(01 (puj HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath VI SCENE OF VISIT "Danger terness along Israeli-Jordanian ' l Nil fMW 'Srllf lri4t A3 ' I 4. vw w nun waits just outside No Man's Land to greet friends coming over from the Jordanian side. Both Arab and Jewish leaders have hailed Pope Paul Vl's plan to visit Jerusalem. UPI Telephoto Three Time-Worn Churches Mark Christianity's Significant Caves Pilgrimage with Pope Paul No. 4 EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the last of four dispatches de scribing the places and shrines Pope Paul VI will visit in the Holy Land on his tour Jan. 4-6. Today: The churches. By RAY J. MOLONEY JERUSALEM, Jordan (UPI) To an extraordinary degree, the ancient rock caves of the Holy 'Land play a central role in Christianity. Christ is believed lo have been born in a cave in Hie rocks at nearby Bethlehem. A tomb in the rocks here in Je rusalem is laid to have re ceived His crucified body. H is believed that it was in a cave on the Mount of Olives that He held his last meeting with the Apostles. Churches have been built on all three spots. The early Chris tians located them by tradition, even though Jerusalem was de stroyed by the Roman. Titus, in 70 A.D., and desecrated more than 60 years later by the Em peror Hadrian. Constantine the Great, a con vert and the first Christian em peror, found the three caves of the Nativity, the Entombment and the Ascension and built churches in their honor. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre here in Jerusalem is to be a focal point of Pope Paul's pilgrimage. Hadrian built a temple to Aphrodite over the spot but the remains of this pa gan shrine were removed by Macarius in 325 A.D., and a Jewish tomb was found. The rock was laboriously cut away, the tomb chamber isolat ed and the Anastasius, a circu lar building, constructed. The present church is a group of buildings dating from the Mid dle Ages and there is little trace of the work started by Constantine at the encouraging of his mother, St. Helena. The facade of the church is obscured by iron scaffolding erected in 1933 to prevent fur ther decay. The three faiths which share the church the Roman Catholic, the Greek Or thodox and the Armenian were unable to agree on a uni fied reconstruction program un til tin's year. Inside the massive double fronted wooden doors, Pope Paul will stand at the foot of what tradition says is Cal vary. To reach the summit, the pilgrim mounts a flight of stairs to the right of the entrance. From there a stone staircase, blackened by the smoke of mil lions of candles carried by the devout down through the ages, leads to the place of Crucifixion. Down ajiother flight of stairs and past the stone where Jo seph and Nieodcmus prepared the body for burial is the Holy First Church of A Brunch o Tht Molhtr Church c.:.aia in lottan. Moil. U mitt: Sunder f ric ' ' : Sundor School 11:00 t.m. Wcdntiday ttm TtHimenv Meftinj 8:00 O'Cleck Lcuon Sermon Subject,, January 5, 1964 "GOD" Golden Tai: RlHon 4:8. Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almiahtv, which wat, and h, and is to eomt. Nanar? iacililiat erailablt daring ckurch Mrvices. Falls, Oregon Friday, January 3, & i.v.- tera mm fit vf! No Man'i Land Keep Out" border in Jerusalem. Israeli Sepulchre itself. It is inside an octagonal church within a church and is so small that only three or four persons at one time may kneel to pray over the marble slab atop the tomb. The first church at the Shrine of the Nativity in Bethlehem also stems from Constantine. lie erected a basilica to which Justinian added in 530 A.D. Time has dealt harshly with the original walls and columns, hut the shape of the basilica and the Grotto of the Nativity beneath the altar are the same as they were in the original church. The present basilica measures 150 feet in length and is more than 100 feet wide. Divided by rows of rescoed columns into five parallel aisles running east and west, it is decorated with mosaics. The original manger In the rock was replaced by one of viivc a ciivec cta hna been GRANITE STORAGE VAULT The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints re cently unveiled a maze of caverns and tunnels in a rugged granite mountain area 20 miles south of Salt Lake City which wil be used for storage of church records. The project cost $1.5 million. Priest Spurs BLANCA FLOR. Bolivia (UPI i With the help and coun sel of the Rev. John A. Diet rich, a Maryknoll father, inhabi tants of this "green hell" jun gle area of Eastern Bolivia have organized a model Brazil nut and rubber cooperative. When Father Dietrich first ar rived in 1957, families roamed the jungles looking for nuts and collected them by hand. Now tliis toun of 600 has a Brazil nut plant, a rubber processing plant, and a plant for making oil from nuts. Recently a bulldozer was Christ, Scientist Tlit Fint Church ot Chtiir, 10th and Waihinfton 19G4 reflect! tension policemen stand nd bit- guard as sunk in the marble floor at the spot accepted by ClH-istians as the birthplace of Christ. A La tin inscription, lit by 15 silver lamps, reads "Hie dc Virginia Maria Jesus Christus natus est" Here of the Virgin Mary Je sus Christ was born. Constantine's Church of the Ascension was destroyed by the Persians but the Patriarch Mo destus rebuilt it from the foun dation. The Crusaders finished a new octagonal building in 1102 and it has been preserved in its essentials to this day. Lessons, Songs, SUMMER LAKE - A festival of lessons and carols was featured at pre-Christmas serv ices at Church of Our Saviour on Dee. 22. Participating in the readings were Casey Claggett, Marvin Marcus, Rosalie Claggett, Elaine and Janice Foster. Production bought by the cooperative and plans are underway to clear land for new crops chocolate, vanilla, coffee, rubber and ipe cac la pharmaceutical . FOOD FOR THOUGHT "A BRAND NEW YEAR" Today we itond on tht rhrtlhold of a brand nw ytar. This ytor will bo na diltercnr from all the part yean in our livai. Wa cannot set one step ahtod. We know abiolutely nothing of what Mai before m. For ell et ui it will be a new and unknown path. Will we live to tee another year? Will Jelus come in 19647 From salt aiperiencei we can eipect many unwelcome surpritet. Our hearts wauld be tilled with fear were it net for the wonderful promises of God. It if really wonderful to know thot God knows the way end hat made plant for ut. Because af this wa rest upon Hit promises. For strength and encouragement read Mart. 28:20; 1 Pet. S: 6. 7; Rom. 8: 22-39. Remember He knowt the woy. Follow Himt Let Him he your guide, end thit will indeed be a Happy New Y"' C. WAYNl LOW!, Eengtlii CHURCH OF CHRIST 220S Wantland Ave. Ph. TU 2-0374, 2-457 You Are Cordially Invited To Worship With Us PAGE S Missionary To Describe India Work A missionary's experiences in India will be related by Rev. Casey Nortun, the guest speak er at the Bible Baptist Church on Sunday, Jan. 5. The pub lic is invited to attend the 7 p.m. service. Multiplicity of languages is one diflicult problem faced by Reverend Norton and other mis sionaries in the country. People speaking six different languages may be in the audience when he preaches in Pandhurna. These six languages, spoken hy various groups in central India, are Marathi, Gondhi, Hin di, Urdu, Gujuarati, and Sindhi. Since the missionary knows only one of the languages, Mar athi, his presentation cannot be understood by others unless they know Marathi as a second lan guage. Although many Indians do speak more than one lan guage, he has found that there are always some w ith whom he is unable to communicate. Another problem which Nor ton encounters is the difficulty that Indians have in under standing the concepts of Chris tianity. Therefore, missionary work in India involves much patient teaching and explaining before even a few are willing to make the drastic change of becoming a Christian. Before beginning his assign ment in India with the Conserva tive Baptist Foreign Mission Society of Whcaton, 111., Rever end Norton was graduated from the Bercan Bible College in Calgary, Alberta. After a year of furlough, during which he and his family will make their home in Canada, he will return lo India to continue missionary work. Herald Holiday Charlotte Harris, Ardys Marcus and Ray Harlan of Lakeview. Mrs. James Foster and four daughters, Terry Ann, Janice, Elaine, and Elizabeth, sang "The Coventry Carol." Deacon ess Evelyn Seymour arranged the program. UPI Telephoto Ask About Daily "Business Cord" SPOT ADS TU 4-8111 Oregon Bishop Wrote Old Epiphany Service On Monday evening. Jan. 6, at 7:30, St. Paul's Episcopal Church will keep one of the old est ceremonies in the Christian Church. The Feast of the Epiph any, by its traditional presen tation of "A Feast of Lights." ' The dramatization staged at St. Paul's for more than 20 years was authored by the late William P. Remington, some time bishop of the Episcopal Church in Eastern Oregon, with his wife as co-author. In 1939, the Rmingtons, hav ing in mind the eagerness of many Christian bodies to find services and symbols to help teach the fundamental truths of Christianity, first presented this pageant in Pendleton. In his preidcc, the bishop said that the service, which basical ly was not new, was an attempt to gather together such ideas as w ere found and provide a "script" which might be easily understood and interpreted "to contribute to the better observ ance of Epiphany in all church es of whatever name." The service's purpose was threefold: "To honor the Lord Jesus Christ as The Light of the World; to show how that Light came gradually to men through the Old Testament lead ers, the lite and death of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and the missionary Paul: and to im press the missionary character of the church as it seeks to spread the Light and to share it with mankind." The Christmas greens in the church remain in place for the service, and the altar is arrayed with symbolic candles which are lighted individually at des ignated points in the presenta tion. At the beginning of the ceremony, the church is in total darkness. During the Twelfth Day of Christmas service. Rev. Robert Greene, rector, will be the "voice" telling the prophetic messages of the Old Testament and the fulfillment in Christ's birth as related in the New Tes tament. Before the concluding message and benediction, the choir, serv ers, and those representing the Crucifer and Paul will light the candles of the congregation lo symbolize the act of receiving the light and spreading it to all the world. The celebration will continue in the church social hall witli an old English custom, the cut ting of the red and white Epiph any cake. Hidden in the serv ings will be three items, a ring to symbolize tile binding of the world together in the love of God; a thimble to denote mis sionary efforts: and a dime to characterize the earning and giving of money. The three parishioners who find the items in their slices of cake will have special roles in next year's festival, carrying the English tradition a step far ther. Last year the ring wenl to I WITNESSED THE vt COUP IN VIETNAM Trapped in a Saigon hotel during the November uprising, correspondent Peer J. Oppenheimcr recorded the tragi comic side events of a day that made history. WHYI'M TEACHING MYSONS : TO PLAY HOCKEY Gord'e Howe, superstar of the Detroit Red Wing';, firi mfs hockey is a rough sport, but with the bruises, come vital lessons in growing up. Read Both of These Exclusive Reports in the JANUARY" BTH Weekend Issue of with your copy of the SUNDAY Beml&an&Seto Sue Nicholson, young daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George R. Nicholson, so she will serve as hostess for this year's fellowship as well as providing the cake. The thimble was found by Mrs. Glenn O. Lewis Jr., who was to use it to sew articles for the church, missions, or a charity. Dr. George D. Massey received the dime, and during the past year he was to put it to work to earn more money for the benefit uf mission work. Both will report on their prog ress at the Epiphany party. A festival of the Catholic, An glican, and Eastern churches, the Epiphany is observed in many different ways in the var ious churches, but in all it is held 12 days alter Christmas to commemorate the coming of the Magi as being the lirst manifes tation of Christ to the Gentiles. The observance of the Epiph any can be traced to an ear lier period in the Eastern Church than in the Western, and does not appear to have been observed in the Latin Church until the fourth century. In the Greek Church it was observed as early as the sec ond century, having been firmly established by the lime of Clem ent of Alexandria, who lived in the latter half of the second and the early part of the third cen turies; although even the earli est records reveal considerable speculation as to the exact ori gin of the Epiphany. The Greeks, however, did not commemorate the visit of the Magi to Bethlehem, but rather the manifestation of Jesus as the Messiah when he was bap tized by John in the Jordan Riv er. There was a tendency in the early days of the Epiphany to connect it with (he heathen spring festival, and more es pecially with the sacrifices and offerings made to the gods of running waters and the clouds. In their observance, some Christian communities even fol lowed the old pagan custom and blessed the water, rivers, and lakes. Other sections of the Christian Church have attempted to make the Epiphany a special day of Baptism, although the conse crating of the water survived the baptismal and is still ob served by several groups. In the Middle Ages and later it was the custom to stage sorts of miracle plays in the church es in order to visualize to the people the events commemorat ed on the occasion. These were frequently given during the mass and the dramatic repre sentation usually presented the oflcrings of the three wise men. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 1 1 A.M., Sunday, Jon. 5 by Dr. Joiiah Barrlett PINE GROVE MEETING HOUSE r ,x . tar -MtA'jft. n ' M ft gMaiLW' HOSPITAL FUND BOOST Winning second place and a $50 prize in the Christmas Parade, the Episcopal Young Churchmen of St. Paul's Episcopal Church voted to present the total amount to the children's wing of the Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital. Recipients of parade cash awards were to use the money for a charitable activity within the community. Pictured arj James F. Stilwell, hospital campaign general chairman, accepting the check from three EYC officers, Dennis Culver, president; Carolyn Ferrell, secretary-treasurer; and Paula Sabo, vice president; The EYC, composed of eighth grade through high school students, was in charge of the actual construction of St. Paul's float entry with adult supervision. UMC Head Takes Post On Jan. 1, former baseball star Jackie Robinson officially became the president of United Church Men, a central depart ment of the National Council of Churches. In this unpaid position, he heads the work of a nation wide organization which coor dinates the men's activities of an estimated 10 million Prot estant and Orthodox laymen. Robinson, a former baseball, football, and track star who is now the vice president ot a New York restaurant chain, was elected unanimously by the i organization's board of manag- i ers at a November meeting in Indianapolis, Ind. He will serve in the interdenominational post for three years. A member of the United Church of Christ, Robinson was awarded its 1963 churchmanship award. The denomination's gen eral synod cited his "Christian commitment of time, energy, and skill in the struggle for so cial justice." this month... every month Savings invesikd by January lOtli will earn prof its from the first of the year for a full year's return next December 31st. Money added by the 10th of every month will earn for the entire month for maximum profits all the time. Look ahead. . . Mm Chaplaincy Tlie General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel agrees there is no violation of church state sep aration under the U.S. system for military chaplains, says tho December issue of the Church and State monthly review. The commission based its con clusion on two "principles." One said the system is the only effective way "for providing the right of worship guaranteed hy the free exercise clause" in the Constitution. It also said, according to tho review, that "the present sys tem of military chaplaincy, un der the direction of ordained clergymen serving as chiefs of chaplains working in coopera- MOTOROLA Color - Black & White TV & Stereo CLOCK & TRANSISTOR RADIOS 23" TV tidm $189.95 19" TV from $148.88 EASY TERMS One Year Guarantee On All Tubee & Parti 23,000 Vallt Picture Power BOWDEN 803 Main fAcrost from Current Rale look to idea FIRST FEDERAL 540 MAIN STREET A-;v. Y c Approved tion with representatives of all religions, does not involve the state in religious exercises or in the favoring of religion. FRIENDLY HELPFULNESS To Every Creed and Purse WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite Ward and Sons 925 Hiih Ph. TU 2-4404 MUSIC CO. 10c Srorei) TU 2-4883 a I .'. !'. . -K . : I' .-. i v.1 ll HAND 1 !U"ASsVlU '47)'Jer Year