M tdMHMB A A . ., . ..... I A' J wsv II -T n, '- m nnnrmr-ri inn.miiiiiin.iiMi iiiimiiT-r nmi I Lhm A;'! VpT JA$t:(: A 4i iTT Wriva taili.R i-r:7rzZl wn .mm:;J 1 p i" i AN OUTPOURING OF COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS SPIRIT It was the folks in ih. Klamath country who made possibla the success of the "Share Your Christmas" party at the Klamath Nursing Home on the afternoon of Dec. 20. Hundreds of gifts poured into the Herald and News for the nearly 60 men and women. They were piled high under the gayly decorated tree and passed to the owners by Santa, far right, who looked suspiciously like Mrs. Madelyn Brown, nursing home superintendent, and her aides. Ann Frie, a nurse's aide in the women's cottage, in Christmas-red dress was one of the helpers. At left is group of vocalists from the Golden Age Club. They sang many old songs familiar to the honored guests. Left to right, they are, Dave Sargent, Phillip Prawitz, partially hidden, Opal Ferguson, Mae Moss, partially hidden, Edith Mitchell, Josie Prawiti, H. B. Lewis, rear, and Lorena Ward, Golden Age Club presi. dent, who recruited the musicians. Nursing home guests and visitors sat around big recreation room and awaited arrival of Santa and program numbers. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served at the end of the party period. The party is spon sored each year by the Herald and News. ksidents Enjoy HHeappf Yule Patty I waning Mme M " ' Hr'' "1 - -:.-. ATTfc H!tt vV iftTT' . i l&LV : . I I i- -J I, m,,,, n , t, mi ffl iJ&tf Ea SSf,S":- TSiUAj A S 1 o mM tti m-n-'i lftMt& nir u, iti m , JUWT V ..,;, BEAU BRUMMELS These dandies all "had eyes" for one pretty girl in clever num bers by the boys' ensemble from Altamont Junior High School at the nursing hom party. Loretta Rash directed. Pretty girl at right, front row, "unmasked" at end, proved to be Marvin Hickman in heels and nylon hose. Others of ensemble included Bob Dalby, Roger Kellow, Cecil Davis, Scott Smelcer, Brad Adroon, Jerry Michael son, Randy Shaw and Duane Robinson. OLD-TIMERS Ole Johnson, right, is far away from his native Norway where he was born July 10, 1883. He has lived at fie home since 1939. With him is Vern Hewitt, who came from Wisconsin, land of some of the finest dairy herds in tha United States. He is two years younger than Ole Johnson. The two men received presents and carried them back to their rooms without opening them. THEY FARMED Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ohlemeyer lived and farmed in Illinois many years ago. Mrs. Ohlemeyer came to visit her husband on the day of the community Christmas party. He was born in Illinois, Feb. 26, 1883. They continued to farm in Klamath County in south suburban area. He is now unable to watch television or to read so walks and visits for recreation. Men wore red carnations and women wore Christmas corsages for the party. . -.r.A.;7 - b X . ( - M ' v - t I'Xfi - M a1! " 1 :' ' t- llf -;a; 3 Ci'-' f J , ; K i V 1 .Cfi1: I I i H :i1AiS rs. H : - astotf-'-.- i N: ' ' y v-:.:AAA-. -'0. ' ' ' " , mnv .r. wt nianist with Golden Aoe Club members. Mrs. SWt and her late hui- "S, ""'i 1 ITi'im' ' '. k2L ERJENBS WWBMBERE8 Jee Huje, left, is 89 years old. He was born in tV. worked for many years in f (sU-WWin e.untry. Dan Doud, right, is Irish, k.M Aug. 10. 1886, on the EmeV H W for smoking tobacco and got it. Only few of the men do not smV tfjjwb for tobacco, cigarettes, Skoal, were gen trously filled. q THE OLD TUNES Mrs. Fawn Stuart, former businesswoman in Klamath Falls for many years, was pianist with Golden Age Club members. Mrs. Si-uiwt and her late hus band owned and oerted Stuart's Shoe Rspair Shop in tire sarm black on Mairr Street tor 20 years. Vi&linist was V. I. "Jack" Beem, retted Xejufrwn Pacific Rail read man, and for 16 years chief engineer for the Lone, B VAnr Compeny at Tennant, Calif. After retirement Mr. end Mrs. Beem moved Khwtwth Falls. They now enjoy get-togethers of club members who donated time to brinq0happiness to those at the home. Mrs. Stuart end Jack Beem are "you name it, I'll play it" performers, which delighted those at the perty. 1 STAR PERFORMC8& Wis, HvrJ WcCSowt 1Z&t!'4lfc1!fa1k&$. cutics through their wwilBirtrrWfA Ih devartf h)f4-CWWW5bflcO and Pauneho, responded W vcflee and taiTfdC.sjK SwtorjwttttV1 in a sports car, in a circus aclfai boxfts, as danoK.rijl))trt)9 nj Mr. and Mrs. Sant laus and in other acts that brought applause. O O