Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 03, 1964, Page 1, Image 1

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    L'.n? v
Someone's Going
New Rule To Guarantee
Do not despair COINWORD
puzzle fans. There's sunshine on
Ihe horizon and maybe a pot of
gold at the end of the rainbow
or some competent contestant.
Several rule changes have
been made in tiie contest to
guarantee a winner by the end
of January. Players get the big
County Directors
Back S
County school directors Thurs
day night gave their blessing to
tlie county court's plan for re
organization of local schools, but
city school officials are report
ed to be studying several "dis
turbing" aspects of the plan.
The county school directors
met in a special session Thurs
day night to give final approval
to a resolution supporting the
plan which would reorganize the
county's schools into two dis
tricts. Directors had met luu weeks
ago in secret session to discuss
the plan. It was reported today
1 licit they had decided lo give
approval at that lime, but the
decision wasn't announced until
final reading of the resolution
Thursday night.
Three hearings are slated on
the plan next week in Merrill,
Klamath Falls and Chiloquin and
it is expected that several points
which some believe may be a
hindrance lo the plan's passage
will be brought out.
Directors of Klamath Union
High School and the city elc-
n The-
Bay's lews
As this is written, the 1IM3
session of the current congress
has come finally to adjourn
ment for what remains of the
holiday season.
Its final act before adjourn
ment of both houses was enact
ment of a three billion dollar
foreign aid bill some two bil
lion dollars .LESS than had been
originally asked for foreign aid.
At about the same time, Sec
retary of Defense -McNamara
announces that next year's de
fense department budget will be
about a BILLION' dollars less
Mian the $52 billion budgeted to
be spent during the year that is
just ending.
How will these reductions be
Well, it appears that the for
eign aid cut will be made pos
sible by the simple device of
SPENDING LESS for foreign
aid projects which is another
way of saying that foreign
countries will just have to get
along with less help rem Uncle
That's about I he long and Ihe
short of it.
What of Ihe defense depart
ment? The savings there. Secretary
McNamara says, will be made
with no reduction in the military
power of the United States. In
fact, lie says, the new budget
will enable the nation lo main
tain forces "superior lo those in
any other time in v.t peace
time history."
One residl o th reduced pro
gram, he savs. will be that the
number of CIVILIANS employed
by the department will be re
duced to 990.C00.
He added that he doesn't
know tlie exact present level of
civilian employment in Ihe war
department, but it is somewhere
in excess of a million and
hasn't dropped below a million
in 15 years.
Well, it rather looks like the
idea may have come through to
Washington that the people of
Ihe U.S.A. may be in a rebel
lious mood on Ihe subject of
H so, it could be danserous to
tlie party in power. Political his
tory tells that when something
arises that is dangerous lo the
party in power, something is
pretty sure to be d.me about H.
Interesting question
IF liic people ARK in an ec
nrnv.-al mood, ai lra-t n far
.is t.trs Mr roncr' T-d. VH
r.v.i. 1 think, is the answer
Tney are getting tired of hav
in; the government spend so
muih of their money or (hem.
They'd ratiier i-evti their
money themselves.
. That's a not illogical desire.
break in that a winner mutt be
declared by Jan. 31, 1964. ac
cording to an announcement by
the sponsors. Waggoner Drug
and Suburban Drug working in
cooperation w ith the Herald and
If. during the four-week pe
riod between today and Jan. 29.
ichool Plan
mcntary schools are reported
concerned over an opinion that
w hen the plan comes to election,
votes w ill be counted not only in
the two new districts, but sep
arately in the so-called "over
lap" area, giving that area a
veto power over the plan.
A source reported tiiat county
school directors and tlie county
court have been informed of
this opinion.
The court had said that in
tlie election votes would be
counted in each of the two new
districts, and the plan would
have lo pass in each of the dis
tricts to go into effect.
But the latest legal opinion
holds that voles will be counted
not only in the two now districts
but also in tlie area to be add
ed to tlie city elementary district
to form the new metropolitan
district. This area consists of
Stewart-Lennox and some terri
tory in the South Suburban area.
It is felt that these two areas
may not approve the plan, and
if the legal opinion holds true,
their disapproval would nullify
tlie plan, even though it might
pass in the rest of the county.
It is because this question of
i voting areas has not been set
j lied that the two city school
I boards have delayed meeting to
adopt a policy on the county
court plan. Further legal opin
ion has been sought.
The first public hearing will
be at Merrill High School' Mon
day night, starting at 8 o'clock.
The second will be Tuesday
night at Mills School in Klamath
Falls and the third at Chiloquin
High School Wednesday night.
These, too, will start at 8 p.m.
II is believed that the question
of voting areas will not be
brought up by city school of
ficials at Ihe hearings, but rath
er by some outside party.
It was noted that if the over
lap area disapproves the plan,
there may be another election
within 30 days to give this area
another chance to approve the
plan. But it was also brought
out that all elections must be
completed by April 30 if the
plan is to go into effect by July
I, and it is almost impossible
that two elections could be held
before April 30. This is the basis
(Continued on Page 4)
Goal SI48..Hl.no
Total to date 128,7:5.03
Percentage of goal..." 87fe
1 Vm i .
Km mm
j f ' r t
M x r - fc
Record High Despite Cuts
1965 Budget Will
White House officials report
ed with obvious satisfaction to
day that President Johnson's
budget for fiscal 1965 will total
about $100 billion an all-time
high but about $20 billion under
what departments and aaencies
had requested
Since Johnson Inok older la.-l
Nov 22. he ha' been preoccu
pied almo-l daily with convinc
ing department and acency
beads that they must wring
every non-essential dollar out
of their ipendir; plans (or
cat I9. '
The new budget will be about
$1.2 billion higner than the Ken
To Win $2,500 Coinword In
a contestant submits a per
fect entry, he will win the total
prize money, $2,500.
During the four-week period,
however, if no one successfully
completes their entry in the con
test, judges will split the $2,500
into three prizes as follows:
First $1,200 in cash.
Second SSOO in cash.
Third $500 in cash.
Prizes will be awarded on the
basis o the person submitting,
during the period; an entry with
tlie fewest number of errors. In
the event of ties, distribution of
the $2,500 prize money will be
determined by the judges.
Contestants are encouraged to
submit entries each week from
now through Jan. 20 thereby in
creasing Iheir chances of being
one of the top money-winners.
Entries must be completed
and brought, not later than 12
noon Wednesday of each week,
lo Waggoner Drug, 839 Main
S:reet or Suburban Drug in Ihe
Town & Country Shopping Cen
ter. Boxes where entries may
be submitted are located at each
of these two stores.
Entries also may be mailed
to the Coinword Editor, Herald
and News, P.O. Box Ml. Mail
entries must be postmarked not
laler than 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.
N'o one has been able, to
crack this tricky Coinword puz
zle in two years. A Bend wom
an. Mrs. Tony Alvey, came
within an eyelash of being $2,500
richer early in December when
she turned in an entry with only
one error. It was submitted in
stead of a .perfect entry which
.Mrs. Alvey had at home but did
not turn in.
So here's your chance Coin
word fans. Give it all you've got
for the next four weeks of the
contest. It's a dead cinch $2,300
is going lo be dropped into one
or more bilks' laps during the
course of January.
War Crisis
In Cyprus
NICOSIA, Cyprus 'UPH-Thc
immediate crisis on this island
cased today with an absence of
shooting and release of hos
tages. But Ihe hale and fear re
mained in the wake of two
weeks of fighting between
Greek and Turkish Cypriots in
which an estimated 200 persons
were killed.
Turkish Cypriote released 13
Greek Cyprio(s, including nine
wemen and a girl, who had
been held hostage since New
Year's Day.
In ano'.her encouraging sign,
barbed wire barricades were
pushed out of the way in the
center of Nicosia.
An additional 1.000 British
paratroopers started arriving
by plane from England to pre
serve the uneasy truce won by
Commonwealth Relations Secre
tary Duncan Sandys. Cyprus is
a member of the British Com
monwealth. And the British cabinet in
London decided at an emer
gency session to speed arrange
ments for a formal peace con
ference later this month.
Evidence Only
DENVER IUPD - D i s t.
Judge Edward J. Keating ac
cused Dist. Ally. Bert M.
Keating (no relation) Thurs
day of not spending enough
time in his office.
Keating, contacted at his
mountain cabin, denied Ihe
nedy administration budget of
$98.8 for the current fiscal
year. Tlie Kennedy 1964 budget
set a record. The previous high
was $98 3 for fiscal 19t5, Ihe
peak of World War II spending.
Units of Ihe government, par
ticularly the armed services,
traditionally ask the White
House and Bureau of Ihe Budg
et for more than they expect
to receive cither in the Presi
dent's final budjet or from
Last fall when Die first round
of requests came into tlie Budg
et Bureau, departments asked
for about $120 billion. Even be
fore Ihe assassination n Presi-
i Klamath Ftlli, Tultlakt and Lakt-
! viaw: Variable eloudintta with a few
! snow tlurnts tonight and Saturday. Not
j 10 cold tonight, tows IS te N. High
Saturday 40 to 4S.
High yetlcrday 40
Low An morning 11
High yaar ago 43
Low year ago 31
Precip. pail 34 hour- .00
Sinct Jan. 1 .00
Same period lail year .01
1 f. S '"s1LjU v'a '.- I $ jrj
iV V V rt fyT i - I f
tlV. : w' ;i hi
: i - A J72,y ' f y St X'S
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rnmi in i a iiMnm.J
A RELIC This wall shelf, which bears Ihe names of ths 1909 graduating class of
the Klamath County High School, will be displayed at the Jan. 8 mooting of the Klam
ath County Historical Society in the lecture room of the county library. Program
speaker; will be' A.' C- Yaden,' left, member of the class of IS09. The wall shelf once
held a bust of Shakespeare. It was found by Albert Angel, right, custodian at Klamath
Union High Schdol, and will be given to the county museum or to the Historical So
ciety. Paul Robertson, center, is the Historical Society president, and Angel is immed
iate past president.
1909 Class Gift Stirs
The "olden, .golden school
days'' are to be recalled by
A. C. Yaden. Klamath County
pioneer and Klamath County
High School graduate at the
Jan. 8 meeting of the -Klamath
County Historical Society. The
meeting will convene at 8 p.m.
in Ihe county library lecture
room. A special invitation is ex
tended lo all one-time students
who attended the old Klamath
County High School.
A. C. Yaden graduated from
that school in 1909 and memo
ries flooded the newsroom of
the Herald and News Thursday
when he came to have" a picture
taken with a relic that was left
as a graduating class gift on
that early spring day when three
girls and five boys received the
evidence that they had earned
the right "to cast off and
"spread their wings.1
On a brass plate on a wall
shelf are engraved the names of
Mary Laura Boyd, class secre
tary: Alta Griffith, Will Clay
Hum. Erwin Monroe Holfe.
treasurer: Elsie Etnor Stout,
Garret Van Itiper, Joseph Vin
cent Yaden. president, and An
drew Carlisle Yaden.
The wall shelf, probably made
of plaster of paris with heavy
metal brackets, graced tlie walls
of the English classroom in the
old school on Fifth Street, later
was moved lo 'Klamath Un
inn High School. It was recently
uncovered by Albert Angel, cus
Indian, and past president of the
Historical Society. ,who rubbed
Total $100 Billion
dent Kennedy, the While House
and the Budget Bureau were
involved in cutting.
When Johnson took office, he
quickly ordered department and
agency heads to review their
fiscal needs again. About $9 bil
lion was cut out of requests
from the armed services. John
son almost overnight cot (he
cabinet dcparlinonts I" trim
another $7.11 million.
Then ltcfense Secretary Rob
ert S. McNamara reported he
had been able to pull his total
budget down about $1 billion
under the current fiscal year.
Defense now asks about $jl bil-
I lion.
Herald atibito
Price Ten Cents 12 Pages
the brass marker to its original
All boys in Ihe class were on
Ihe basketball team that year.
Bill (Hum played center; A. C.
Yaden and Erwin Rolfe were
forwards; Garret Van Riper and
Vincent Yaden did the guarding
and lesser class students, juni
ors, probably, Charley DeLap
and a boy named Boggs Hirst
name not readily remembered I,
That year Ihe basketball team
won the .Mong Cup. Along was
a showman who put on shows
S32 Million In Wheat Sold,
Believed Bound To Russia
Agriculture Department said to
day it has sold $32 million
worth of government wheat to
a private trader.
The announcement did not
say so but it was understood
the wheat was bound for the
Soviet bloc.
A department spokesman
said the wheat, classified as
No. 2 hard amber durum, was
sold for $2.50 per bushel I FOB
East Coast. The sale involved
12.9 million bushels.
The department would not
identify at Ibis lime Ihe private
trader involved.
Sources in Kansas City, Mo.,
said Thursday night, however,
To an extent yet to be deter
mined publicly, the Johnson
1965 budget will represent a cut
under the spending total for
this fiscal year which ends next
June 30.
Built-in Cost
If Johnson had held next
year' spending to the current
$98 8 billion. Ihe so-called built
in costs interest and carry
ing charges on the public debt,
escalating pay scales and bene
f its to veterans amount to
between $2.5 and $3 billion.
Following this arithmetic, John
ton would have ended up with
a 1905 budget of about $103 bil
lion. ..
at the Houston Opera House. He
offered a cup to winners of tlie
high school-town learn competi
tion. The county high school
lads won the Along trophy wilh
three out of five wins.
The 1909 class motlo was
"Factis For," iTo Build by
Aclsi. The eight men and wom
en who graduated under John
G. Swan, county superintendent
and secretary of the Klamalh
County High School Board in
1909, have left their mark on the
Klamalh country. But that Is
another pac in history.
that Ihe Continental Grain
Corp. had made a wheat sale
to Ihe Soviet Union for about
$30 million.
An export subsidy bid of 72
cents per bushel for half the
wheat to be shipped during Jan
uary and February and 73
cents for half lo lie shipped in
March and April was submit
ted, the Agriculture Depart
ment said.
The total export subsidy will
amount to $9.3 million, the ag
riculture spokesman said. He
added that all durum wheat
sold (or export is handled on an
export subsidy bid basis. There
is no set export subsidy for this
type of wheat.
The private trader paid lor
the wheat in payment-in-kiiid
certificates. He had shipped
wheat abroad previously and
received the certificates as his
export subsidy. In purchasing
the durum for Ihe Soviet bloc,
he merely turned in the payment-in-kind
The spokesman said the
amount of wheal sold would
have cost the government $1.8
million annually for storage.
Jean Saubert
'L'PI' lean Saubert of Lake
view. Ore., loday won Ihe spe
cial slalom of the Third Interna
tional Women's cup, edging
France's Marielle Goitschel and
lnday Meyers of Bishop, Calif.,
in a major pre-Olympics race.
Miss Saubert clocked 90 31
second lo heal Miss Gnilschel.
January, Enter
Conservative Leader
Officially Enters Race
Barry Goldwater announced to
day he will run for the Republi
can presidential nomination be
cause he feels that no other an
nounced GOP candidate offers
the American people "a clear
choice" against principles of the
Democratic party.
Firing a blast at "mc-looism"
among candidates of opposing
parties, Goldwater said:
"This will not be an engage
ment of personalities. It will be
an engagement of principles. I
have, always stood for govern
ment that is limited and bal
anced against ever - increasing
authority at Washington. I have
always stood for individual re
sponsibility and against regi
mentation." The Arizona Republican,
standing outside his home with
his right foot in a cast because
of recent surgery to remove a
calcium deposit, also announced
he will ile lor re-election to the
"I have previously an
nounced," he said, "that 1 will
ile for re-election to Ihe Sen
ate. I find no incompatibility in
the two candidacies."
This means that it Goldwater
does not receive the, Republican
presidential nomination he
would run for his third term in
the Senate.
Preview 01 Cnmulin
Goldwater gave a preview o
the kind of presidential cam
paign he expects to run when
lie expounded on the diercnces
between the Republican and the
Democratic parties.
He said:
"One of the great attributes
of our American two-party sys
tem has always been the re
flected differences in principles.
As a general rule one party has
emphasized individual liberty
and the other (Democratic) has
favored the extension of gov
ernment power.
"I am convinced that loday
a majority in Ihe Republican
party believes in the essential
emphasis on individual liberty. I
have been spelling oul my posi
tion now or 10 years in the Sen
ate and for years before I hat
here in my own slate.
"1 will spell it out even furth
er in the months lo come.
"I once was asked what kind
of a Republican 1 was. I replied
thai 1 was not a 'me-too' He
publican." This was taken as a direct
slap at Republican candidates
who would merely promise more
than Democratic candidates
without stressing any distinction
in political philosophy.
Goldwater made it clear he
would run "ot principles" and
he said he was convinced that
"millions of Americans" share
his belief in those principles
which, lean to the side called
Goldwater. indicating h i s
plans have been set for some
time, said he would begin his
campaign for the GOP nomina
tion at a fund-raising dinner
Monday in Grand Rapids, Mich.
He said also he would probab
ly campaign in New Hampshire
and enter the primary in that
state. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller
of New York, the only other an
nounced GOP candidate, has
said he will enler the New
Hampshire primary March 10
and this would mean an early
showdown between the pair.
Goldwater ruled oul any com
promise with liberal elements of
Ihe Republican parly and said
he would not accept the nom
ination for vice president. He
said he would rather continue
Wins Title
France's downhill and slalom
world champion who turned in
91.31 seconds. Miss Meyers fin
ished in 92.29 seconds.
All limes announced were un
official and could be corrected
Both slalom runs were held
on a 300 meter course with a
vertical drop o: l."0 meters.
Telephone TV 4-8111 No. 7(170
rn n
in the Senate than become vice
Even before the Arizona Rc-
(Continued on Page 4)
SOS Call Spurs
Search For Nine
by three strong SOS signals and
a light in the ocean, an air and
sea rescue fleet fanned across
a wide area of tlie Pacific to
day in search of nine men who
went down aboard their C124
The SOS signals were clear
ly heard Thursday night by a
military pilot flying (lie same
2.100 - mUe Wake Island - to
Hawaii route as tlie ill-fated
cargo plane, which was carry
ing eight crewmen, a military
passenger and a dead body
when it went down earlier in
tlie day.
The light was reported later
Estep Files
For Office
SALEM (UPD-Merlin Estep,
41, today filed as a Republican
candidate for attorney general
Ihe -first candidate to formally
file for statewide office this
year. . '
Incumbent Ally. Gen. Robert
Y. Thornton is expected to an
nounce soon he will seek re
election to a fourth four-year
Estep established his law
practice in Salem in 1950, and
is recognized as an export in
criminal appeals law.
For the first 28 months he has
been counsel for the State Re
publican Central Committee.
In 1900 he was defeated by
Carl Francis in the Republican
primary, and Francis was sub
sequently defeated by Thorn
ton, a Democrat,
Shooting Hours
January 4
50 p.m.
':05 a.m.
January 4
4:18 p.m.
7:114 a.m.
' ' Jtl '. ar
Vrv j -'
Wlirl'i .! Sff
BALMY NEW YEAR The unseasonable season being
enjoyed by the Klamath Basin is reflected in this view of
a water skier, the first of the new year, trying the waters
of Upper Klamath Lake at 10:30 a.m. New Year's Day.
Skier is Andrea Mosley, 1844 Leroy. Lee Straus wai
handling tile boat Inot shown I from the Pelican Marina.
The incident added further proof to the local claim to
more 4 of sunshine than almost any other point in
Oregon. , . .
Won ill or
Mild wfnttr wtathf r to ctntlnut
ihrtHiiih nml wttk. Prtcipitation will
tot light and Occurring as snow flurries
loniqht and Saturday and again tarly
nixl wtttt.
Seeks Nomination
Thursday night by a search
pilot, who said it flashed in the
ocean near where the giant
Globemaster was believed to
have ditched.
An Air Force spokesman said
tlie pilot was unable to tell
whether the light came from a
flashlight or from some fluores
cent object in the sea.
The unidentified pilot was
about 1,000 miles west of Hick
man Air Force Base here when
he reported the signals over
the frequency of the so-called
"Gibson Girl" radios, which
are standard equipment in sur
I vival packages on all Air Force
20-man lite raits.
More than a dozen planes
spent the night looking for a
sign of either the plane or its
crew despite light rains and low
Navy ship and the Coast
Guard also helped out fn the
Tho missing four-engine plane
normally carried eight men of
tlie 28tli Air Transport Squad
ron at Hill Air Force Base, Og
den, Utah, It made a refueling
stop at Wake Island Wednesday
and then took off with its crew,
11 tons of cargo taken on at
Tachikawa Air Force Base
near Japan, and a passenger
identified as Machinist Mate 1st
Class Francis E. Elliott of Chu
la Vista, Calif.
Those aboard (he missing
plane were identified as fol
lows: 1. Capt. Thomas A. Cunning
ham, 34, aircraft commander,
lives wilh wife and two chil
dren at Sunset, Utah.
2. 1st Lt. John H. Hykes, 25,
pilot, lives at Sunset, Utah,
with wife and two children.
3. 1st Lt. David Holt, 24, pilot,
lives with wife and one child at
Hill Air Force Base.
4. 1st Lt. Gordon C. Crandall.
27, navigator, wile lives at
Bountiful, Utah.
5. Capt. John T. Kastigar Jr.,
31, navigator, lives at Hill AFB
with wifo and three children.
6. M.Sgt. Michael O'Malley,
39, lives with wifo and 14 chil
dren at Clearfield, Utah.
7. T.Sgt. Marvin E. Luce. 27.
flight engineer, lives with wife
and two children at Hill AFB.
8. T.Sgt. Francis X. Hiltz, 38,
flight engineer, lives wilh wife
at Hill AFB.
9. Francis E. Elliott of Chula
Vista, Calif. His wife, Florence,
lives at the same address, and
lu's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Med
ford F. Elliott, reside in Del
mar. Del.
i a.
s? 1