose while the wod-' work and furniture Is Ivory. With." these duM colors as a back ground the now colonful snort ; models, imported for the open ing, make a stunning showing. Mrs. Barnhart said to tell her many friend that the outside of ir new rhop may not present an attractive appearance Just yet but that she was malnta'nlng her usual high quality standard with the same low prices. rXTEHKHTIVfl Tlll HOITH II V A;KXCY IViltTV Iff AMATU rATT Saturday, September A J Grandstand Chair Scats on Snip Klothing Kompany. :,dmain -ITT"f' TT rmsunt Tin L . I GREATEST 4 RING WILD ANIMAL CIUCUH- KLAMATH ACKNCY. Sept. 24. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller re lumed several days ago from motor trip In southwestern Ore ton and northern Ceilforna. They folliwitj the Rooaovelt hlghwav along the Faclflc and went almost as far south as Sac ramento. Their trip was on government business pertaining to Miller's work as examiner of Inheritance, and In order to get testimony of various parties, many stops and trips into re moter sections were neceanary, all adding to the Interest and scenic beauty of the Journey. i mt - i r i Pi " fi Vi iM' CVUiTl IMTMC lift Of TMt ; ONLY AWCAJCAN PRINCtSS . . yyTOv" Thousar.d Wi:d niwaiT t CAE WILD ANIHAL PERFORMERS ALL OTHER SHOWS COMBINED MEET THE GREATEST MOVIE aiHtv vr ntn uu - ty .j IJQEtlACTNHIHSELF. V The People's Paper: The Klamath News TDiiese Advamced Features Poln TBte "Mew Way The Chrysler Six throttles down to 2 cniles an hour in high. When you "step on it" the Chrysler shoots from 5 to 50 miles an hour in less than 19 second. In Its speed range from 2 to 70 mile an hour there U no "vibration point". At all speeds and under all conditions it is remarkably easy to handle. One of the reasons for this is because It ha pivotal steering, with ball thrust bearings on Che king pins. Special design six-ply, highspeed balloon tires are standard. The Touring, $139$ The Phaeton, M9S The Roadster, 1625 The Sedan, 1725 The Brougham, 1895 The Imperial, 1995 AU pritmt .., DrtrsUf fcui ixtrm. XJS. 2Wnewncev II A.V Tlie Chrysler Six it the dawn of a new day in conservation and application of power.utiliiation of space, unexampled economy combined with absolutely even, consistent performance. No one engineering feature among the core or more rcponsibie for rul never before achieved can be justly emphasized a the real secret of lucrt revolutionary achievements. Like mc crankshaft, whose seven bearings, in stead of the usual three or five; prevent destructiveandcostJyengtnevibration, there are a doicn features that eltect unusual economics. Still other., like the louuon! graviiy,the perfect wciRhtdunw. Z n7; practice of .prinf Jgg ' and the Chrysler.Lockheed hyd aulic four-wheel brakes, have mud h la with the car', wrenon V to r J j comfort, roadability, nSl safety. But the bfst way to f. these thingsistorideinanddrivetne hV.-. Dealers Everywhere Howie Motor Co? L - ..pp 8 a Main Streets i lev 1 1 in i hi