Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 02, 1964, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tlilm., Jib. f. MM Pi 1-B
Herald k Stmt KUmilh Tillt
Use Nutmeg
In Many Ways
'"Of all the faculties of the hu
man mind, memory is the one
that is most easily led by the
nose." Or, Henry Van Dyke
might just as well have said,
"Mix the spicy scent of nutmeg,
cinnamon and cloves with pine
needles, candle wax and roast
goose and most of us will, at
once, relive in memory the
Christmases of our youth."
Nutmeg is a lovely spice for
sweet, buttery, creamy dishes.
The holiday eggnog and the tra
ditional wassail bowl, the Tom
and Jerry or baked apple toddy
all need a grating of nutmeg for
authentic flavor. Good cooks
add a sly bit of nutmeg to sweet
yellow vegetables such as corn,
squash, sweet potatoes, as well
as spinach and other lealy
greens. A quarter teaspoonful is
about right for six portions of
vegetable. And, of course, there
are all kinds of delightful nutmeg-scented
dishes such as
these recipes from the test
kitchens of the American Spice
Trade Association.
Nutmeg is the seed of a
peach-like fruit or a umillith
evergreen tree. It grew from
time out of mind, in the Moluc
ca Islands of the East Indies
inlands scattered around south
of the Philippines and north of
Australia. In the same fruit
with nutmeg grows mace which
resembles nutmeg somew hat but
is of more intense flavor. When
the husk and pulp of the fruit
have been pulled away we see
a network of red colored mate
rial clinging to a round seed.
This network is the mace. Re
move and set aside this lacy
red spice and we come to a
parchment-like covering which
has no value as a spice. Inside
this is the nutmeg.
In 1962 this country imported
more than 4.5 million pounds of
nutmegs, most of them from In
donesia. Ten years ago we were
receiving more than 2 million
pounds of nutmegs from Grena
da and the Leeward Islands of
the Caribbean and just under
2 million pounds from Indone
sia. However, an unusually de
structive hurricane, Janet,
ruined some 70 per cent of the
Grenada trees in 1955. Since
then, good soil and tropical cli
mate have gradually brought
the area back, but it has not
yet reached its former status in
the world market.
4 teaspoon oda
ni teaspoon ground nutmeg
4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pure vanilla ex
tract 4 teaspoon pure lemon ex
tract l2 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
l'i cups sifted cake flour
l'i teaspoons double-acting
baking powder
2-3 cup crushed pineapple
Spicy Marshmallow Frost
ing Combine the first 6 Ingredi
ents. Mix well. Gradually blend
in sugar, mixing well. Beat in
eggs, one at a time. Sift flour
with baking powder and add al
ternately with pineapple. Beat
batter 'i minute. Turn into 2
well-greased, lightly floured,
round, 8-inch cake pans. Bake
in a preheated moderate oven
1375 degrees) 25 minutes or un
til toothpick inserted in the cen
ter comes out clean. Cool in
pans 10 minutes. Turn out onto
wire racks to finish cooling. Put
layers together w itli Spicy
Marshmallow Frosting. Spread
remaining frosting over top and
Yield: 8-inch, 2-laycr cake.
2 large egg whiles
t'2 cups sugar ;
2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon light corn syrup
4 cup pineapple juice
l'.-a teaspoons pure vanilla ex
tract H cup miniature marshmal
lows Combine the first S Ingredi
ents in the top of a double boil
er. Place over rapidly boiling
water. Beat with a rotary or
an electric beater at full speed
7 minutes or until frosting stands
in stiff peaks. Remove from
heat and add pure vanilla ex
tract and marshmallows. Beat
until marshmallows have melt
ed. Yield: Enough frosting for top
and sides of two 8-inch layers.
Fer 6 portions of cooked vege
tables, add 4 teaspoon ground
nutmeg to 2 tablespoons melted
hotter or marzanne Serve over
.rap beans, broccoli. Brusself
(Continued on Page S-Bt
Featuring the stars of Walt Pi
- " . .. . '.'-f: . ' : . -L". " '": :
Trprg1 i-'-''fii EXCLUSIVE AT I
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:;, , i , .ii., I .Mv l' : t"' mutt 0lu(JTI KCMmil iV-. '' :.r .' iv im j pmwiM ; nmu ...humph hiiwh umi Limi-
w 1 wr.
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at tti SaWotion Army
0-n OiIIt ! Till I r
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s purchoM ii required to participate. Cordt may b ob
tained af tithtr and of the) checkitand or on request from
itny employe (other than the meat dept.)
. : j j v
X . i i wi win ii .1 .ii) ii i ji ii ii 1 1,1 i 1 1 I in i. w.'iw my wiL.Tfr"..i mni nil i n i i mih n iJ"' 1 ii.,i"fSJr'. " Iyr' -T . '
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Ttr'ont who mike purchases do not rocaivp any odvon
inej or better chonco of winning than visitors who do not
Tnoke purchases.
Only on cord per person par store visit. Only adultt ovef
J)8 years of ago may participate by receiving Sword Ifj
Fha Stono cards. Altered or mutilated cards ro InvolioV
m ploy ecs and their families ineligible.