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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1924)
Pftfe Four THE iMATH NEWS TIF.KIM Y avtt-n i "" i2i r - THE KLAMATH NEWS Published Tuesday, Thursday tad Saturday moraines by TUN KLAMATH NKWt riBLIBHl.NU CO. lit So. Fifth t. Phone IT Klamath Fall, Ora. Nat Ottarbaln. Waltar Stronach, P. C. Ktckla. Props. BnUrad aa aacond elaaa mattar at tha jcw(arru at con. unaar ma in-. rBtrRIPTlOX B4TKI (By mall outside city) a tMf - aUatka i aa)tfca (By carrier In Klamath rail) 1 noakhi f 1.00 Suppressed Desires Nov. 11, ItlA. at th Klamath Fall. Oral act af March . fll EDITORIAL WILL VOTE THIS YEAR If on were told that In tha last presidential election less than half the voters cast ballots. It would be hard to believe, yet that Is the fact. The percentage of citlsens who exercised the elec tive franchise In this country during a series of presidential years shows a growing public patfcy. Percentages of those casting ballots were aa follows: 18. 80 per cent of all cltliens; 1300. 73 per cent; 190S. 6 per cent; 191!. 2 per cent; 1920. less than 60 per cent. The eiact percentage of voters who did not vote last presidential year. 1920. was .5085. The number of votes cast In all the states was 2t.S22.C14. while the total number of ellgl bles who did not vote was 27. 651.901. The south led all the states In proving recreant to the dirty of voting, but Oregon has no very proud record, making a showing of 47 per cent of her clUtens who were ao little interested In the result they did not cast their ballots. This lacks but litUe of half the total electorate of the state and is sufficiently alarming. There are many Indications that at the election November 4 of this year there will be a lar ger percentage of the eligible vo ters of the country who-will take part In the election thaa at any general election for many years. The laboring men. the friends of labor and the farmers mak ing op tb largest part of the voters of the country fell this year that they have an opportun ity to make their vote felt .and will come out and vote. The three sided contest of this year la arousing Interest such as has not been aroused -for a quarter of a century and that will Insure Improved conditions regardless of whom is the win ning candidate. !ev I'M COMMA m&1 CF ihS r TO MOHMON CONVKNTION ltrdured paswenged faros will be put Into fs-t ,y w,, ",lro"1 tor ttU convention or the Mormon chur-h at Halt Uke City. Oct. 2 to 6 aorordlnt to an announcement made todty by J. II. It. Parsons, pai4nser traffic manager for the I'aoiflc company. The excursion fare will be ff-U. from points In California. Oregon N. vads. Arlsona and Utah. Railroads participating In the reduced rates Inrludo the Mouth rrn Pacific, Hanta Ke. Wetern I aclflc. Iis Angflrs Kilt LaKa ArUona Ksatern. Ran l)to A Arlrona and El Paso & Mouth western railroads. In Oregon rnduiHl rate tlv ketg wilt be aotd from ttetneinher SO to firtohar 3 wit f0J rB. turn limit October 27. Listen it THs TE Pecple Say Press OplsaiosiB THOMAS WITHDKAWH FROM CAXUlllACV VUK JHIlKtTOK "It is very hot traveling at this time of the year, especially hot crossing the deeert. Everyone's chief interest is in keeping cool. Next, politics seem to play an im portant part. The poll of the Literary Digest is exciting a lot of comment. On all sides one bears that Coolidge will be elect ed hands down, with La Follette a close second. Almost everyone concedes that Davis has very lit tle chance. One also hears the decision of the Loeb-Leopold case freely discussed. Opinion seems to be strongly in favor of lynch ing the two degenerates. Then, the round-the-world flyers come in the much conversation. Peo ple are wondering whether the trip was worth the money it cost or whether this was not an un necessary waste on the part of our government. Everyone seems to believe that Lieut. Lowell Smith should receive the heart felt good wishes of this country on his daring ifeat." Cornelius Vanderbilt in correspondence by wire to his Pacific coast papers. PANNING" THK MAYOR (Pacific Record Herald) A G. A. R. veteran who came to Medford In the Interest of the LaFollette campaign was refused the right to speak" from the band stand in the city park, by that greatest of all political "jokes" who sits at the head of Medford'a political table. Well, after all, it may be a good thing. Some day, folks may consider Medford of sufficient value to warrant , their being a little more particular 'what' they elect to public office. 1 We pre sume that "His Highness' did not want anyone to speak In Med tord wiho had fought to 'save' the country. Editor Klamath News: I wish to announce to the wa ter users of the Klamath Irriga tion Ditrict through your col umn that I have withdraw from the race for district direc tor and the reason lor so doing. ' Immediately after my nomina tion for the position by ballot at a mass meeting of the water users of the lower end of the dis trict that same clique of gentle men of Klamath Falls who have been directing the. affairs of the district with such entire satisfac tion to themselves, being inoe us ed. I suppose at the temerity of the water users In daring to choose for themselves who would have for directors these violating the well established Derogative of the gentlemen above referred to If deciding wbp should con duct the water users affairs sent an emissary to the end of the project with Instructions to split the Malin vote. He succeeded In getting another candidate to en ter the race Beliering strongly that It la vitally necessary that the water users elect directors this year that will operate the project In the interest of its farmers and knowing that to do so will mean a very hard fight agalnslt en trenched privilege. Immediately suggested to the new candidate. V. J. Spolek. that we both with draw our cand'dacy in favor of J. L. Jacob, the second choice for the position as shown by the ballot at the water users mass meeting. Spolek. being au Interested as I am in the welfare of this com munity readily accepted the sug gestion stating that he would willingly withdraw in favor -of Jacob. I want to say to the water Users who so kindly supported me at the mass meeting that in view of that support I would have withdrawn from the race for no other reason than the good of the cause. We must elect our candidates. There must be no division of opinion. You have in Jacob, as most of you know aa well as I, a better man than I am, a success ful farmer, of good judgment, well informed, safe, sane and conservative, and whose sincer ity and honesty no man doubts who knows him. He will make a fine director and I think I am safe In saying he will have the unanimous sup port of the water users of this end of the project.- Both he and Bradbury will have my most enthusiastic sup port. A. M. THOMAS. Malin, Oregon. Sept. 22, 1924. DON'T TRY TO 1IIDK THIMiS FROM YOUR WIFE YAKIMA. Wah. Sept. 27. (United News) The moral to this story g, "don't try to hide things from your wife." Ed Sltner hid his wife's wrist watch In his mouth. He gulped and physicians have been trying for a week to get It back. V1MITH Tl'LK LAKIC COlNTRY (Altars New Era) Fred Bush, of the Surprise Valley branch of be Modoc County bank, returned la at Fri day from a trip to Tule lake. 11 says be was amaaed at what he I aw, declaring that hay for 6.000 head of cattle bad been raised this season, not the mention the! vast store of grain, wheat, oris and barley. "It was a revelation to me." remarked Bush, "and when we consider that nearly, If not quite, half of that rich section lies within th bounds cf Modoc coun ty. . our utter neglect seoms shameful." From. Klamath Falls to the: tate line, there la a regular boul evard; but there It stops, and the balance of the road, from Tule lake to Altursa. la little better than a trail. It is one of the richest sections of the great lake basin. Its population Is Increasing! by leaps and bounds, and thej road antboritles of Modoc should awaken to Its Importance. The settlers) out there are entitled to, and should have, a good road to the county seat, but at the pre sent time they have little better than none, besides it being al most impassable about half of the year. JUST FUN Groom to be When two peo ple like the aame things their married life la bound to be hap py. Wis Old Uncle Well, you and Mary ought to be happy, for I know she love you and you're very fond of yourself. "Look here, Bogua." asked Colonel White. , "Do you happen to know where Ink Judson Is Just now?" "Yassah! Yassah! Sho' does, sah!"- replied Brother Bogus. "He's asleep dls minute over dar In de shade of de lumber yahd lookln' for a Job, sah." Coun try Gentleman. "Did you give the man the third degree?" asked tbo police officer. "Yes. We browbeat and badg ered him with every question we could think of." VWhat d'd be do?" "He dozed off and merely said now and then, 'Yes, my dear, you are perfectly right.' "Every body's Magazine. The orator was not being well treated. His audience were bet fter Interrupters than listeners. So he, too, became roured. "When I came here toiilaht I ;dld not believe in the Darwinian theory. Upon mature consider ation of my audience I do half of you look as if you'd evolved from monkeys." "Yes." came the calm re eponse, "but we havo evolved." London Tlt-Bdts. Duck hunters can get good coffee at Little Brick Cafe; open All night. 820-23 KI NKKT T.U1I.K Sun rise Sept.' 23 -6:68 Sept. 24 6:68 Sopt. 25 6:67 Sept. It 6:t Sept. 27 :oo S"Pt. " 21 3:01 Sept. 29 J; 01 Sept. 30 C;03 Sun ant 8:0J :03 6:00 6.63 6:66 6:64 6:63 5:61 most c,,p,et,;hm;th J Take up your fuel FrooiwlTts With U$ We carry the complete line- WOOD, COAL . and FUEL OIL Fair Prices Prompt Delivery1 O.Peyton&Crf 41 Main Phone 53 Public 1 Health Questions By Dr. Geo. E. Mallett Underwood Building '"'"'" Phone :t Chiropractic vs. 800,000 Deaths QUESTION "Can you quote figures showing approximate ly how many people died last year, and what diseases claim ed the most victims?" ,HUKK Hal-ring arl. lrat and auft lilnt, nutlrly MOO.IHHI re dinl leat y-r. Of this number ntftre then lU.OOM died of brim- hllU. 04,(MM MirrsmM to pneumonia, 7.1.0OO Un1 of kidney dines, SO.OOO died of rraplratory dlaeaaea, Km.lKN) drat b were attributed to tu bemiloaU, approximately OOO illml . of InrtuenxA, and more than 10,000 died of var loua Inleatlnal dlaeaapa. Krotn the - Ctilroftrartlc viewpoint. on'y a aniati thrae death nlumld hate oc rurri. in other word, the hjt tuuui nave omi pre en led, had the ml t'.U'HK of tlie iltffrmrt ou "" hern ichrn rorrfrth method. Theve flminw riH a an object leaaon to errrr man, woman ami child who U not enjoying perfect hra'th. W hen tK-otle learn thai dii. riw i eaa'ly conquered Bir Chlroprarlle .tdjiia'mentf KR THK fOKKMTIOX K THK CU HK, the death rate Is oar rtrtintry will he reduced to minimum. Io not irnr? at turn 'a dancer algnal; artmi ou KIKHT pet lrk Hrr your spine analyzed. BKMQ LOJC L &3ave monw isthe last day of sale 'for Summer Excursion WEEKEND TICKETS . i o . i.. CuindaV. on sale rnday, aacuraay u v ' Return limit, 16 days. September 30th last sale date tot SEASON TICKETS on sale any day. Return LnAOctobtf A. R. BERRY, Agent. KlHltl ith J''1". r'