PACE J Montgomery Accepts Rocky Campaign Post PORTLAND (UPH-Tlie mi nority leader in the Oregon House of Representatives, F. F. i Monte I Montgomery of Eu gene, has been appointed field executive for tlie Rockefeller lor . president campaign in 33 Oregon counties. The announcement was made Thursday by Rockefeller's state chairman, William E. Walsh of Coos Bay. Montgomery will be responsible for organizing and operating campaign headquar ters throughout the state, ex cept in the Portland metropoli tan area. Montgomery did not attend the conference, but released a statement saying he was confi dent the New York governor wauU carry Hie stale in ils May 15 primary and "provide Republican Parly ils best n;)portuni(y for victory in No vember." Walsh said bolh he and Mont gomery will work without sal ary. WaMi, an attorney and radio station owner, said lie would re sign ns president of the Slide Roanl of Higher Education sometime, this month, before the Rockefeller campaign gets un der way here. Rockefeller will make his first campaign visit to Oregon Feb. B - 8, Walsh revealed. He is scheduled to tour the Willam ette Valley and Southern Ore gon and attend a Portland GATES OPEN 6:30 TONITE and SATURDAY! 1 VINCENT PRICE J M iii his most chiuing pmthvu or tvit flliai'v of a mailman TECHNICOIOR RHtMrttNuQiMtriuTisfi PUCR MUI&SA CU5MING STRIBLING J VMTIKUMItlHtllOH,! lllf.K JIB mimmm iiiilli:i:ii::lii:i!iiiiii!!iiiiiiii!iiii!!! 1!;,i" Gary Grant Audrey Hepburnij ploy a gam of danger and delight... jj ill! - iSWL - s.- f- !:::: James Cobum- .henrymancini .SIlNlOOONfN LadilUlifa SPECIAL KIDS MATINEE SATURDAY "Queen - Pirates" PLUS Cartoons & Comedy Children Under 12 25? Adult. 1.00 I IIKRAI.I) AND Board of Realtors luncheon Feb. 7 and a banquet of the Oregon Junior Chamber of Commerce in Salem Feb. 8. There has been a "terrific re sponse" from Republicans want ing to help the New York gov ernor in Oregon, Walsh said. Gov. Mark Hatfield and his staff arc expected to be friend ly to Rockefeller, but nothing more, according to Walsh. He said he does not expect the statehouse to offer any more aid to Rockefeller than it docs to any other Republican candi date. lie predicted Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater will be Rocke feller's main opponent in the Oregon primary and credited (lie conservative leader with being ahead at this stage of the campaign. Rockefeller's divorce and re marriage will turn out to bo minor issues in the campaign, Walsh forecast, and he refused comment on the fact that Mrs. Rockefeller is expecting a child in .Ituii'. "I'm a firm believer that the people of the country are so close to their own real prob lems that they want leadership. The fundamental things the country stands for will be de cisive, and the fact that a can didate has been married twice won't enter into it," he said. 1st Negro To Enroll At Auburn AUBURN, Ala. (UPD-Ala-bama state troopers moved into this college lown today on or ders of Gov. George C. Wallaco and began setting up a strict security program for Saturday's scheduled desegregation of Au burn University. Wallace, cx-officio chairman of the university's board of trustees, said he did not plan another "school house door stand" to block the integration. But Wallace, who made an unsuccessful attempt to bluck integration at the University of Alabama, added he planned "to resist this in every way." The Montgomery, U.S. Middle District Court Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr., was expected to rule today on Hie demund of Negro Hurold Alonzo Franklin, 31, that Auburn assign him a dormitory room. Franklin, who will become Hie first Negro to enter this land grant college when he registers Saturday, claims Hie school denied him housing because of his race. OPENS TONITE :45 Continuous Sat. It Sun. From 12:45 tJULBRUnriER, George chakiris Shirieu AnnE field 'Hincs of the surf COLOR by DELUXE PAHAVISIOM ai ih k SlANltY OONtN Piodutlion i ' Walter Matthau HrtltRSTONf. pmiiiinAlAn "r. .IttHNllULUne Continuous Sot. an4 ...?..?,,.,'.!""WA?..',i.i!i!ii!l!'!"i: Doom Opn 1 :00 SHOW AT 1:30 NEWS. Klamath Falls, Oregon it r-. U '; x : 9 I PLEASANT DREAMS High school student Randy Gard ner of San Diego shows signs of weariness as fellow student Bruce McAllister tests his reactions to a tuning fork. Gardner hasn't slept since 6 a.m. Saturday and hopes to break the present 260-hour record for staying awake. UPI Telephoto Sleepy Student Struggles For New 'Awake' Record SAN DIEGO, Calif. UPI) -Stay awake for 130 hours, and you lose your sense of humor and appetite, but you may be able to dream while awake. These are conclusions reached by Randy Gardner, 17, a Point Loma high school student, who Thursday reached the halfway mark in trying to break a world record for staying awake 2H0 hours. Two other students are work ing with Gardner and plan to submit a report on his reactions at certain times in his total awake period. The report will go to the Greater San Diego Science Fair later this year. Glenn Faces Long Waif For Marine Promotion WASHINGTON (UPI I - Un less the Marine Corps relaxes ils cuslom, astronaut John II. Glenn Jr., of New Concord, Ohio, may have to wail another three years for promotion to full colonel. But the Army - Navy - Air Force Journal, an independent publication for the armed serv ices, has triggered a movement tlKit may get him the promotion a little sooner. In the tradition of the service a Marine Isn't supposed to hanker after promotion too much because it's enough to be a Marine. No complaint has yet been heard from Glenn who is now a lieutenant colonel. The journal notes, however, that the Army, Navy and Air Force all have officers in the rank of colonel or its equival ent who arc junior to Glenn in both uge and length of service. If no exception is made, the journal said, "Glenn will have lo wait nt least three more years than contemporaries in other services for promotion." Glenn became eligible for colonel on a "below the line" basis early in l!;t. "Below the line" or "below the zone" in the services means that an offi cer can be promoted but is not actually in line for it. The Ma rine Corps rarely reaches below the line. There were some initial thoughts in 1963 that the Ma rines might do so in the case of tlie first American to orbit WKATItKR SWITCH LONDON ilPt'-A year ago today, Britain was suffering its worst winter storms in centur ies and cold and snow records were being broken across tlie nation. Temperatures today were in the SO's in most 'British towns. KUmath rnu OrtM PubtHhtd tfailr ' suiMtV Strvlnf Stulhtrn Ortton and Narthtra California by Klamath PwbHiMai Company Va n at f-Mlartdf MM TUstM 4 Cniartd at aacantf-ctata mattar at ft t offica al Klamath Fall. Craoan. an Auautl 1W. unfar act f Can gratl, March 3. S card claw pott- aa paid at Klamatn Fall, Oraiafd and at additional mailin incatr Carrlir I Manth I 1 .Ft 1 Mantua lll.M t Vtar m.M Mall In Advanc I ManiR 1 t.rj Montha Ill 1 Yaar tli.M Carrier and Daatara Waahday, Caoy. . lie Sunday, Caw - lie UNHID PRISS INTERNATIONAL AUDIT tURIAU OF CIRCULATION Swatcrikara nat ractwin. dalivary at ttiair Htratd and Ntwt, aiaaM a nana runada 44M1 tofara 7 p.m. Friday, Jaouary 3, 1964 2 t 'i." 1 .J 4 'ft- The mark was set by Tom Rounds in October, 1959, at ra dio station KPOI, Honolulu. Gardner will complete 260 hours at 2 a.m., next Wednesday, if he lasts. He started 6 a.m., last Sat urday, and it was a normal day of activity. On Sunday he was unable to eat a normal break fast. Now he's down to, two meals daily and likes only tan gerines. After five days without sleep Gardner said his eyes bothered him, and he stopped reading and watching television. His hearing become more sensitive. "A tuning fork sounds like Big Ben,", he said. the earth and much their most famous member, but they did not. Glenn will be 43 and will have 23 years of commissioned serv ice to his credit when the next selection board meets this year, but his chances in 19.14 appar ently arc not much better than Inst year. Another Possible PHILADELPHIA L'PI An other court order was sought today to prevent possible "widespread disorder and riot ing" if blackfaced comics and minstrels march in the delayed Mummers parade here Satur day. Mediators attempting to reach a solution to the touchy issue gained a last-minute re prieve Wednesday when the an nual New Year's Day parade was postponed because of snow and freezing rain. A hearing was scheduled be fore three Common Pleas Court judges today on a suit filed by former Stiite Supreme Court Justice Thomas D. IMc Bride seeking to ban blackfaced marchers and "those who would riot" if the traditional blackface makeup was used in the annual parade in Center City. The suit was filed before the Klamath's Baby Crop Numbered 952 In 1963 Klamath County contributed 952 new citizens in 19G3. That many babies were born al Klamath Valley Hospital dur ing the year, beginning with a 7-pound. 9'5-ounce boy born to Mr. and iMrs. Ronald Hodge at 4:49 a.m. Jan. 1 and end ing with an 8 - pound. 3j ounce girl born to Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Foltz al 11:33 p.m. Dec. .11. As usual, there were more buys than sirls born at Klam ath Valley during Ihe year. People Read SPOT ADS you are now. Allies Will Draft Strategy For Disarmament Meeting LONDON (UPf)-British and American disarmament leaders will meet in Washington next week to draft joint strategy for the forthcoming 17 nation con ference in Geneva, government sources said today. The talks, designed to bring allied proposals up to date, will be joined by Italian and Cana- Rusk Denies Cuba Claim WASHINGTON WPP-Secretary of State Dean Rusk says that Cuban Premier Fidel Cas tro was "emphatically wrong" when he declared that the late President Kennedy had been contemplating a change in U.S. policy toward Cuba. Rusk told a news conference Thursday that there could be no change in the United States' Cuba policy so long as the So viet military presence remained and Castro continued to meddle in the affairs of his neighbors. The secretary said he had found no evidence that Castro was willing to disavow the Rus sian penetration of the island nation or to promise to slop try ing to subvert other Latin American governments. Cuba was among the danger points listed by Rusk. . Others included Cyprus, where the Greek and Turkish communi ties are again at militant odds; Yemen, where the United Arab Republic and Saudi Arabia sup port different sides in the over throw of the royal government: Algeria and Morocco; India and Pakistan; Indonesia and Malay sia, and Somalia and its neigh bors, Ethiopia and Kenya. Sales Tax Proposed PORTLAND (UPI) - A con slitutional amendment to en able Oregon to establish a sales tax was proposed Thursday by Norman L. Easley, of Portland, chairman of tlie Income and Property Tax Relief Committee. The proposed amendment would authorize a sales tax of up to 4 per cent and provides that between BO and 75 per cent of the revenue would be used to reduce income and property taxes. The lax would exclude fond sold in grocery stores or mar kets and drugs. Tied to the sales tux plan is a restriction thai present in come tax rates cannot be In creased nor deductions or ex emptions altered unless such changes would result in a sav ing to the taxpayer. Court Order Sought To Block Mummers Parade Race Riots same court that rejected a re quest last Tuesday by the Na tional Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People (NAACPl lo ban blackface from the parade. The court held at that time that city officials "have been quite diligent in seeing that the Mummers parade is conducted in a manner that is in no way offensive to our city." Srck Injunction The suit filed before Judge Theodore L. Rcimcl late Thurs day sought injunctions against the use of blackface and dem onstrations by civil rights groups. Officials of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Committee for Freedom now said they would block the parade "with our bodies" if marchers use blackface. Louis Smith. COKE chairman and Stanley Branch, head of There were ,"iO:) males and 447 females. And the boys have a head start in 'M The first baby of tlie year was a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Alverson at 7:32 a.m. Wednesday. dian representatives. All four Western powers are participants in the Geneva conference. How ever France, another member of the North Atlantic Treaty Or ganization (NATO i, is boycot ting it. The Washington talks are ex pected to begin by Thursday. The British team will leave for the United States in the next few days. The Geneva conference will resume on Jan. 21. It promises to produce 'the first East - West confrontation at a conference table since the nuclear test ban treaty was signed in Moscow last fall. According to diplomatic sources here, the Western na tions are likely to give priority to the following three issues at Geneva: Proposals for a system of international observation posts to guard against surprise at tack, either by NATO or by members of the Communist Warsaw Pact. Measures to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. Possible East-West non aggression arrangements. The West has opposed Russian pro posals for a non-aggression pact unless they are accompanied by Soviet guarantees for allied ac cess routes to Berlin. Switch Engine Smacks Truck EUGENE (UPIl-Threc men were injured Thursday when a Southern Pacific switch engine crashed into the truck in which thev were riding. Tlie driver, Wayne Franklin, 35, was treated for minor injur ies at a hospital and released. In satisfactory condition at the hospital were Billy Pinnell, 41, and Wallace Kragenbrink, 43. All are employes of the Eu gene Water and Electric Board. The accident occurred at a crossing near the EWEB plant. Fisher-Taylor Divorce Near ' LAS VEGAS.' Nev. (UPH -Singer Eddie Fisher today awaited word his marriage to actress Elizabeth Taylor was of ficially ended. Fisher said Thursday iMiss Taylor's attorney has gene to Mexico lo complete arrange ments 'for a divorce. The ac tress, living in Puerto Vallarla, Mexico, with Richard Burton, was expected to marry the Welsh actor sometime after Jan. 16. It will be her fifth marriage. the Committee for Freedom Now, were . subpoenaed to ap pear at today's hearing alter meeting with police officials Thursday night. Police officials cancelled all leaves and planned to have 1. lli)0 patiolmen and plainclothes men available along the route of the parade which stalls in South Philadelphia and ends in Center City. McBride said Thursday he was asking for the injunctions "because of the possibility of widespread disorder and riot ing." He added that "I have been informed that pickets would come from as far away as New York City. McBride filed the suit after he and the Rev. Henry H. Nichols, co - chairmen of the mayor's advisory committee, sought a solution to tlie dispute Thursday in a series of meetings with representatives of various community organiza tions. Prayed For Delay Nichols, who is president of the Greater Philadelphia Coun cil of Churches, said they were unsuccessful in attempts to "get other amicable solutions." Get 'em out of the house! BIDING THE WHOLE FAMILY & ENJOY THE FINE FOOD at the ODESSA Wt'rt now e1ing at 8 p.m. for the winter teaien BREAKFASTS LUNCHES DINNERS Delicioui Fried Chicken, Sitiling Steoki. Ham 'n Iqqt ai You Like 'cm! HOME MADE PIE . SANDWICHES ODESSA COFFEE SHOP ROCKY POINT ROAD Closad Mondays Ph. IL 4-J250 Rocky Point Optn i to I P.M. For RtMrrotwni Pontiff VATICAN CITY (UPL-Pope Paul VI today devoted himself to prayer and preparations for his "journey of search and hope" to the Holy Land Satur day. The 66-ycar-old pontiff, who began his reign little more than six months ago, will be making history in many ways on his three-day pilgrimage to the places Christ lived, in what is now Jordan and Israel. He will be the first Pope to visit the Holy Land and the first to fly. He will be the first to leave Italy since 1812. But since the Pope announced plans for the visit last month, world attention has focused on another first the first meeting between a Pope and anjastern Orthodox patriarch in 526 years. Aim is Unity Pope Paul will confer twice with Patriarch Athenagoris 1 of Constantinople. Then aim is Christian unity, hut no une looks for a quick or easy end to the differences that have di vided the 500 million Roman Catholics and 157 million Ortho dox for centuries. Pope Paul's predecessor, Pope John XXIII, began this drive for Christian unity with the Ec- Suggestion Earns $50 For Dodge Thyrc Dodge, a recreation technician of the Klamath Rang er District, Winema National Forest, has received a $50 award for a beneficial suggestion which has improved work methods in the administration of the na tional forest. District Ranger Bud Twombly reported Friday. Dodge, 49, suggested that an information check list be put in use to provide faster and more consistent administration f o r people holding recreation resi dence permits throughout Re gion Six of the U.S. Forest Serv ice. The award was made avail able through protection and maintenance funds of the dis trict and was issued under auth orization of the Federal Civil Service Beneficial Suggestion Program, which authorizes cash awards from $15 to $2,500 in recognition of accepted benefi cial suggestions made by civil service employes. Dodge was born in Big Tim ber, Mont., and graduated from the Southern Oregon College of Education, after which he taught school in Ihe Ashland-Medford area from 1345 through IWiO. In the later year he went to work for the Winema Forest, where he is currently employed. He said earlier Thursday that he and his colleagues "prayed for snow on New Year's and we got it." He said the suit filed by Mc Bride on behalf of the repre sentatives of Catholic, Protest ant and Jewish groups was dif ferent from the NAACP's ac tion which sought to "enjoin the comics." "We are seeking to enjoin the comics and those who would riot," he added. The dispute in the annual pa rade, which traces its begin nings back to colonial times began when Magistrate Elias Meyers announced that black face would be banned from the event. He later rescinded his order after demonstrations in front of his home by some Mummers' groups but the city sa'd march ers with blackface makeup would not be eligible for the $ in prize money. INCOME TAXES The Greatest Hcadacht Of Tht Yeor Yir Income tax and beokkwpinv problcmi will disappear whin yog call and tea . . . CHAS. HATHAWAY TO 4 MM 110 No. tOtti Prepares umenical Council. In carrying it a step further. Pope Paul has had to seek neutral ground for his meeting with the Orthodox leader, who declined an invita tion to send delegates or attend the council. In so doing, the pontiff has abruptly cliangcd the tradition of tlie Pope as "prisoner of tlie Vatican." Until 45 years ago, no Pope even ventured out on an auto trip into Rome. The ex ception was Pius XII. forced to go to France by Napoleon in 1U04. The change brings with it un jj9 SYR,A MEDITERRANEAN SEA I tSBjMMl 1 .GAtllCJ -Moiio L5iiiiv &fym lllfJ J i 0 RJJD A N iOm J I JAN ' 1 AMMAN T.IA.uJ O rrr I , " & 'ft) Lj5J MSRAELSje POPE'S ITINERARY UPI newsmap shows expected journey of Pope Paul VI on his pilgrimage fo tho Holy Land. The Pontiff will arrive at Amman, Jordan, Saturday. Ha will cross from Jordan into Israel at Megiddo as he visits Holy Land sites in both countries.. UPI Telephoto Weather Temperatures during the 24 hours ending at 4 a.m. PST to day. High Low Pep. 15 On The Record MARRIAGE LICENSES George R. Turner, 20, and Margaret ta Dorrall, 24, both Klamath Falls. Vernon Cerney, 36. and Patricia Age, 32. both Klamath Falls. Joseoh E. Cor. 20, and Rose H. Wa ters. 21, both Klamath Falls. Alvin A. Portertield, 30, Alameda, Calif., and Leslie A. Courtney. 21, Oak land, Calif. Francis J. Patrick Jr., 23, and Nan cy O. Turner, 22, both Klamath Falls. Lvle G. Soeegle. 22. Sacramento, Calif., and Josephine A. Krok, 22. Klamath Falls. OIVORCE ACTIONS FILEO MAT SON Rita ys. Leonard. HIRSCHBOCK Carolyn vs. Robert G. FOSTER Cecile Marie ys. Robert NICKELSON Sachiko ys. Gerald w. CUNHA Gloria Dlna vs. George Joseph. PETITION FOR SUPPORT The Slate of Oregon ex rel Sue El len McClain vs. Elia Herbert McClain The Slate of Washington, County of Kinq. Lois Mae Wisecarver vs. Lester F. Wisecarver. COURT ACTIONS FILED Jim Olson, doing business as Jim Ol son Motors vs. Ruben Sanders and Dianne Sanders. Thomas C. Emery vs. State Indus trial Accident Commission ol Ihe Stale of Oregon. Johnnie Mayfleld vs. Slate Industrial Accident Commission of the State of Oregon. Astoria 51 38 Baker "! 7 Brookings 38 .H! Med ford 4 24 North Bend ."2 ;!.- Newport 51 Pendleton 47 :14 Portland 4!l 33 Redmond 43 111 Salem 51 33 The Dalles 50 :;i Chicago 43 39 New York 37 37 Phoenix 119 37 San Francisco Ii3 43 Seattle 45 42 FASHION CLEARANC NOW IN PROGRESS Fantastic Savings on Coats, Suits, Dresses, Sportswear, Children's Wear, Lingerie and Foundations. For Trip precedented security risks. Jor dan and Israel are teclulcu'ly still at war and there is a lm-j history of religious strife in the Holy Land among the Moslems, Jews and rive Christian sects. Jet fighters of the nation he is flying over will provide an escort for tlie Pope's Alilalia jet. and papal gendarmes, a bullet-proof car, and reinforced Jordanian and Israeli police will protect the Pope on the ground. Home has planned a great sendoff and an even warmer welcome for tlie pontiff on his return Monday. Roundup Washington 48 34 Bend, Baker and La Grande: Scattered showers or snow (lur ries tonight and Saturday; highs 40-43; low 20-30. Northern California: Mostly fair through Saturday. Five Day Weather Western Oregon: Recurring rains; highs in 40's and lows in 30's. Eastern Oregon: Near normal precipitation; highs in 30's, lows in 20's. Center Aisle SPECIALS 9 Coats Jackets Pants Dresses Q Capri Sets Others HURRY FOR BEST SELECTION! 4 veneer A 619 Main Exclusively for Children $4 J 25 OFF