Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 29, 1963, Page 34, Image 34

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    Junior TREASURE Chest
mav need world-
famous Dc Witt's Pills with their
positive analgesic action for fast
relief of svmniomatic pains in
pack, joints ana muscics, Mtiaiy aiu
retic Dc Witt's Pills also help flush out
Silly Billy By Clarence Biers
trouble-making acid wastes, increase
kidney activity, ana reauce minor oiau
der irritations. Thousands depend on
UeWitt s Kills lor more restiui nights
and active lives with freedom from pain.
Is mav need world-
New Year's
(A Looking-Glass Rhyme)
,IDGI -1B9' fiirlJ nl
ni:o I Jasd srii ob ll'I
,9(1 no I hs boos 8 9d oT
Intilq I ,H89l la ,oa iO
Let's Draw
Baby New Year
By Ann Davidow
See how many things you can find wrong in this picture.
What three days does December have that no other
month has?
Answers: usaX am jo jfsp sb 3u 'g
! jb3jC am jo Xp sajous am 'Z : sbuiisuu,;) -i
3 4 5 J
The f J J
Hour r
Glass VI I I
By Rose Mae x.
to j I. v
Fl 1 1 it
1. Old Time
6. The acorn is the of the oak tree.
7. A nickname for "mother" spelled backwards
8. The .opposite of yes
10. We ring in the New Year with a .
12. The first day of January is the beginning of a new
year; midnight is the beginning of a .
2. 12 months are the same one year.
3. A hot, steaming drink served with lemon or cream
and sugar
4. The lower edge of a dress
5. A nickname for Edward
8. Happy Year!
9. Off with the and on with the new!
10. Jack nimble
11. The 6th note of the musical scale
Answers: tl iaq '01
lpfO6 !M3N "8 !pg "9 iuiaq iraj I SB z :umo(j Xsp
Aau-ji !iaq -qx !ou -8 :uib- !paas -9 Jaamsj "j :bsojov
Just when '63
is through
And just as '64
is due,
Horns will toot and bells
will chime
To announce the babe
of Father Time!
As with the year he
grows along,
Let's hope he's always
glad and strong!
No more long, disappointing waits
for big fish to get hungry. The unique
design of the SPOON-BUG gives it
lively, life-like "panic" action that
makes fish fighting, biting mad. Even
lunker fish eat very little; it's amaz
ing how many smaller fish (like the
SPOON-BUG!) they attack in anger.
That's why the SPOON-BUG is 100
guaranteed . . . not just that it is ex
pertly made of finest Stainless Steel,
with easily replaceable hook and ex
pensive Marabou feathers; not just
that it's an outstanding comparative
CATCH FISH wherever there are
fish swimming. Step up the enticing
action of the SPOON-BUG by hook
ing on a wiggling strip of pork rind,
with or without leaving the Mara
bou feathers. Because it is so per
fectly weedless. you can troll or cast
your SPOON-BUG into the heaviest
under-growth, even fish the man
made lakes where the trees were left
standing. It casts like a bullet, has
the weight and streamlined shape to
give extra distance, extra accuracy.
18SB-18 oz., 76 each. 16SB-16
ox., 85. (SPECIAL-13SB-13 oz.
S1.16; or 3SB (all three) only $2.50.)
Family Weekly. December 29. 1963
CamcrMI Products Co.
Mr Monholl load
NorHiktook, llllitoll
or Monoy Ordor. Stnd potfpold Hio
IMu ckocUd bolow.
Ot. SpfrOn-Bufll
18S 7i
V4 ot. Spoon.Bvgi
1 6SS 85
SrEOAl 13SI,
V, oi. tl.ll
AH 3 Spoofi-ftuai
for $2.10
Page! 4, 5, 6: Wido World.
Pogoi S, 9i U. S. Navy.
In knowledge there is truth
and power. But to have
knowledge you must have
Today, many of our colleges
and universities are already
crowded. And in just ten
years, college applications
are expected to double.
If America is to continue as
the vanguard for freedom,
our colleges and universities
must continue to grow.
You can help. But you must
help now I Give generously!
Help the college of your
choice expand its facilities
and pay adequate salaries to
its instructors!
Theleadersof tomorrow must
be educated today.
Enjoy quick relief and
prdily remove aching
conM with thin, cuahion
inx Jr. BchnU's .irw
pod. Cont but trifle.
Your Old Fur Coat Into Hew
PDFFI STYLE BOOK: More than 35 1
" new styles to choose from!
cprc We send you addressed ship-
I.R.F0X Low Price Includes RemodelmCei
Cfeaimtg, Glazing, Repairing, Interlining,
Ntw Lwiag and Your Monogram
. R. FOX. NW York'l aiaataat lur ttnaAmWna nHnllat rMtvl vmir nA wnm :
tur coat Into a glamoroua nw cap, rtol or fackal. Dottma of atrloa at S24.SS '
("mink, bavr, xtiam add'l ). Thousand of daliqhtod customara. Our aanric :
: boa bn hailad by Voaua, Harpar'a Baaaar, Glamour, Houm Boautilul, Hous '
: 6 OaidRl. Writ lor FREE STYLE BOOK.
iltllUA D. IMS W Ar UM Fur IpMUtl
MUUMMUMW4UU4t46 West 29th Street New Yerk 1, N.Y.umumuuimUMU
? I