'ft ft ft 1 . SUCCESSFUL YEAR The American League's Coach of the Year, Al Davis, posel with the Oakland Raider plaque he will give to each of his players. Davis, named the top AFL coach of the year by United Press International, took the team which was 1-13 in 1962 and built it up to a 10-4 finisher in 1963. UPI Telephoto All-College Show Calls Idaho, UW OKLAHOMA CITY iUPD -The 2Sth annual All-C o 1 1 e g e Tournament, the nation's oldest holiday basketball classic, got under way today with four first round games on the slate. Washington (2-4 met Texas AAiM and Houston (5-51 collided with Wyoming (4-3 in the after noon session. In the evening double-header, host Oklahoma City iB-2 takes on Idaho ' 2-4 and ton-seeded Wichita 16-3) battles Montana State. The championship and conso lation finals are scheduled Sat urday. The eight teams in this year's tournament offer fans a wide variety of offensive styles. Oklahoma City and Wyoming like to run and shoot, putting up a shot every time an open ing appears, and Texas A&M runs what it calls a "controlled fast break." Hockey Bv I'nited Press International V. L. T. Pis OF C.A 14 13 3 31 114 95 Prv'dnce Hershey Quebec Baltimore 15 14 1 31 98 106 15 17 0 30 108 115 14 17 1 29 85 96 11 17 1 23 93 114 Sprng'fld Western Division Pittsburgh 19 11 0 38 102 80 Cleveland 17 12 2 36 103 80 Rochester 16 11 0 32 106 84 Buffalo 8 16 2 18 86 103 Wednesday's Results Rochester 4 Providence 2 Quebec 3 Pittsburgh 2 Hershey 3 Springfield 1 Baltimore 3 Cleveland 2 Thursday's (lames 'No games scheduled' MIL Standings W. I.. T. Pis KF OA Chicago 19 7 7 45 lit 70 Montreal 17 10 5 39 103 86 Toronto 16 9 6 38 91 77 Detroit II 15 5 27 71 92 Boston 7 17 7 21 64 93 New York 7 19 6 20 86 108 Wednesday's Results Chicago 3 Montreal 1 Toronto 5 Boston 1 Detroit 4 New York 3 Thursday's Games i No games scheduled' W ill, Standings IV !. T Pt (iF ('.A Denver Los Ancls Seattle" Vanrouver .San Fran Portland 21 9 2 44 134 79 16 12 14 13 1.1 16 13 19 11 19 3 4 3 2 4 35 95 106 32 108 97 29 106 109 28 128 26 96 116 Wednesday's Results San Francisco 4 Portland 3 Thursday's Schedule Seattle at Vancouver "Mayb ffll stretch after , jVJ. OUR ANCESTORS byQuincy ly r:Y, ft ft ft Ir J Houston, on the other hand, plays a deliberate defense-oriented style of ball. Jts highest point production this season was 73, while Oklahoma City has averaged 83.4. Oklahoma City and Wichita are former champions. Wichita won in 10 and finished third Raiders' Davis Named AFL Coach Of The Year NEW YORK (UPD-Al Davis, the energetic young man from Brooklyn who made the Oak land Raiders the most im proved team in pro football in 1963, today was voted United Press International coach-of-the-year in the American Fool ball League. Davis won by a landslide in the poll of 24 regular AFL writ ers who voted for UPI all-star honors. The group, made up of three writers from each league city, cast 20 votes (or Davis and two each for Sid Gillman of the San Diego Chargers and Mike Holovak of the Boston Patriots. Under the handsome. 34-vear- BASIN LEAGUE W L Kemity Plumbing 16 Plonaer Tobacco 47 3? C W.A. 40 34 Kftleri Au'o 3R 76 Pcilic SuOD'V Coop 34 30 DouQIas Servici 31 33 Smplol-DeVot 30 34 Fashion Cleaners 37 37 j HRP ?A'i 37' 7 i Coiosimoi Transmmlort 3Vi 38' i Park Cabinet 31 43 Great Northern 31 43 Dec. IS result!: Park Cabinet 0, Ka lers Auto 4; Great Northern 1, Sim-plot-DeVoe 3; HRP 3, Pioneer Toftao co I; Fashion Cleaners 3, Pac. Simply LOOP 1; CWA 3, loloslmos Transmis sion lj Douglas Svc. 3, Kenney Plog. 1. Hiqh team qame. Fashion Cleaners 1047; hiph team series, HRP 3870; h.gh ind. game. AAerv Horton 228; high ina. series. Marl Steidle 576. HOLIDAY JUNIOR LEAGUE W L Mystics 37' i 13' j Playboys 31'j 14'i Bald Eagles 19" a 16' i Gasrtouse Gang 14 IP The Grannies 17 19 Kingpins la'i 19'i Eight. Balls IV i 30' i Gurgling Gutterballs 13' i 22' i Results: Gurgling Gutterballs ' j. Bald Eagles 3't: Playboys 4, The Grannies 0; Gashouse Gang 3, King pins 1; Mystics 0. Eight-Balls 4. High learn game, Gashouse Gang 943; high learn series. Playboys 2630; hiqh ind. game, John Tinker 202; high ind. series. David Meckfesset 559. you wear it a while, dear!" V'ne, ' .t'T. The jaguar is the largest cat I . , in Ihp we;tprn rwMTiisrsfvptv it-1 ft ft ft in 1961. Oklahoma City has won the title three times, but not since 19S. The 1962 champion, Loyola of Chicago, was forced to miss this year's tournament because of a prior commitment. Wyo ming was tlie runner-up cham pion last year. old Davis, a football super salesman, the Raiders accom plished an astonishing turn about this season. After win ning only one league game in 1962 (and extending a losing streak to 19 games', they com piled a 10-4 record this year and battled the Chargers for the Western Division title right to the final Sunday. The achievement is even more remarkable when it is considered that Ibis was Davis' first major head coaching as signment since lie began his coaching career in 1950. Davis is the fourth Oakland coach in as many seasons, and by far the most successful. The Raiders won six games in Iheir first AFL season, dropped to two in 1961 and only one in '62. Davis revamped the Raiders drastically. At one stage of the season 19 of the 33 play ers on the roster were new men. Art Powell, one of the league's best pass-catchers, was picked up as a free agent after he had played out his option with the New York Titans. Archie Mat sos, an experienced middle line backer, was acquired in a trade with Buffalo, and defensive hack Claude Gibson from San Diego. li'JHIIJWUTaT1 ! t 4 JUDY STARTS concentrat ing the moment she takes stance. - I - s x : r 3 Scoring Of West, Big 'O' Continues NBA Standings Br United Press International Eastern Division W. L. Prl. Boston 21 4 ,8."i2 Cincinnali 22 13 .629 Philadelphia 13 17 .433 New York 9 27 .250 Western Division Los Anpeles 21 11 .fiM St. Louis 21 15 SM San Kranci.co 16 14 .533 Baltimore 10 21 .323 Detroit 8 20 .286 Wednesday's Gaines Cincinnati 113 St. Louis 107 Los Ancc'cs 134 New York 126 Thursday's Games Los Ancelcs at Boston Athletics Leave Park KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI' The Kansas City Athletics to day abandoned the Municipal Stadium, Iheir home for the past nine years, and took ref uge in a bank building in the wake of Iheir owner's stormy battle with the city over a new stadium lease. Acting on orders from owner Charles O. Finley, tin? stadium crews and members of the Ath letics' office staff packed tip equipment and records and moved to new offices in Ihe Civic, Plaza National Bank Building in downtown Kansas City. Finley said Hie team's offices will remain in the bank build ing and the Athletics will play on sandlot fields next year be fore he will yield further in his demands on terms of a new lease. Pat Friday, the team's gener al manager, directed the mov ing operation today. He said it would be completed by next Tuesday, the day the current lease expires. City officials, meanwhile, re mained unruffled to the flurry of moving activity in the Ath letics' camp. "We have made three propos als on a new lease and feel that this is as much as we can do," said City Manager Carleton Sharpe. "We asked Mr. Finley to begin these negotiations last June, but he waited until last week." Finley. in announcing the move Tuesday night, said the Athletics might be playing in a "cow pasture" next season if the city docs not meet his terms for a new lease. Finley complained about the lease from the time he pur chased Ihe club in 1961. But he became particularly bitter about it when the cily gave the Kansas City Chiefs of the pro fessional American Football League a liberal lease on the stadium. GOP UNPRKPARKD WASHINGTON (UPU - A magazine whose editors call themselves moderate Republi cans believes that the GOP is "totally unprepared" to fare next year's presidential elec tion. The magazine. Advance, said Sunday night that a "progres sive Republican" could beat President Johnson and the out come would be decided "in the metropolitan North, Midwest and West" w here Hie I960 elec tion was decided. TpEisI-AGE 11 -Concentrate By .ri llY Al DSl.KY (nmnswirk Advisory Staff) Written for NF.A Concentration is really a syn onym for good bowling. Some teeners and a lot o.'older people have trouble keeping their minds on those tenpins stoically defying you and your bowling skill. If you keep your attention fo cused on the business at hand, the odds are in your favor. Al low your mind to drift for 1 split second and the odds shift in favor nf the pins. Ask any star bowler what 's the most important faclor in good howling and almost invari ably Ihe answer will be "Con centration." Ask them how they do it and each will have a dif ferent formula, hut it will all boil down basically In self-disci-pline. You must drill your mind to slay on your game until your follow through is completed. Then, and then only, is it safe to take your eyes off the target and onto the ball speeding into the 1-3 pocket I start shutting nut everythinj cKp and concentrating on my delivery the moment I lake mv stance. I find this liead start helps me keep my mind fo cused on Hie pins throughout the process of getting the hall away proerly. Detroit at Baltimore New York at St. Louis San Francisco at Philadelphia That running battle between Jerry West and Oscar Robert son never stops. Wednesday night it as more of the same as West scored 47 points while leading 1ie Los Angeles Lakers lo a 134-126 victory over New York. Mean while, Robertson scored 37 points and had 16 assists in leading Cincinnati to a 113-107 win over St. Louis. It's hard In say who was more spectacular but that's the way it's always been between the two since they played col lege ball at West Virginia and Cincinnati respectively. West was held scoreless in the first period but came back with a magnificent show, in cluding 36 points in the second half, to move the Lakers past the improved Knicks. New York led by ten al the half and five at the end of the third period. But West's 20 in the last quar ter ruined New York. He had help from Elgin Bay lor who scored 27 points and had 15 rebounds. Rudy LaRus so scored 20 points and had 20 rebounds. Bill McGill had 30 for New York and Art Heyman had 26. A crowd of 15.163 saw the game at Madison Square Gar den. Robertson connected on 12 nf 24 shots and earned his points the hard way, repeatedly driv. ing past his opponents. He also added 15 rebounds for one of the greatest all-round nights of his career. St. Louis, behind Cliff Hag an's .13 points, broke into the lead several times during the second and third periods, but couldn't keep Oscar away from the basket at crucial moments. Next best to a Phone Call AeOKB Hflf HERALD AND NEWS, Kluiulh Holiday Court Action Counting Eight Major Collegiate Shows By r.KOKC.K C. I.ANGFOKl I'PI Sports Writer A ponderous snowball, knoun as the holiday tournament sea son, started rolling Thursday and by the weekend will have enveloped nearly every colle giate basketball tea m ieht n giate basketball team in the nation Eight major-college tourna ments begn Thursday, four of them in the afternoon, and be fore Friday night over a to tal of 234 NCAA-member col leges, including 144 university division schools, will have par ticipated in a tournament of some description. Thirteen major college tour neys start Friday along with 20 small college playoffs. Second-ranked Michigan will carry a six-game winning streak into the Los Angeles Classic against loth-ranked New Y'ork University in a night game after undefeated, fifth ranked UCLA tangles with once-beaten Yale in an after noon aftair. Unheatens Also Featured The Los Angeles tourney has the most number of ranking teams i3 in its field, but sev eral other get-togethers will feature undefeated and highly regarded quintets. HALAS NAMKS AIDES LOS ANGELES I UPI '-Luke Johnson, Phil Handler and George Allen will assist head coach George Halas of the Chi cago Bears in handling the Western team in the Pro Bowl game Jan. 12. Allie Sherman of the New York Giants will coach the East. Subscribe this Christmas to the Herald and News for your Falls. Orfjoa Thursday, December M, 19fiJ Villanova, ranked tlth. tan gles with unbeaten Dayton in Die second afternoon game of the Holiday Festival in New York's Madison Square Garden, and seventh-ranked Oregon State opens the Far West Clas sic in Portland, Ore., against Louisiana State in two impor tant contests. Rugged Wichita will face Montana State in the featured game of the All-College Tourna ment in Oklahoma City, Hie originator of the holiday tour, ney snowball 28 years ago. Kansas State, No. 17, plays Nebraska and Oklahoma is paired with Missouri in the first round of the Big Eight Confer ence feud at Kansas City. Un beaten DePaul meets Canisius in the Queen City Tournament feature at Buffalo, N.Y. Completing the major tourna- Sessions Resume For SMU DALLAS, Tex. (ITD-South-ern iMethodist's Mustangs re sumed workouts today for their Dec. 31 Sun Bowl meeting w ith Oregon with coach Jlayden Fry expected to concentrate on de fense against the Ducks' .160.7 yard per game offense. Fry said today's drills would be in sweat suits, but that pads w ill probably be the order' of tlie day for the two remaining drills here Friday afternoon and Saturday morning before t h e team flics to EI Paso Saturday. from STUDEWT SERVICE MAM RELATIVES FH1EMDS One Year by Mail $18.00 6 Months by Mail $10.00 3 Months by Mail $ 5.25 ...just telephone TU 4-8111, ask for subscriptions. 1301 Esplanade ment games Thursday St. John's tackles unbeaten Utah, Cornell challenges Minnesota, No. 15. and St. Joseph's (Pa l meets Providence in the Holi day Tourney first round: Illi nois plays West Virginia and Pittsburgh clashes with South ern California in the Los Ange les Classic: Iowa and Colorado Stalo complete tlie first round Far West Classic: two Ohio representatives, Xavier and Mi ami round out Ihe Queen City affair while the All-College meet pairs Washington and Texas A&M. Wyoming and Houston and Idaho and Oklaho ma City. The Gator Bowl will pit the Air Force Academy against Florida State and Manhattan against Florida at Jacksonville and Ihe West Coast Athletic Conference tourney at San Francisco will match Santa Clara and Pepperdine. St. Mary's (Calif. 1-University of Pacific, San Jose-Loyola (Los Angeles: and California at San ta Barbara-San Francisco. Among the tournaments be ginning Friday arc the Quak er City at Philadelphia featur ing top-ranked Loyola of Chica go; the Motor City Classic in Detroit; the Vandcrbilt Invita HAYES ENTERS MEET LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Bob Hayes, holder of tlie world's record for the 100-yard dash, has entered the Ixw Angeles in vitational track meet Jan. 18. Hayes, from Florida A & M, set the record in St. Louis last summer when he covered tlie distance in 9.1. IHome PAGE-11B tional hosted by sixth-ranked Vjnderbilt ; the Milwaukee Classic and the Hurricane Clas sic at Miami. Bucks Into WHL Cellar PORTLAND, Ore. (UPU San Francisco pushed Portland into tlie Western Hockey League cellar Wednesday night with a come-trom-behind 4-3 decision before 7,175 fans at the Glass Palace. It was tlie only Western Hock ey League game of the night. Seattle is at Vancouver tonight. Portland lfa""3-2 Wednesday night late In tlie second stanza, but Nick Mickoski hit the even cr at 5:4A of the third period and Ed Panagabko netted the decider w ith about four minutes to go in the contest. Panagabko, a former Portland player, came around from be hind the net and put tlie puck between rookie goalie Dave Kel ly's legs. It was the only tally in a tight final stanza. A free-for-all broke out in the second period after San Fran cisro's Leu Haley slashed at Kelly. The rough second stanza saw seven major penalties and a misconduct penalty called. '' Mickoski scored two goals during the night and Ray Cyr nf San Francisco also tallied. Jack Bionda, Art Jones and Arnie SchmauU scored for Port land. The two teams had entered the contest tied for fifth spot. rif f J