Page Eight Coming With Circus Sept. 27 THE KLAMATH NEWS MEMORIAL GYM CONSTRUCTION . TO BE RUSHED ' DHulIcO Plan n. Specifications ! To ll llcfttlv In Three Weeks; Work to Hi art Within (Ml !) It It eipwrted that the bulletins work in open can continue until Christmas or Die first of January and If thoso conditions hold this- year the rorf w, )e on the building anesd of the storm and the Inside work rah In completed In January and February to that the tih school VH Itbiv, hKfvr hiding during ".U" ' ll the end or t: term rfl,, . Hurk rorri- JU ulatht l hunters (a0 B(,r J ""I. nr.-, cK: JJ ' K20-23 "There's a Burma girl a-walt-Ing. an' 1 know siie think of me." one is likely to quote from Rudyard Kipling when the Bur mese "rapid transit rolling Block" with the Al G. Barnes wild animal cirrus cornea to Klamath Falls Saturday. Sept. 27. This unit of the Al C. Barnes great wild animal circu repre sents a part of the 2000 educated jvld animals and 100 perfor mers and actors, including three tribes of Indians. Washoe. Ks condidoes and Apache, who will 'play an Important ' part in the sensational circus feature, "Pora- jhunta at the Court of Queen j Anne." the colossal fantastic es j travaganse that opens the big ; program. More thao 100 pretty girls 'from tin-kld California, many ! of whom have appeared In some of the latest motion-picture pro ; dilutions of this year, will also 'be Included In the cast of chorus 'and. ballet girl. j And last but not least, there will be the greatest movie-star of I them all Joe Martin. Mm self, i It's the chow that's different. Thai work on the Memorial (ymnasium tmild'ng will start within 60 days Is assured bv the Instruction given Architect II. It. I'errln to complete and submit the dta!led plans and specifics Hons wl'hln the nest three weeks. Immediately following the completion of theso plana bid will be called fur and a buildtoK contract entered Into which will secure an immediate start on the build ng work with the expecta tion of getl ng bho structure un der cover before the heavy win ter storms break. Under normal renditions here KLAMATH FALLS 1 Saturday, September Grandstand Chair Seats on Sale at Klamath " jiuiuui ivumpany. 37 EPIZOOTIC OF CALIFORNIA IS DECLARED OVER Only One Section of State Now Itelieved to Have Any Plague Infection A succession of recent events Indicates that the nation's live stock Industry has little further to fear from the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in California. Veterinary officials of the United Slates department of agriculture expressed this optimistic view of the situation. The only place where infection is still suspended is In the Stan islaus national forest in Tuolum me county. Calif. No new cases of infection have been discovered or reported since August 16. In that case only two cattle In a herd of 800 were affected and of ficials are hopeful that the prompt slaughter and deep bur ial of the entire herd destroyed the virus of foot and mouth dis ease before It could spread. Twelve large herds which were given a most thorough inspection on leaving the forest recently showed no symptoms of the dis ease. As au additional precau tion those herds and all others which are allowed to leave that area will be inspected frequently for several months. Morover, susceptible test animals will be kept with lliem long enough to make certain that no cattle carry ing the disease are in the herd. As a still further measure of safety, the forest service, acting on the recommendation of the bureau of animal Industry, will close the Stanislaus forest to all livestock during I92S. This will inconvenience a few neighboring rancbm,en. but the action is nec essary In the Interests of public safety and economy. The value of the graaing In the area u small compared with the cost Of suppressing another possible out break, i SKELETON MAY NEVER RECEIVE IDENTIFICATION MEDFORD. Sent. 19. (United Press) A problem In Identifica tion which never may be solved has been offered with the d's rovery of a skeleton in tqe woods south of the Umpqoa basin. Near the headquarters of Black creek a mountaineer. Joe Hutch 'nson, found the skeleton of a man nearly covered with pine needles. The skull was about forty feet distant from the rest of the bones. The shoe soles were marked with three row of tacks, the outer of iron and the Inner of brass. In the center of each sole had been the Initials M. D. W. outlined in brass tacks. On the ground beside the skele ton lay the barrel of a .30 caliber Martin rifle, the butt long rotted away, but the screws and metal bind ngs still lying in position. The depth of the pine needle covering the bones and the con d:tion of the skeleton Indicated that the man Rid died probably twenty-five years ago. Say, Folks, Listen! If you ncel nny (Jrrcn HIaIm bow Is the t'mc to jcet them while the wcatlirr Is Heal for drying thetu. Yours Truly Heilbronner 6?Rea lttotif 2'tO-K ! - "V. - ' . 7rr h 1 OPATPftT I DIM 4 RING WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS, t r v g .aai m m j k massivx poxnuMU, Of gVLNTS IN TMt UfC Of THt ONUT AMtAJCAJM PRINCtSS Over Two ThouMr.d Wild Animals WILD ANIMAL PERFORMERS wLL OTHER SHOWS COMBINED MEET THE GREATEST MOV STAR OF THEM ALL ,inF M&hTTINmimqpi vll Special Sale Starts TODAY Watch Our Window for Features GEO. L METZ The Jeweler 622 Main Street We have them to meet your needs Here Are a Few Specials J One 1921 Ford Touring. . . $175.00 One 1923 Ford Touring. $375.00 One 1923 Ford Roadster . $325.00 One Ford Delivery $125.00 One Ford Delivery . ... $150-00 One 1922 Ford Coupe $375.00 , Yours for Better Service otor Co. Balsiger M Authorized Ford Agent for Klamath County . Let George. Do It JbighUi ana Kiamam