The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 26, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pape Six
I MMO Ktllt K.t l.OSI H K OK
. K3.1S
IN tiik cinrriT coiMtT or thk
klamatu coiwrv.
Klamath County, a body politic and
corporate if In Mat of Ore
gon. 1'alntirf.
W. tl. Smith. A. U Chltwood. Char
lea V. Ix-Kan, Marie Cavallna.
I. rander Motion. Nunnle U. & Hoy
A. trucy, Wllllniu l.athrup, J. K.
Whltiuy. a. Ue. V. H. Sarver.
C. K. Hlgglna. Anna M. Hrach.
Klale W. ItobtTts, Colunilila Val
ley Trust Co., Frank T. Berry.
Mildred Calthcr. Jamca (1.
Wright. William M. Draff. U. L,
Mcl.ellan. T. N. Cone. Mclvlna
Palmer. C. II. Heauch. A. W. Itau.
Fred Hstikson. O. C. Hlrd. Frank
II. Scars, LI'ile Huttcrw orth. J.
K. rowers. K. U Hues. Ole ,
lh respective certificates and from
tha respective dales of the delin
quencies of tha aald taiaa dua for
prior and aubaeuurnl years, and
iienaltlfa and costs aa provided by
law; thai tha sxcreasle amount of
all laiea above referied to on each
tract and parcel nf land and prop
arty hereinafter specifically de.
arrlhrd. for aald yrar till, and for
each year aubse.iuent thereto, at
indicated. Including tha Interest to
tho data of Issuance of aald irr
ttflcatea nf delinquency resimctlv.
ly, penalties and costs, and tha do
arrlptlon of aald properly, all t'f
which la situated In Klamath
Ciiunty. Oregon, and tha' naina of
thr owner of tha legal till there,
to, aa tha aanta appears of racord,
If known, aa ahown on tha las rolla
In thr handa nf tha sheriff aqd t
collector nf Klamath Cnunly, Ora-
on, at thla tlmr, and tho number
of tha rrrllflratra and tha data
thereof, all of whlt-h are owned and
held by Klamath County, and tha
amount for which It waa Issued
land tha year-or an for the d-
Oleaon. Vannte It. Jlcctty. t Bar- !,,. iar, for which It waa l;
'r y,lK'l p- ?' A- 4tsus. ,l" !iu.d. W.d tha moonl of all him
Carroll. Itemlngton Typewriter du for rrlor ,nd ,ul.aaquenl yeara,
Co. M. IX Johnson. V raulk,!. fotlowa. lo-wlt:
tin , uiiir it i vaivbb, i iai 7 . i
t ui r, JU Mill I vu r, -,
I. Warren. V. A. Hurhnos. C. M.
I'hlney. 1. K. l"ate. Anna I'ru
miller. S. J. Hawthorne, Chandler
McCuutey. K. V. Short. iWorm A.
Hell, V. C. Adams. T. M. tiroun
aril. lr. Otto Klletach. Charlea
li. A1U l. lUbecca I.onhora. I.
A. 1'uffy. It. S, Harris, Wesley i.
Mewart. Ira S. Sperry, N. J. Chap
man. Conrad Stocger. Alex Mar
tin Jr.. R V. Johnson. S. M.
ltrondaword. Frederick 11. Urls
wold. S C. Sweet. l C. Lavey.
Albert Htiv. V. S Worden. Louis
J. F.ii'kins. Mv. Wm. H-ll. Ur.
W. V. Turner Carrie K. Stone,
the clly rf Klamath Fa I la. ajtd
each a rid tvery pron. firm' and
rorporatlon named in the follow lint aa lirlnit the owner or
oMnera of the lrKl title aa tha
Fame appear of record accord -Iiik
to the tai rolla of Klamath
County, oreuon. of - tracta and Ii of land, luta and blo-ka
therein described and following
their reapectlve n.imea, and each
and every peraon, firm and cor-
HiriMnn nunlnir n r rUlmlRe tn
own. or hivinic or ' rialmlna- to'nrr. NS of NVi of Sec. II. T
ve any Inlcr-sl. Her. or claim!3' H- r-.. I. C. .So. lik.
V. IS. SMITH, nrraent owner. KS
of Sec. If. T. 4 fi . It I K . I. C.
No. lito. luurd June St. 11). fur
IMS. liO.IO; D-No. ITU. Jui.e
1". 1SI. .for 11J draloaae lint,
Hi It: l. C. No. Ills. Fob! .
lII. for 1l. 4.41: l. C. No. I7l,
u. II. 1!J. for IM1. iOIO; due
for Mil. III1J0; for lt. IHIH;
for lIO. ttoi.lX: for 1JI.
A. U CHITWOon. preaent owner.
Sl t, of NV4 of Sec. . T, 40 K,
It. II F... It. C. No. Mil. laaued Juna
17. Il far II4. III. IT: 1. C. No.
4 III. Feb. l:i for III. 1 1 .
t. C. No. 4fi. Au. tl. list for
1I7. -4)11 TS; due for ll. I J. for
IM. 17 JS; for l:o. II2J. fur
l:i. f 11.04: for I1J. iJ.
CIIAKI.KS W. l.K J A N, preaent
owner. NS pt S of SW of
Seo. tl. T. 9 S.. It Ii K. I. C. No.
4i3. Inatw'd June tT, for lli,'
I4.1J; I). C. No. 4JIJ. Feb. tl, l:l
for ll. ISO; !. C. No. 471. Auit.
tl. I:i for 1 1 7. f I ii; due fur ll.
Ii ii; for i:o. t: . for i:i, ft.14;
for lJI. 13 01.
MAKIK C A V A I. I N K. pr-a-nt
therein, and also all other per
sona or parties unknown, claim
InK any rlKht. title, estate or In
terest In or lien upon any of In
real estate hereinafter deacrlbed.
To W. n. Smith. A. U Chltwood.
Charlea V. Uuan. Marie Cavallna.
Leander Maston. Nannie U, ft Hoy
A. Tracy. William Lathrop, J. K.
Whitney. C Vtr. W. H. Sarver. C.
K. HtKRins. nna M. Heach. F.lale
W. Koberts. Co'uinbla Valley Trust
Co.. Frank T. Kerry. Mildred llalt
hrr. James ; Wright. William M.
t;raff.- :. U MoLellan. T N. Cone.
Melvlna Palmer. C.- H. Keaueh. A.
W. I'.au. Fred Kankaon. r. C. Hird.
Frank II i-e !!! .,tfr.
worth. J. It. Powers, K. L. Hayes. J
tle W. Oleson, Fannie It. McVelty. ,
Charles F ij. A. Trause. .
II. Carroll. HtmlnKton Tyx-wrtter
Co.. M. 1. Johnson. W. W. Faulk
ner.. Annie Irene Hales. Harry I
liruce. Manfred Oaroutt. Alv P.
Warren, IV. . A. Burhana, C. M.
Phlney. I. It. Cat. Anna Krumll
ler. S. J. Hawthorne. Chandler Mc
Cauley. II. . Short. Cwirit A. Bell.
W. "O. Adams. T. M. Crounsell. Ir.
Otto Klietsch. Charles K. Allen.
Hebecca Longshore. 1. A. Duffy. It.
K. Harris. Wesley f,. Stewart. Mrs.
Thomas IX Brown. Ira S. Sierry.
N. J. Chapman, Conrad Stoea;er,
Alex Martin Jr.. B. W. Johnaon. H.
M. Broadsword. Katterhorn Bros..
Frederick B. ;rlswald. S. C. Sweet,
P. G. Lavey, Albert Hoy, W. S. Wor
den, lxuia J. Kinklns, Mrs. Wm.
Bell. Mrs. W. W. Turner. Cajrl P..
Stone, the city of Klamath Falls,
and each and every person, flr-n
and corporation named In the fol
lowing list as bein? the owner -r
owners of the legal tltlr. aa tha
same appears of record according
to tha tax zcV.i ot ;::....:.
Oregon, of tracts and parcela of
land, lots and Mocks therein de
scribed and foilowinjr their respect
ive names, and each and every pr
on. firm and corporation ownlnsj
or claiming to own, or having or
claiming to have any Interest, lien
or claim therein, and also all other
persons or parties unknown, claim
ing any riht, title, estate or In
terest In or lien upon any of the
real estate Hereinafter described.
Yon and each of you are hereby
notified that Klamath County, .i
body politic and corporate of the
State of Oregon, Is the holder of
certificates of delinquency Issued
to It by the tax collector of Klam
ath County, state of Oregon, pur
suant to the statutes In such cases
made and provided, which said cer
tificates are hound In book forrrt aa
required by law. ,
That the said certificates of de
linquency as hereinafter set forth
In this summons were iNsued by the
shejlff and tax collector of Klam
ath County, Oregon, on the 27th
day of June, 1SI9 for the year 1915,
and were filed by said tax collector
In the office of the county clerk of
aald Klamath County on June 27th.
1919; that thereafter other certifi
cates of delinquency were Issued to
Klamath County by said tax col
lector and filed In the office of the
county clerk for taxes delinquent
for years subsequent to 1915. as
are hereinafter set forth. Indicat
ing the several dates and taxes respectively.
That aftar the said several delln.
q jencles had accrued, and prior to
the Issuance of said several certi
ficates of delinquency respectively,
due notice of said several delin
quencies was given, as required by
m w.
That complaint nrld application
for judgment to foreclose said cer
tificates was lied In the above en
titled court and cause on the 28th
dny of July, 1924.
That In addition to the taxes In
cluded In said certificates of Af.
linquency for the year 1915 and for
tno years subsequent to 1915, as In
dicated, there are due to this plain
tiff certain Interests on said sev
eral amounts at 12 per annum
from tho date of tho lasuanco of
IT 8. II. 1 1 H Ki " c No .,,l,l.U"
susd Jun 17. Ilt for llll, fir Tl;
due for lo ?o 0J; for IM1. Ill II.
Wl I.I.I AM M UHAKK, present
owner. H' of NWV vt HKs. of Hoc,
it i II .4 It II K. U C. No. HI4.
Isaiid Juna 17. 111 for Itll. l It,
l. C. No 4:l, Mar. I, IJ1 for lll
till; I'. C No. 4111. Au. II. I:i
lor KIT. lI?i du. for lll, !!.!;
for ll, 17(; for 1110, IJ II, for
ltl. It Ii; for lSt. 11.11.
U U ilcl.l.l.l AN. present owner.
NKS re 1. IT H. K. II K,
l C. No. Il. Issued Juna IT. till
for 111. 1160; l. C. No. 4II, Mar.
I. lill for ll. ll; I. t No.
4ii. Aur II lti for HIT, llloo.
dua for lull. I0 00; for ll. III. II;
for lo. Ilioi; for lltl,; for
fJI, lijLi
T. N. CONK, present owner. HU
of NW of MVS of NWS of Mac. 4.
T. it H . It II K . I. C. No. Itll.
Issued June 17, 111 for lilt. l II;
l. C. No. 43JO Mar S. III fur Itll.
lll; dua for Mil. I J GO; for Itlt,
II. 71: for V3i. lt; for lII. II.ll.
for HIT, tl&; for ItSI. l II.
M K V VINA PAI.MKIt. preaent
owner. N4 of N'S of HK ot HWU
of Her , T. II 8. II 14 K, H. C.
No 74 Issued Juna IT. III! for
ItlS. ti ll: It. C. No. 411. Mar. I.
Itll for 1114 fist; l C No 4912.
Ai. IS. Itlt for 117. 4 IT; dua
for lt. 1150; for !!. It T; for
!?. 1 :. for 111, fill; for Itlt.
1111. .
C. H IIFAICM. preabni owner.
N4 of S of NW'l of NK'i of ho.
. T. U K. ft II K: II. V. No. III.
issued J i. no IT. Itll for Itll. l It:
l. C. No. 4114. Mar. I. lltl for ltl.
ltl: l C. No. 4tll. Au tt. Itll
for 117. 14 IT; dua lor Itll. Ills,
for ltla. It Tt: for ltl.; for
ii r, i or if;j. ij.ii;,
A. W. It Al
t HV of
T. I K.
!Ued June 27. lilt for Ills. 14 It
II. C. No. 4)l. Mar. 14). Itll for
II sir P " No. 471. Au( It
Hit for I 1 7. l7; due for Itll.
I SO: for Itl. 17; for It0, ll tl
for lII. Itll; for Itlt. flit.
FKKI HANK SON. present owner.
N'l of NS of NKS of HWV of Sec.
II. T. 31 8.. H 14 ?:. ll. . No. IT II.
Issued Juna tT. Itlt for Itll. II It;
1. C. No. 4141. Mar. II, Itll fer
1JIS. Il ftl; l. I- No. 471, Aug. II.
ItlS for IttT. II 17; dua for Itl
IJ.iof ,r 11. J :; for 11. ll tl;
for ltl. Itll; for Itll. IJ.IJ.
o (.'. I 1 1 ( I . present owner. N'S
of 84 ofK4 HW 4 of Sec It, T. II
H. It. 14 K. I. C. No. 711, Issued
June IT. Itl for Itll. l 19; It. C,
No. 4191. Mar. I, Itll for li. 14 is;
l. C, No. 4. Au tl, 111 for
117. 117; due for 111. $1 10; for
Itll. 17t: for Itio. ll tl; lor Itll.
iJ: for Ittt. II.ll.
FKANK H 8KABH. present
owner. 8 4 of N4 of NKS f 8K S
of See it. T. 1 8. ft. II K.. I: &
No. IT40. Issued Juna 17, Itll for
ItlS.; H. C. No. 4117. Mar. I.
121 for lilt lltl: l C. No. 412.
Au. tl. 111 for ItlT. l IT: dua
HAT. present owner. K4
NKS of 8WH of Hoc. Ii.
It. 14 K. i. 1". No. I70I.
jt,n. it iti. foV i .it. irr,i 'nuc
No. 1410 Mil. June T Ills i
JM. 1111; I tl. No 4170 Vum I
Ittll toe lill Sis ... U(
a.:- si i si v"".l.'J' ;. hoi
ror Itl. 11; fur 11 in . ,
ii in;:: ,ttr ..- a
M, l, JOIINHON. prsseni .,.
N. sis . '-'"",, all.. I,.
til's '"""' 17. lit fo
111. Illll; . f. So. Aim I
111. for 111 IIIM; ' .""-NJ
110. Auii 11 i-i .'i...
Aum ikla .?;. .-.''. f:'
i ..i.'v.jj""' i "r nil j
i Mr , tisss; tor itn. liiti
lot II. l.lo.-b Is ll
Addition lo Klamath 'Kalis ,
June 37. 11 for llli. 114 IS; 1 C.
No. 4ol. Aug. tl, 111 for ltT.
111.11; due for Itll. .0; for'll.
111.14: for lt. II1.I7; for l:i.
H 44; for 112. t 41.
L K A N V K It MASTON. present
Owner. S4 of 8 4 of NWS of 8KS
of 8ec. 11. T. I 8.. It. IS K.. 1. C.
No. 1171 Issued June 27, 191 for
ItlS. 14.31; l. C. No. 4140. Feb. 21,
121 for Itll. 4 47: 1. C. No. 4111.
Aug. 21. 112. fonlllT."-II 74: dun
for t.a; for 1I. 2 41; for
120. 12.11; for 121, 12.51; for 122.
present owners, 84 of t4 of sK1,"
F 1? ? ,iTiJI.,u'-.i'' ' W"s 11. Ill; for
r... l. C. NO. 1&74. IsSuetl June Il.:l-S lis. .... mi ...
N';b-4V41Aug"r-l,,r'5! for V.n i -Z7.IK.l TTKHWOKTH. ,.r...
. i-ie ,,,7,it owner. N4 of 84 "I NWS of
xV.ii'irStVT'iuop " ;r! z
.irMVl!' I'1 UC ,DsV'.?;,- 1 L ."KH: VrV-oj; "owner.
, I. II a., k I r..t U. -t; No. IH, Kt-t; of Hrr !( V IS X II 1 1 V
..sued Juno tl .IV '.,; f K t No.KT?ll?'U.ToedJ.HtT IMI
ill iis'i- .Va..i!ii Hi ? for flS'i; " No July
!!!: J,"-.V..,,-.:vNo- tl-u': ?? II. 121 for 114. 111.41: l. C. No.
i7. lor ivii. aue fur isis
mil- tnr ISm !. iiin ' " . lH IT 111. VO
or ! l'Sl:1or l20. duo for I9IH 1I0OO! for 11 til 14-
115.17; for 192. 1114; for Its
J. K. WHITN:Y. present owner.
NKS of SKS of Sec. 14. T. II 8..
H. K.. V. C, No. 150. Issued Jons
27. Il for 1915. 4.51; l. C. No.
4255. Feb. 21. 1921 for 111. till;
I). C. No. 4132. Aur- tt. 1921 for
1917. 1 71; due for 111, V4; for
1919. IJ.98; for 1910. I.T4; for 1921.
15.10; for 1922, 7.42.
J. tKK, present owner, BWS of
8WS of Sec. 5, T. 11 8.. It. K,
IJ. C. No. 1592, Issued June 27, 191
for 1915, 4.51; l. C. No. 4114. Aug.
22. 1922 for 1917. 114 00: due for
iiii, liyuv; lor llt, 9.2; for
1920. 110.14; for 1921. 110.11; for
1914. 15.10: for 1922. 11104
v. H. sAit eh - c. k. hk;gins.
present owner. 6W(, of NWS K
N4 of SWli & SKS of SAVS, Sec.
12. f. 18 8.. It. 9 K.. 1). C. No. 1594.
Issued June 27, 1919 for 1915,
1107.74; .13. C. No. 4254, Feb. 24.
1921 for 1914. 1111.59; 1. C. No.
JfilS Alto- 94 1649 - - lftlT I14E nn.
" , u. . ui lll( fulfill,
due for 1911 personal tax, 124.40:.
or 191) I4Z.68: ror 19J9. 41.4; for
u.', tia.i.i; ior i-jii,; for
122. 147.07.
ANNA M. BEACH, present owner
8 of NEU of Sec. 17. T. 21 8., It.
E.. I). C No. 1599, Issued June 27.
1919 for 1915! 121.00: U. C. No. 4i?,a
Feb. 28. 1121 for 111. 121.14; It. C.
ro. isfu, Aug. 21, 1922 for 117,
120.58; due for 1918, 111.41; for
119, 114.70; for 1920, 119.01; for
1921, 117.11; for 1922. 118.77.
KLSIE W. TtOp.KKTH. present
owner. NWS of BKS of ec. 23, T.
II 8.. R. 9 hi.. H. C. No. 1401. Issued
June 27. 1914 for 115. 8.94- 1. C.
No. 4260, Feb. 28, 1921 for 1916,
19.66; I), r. No. 4842, Aug. 22. 1922
for 1917. $9.61; due for 1918, 16.60;
for 1919. 17.48; foe 1920, $8.44; for
1921. 7.6; for 1922. 17.82.
CO., present owner, HW'S of NWS
of Sec. 31, T. 18 8., It. K., I). O
No. 1602. Isfued June 27, 1919 for
1915, 117.58; U. C. No. 4263. Feb. 28.
1921 for 1914. 117.76: TJ. C. No. 4845
Aug. 22. 1922 for 1917. 1174-
for 1918; 111.36; for 1919, 113 92; for
iju,; ior iszi, 114.68; I) "
No. 1169, June 7. 1919 for 1914
117.84; for 1922, 15 64. '
FKANK T. BERBV, present
owner, HK't of NES Ai NKS of
SES of Hec. 26, T. 38 8., R. 10 K
IK C. No. 604. Issued June 27. 1919
for 1915, 121.68; U C. No. 4265 Fib
28, 1921 for 1916, $18.11; I. C. No'
4848, Aug. 22, 1922 for 1917. 122 91 :
due for 1918, $16.42: for T919, 16 21:
for 1920, 124.97; for 1921, 21.78:
for 1922. 122.34. '
owner, 84 of NE'4 of Sec, 14 t
18 8., R. 15 K., D. C. N-o. 1615, Issued
June 27, 1919 for 1915, $11.94; I C
No. 4274, Feb. 28. 1921 for 191fi'
$12.19; 1). C. No. 4860, Aug. 22, 192'
for 1917, 111.92; due for 1918. 18 84-
(?S.l9.,9V,.,r',,8: for ,9i!0- I0.08; 'for
1921. 19 48; for 192'.'. Ill 19
JAMES (!. W BIGHT. present
owner, H ot SV'4 of Sec. 26, T.
for l'0. 111.04; for 121. $112; for
l2t. $1152,
E. U HAVKH. present owner. 84
of NWS 'f NKS of 8ec. 15. T. II
8., IL 14 K . I. C. No. 1764. Issued
June 27. 191 for 115. II l; 1. C.
No.. 4428. July II. 121 for 114.
14.70: l. C. No. iOIt. Aur. It. 111
for I91T. 14 17; d for 114. 12 10;
for 11. t.7; for 120, $1.11; for
121. 2l; for 122, $1.11.
OLE W. OI.ESON. present owner,
84 of Sec. 14. T. 24 8 , It. I E., I.
C, No. 1780, Issued June 17. Itlt for
11,; 11. 1. .-so. 412, July
111 f..r 114 4I; Ii k ti.l
Aug. II. 1:t fr ,u. $t4- du.
for 11. tilt; for J!. IS 14 In
r:.: 'iT-J:'r.h .?.
" i"nim rails; u,
111. til 15; l. C Nu. 4511. Aug I
Jtl for 114 ll tl; i.. ,? No lio?
II A It It T I. HIU'CK. preset,
owner, lol I. block 10, Hot Spring
Addition lo Klamath Kalis. I .
No. 111 Issued June IT. Itlt fo
Itll. tiU; ll. r. No. 4511. Aug I
J II for 111. I3 4H du. for 111
11.41; for 11 4 II; for lo, t7
for 111. ; for ltl. til.
owner, lots IT A ll, bloeh Jo Ho
Springs Addition lo Klamath Kali
l. C. No. Ilt. Issued June 17. in:
fir Itll, tlltl; I). C. No. 455 Aug
I. Itll for 114. 114.47; Ii. C No
1104. Aug tl. Itll for iIT, $IT1
dua for 111! $10 4: for 11. Ill
for 120 lint; fr 1,21. $1121
lor 111, 1141. T
owner, lots I 10. II II 12. o
Springs Addition lo Klamslh Kn
li. ll. No. lltl. Issued June 17, Itll
lot 11. Ill St; l t-. No, 4511. Aug
I. Itll for 114. 11144; I. C. No
HOT. Aug. II. 121 for 117. till
dus foplII. $111; for 11. lilt
for ltr. Ill I, for Itll. Illll. foi
iii. in..
AI.VA I. WAHHEN. nresen
owner, lot I, block 1. Hot Spring
Aoaiiion 10 Klamath Kalis. U. C
No. 114, Issued Juna tT. Itl foi
115. 11551; l. C. No 4511A. Aug
I. IIII for 114. IIT.TI; Ii. C. No
4101. Aug. 11. 121 ror 117. 12111
du for l. lit 45: for Itl. Ill 50
for 110. I7.J; for 111. tl IS; foi
111. 1111
W. A. Ill'HIIANM, present owner,
lot 1. block 11. lint Springs Ad
dition lo Klamath Kails. . C. No
127. Issued Juna 17. 11 for 111
122.11; l C. No. 4514. Aug. I. 111
for 11. lll: II. C. No. 111. Aug
II. 122 for 117, III J; due fur
Itll. 11154: for 11. IIS 54 : for
120. $111; for 121, $17.21; for
112, 1111.
present owners, lots I A t. block
4, Hot Springs Addition lo Klam
ath Falls, 1 1. C. No Itll. Issued
June 27. 11 for 111. $15.71: !
C. No. 4517. Aug. i. 111. for 11.
140.04: H. C. No. lilt. Aug. II. it::
for 1117. ii 17: due for ln. 2 t
for Itlt, $12 47; for 1120. 140 17
for 111, 17.5I: for 12t. 141
ANNA imi'MII.I.KK. present
owner, lol I, block 52. lint springs
Addition lo Klamath Falls. I). C.
No. 142. Issued Juna 17. Itlt for
Itll, 15.74: ll. C. No. 4514. Aug. 5,
Itll for 11. it; l. C. No. Itll,
AUe4v21. 122 for 117. 4.4I: du
lor "mil.; for 11. 11.14
110. II 4:; for' 111. 11.61: for lilt.
. 8. J. HAWTHORNE, present
owner, lot 7. block 101. Mill Sec
ond Addition 10 Klamath Falls, ll.
. In 4 Ine 1.1.
--r. :;rB ,ki'' -i
u- f.,r ,,'i ''"r 1I5, ij'.',':
anisth Kails l, ,." .AHtlos ,1
led J.,. .',.' Ko. las? .'
. !! for !S!6. $71.74. I. C. No. i C Ko. issued Juna ii, il
027. Aug. 21. 122 for 117. Ill 41:
due for 1911,; for 11. 140.51;
for 190,; for 121, 117.42;
for 1922, 150 70.
FANNIE it McVKITT, present
owner, lot 4, block 10, Riverside
Addition to Klamath Falls, i.
No. 129. Issued June 27. 191 for
115, 1.92: Ii. C. No. 4455, Aug. 6,
121 for 191. $2 58; I). C No. 6055,
Aug. 21. 1922 for 117. $2.74; dua
for 1918, $1.16; for 119. 1165; for
1920, l 87; for 1921. 11.74; for 111,
9c; for 1914, 94c; for 122, l.4.
TRAl.'HK. present owners, lots I, 2.
1. 4. block 2. West lke Park Ad
dition to Klamath Falls. i. C. No.
1810. Issued June 27, 191 for 115.
12.01; I). C. No. 5054, Aug. 2J. 122
for 1917. 12 17; due for 1911, $1.14:
for 1919, $1.19; for 1920. 11.58; for
192V. $1.47; lor 1911.' 7i)c; for 122,
THAL'.SE, present owners, lots to
9 Inc., block 2, & lots 1 to Inc.,
block 2, West Ike Park Addition
to Klamath Falls. II. C, No. 1821.
Issued June 27, 1919 for 115, $5.91;
NO.-4456. Aug. 6, 1921 for 114,
l-VjjIl- S"- f,u57' Au- 23-
for 1917, $.,.85; due for 1918, $3.70:
for 1919. $1.52; for 1920, $5.15; for
1921, 4 78; for 1922. 5.08
THAI SK, present owners, lots 4 to
Inc.. block 6, West lj,ke Park Ad
dition. IJ. C. No 181! 1..... 1..-.
27 1919 for 1915, 12.87; ll. C. No.
417, Aug. 5. 1921 for 1916, I2.S4;
T. C. No. 6068, Aug. 23, 1922 for
1917. $2.84; due fr 1918. $ .70- fo?
1919 $2.09; for 1920, $2.38; for lit',
$2.20; for 1925, $2.35.
1 ." t-'ARKOLl., present owner,
, 4- h,"rk '. West Lake
Park Addition to Klamath Falls, I.
;;.No.IH:M '"""rd June 27, 1911 for
HM5, $2.01; 1. C. No. 5060, Aug 23
922 for 1917, $1.09; due for 191 g
r7c; for 1919, 70c; for 1920. 79c- for
1921, 74c: for 1922. 88c ' ' ' fr
H. H. CARROI.I., present owner,
lots 1 to 6 Inc., block 15, West Ijtke
!.nrf vAddJL'."-n ,tn Kl"inth Falls,
. J8- ""d June 27, 19)9
for 19 5, $2.87; 1). C. No. 4459, Aug
..1921. for 1914. 12 64: n ' N
"62. Aug. 23 , 122 for 1917, $3.01 j
" .,.r-19", '-7: f"r 1 1 9. $2 09
sS- hy '' ,or 2 2": for
irrSllit nen..e. 1 -1 .. .. . . .'"-I
I'rrsiiit owners, loin tg to 26i ,;;
for 115. 11.71: U. C. No. 4494! Aug.
I. 121 for 11. 42: I'. C. No
5217. Aug. tl, 122 for 117. 7.l.
du for 1(11. 1152; for 191. 5.U:
for 12. 14.21; for 121, i."7; for
12S. 4 49.
CHA.NUI.KK ifcCACLKV. present
owner, lot I, biock 101. Mill Sec
ond Addition to Klamath Falls, l.
C. No. 150, Issued June 17, 11
for 11$, 7.: ll. C. No. 4495, Aug.
I. 1921 for 114,; Ii. C. No.
5111, Aug. 21, 122 for 117. 19.10;
du for 1918, $5.64; ror 119. $4 48;
for 110. $7.77; for 121, $7.11; for
1922. 11.12.
II.-C, SHORT, present owner, lots
1 & 2, block 205, Mill Second Ad
dition lo Klamath Falls, U. C. No.
152, Issued June 27. 119 for 115.
124.48; ll. C. No. 4499, Aug. I. 1121
for 114. 121.10; I). C. No. 5222, Aug.
23. 12! for 117, 111.21: due for
118. $21.49; for 119, $24,84; for
1920, $29.81; for 1921, $27.(9; for
1922, $311.
GEORGE A BEI.U preserrt
owner, lot 11, ui?ck 205, Mills Sec
ond Addition lo KUmsth Kails, l.
C. No. 1953, Issued Juno 27, 1919
for 19J5, $11.19; I. C. No. 4500, Aug.
5, 1921 for 114, $12.87! l. C. No.
5223, Auk. 23. 1922 for 1917, $15.38;
due for 1 9 1 S personal tnx, $3.40;
for 118, $9.04; for 11, $10.36; for
1920. $12.42; for 1921, $11.54. .
W. C. ADAMS, present owner, lot
9, block 208, Mills Second Addition
to Klamath Falls, I). C. No. 1955,
Issued June 27, 1919 for 1915. $7.09;
1) C. No. 450? Ana- 5. 1921 for 114,
$8.22; !. ('.. No. 5224, Aug. 23. 122
for 1917', 19.80;' due for 1918, $5.66;
ror 1919, 6.48;
19ZZ, 18.12.
for 1921. $7.21; for
T. 51. GROITNSEM,. present
owner, lots 11 12. 12, H. "lock 9,
Mountain View Addition to Klam
ath Fulls, II. C. No. 1961, Issued
June 27, 1919 for 1915, $2.01: due
for 1912, 44c; for 1913, $l.04 for
1914, $1.08; for 1916, 57c; for 1917,
54c; for 1918, 67c; for 1919, 70c;
for 1920, 79c; for 1921, 74o; for
1922. 78c.
UNKNOWN, present owner, lol"
I to 4 Inc., block 7, First East
Klamath Fall Addition to Klam
ath Falls, I. C. No. 1947, Issued
June 27. 1919 for 1915. $2.01; du
for 1910. 54c; for 1911, 52c: for 19H,
56c; for 1914, 67c; for 1917, R4c;
for J918, 5c; for 1919, 70c; for 1020.
10c; for 1921, 74c; for 1921. 79c.
UNKNOWN, preetiit otier. lot
all. n".". "1IM7,-,0-" Klm.
alls. . c, No is.. , ' Klamath
.-. ISI for fill ti !
J1. Aug ii ,i.'r"! D. C
it: du. ; 'Mi fa ml
u.d June 17 'i,V No- li!
nf. ,ic: ,or . '.WIS.
Ti.ef,. o'ir. tfA"'
I-.S:Vo.r, VVrtJW?.M
or 121. :40:Vr,i,2jf.,1Vfi,lWi
1 71. due for lll. 2 10; for I i
or".':" ""Mft
W I.MI.Kr 11. 8TKWART. Brestiit
.wn.r l.,t I. b!ork 10. Kast'suS!
Kslls l. C. No. tool, u.u.4 im",
!7. lilt for UJ, 50c; dus for lilt
:: for 11. I7r; f.,r ij 21e. t
121. lie; for Itlt. Isc '
I. A. Ul.'KHV. present owntr, lot
I. block . Ksst Klsmsth Falls
Addition to Klsmsth Kslls, D. C.
No. 2o. Issued June 17,. Itll for
ItlS, iec; dUs for Itll, 14c; for
1117. 14c; for 111. !c; for till.
17c; for l2a. He; for 121, He; Ior
122. 10c.
I. A. Ul'KKT". present owntr, loU
1 to It Inc., block 49, Ksst KUmitk
Kslls Addition to Klsmsth Falls,
Ii. C. No. ton. Issued Jtin 17. 1111
'or 11,5, IZ.45. li. C. No. 454, Au.
i, 121 fur II4. l 21; du fir 1111,
.4c; for Itl. 70c; for 121, !; for
121. lie; for 1914, &5c; hi 1L
M. l. JOIINKO.V, present ewitr,
ot. !A. snd til, block I, rUllrotl
Addition lo Klsmsth Kslls, 0. C
No. 1011. Issued June 17, Itll lor
lIJ. Illll: l C. No. HIS, Aof. I,
121 for 11. til I: 0. C. No. Ull.
Aug. tl. 122 for 1917. 111.11: in
tor Itl. IS 41; for 120, Illll; (or
ItSI. 117 11: for l22. ll7.
ent owner, lots I, t, I Hock Si.
opportunity Addition to Klsnutk
Kslls. I. C. No. S017. Iiua im
St. 111 for 115. II.ll; os for
Itll. lie; for llt. ll 24: for 1124.
II. 71: for lti. i IS; for Hi. ll.H;
for Itll. 11.05; for ItlS. Ii.ll;
111, 5c; for 114. lie: for III.
5c; for 117. 7c; for 1!I. 1-
M. 1. JOHNSON, present ownrr,
lot 11 A. block 7. lUilroad Addition
to Klsmsth Halls. I). C. No. 10H,
issued June 7, !! for 111. tll.1.
H. C. No. 44. Aug. 5. 1911 for 1111,
for m.:V77VfoVH2ln;i.VW
121. $10.11; for 1922, tll.ll.
UNKNOWN, present owner, lots
is. ii. 17. i. block n-anftt
Addition lo lionsnia. D. C .
issued June 27. 111 for liU. H
l C No 450, Auf. 5, 1SI. ff
itl. tin: u. c. No. sn.
122 for 1917. 1 .: due for 1 It
ti lt: for int. till; 'orB I,";,,.,(r
for Itll. ,--W'r,.lil!-iilu.
1911 $1.74; for 1911. ; or
2 74; for 1921. IH. .
. C. No. 45L Auf. . I, 1 r
11 I'll' D. C. No. Hll.Aui.jji
Wzi for 1917 12.10; du. for III.
11.04: for m, M : ' 'V'h
nanxs. P. C. No. "Vio- D C. S.
lull, f.r 1915. II1.1. u:
21, on ----- .nil ror I'"
liOl 1604. June 7 191 ,
5.6I: I. ''r,N0I),p vo 6282, AW
for 191. ; -C,m' "da
23, i!22 for I"'7'.;;;? for
1916 ,.1-rsonsl '"'tJB' f0V 191 Pr:
personal tut. i?-2,6' ,9I9 perional
sonal lx. US-":.,?. nVrional tax
ing. 1103.60; for J r" for te
lot. to 14 inc.. 'rnke Addition tj
10 inc.. block 1. .,urd
Honanxa, H $11.19: P-S
June 27. 1J1 "r V'V?, ll.'f
mj reiAPMAKiurrs
15 inc., '?V0 2041. WWre
ror" Vti ftiS
,ot. ,4 lo 24 no, "lo
(Continued on Fal