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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1924)
L-. ' -JLiiEL rvljAM ATFT NEWS Page Thre . "--aB- I Quite a Task to Pick Ranking Tennis Stars if5r! p5- w Kd,tor) roKK. Kept. II. Pr-ii When me com dh. i nl.d Kt.t. Uwn !!" ...wi.imti. delegated to a th An."1""1 mMt" Mb, b f '"'rc1t "on. " mi hf a W un iu bDli' tb. " rur ,h nrat bJtH fleaaea. rwt pl. Ao DOt J. 10 b f'"",l','red- Bo'1"" SL Jot plyr In thi men's and ""JTg dhlon Is no more than .ad in. Mertloii UVrlt sr William T. Tllden and opr. fill, H ,n ,,r,'m CM rtier of lb national champion ,vm V!bt di e lh beal player ITiMtoaDiry. there la no doubi L, to tbe i:and:nc of Tllden and .. tint. Th lira bfilh head u4 liouturre above chair cla. fi,t, lrue of h!a differ avei wit b kMUK-iatlon officials mttti tbrouKh a season of com wtiita Inu-uvltr a far aa lour uses! competition was conce'rn ii lit J:d a lot f playing, of nine, but before entry into the utiotil lournanirnt in dflfenae 4 lit ehamplunohlp. ha had con faei bio game principal) to tbe BilMilon cirrait. Tildeo could have cinched flrat fut co tb ranking Hat, bow per. if bo had played only onoa Vise tbe aaon bwausa in that m toarniment he demonstrated at (oDTinciDKlr that ha la not lftbobt playr In the United Jain but tbe world champion. After the most brilliant season !bttfuer. Mlxa llelou WJIIa. tit ll-year-old national women'a chamblon aa Tlldan to win VrVWX ranking list. n.r claim ,V a world a championship wag not as Irmly established aa that TtU aU mh "mplUhed enough during a busy-season to make her position elar aa th women'a worlds champion for tba aeaeon. at least. The pretty, younr California girl won the Olympic and national alngle. champloniililp. with Mm Oeorge Wlghiman. ahe won the Wimbledon. Olympic . nplcan doublea cbam plonahlp. and with young Vincent Itlchard aha won the American mixed doublea champlonablp Very little mr. .n..M k... i . accomplished by eny player. PERSONALS I. O. O. F. Klamath Lodge No. 117 Ban dell. N. O. Proanerite RKVK T Am vt 14 Meta flrat and third Thure oaya; ra. w. v. Cofer, N. O. Fwaan Encampment No. 41 Meeta erery Tuesday night; Man rice Lealle, C. P. Crater fantnn Vf ..... Wed need ay evening: W. C. Wella, Commandant. Here With Circus Saturday 1 io?rff,','M,"te,l,: '-nker-of j'orria. (aiif., wg1 -cjt- bnt. vlaltor during th, wekS. wJr!hr.CJrid' aT!" ot Ohllociuln K.rSi;?pi" ,n K,amlh Mr. and Mr. r e. Crego and Iey Sunday afternoon. . . ?n"' , .Horton- ckn)an waa alty vlnltor from Dorria Satur- Loula Cerbr and P. Mu-phy of Horaefly were loca.1 vlHltora yea Urday aUendjng to bualnwa. uar,,,,i'tUn-'.T''m .Doyle and , H- "Ideout eperrt Sunday hunt ing ducka at Lost river. Lawrence Uorton made a brief Vllt to Call. t - j '7 r s.iiuuuar from hla ranch: near Bonanza. Mr. Ct-o. StVveneon waa vlalt- Ing In town MnnHi e... v... home at Wocui march. :.:-r Mr. and Mr. Ceo. Hrummond Pnt the week-end at Medford and Granta Pans. 13 BUILDINGS ALLOWED LAST NIGHT'S MEET '"'i,.,"r 0,1 IUn Will Be AUvwu! t Meet I'aln . Vmt tor Michigan Are. Building permtltia granted, by the city council last night repre sented 13 buildings but totaled leaa than $7,000. They were mostly for email dwellings, gar "KM and aheda, and raried in ea tJrnated coat Irom $25 to $3,000. i lie council authorized the Placing of a atreet light at the Intersection of Oregon avenue and Tunnell street. The caXX for the sale of bonds tS Michigan Aver, from Main to Esplanade was orl dered after considerable dlacus !on as to the number of time necessary to publtoh the noUce. the ordinance authorizing the wf.V? 8Ut,nK the time to be published. .n ,lerl.,(,r KUmath county and Klamath Falls end every legitimate Industry therein, thafa The Klamath News. Pip 30x3 " ?i Grav Tubes Vulcanized Splice 82x4 6 Ply Cord Tire B . i $1.50 ; H a . j $18.50 Hub Tire Shop 502 g. 6th St. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Jenaon and t&'' ma oi nuoqum were visiting in I the county seat yesterday 7 Mr. and Mrs. R. and Mr. and Mrs. W. spent the week-end creek. A. Emmltt P. Jolin.son J at. Clover I aVVi.J. 0 1 X .In 1 Z 1 ho love atorl f " Vlrttl Mecdal of In "UNm "(,0("anda three tr...?? "8". lirlltl..-.!.. vtg h . "UM ior- ? h. ;,u.d. "8 ree trlb- Klamath i'l,; w" e aeen at Hal ". .Saturday. Sent lnt. , . liar no h r, ha!ndp "'.,re orK 2 aitnm pr(v,dJ 'or lov- lC a? Peanta this ti orlc faalnr" ran ' K8ant1c. a?Vaa i'?'" Anne'" fe "1 thri m reprw,cnted In "4lns ,"nlllnR acts. fr.rcd - '.,,Arlzon the. in W. C. Ezell who operates a large ranch on the Merrill road was transacting business In town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cheyne and eons were city visitors Sat urday from their ranch south of town. I)nlJ 1 M iu et uoi e irom uonanza Saturday and attended the big meeting of tbe Muscovites. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Daggett ana cunaren and Air. and Mrs.: O. W. Hout and daughter spent! sunaay picnicking at Fort creek. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mots chenbacher and children were visiting relatives here during the week-end from their home in Dorris. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Smith ac companied by Mr. and Mra. John Long and son Jack drove to Mer rill, Malin and Tule lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry , Goeller and children and Mrs. Goeller's mother Mra. E. M. Wilson who la visiting here from Medford mo tored to Crater lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Cummlags and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goeller and son Froddlo epent Saturday night and Sunday at the Ewauna logging camp. Victor Palmer who Is employ ed by the Southern Pacific at Kegg. Calif., is ill at the come of Mr. and Mrs. Jo Avery of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jo Pospiail and ann Jo Jr., Mr. and Mra. J as. Haicek and Mrs. Ben Pickett motored to Malln Sunday and vis ited friends and relatives during the day. . id thn of Ne- ""a, rolling hJUs of New Mexico, are included in the - gigantic pageant. There will also be 100 bathing beautleB from the "sunkist" shore of aouthern California, all of whom have been trained extensively for their parts in some of the best motion picture, dramatic, danc ing and singing studios on the west coast. The celebrated "Sacred Snake Dance'l enacted by Hopl Indians, clad In aklns of wild animals, wll' be seen. The savages, crazed by the beating of tom-toms, actually tart n A an n I m I n a. Ann rattlo. anakes about their half-naked oodles and thrust tne neaas 01 the poisonous reptiles in their mouths during the weird cere mony. You will also see the greatest morle-etar of them aM, known the world over as "The Grand Old Man of the Screen." Joe Martin, himself. And last, but not least, youMI see Lotus, 5-ton, largest and only blood-sweating hippopotamus In the world, with "th thn that's different"- gorgeously bigger every year. Say, Folks, Listen! If ou need any Green Slabs now is tbo time to get them while tlio weatlier la ideal for drying tlient. Yours Truly Heilbronner &Rea Phone 231.U " - Hunters t Take Notice - . - On the opening day of the season hunters trespassing on our property stampeded our cat tle, thereby causing the loss of five head. .-: . AH parties are hereby warned not to trespass on these properties. No permits will be granted to anyone and all parties claiming to have per mits are hereby warned that the same are re voked. . . This Means You ....... . t Fort Klamath Meadows Company. V. By W. K. BROWN, Mgr. WEATHER FORECAST Cooler, with frost in mornings. FOOD REPORT Cooked Cereals very popular these cold mornings. - Wheatena, Kernels O'Wheat, H. O. Oats and Grown Pancake Flour in brisk demand Special run on Wellman Pure Maple. Syrup for Hot Cakes. Some are buying Comb Honey . THE PLACE IS Houston phelps ONE BUSINESS GROCERIES Main at Eighth Phone 421 f-1