r 10 REPAIRS Orytri, rngei. we'er tanks FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE J ? 315 'a S&9 E'er--;. t HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 RELIABLE mother to care for 4 year o fl. Vy home or yours, oayi. Ui. TU HELP WANTED, MALE 16 NEED local rt3reitniti t0 calf tcon bujmeii ana pro' aw one I lirm. Excellent ooDortunity tor young mtn. Salary and commission. AH rephei con-f-denlial. 'Ante comoiett particular! to P O. Box 1462, Veotora, O'C. BARBER wanted. Must have refer ences, Sam'i Corner, TU 2-1905. WANTED married man with car for" local Fuller Brush Company route, must b neat and have oesire tor belter tnan average income, tllj per week, guaranteed to start if you dual ity, write 12 'JO Winchester, Meatorfl, ph. 77I-WJ4. PRUDENTIAL Insurance Company" of America win interview married me over . nri "am i iJIry MTween I "u iu,iuv. JOiei, provisional or executive experience preferred Finest training, fringe benefits including non. contributory retirement plan. For inter view Dnone Vr. Jattarian collect, 345 0564 Eugene. BOYS! YgF EARN Extra Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact I Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade i PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 I NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS $ AH help wanted ads published in the Herald & News are accepted in good t faith that the lobs offered are as slated . in the advertising copy. We are not re 7 sensible for the integrity of our adver- tisers, but we make every effort to dis- cover and reject all misleading adver r tistinq. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding It to be misleading Is asked to report It to the Classified Ad i verfising Department of 1h Herald & SITUATIONS WANTED 18 SEASONS GREETINGS TO ALL Jack and Jill Day Nursery Will Be Closed From Dec. 23rd to Jan. 2nd HELEN LEHMAN A'AN, 33 yrs. old. seeks employment. College background. Experienced in in. - dustrial and agricultural fields. Writ Box 635 C. Herald and News. I RONING, waihinq, pickup, deliver. FAST SERVICE, TU 4-934. RETIRED mason, active, handy with , tools. Biockwork a specialty. Handle . guy rrumr oo. iu 4-BJ'. ROOMS FOR RENT .. 22 MFN 134 N. .Ird, $36 per TU 4-6033, TU 4-92B7. CLEAN housekeeping room, downtown. Utilities, TU 2-1487, 317 Pine. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocks from Main, !5 & up, TU 4-42S9. STEAM healed, clean, quiet sleeping rooms, 310 So. 5th, TU 2-0214. COMMERCIAL Rooms - clean, com fortable, reasonable rales, $7 wlf. up. Accommodations lor lunch packing. Working man's rooms, lounge room wilh TV. 525, 539 Commercial. WARM, clean housekeeping units, close to town. Very low weekly, monthly rates. Esplanade Motel, 1605 Eiplflnflde. APARTMENTS FOR RENT .... 2A ONE room unit, $35, adults only. AH utilities. 419 No. 10th. TWO bedroom unfurnished deluxe apt. newly redecorated, $80, TU 2-6500. PLEASANT duplex apt. near town, schools, adulls, unfurnished. TU 4-9603. 2 ROOMS furnished, utilities and wood tumished. adults, close to downtown, TU 4-3353. Eves., TU 4-6304. FURNISHED, modern, clean 2 room bachelor apartment. Lights, water : paid. $32.50, TU 2-6547, TU 4-8761. ( FAST way to find buyers tor tractors, I (arm equipment is with Classified ads. Dial TU 4-8111 fo start your ad. FURNISHED 2 room bachelor "apt."," j MO, 2126 Reclamation. FURNISHED 3 rooms, hot water neat, garbage, water free. TU 2-3789. NICE clean apartment, close in, TU I 4-6966 or TU 2-2531. CLEAN furnished 2 room apt., $45, utilities paid. TU 2-0329 before 10 or after 5, see 1642 Esplanade days. THREE room furnished apt. Hot wa ter heat, walking distance, TU 2-0660. m FURNISHED insulated one oedroom aot. Water, garbage paid $50, TU 4-5334. FURNISHEcTapt., steam hr-at, utili ties. Near Weyerhaeuser, TU 4-8313. FURNISHED 3 room, washing lacili ties, walking distance. TU 3-6866. F RE EH E AT?! bedroom7ot Un turT mhed exceot range, adults, no pels, StO. TU 4-7558. REX :"Arms AptFurnlshed 1 t. 7 bed rooms. Heat, phone, garbace. Klam ath and Broad, 224 Broad, TU 2-9717. SPARKLING heat, adults, 4-4522. uotown furnished, free $65, Alpha Apts., TU ATTRACTIVE 1 oedroom, furnished, hot A, cold water, close in, washing facilities, no pets. TU 4-8418. HOUSE OFROCKS" MOTEL K.tchcns. Daily, weekly rates. Reason able! 2005 Biehn, TU 2-9130. SV ALL, furnished, washing facilities, . inquire 1324 Oak, TU 2-6296. ! NICELYfurnished, newly decorated flminrj room act. Wool rugs, auto. wsh er, infant O k. TU 4-3762. TU 4-3893. "FURN ISH I e"d APTs7otf "street park ng, TU 2-4736 weekdays afler 5 p.m., anytime weekends. "CLEAN-; comfortable, furnished one bedroom apartment. Water, garbage paid Laundry facilities available. Lovely yard. 2113 Gary, TU 2-3603. ROOSEVELT APTS. JOW LerOV Two bedroom i Hot water heal. Adults. TU 1-1749 nfurnijhed Garaoe. Hot Springs area. $36 to $60 COMFORTABLE LIVING LO COST 12-3 bedroom units, furnished or un furnished. Permanent maintenance in cluded. For personal Interview call I m. to 5 p.m. Mon. Ihrough Fri. SHASTA VIEW , APARTMENTS j 127 Washburn Way TO ilJ7L K'l7MATH'S FINEST UNION MANOR 2544 UNION 1 & j bedroom aoartmiM Furr i shed or un'u-n'Sted SPACIOUS ROOMS W I to wa-l c'aet:ng SWIMMING POOL Ht. wtr, ga'O? turr- )d Cf'Otn Noian TU 2 C 74 K1NGFALLS APARTMENTS MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way Off ond Two bedroo-n cpM. Furnished ond Unfurnished J69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly M-tel Roiei 5ERVICES ... .... Kenmo-e-Kemetcr.Atmlpool APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM tumnhMVotTTt 24 -J. 'r3fl9t. 170. TU 54 E WAUNA . DOWNTOWN vametrt mot moorn, furnished 1't Jo. lltfi . TU 2-102 1 B60ROOW furnihrt eot., all ui P-J Nfir new OTI titt. TU 2-52 7. ! Wiry Sr. . 1MQ A'tO 2 DM'Mm ttitmtluH ant . $i. Water, gtruoi pa. TU -5W. HEATED, furnished, clean, Quiet, pri. vat ptrhinfl, actum, 415 Walnut. DOAh.To.VN furniihed apartment TU i pr tu 4-e;ce HOUSES FORRENT. CUTE cottage n.ce'y turnTsned" orated, a bixkt north of wain, TV, garbage pckup, Sal. TU eves, or weekends. ...26 redec wa'er, 4-i3t ! nice three room furnished, Mill., TU I-JIS2. garage. UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom house, 'ireoiace. eiecfric heat, an carpeted, l--gt patio, lovely fenced yard, in city near schools. US, TU 1-3791 , THREE bedroom ijnf.jrnlthejH hn,,.. nPWiy painted inside. Ml Dart. ire 177 M.lehel 221 PACIFIC Terrace. Furnished, cou jie. furnacefirepiac. Sai, TU 4-4451. CLEAN l'i bedroom unfurnished, full h Segment, KUHS. 1444 Portland, TWO bedroom unfurnished house. Near high school, SM, TU 2-3013. A T T R A CT 1 VE , furnished 1 bedroom, Wills. Wafer, garbage paid, TU 2-2497. 2 BEDROOM suburban unfurnished, J Children O.K., $75, TU 2-4079. PLEASANT 2 bedroom furnished, close in, park tree, adults. J65, TU 4-4522. RENT or sale 2 bedroom, 3 acres, 5275 1 Avaion, near airbase. 165, TU 2-5011. I THREE rooms furnished, electrirheaC couple, no pets, $40, TU 4-4394. 1 TWO bedroom unfurnished," $65moTT j : 224SWiard. inquire Peterson's Market. 1 APPLIANCE buyersar7checking Class.-' tied right now. Dial TU 4-811) to lart an ad on the ones you want to sell. ! TWO bedroom, unfurnished. .HSr.as" ; la Way, near Moyina, reasonable rent, : wafer. Adulls. no pets, TU 3-1112. I WILL sub-let lovely Moyina Heights nome, 3 bedrooms i'i baths, all elec tric kitchen, carpets, draperies, im mediate occupancy. References re quired, TU 7-5146. 2 BEDROOM house, near Mills School, $4S, TU 2-1731. SMALL house, rooms, reasonable, Er nie's Hotel, 631 S. 5th, TU 2-5225. FOR sal or lease almost new 3 bed room home. Located in Suburban area wilh large fenced backyard, cov ered patio, OouDI garage. Many other extras. Must be seen to b aooreci ated. Call TU 4-7136 for appointment. LARGE 3 bedroom. Pasture and baTn" available, children welcome, TU 4-3062. TWO bedroom furnished house. Ready to move into. Wall to wall rugs, en tirely clean. Hot water heat and wa ter furnished. No pets, adults only. Call at 2134 Stukel. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home, fenced yard, North side, S60, TU 4-7342. CLEAN suburbs, 2 bedroom unfurnished south $70, TU 2-4566. IN Mills, nice two bedroom, unfurn ished. Garage. Ph. TU 2-3B52. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duple. Fireplace, full basement with knotty pine room. Call TU 4-6597 after 5 p.m. unci lowKurn 1 uaTZZ. .i " menf, gas heat, 1221 California, $65. TU 4-8361. TWO bedroom unfurnished, clean, 2 mi. north of town. Children, pets o k. Water paid. $55. 702 Spruce, TU 2-6590. PARTLY furnished 2 bedroom duplex, $85, South suburbs. Available Dec. 15. TU 2-5106. THREE $30 a rr room unfurnished, oil o. Inquire at Idella's. UNFURNISHED duplex, 1 bedroom, ga rage, electric, 3011 Boardman. ONE bedroom house, on Altamont Dr. $45, Inquire 1777 Gary. ONE bedroom unfurnished, close in, natural hot water heat, garbage serv ice and water, $75, adults, TU 4-689. TO rent or sell 2 bedrooms, $45 mo. Mature people, TU 2-1326. TU 4-6239. ON E bedroom furnished house, close in, TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. TWO bedroom unfurnished, Mills "Ad dition, $50, inquire 1339 E. Main. UNUSUAL Pliers get response whani made in "Personals.'' Dial TU 4-1111 3 ROOM furnished, water, garbage paid, $30, TU 2-0456, 1723 Oak. EXCELLENT 2 bedroom, unfurnished duplex, electric. Mills, $70 TU 2-0249. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, close in, TU 4-4380. FURNISHED 2 bedroom house, $66.50. Inquire 1U Pine. FOR LEASE LEASE OPTION OR RENT Modern 3 years old home In South Suburbs. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, built-in range and oven, forced air heat and attached garage. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. $115 per month. For further details contact Burton E. Gray, Market St.,, TU 4-9147, TU 2-4675. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET . 271 REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 WANT to buy very large nice home, anywhere in Klamath area, writ Box 633C, care of Herald and News. th family would tike to rent a three bedroom home. Preferably close Northside. Write Herald and Bo 63?C. 'REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .... 29 I " 1 om o "TRADER" ! ARE YOU? j why sell when you can trade. Call DEANE SACHER t REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed - Ore, Calif., Ida.. Wash. ' 1037 Main St. TU 4-4127 Trailer Trade-In Will take a late model large sue trail er as a trade tor down payment on 2 years old 3 bedroom house valued at 115 750. Trailer must be PAID FOR. Call for details. DON SLOAN For Finer Homes REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 FOR sal by owner, 2 bedroom house near park in Mil's Add'n. No down payment. TU 3-5405. 3 BEDROOMS, I'i baths, natural gas heat, buiitm oven and range, slidirg doors to covered patio, se at 161 Dah lia. TU 2 0345. NEW repossessed thre bedroom bom Henley District, landscaped, built - in appliances, forced a.r furnace. "0 down payment, U20 per month, TU 2-5i0S "BELOW APPRAISAL New 3 bedroom home tn restricted res idential district. Best of construction. Natural gas hot air heal, he'dwood f!oor. l' baths, fireplace, o'', b-rch k tcnen, lots of storage, IU.9CO. TU 2-3410. MOVING? y,e wit "TRADE" vour proeerfy any. ne west of t Rxkist Can DEANE SACHER Realtor Vfrcfr Intt-netional Tradri C'tt L crd - O' Ci. Ida. Was-v Excellent Buy AO bMrOOm duDl. fu'rtuhei, ('an, carport, f'" lOCa'Hjn Only J9. IM, ewr-tr ca'ry contract. S CHROEDER CO. (J, vm tu a-nsa REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 10 ACRES. 110 tern. 410 acret. trnv ! btr on land. Box 17, Beetty, Ort. , HOT Springi, pood Tor ) bedroom i homi, Si 000 tquity, will con user frmi. TU -Stl. TWO bedroom homt, patio, on tcrt, Likishort Dr. TU 3-tbl. HCltKP tnr til rhun e-tl Til ftM NEW large view home, ciojt new OTI L hoto-tal. THREE bMroomi, carpet, oil furnace, fenced, plus rental, TU 2-3107. HOTSPRINGS 3 beoroom. 2 fireplaces, t: 7S0, TU 4-41 JO. Ca!-Ore Ranches ; 306 FARM and RANCH sitet In fh ! ROGUE RIVER VALLEY near Grants . Pass and Veotord. 5 to to Acres low as $9 down and tt monthly. WRITE tor FREE RANCH A FARM CATA 1 LOG with otioios and descriptions. Cat I Or Ranches lOSi-KF $. Riversioe, ' Medford, Ore. HOTSPRINGS You MUST SEE to aopreciat all the fine features of this QUALITY BUILT (by Warren Parr) three bed room home! Three large CARPETED BED ROOMS. 2 bains, carpeted living room with full wall bookcase. UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE three corner fireplace, facing living and FAMILY ROOM. Beautiful kitchen with all the EXTRAS and STORAGE EVERYWHERE! I Dou ble garage, patio and attractive land scapmg. FHA appraised, $1,000 down to qualified purchaser. WALKER REALTY 402 Mam St. Stevens Hotel Olfice: TU 2-41S4 Day or Eves. Residence: TU 2-IRI5 STROUT REALTY 542 $. 6th Ph. TU 4-5211 EVENINGS CALL Bob ft Stella Dahlinger TU 2-501 Hanh Hoiman TU 2-5041 Suburban 2 bedroom, oil heat, large lot. $4500, $450 down. 2 bedroom, fireplace, forced air fur nace, quiet residential district, $9500. 3 bedroom, ' 1 acre, ipacioos master bedroom, I'i baths with til stall show er, new forced air furnace, detached garage and complett workshop. $11,250. 15 acres, dose In, excellent building site with view, on paved highway. $4500. 320 acres near Spragu River, 150 Ir rigated, $36,000. BETTER " BUILT HOMES -k By Thrifty Builders ONLY $8900 & Up (On Your Lot) i CHOICE LOTS AVAILABLE Three bedroom homes. Large living room, dming area. Large bedrooms and closets. Lovely cabinets. Tile bath, shower and fully Insulated too! I No Cosh Down Financing ! See Our 4 Bedroom Model Home in Bel Air Gardens . . . DROP BY ESTATE DRIVE-SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2-04J6 TU 4-5244 MLS Multiple Listing Service POSITIVELY OUTSTANDING!! Three bedrooms and living room, all carpeted. Family room wilh another fireplace and built-in barbecue with spit. Completely built-in kitchen with full brick wall dining room. Leads onto private enclosed patio. Two full baths, huge doub'e garage. Beautiful land- scaped yard wilh decking over garage, Call for appointment to see this new outstanding listing. $45,000. MILLS DUPLEX Two 1 bedroom units, garaqes. Well maintained and shows excellent rental record. Units rent for $65 each. Terrif ic Investment properly. Any lyp fi nancing and terms. Full price only $15,000. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR 134 No. 7th TU 4-3129 LOis Macv TU 2-5667 Lucille Anderson TU 2-0511 MLS Multiple Listing Service LAKESHORE LOT In the choicest area. Priced right, loo. If Interested in Lakeshore property you better call us tooay or it may b too DUPLEX Mills Addition. Low price, Good terms. Live in one. rent one, or rent both and let them make the payments. Each ,or MS per month. Priced HOMES Wt have some good homes in atl areas and all price ranges. Andy Silani REALTOR Wilen, Welch Ed Milchetl Andy Silani TU MIJF TU 3-1613 TU 4 SS.4 MLS Multiple Listing Service TERMS To suit your purse on two bedroom horn at 3643 Flint St. Full price V6.500. TRADE fer a 1 hedroom home on one acre Neat two bedroom homt on paved slret. Nearly new cool top turnace. Storm doors, storm windows. Pric U.900. HOT SPRINGS Three bedrooms, fireplace, two baths, wail to wail carpeting, ideal location. omy JU.WW. Rea'tfy 2050 So TU 4 9832 rv TU 7 1587 Net to Holiday Bow" S'a" Evenmgs Erne Graves Tij 2-tH BOB Son. an TU 4-7915 Clvd Williams TU 4-6?34 Tire Reeder Tu 4-7342 .STILWELL & CO. Presents: IDEAL FOR A WOPKING COUPLE c'v m on Pme St Good 2 bed room home, firolc. moaern k't(n. an good s-ie rooms, bs rre-T. economical Oil furnac. Only 19.500 Easy farms. DURANTlChllcte We rive ? wO bedroom huil t) rnf m So. SuBu'ban area. Vi end tno. ! Sti I well & Co. SH vat S'. Ti 1 1 ca): t-iKO B "H,r T 4-M ll m amtr tail TU I WA. TU o REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 ACRES. 1 beoroom house, north SI SCO. St, 700 aon, TU I W Income Properties Leas to rehab' party e'lnr r II umt mot4 near Klamath Fail. E ctnenl locations. Mill atso sett or treae itner properties. Write owner. Norma Beaver, 74 Williams Highway, Grants Pass Oreoon. or phone -nmji, Prowait, Ore. US'. SFT Presents HENLEY!! High School distr.ct. 3 beoroom prac tically brand new. Ferguson greoe scnool, 1 block. Over 1300 sq- ft. floor area. Full wail fireplace, 2 full baths. Whirlpool buiitm stove and oven. Own ers will consider 2 bedroom home or building lots in trao. $16,500. HOT SPRINGS!!! Roosevelt graoe school and Klamath Union high. Freshly oecoraied and n tip-top condition. Hot water well. Sav ings on heat should go a long way toward htipmg pay tor home. Vary rea sonably priced at $ti,Qoo. F R TUCKER d Real Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Honk Honsen TU 2-3101 Eves. Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Ees. MLS Multiple Listing Service CALL NOW to see this spacious 3 bedroom modern home, 12' x 26' living room with new wall to wall carpeting, 16' x II' kitchen with oodles of cupboard space. I'i bains. Large landscaped lot near Ferguson School. It vou need room at a moderate price, this is it. Total price only $12,750. Owner will consider building lot. car pickup, or low priced homo in trade. STILES Realty has a good selection of homes in all price ranges. Conditions hav never been more favorable for the pur chase of a home. Prices are lower, fi nancing is easier. Call now, let's talk it over. NOW you can trad your small home on this modern, well constructed duplex with 2 bedrooms plus family room plus extra building lot or garden space. Live In one, let the other make the pay ments. Total pric only $16,250. STILES REALTY ONE STOP REAL ESTATE SERVICE 4131 So. 6th Street Phon TU 2-4740 Eves. Call Homer Stiles TU 4-9904 Jo Perry TU 4-5332 1.320 acres deeded plus 1.440 acres Taylor grazing. Completely fenced. This is set up as an efficient one man operation at 150 to 200 cows, all neces sary buildings including stock scales, corrals and comfortable home. Hs private deer hunting camp on private land. Priced al $90,000, owner will carry contract. HOME DALE. Comfortable 4 bedroom home with double garage and addition al storage sroom. Wide lot. On paved road. Excellent location. Owner will consider good used three bedroom house trailer in trade. Priced lo move at $12,000. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main Jim O'Donahue TU 2-3471 TU 4-9693 Christmas Trees In vour own front yard the var around. Two ol them are beautitul Blu Spruce that are worlh $500 each and a toy to behold! Someone with children, who would appreciate a 70 ft. lighted Christmas tree, should own th's place. The Morris family is raised and gone, so they are ready to sell this 3 bedroom home. Complete with full basement, I acre of pasture, boat dock privileges and proximity to rid ing trails. If you would like lo enjoy this active life at 1241 Lakeshore Drive, call for appointment, Th pric $21,500 PEYTON Member International Traders Club 135 Market TU 4-5 149 Evenings Rollin Canlrall TU 4-6550 Pat Palone TU 2 0834 Harold M. Rush TU 2-413 & NORTH SIDE Welt built older type home. Thru bedrooms, ? down, 1 up. Oil floor fur nace. Beautiful fireplace, large lot. full basement. You must see to appreciate this one! A real buy for only $12,500 McATEE REALTORS Harold Hon. Evelyn McAte TU 2-6B1S TU 2-5935 Multiple Listing Service MLS HOT SPRINGS-TERRIFIC VIEW LO CATON. witn artistic well-built 3-bed-room home PLUS 3RD BEDROOM AND FAMILY ROOM IN DAYLITE BASEMENT. Just Sie.SOO. with maxi mum FHA, Ol or Conventional loan available. 3 ACRES With solidly built j bedroom home, large barn, chlckenhous. i'or aqe building, large garden space, sev eral fruit trees. Cross fenced pasture ground; Irrigated. SI2.7SO. ALTAMONT DRIVE HOME 'N' IN COME, WITH LARGE 3 BEDROOM HOME, PLUS t BEDROOM RENTAL. Convenient to Altamont School and TIC Shopping Center. Just 110,500; excellent financing. ABOUT t ACRE FULLY IRRIGATED, wilh atlarchv 3-bedroom home, barn, cnickinhouse, cros - fenced New root, aluminum siding HENLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Just 19,750. - and SMITH PEALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO HI N th Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Art Moorman Ph TU 2-12 E vS, Bill Chilcot Ph TU 4-3281 EvtS. Ed Chiicoe, Associate Broker -., r fi'i.' 32 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (VAJOR oil co. service stat.ons for leas. ficilnt business opportunity. Pad Oeaiar fran.ng program. Pur Cha rMVnabi inventory only In formation. Ph. TU 4-7J2), I a.m. to p m. A I W DRIVE-IN I'iVO NET in month, North a, tern Ore onn, ji0,0O0, on third down, TU 4-HI7. union oil covpNyOFr aliporT" k has high potential sery te stamen v ! In Tuieie. Ceiif. P iS dl e SMnrig, automotive Brys '! rr'i !, hospital a-vl r.ttrrrtnf r4j For m'ormaliOrt ca'l or wrtt K. 'vr, P O. Bo Ji, AftedtO'd, ph, 7JJ C4 64J Ir Millar n-S'U rVirrill. O BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Peas lntetge' tneroigniy "V in vestment Of monv in mrchrtOis. various enterprises or business oppor tumties before investing yovr capital. To Herald arm News makes every i tort to reiect a'l traau'enl or mis leading advertising, however, we or not rescons.oi tor tne integrity of tn Itrms or individuals wo pac ad vertising m our Replication. Any ad vertising of business oooortuniiies ap pearing to be fraudulent or mislead ing should be reported to the Classi fied Advertising Department of lh Herald and Kei. KEY TO SUCCESS Tre right location al the rigM price. Four s'ories-O'ick-on busy comer. Ide al tor coup'- Noa gronng oter $i0O.- 000. could be aouD'td. ho'ei-72 rooms 24 hour cat Completely equipped, take Over in 24 hours, automatic vetor-newly decorated lobov. room for four addition,,' n Catering to Railroadmen and truck arivers. Klam ath Falls. Ore. JSC 00O-$;0 OOO wll han dle. Write 10 Eiood V Davis, Uii 1. W. Kelly, Portland 19, Or. FINANCIAL LOANS 34 STUCK for CHRISTMAS CASH? iWe love to be Soma's Helpers. We'll put Christmas "Greenery" into your hand, and quickly, too! Call us today for courteous, con fidential caih service. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sa'es Financed Locally Owned for 33 Year. Motor Investment Co. 513 So Sfh TU 4-7783 BUILDING - REMODELING . . 36 EXPERT IN REMODELING! Bathrooms Kitchens Additions Garages, etc. No down payment on F.H.A. approved credit. Up to 60 monihs, Free Estimates Gladly! K. J. HALAAS TU 4-5448 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS Call Tarkel Tweet TU 4-7167 la FT. Tru-Cold upright deepfreeze. 8 ft refrigerator, washer - dryer com bination, dinette set, table. 4 chairs; reclining chair, 2 rockers, divan, dou ble bed. child's bedroom set, malch Inq cotfee tabi and 2 end tables, girl's vanity and dresser, TU 4-3689. SALE ol SERTA torlnglilled mattress es and box springs, 840 coils lo full size sets Sate price on full or twin sets, $69 95; $10 down, $10 per month. Lucas Furniture. 195 E. Main. PHILCO uprlqht Call TU 2-0787. freezer, like new. DIVAN and chair, nylon cover. De cember Siorewide Sale Price, $119 95; $11.95 down, $10 per month. Lucas Fur niture, 195 E. Main. REP OSS ESS ED sew I ngm a c h i n eT"i IkT new, new price $489.50, over $200 paid, pay 2 back payments ol $12 54 each, assume balance. 1414 E. Main, open evenings till 9. 1963 MODEL automatic sewing ma chine. Monograms, button holes, seal lops. Does all types of fancy designs. Assume small monthly paymenis nn balance of $64.90. Will discount for cash, TU 2-J810. G U ANTE E D USED FR"eEErV REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRVERS - RANGES Cascade Home Furn. 412 Main TU 4-1 3 AS WESTINGHOUSE Combination $ I WASHER-DRYER ' 85 (2 to choose from) GUARANTEED. KIRKPATRICK'S Ea!t Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 GONE WITH THE WIND . . . lamps, lhat is You'll find them and other reproductions of famous old lamps at THE RESALE HOUSE. Our antique department guarantees you the lines! selection at the lowest prices in the Basin, Cut glass, period furniture, carnival glass, praised glass, china cab inets, etc. make wonder lul Christmas gifts. The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-5595 Open 9 a m -6 n m : Fri . un'tl '0 n m i FUEL ' HEATING 38 FOR sale. coat. SI sack, comer L a verne and Washburn Way, TU J-6273. FIREPLACE wood, pine or red tlr, US cord, TU 4.462 or TU 4-eS3B. "ELECTRIC-hMtors2smail "porteble7 1 larger deluiie model, TU 2-6171. DRY pme blorks, u-heul, S4 cord, Metier Bros., 3121 Crosby, TU 4-5114. FUELoils deliveredTdavs a weekToi red from rolincry. Jay Hawk Plrol urn, TU 4-5146 or TU 4- 7(8. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales S . H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 2-7201 and TU 2-9260 Western Oil & Burner Co. Quality heating oils, budget paymenis, oil burning equipment, TU 4-3173 IliS South 6th. "WESCO FURNACES" GUARANTEED 10 YEAPS RING SHEET METAL 2104' 50. th TU 4-S6H) "COLD" DAYS AREHERE! See Ul For PINE BLOCKS BODY WOOD COAL STANDARD HEATING OILS ASHLEY - SPARKS HEATFRS Frankford Fuel Co, WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS N. Biehn St. TU 2-4444 GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 CUSTOM butchering, beef, Dork whole sai. ru't ng. curing. Shamrock Meat ) tuf Sraita Way, TU 2-4JH. TU 7-M'l j GOOo V.ao for sa'7 Ts"pr1M 1 - Ttj ? Tij t wt Boats-Pttt-SfMrti-Hobbiei 40 PEG miniature pood' puppies, call WH.ler-all 7 Hi! Lake. 71 FT Inboard cab n cruiser, luliy fjuiptrM. owntr must se". la'g sav i"gt. Se Le, Pelican Vanne. 141 HONDA SporTmodel, 0rc. h.gn. and trail sprocket, lit near condi Ion. must b teen anil driven to h erjortr aed Excellent Chmtmet prs ft, pne tm. paid HIS. TU 4-401 GOOD 14 ft. fiihmg ptf, full convert- ib e top, tracer ard Sa tr ng motor. extras f desired TU J 4"I RFGISTERED small miniature pood.es. TU J U1. LOVELY MtioertDorxJio PjR pits ready lor Christmas, TU 4-7S25. 40 S"ORE oor boat for w inter In our new s'oreg sheds. Lei us wmlerut vour motor, tool Pelican Manna, t;l Front. AQUARIUM, pump, light, guPP'S nd tropical t'ih, a iso lrg Uto, used twic. TU 2-6171. SHASTA Cascade Board. ng Kennel where your pets recti v personal tied care and attention. Boom Road off Mer rill Highway, TU 4-5071. LES' Rod ft Reel Repair Servk Custom Rod Building Night crawlers and rrtinnpws 444 RivtM.de AQUARIUM for sal, 0 gallon, best of fer, at 1414 Oregon Avt. AKCGERMANSchrTeuirpuppisT 2449 Wiard, TU 4-6104. RE G t oy " pood !sT W33 Sou t h E 1 na7 TU 4-7525. ICE'SKATES NEW AND USED Trade in vour skates JOE'S SPORTING GOOHS 4' Vfl1" TU II' RADIO - TV - MUSIC CASH FOR USEO PIANOS DtRBV'S MUSIC, TU 4 5121 USEO Soinet organ with Lshe speak er, TU 2-O40. G E. II inch TV console. Parted work Ing order. 130. TU 2-5798. ' u p r i ghTV Va no7 cheap 1414 E. Main. SMALL Spinet piano, excellent condi tion, $375, or discount for cash. Se at 1414 E. Main, open evenings until 9. BALDWIN organ with Leslie sneaker, cost 11.909. like new, SI. 495, can b financed. TU 4-9559. NEW MAGNAVOX transistor organ. Two keyboards, full octave pedals. $495. $:S down, up to 3 monihs on balahc. USED Acrosonlc blonde spinet piano. Stive S500 over new price. $75 down, Terms is desired up to J4 monihs, Derby's Music Co. 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 SAVE 1110 New Wurlltier mahogany spinet piano, complete with bench, $25 dawn, no payments 'til February. NEW Wurlitzer electric organs, model 4100, cherry or mahogany. Sav $200. $25 down, up to 3 years lo pay. Derby's Music Co. 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 PIAN'OS'PECiAL! 139 puts a new Wurlltier piano or used piano of your choic in your horn for weeks. This includes one private lesson per week and delivery. 139 will apply to purchase. DERBY'S MUSIC CO. 12 No. 7th TU 4-5171 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 FOR a different and unusual gift, give pheasants, liv or dressed, phon TU i-4407. HEAVY duty 2 hors trailer, $450. On American saddle mare with coll, reg Istered, $350. Termsl TU 4-7835. FOR sa dressed. e bronze lorn turkeys, TU 4-5991. KLAMATH proved Sire srvlc. TU 4-4400, TU 2-1185. TU 4-455B, TU 2-4102. HORSE breaking, horses, estimates, shoeing, care TU 4-6581 eves. KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plans Now to Consign to Stockmen's Market. Tuesday is sale doy in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll 'Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr. TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY at 1 p.m. sharp Rte. 3, Box 44 MACHINERY 44 3.S00 WATT Onan light plant, fully au tomatic. Will sell. Or trade lor hay, cattle, of equal value. Star Route Box 1, Bealty, Ore. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYES AT KLAMATH TRACTOR IMPLEMENT CO. 5616 So. 6th WE take a WINTER VACATION in order thai WE CAN giv our CUSTOMERS full service during BUSY MONTHS and snil dive OUR EVPLOYES their WELL EARNED VACATIONS . . . WE WILL BE CLOSED DECEMBER 2IST AND REOPEN FOR BUSINESS JAN. 6. 1964 FOR EMERGENCIES call one of the NUVBCRS listed In your phone book. Or call Don 66M43 In Tuleiake. WISHING EVERYONE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR WE'LL BE SEEING YOU in 1964 DON POTTER Machinery Co. MISC. FOR RENT 45 PORTABLE soere healers, floor send ers, byd'eui't. see (acfcs, Klamath - MISC. WANTED 4 WANTED gallon butan tn regulator end butane sal e e'e Must be Pnone 1U 4-ilI. conrj.f.on. BoaH-Pn-Sprti-Hobbi. HKKALD AND NEWS, Klamath MISC. WANTIO 46 WANTED Scinc Fiction and Comics. Call TU 2214 or bru-fl to if Klam ath Avenut THE Smart Shop, if Klamath, will allow a cash discount on any dress or coal purchased. In exchange for that garment in your closet, that Voo can t wear. Musi ba clean and In flood condition) WANTED GOOD COTTON RAGS Must be clean. No buttons, zippers, etc. 1 0c lb. Deliver to the HERALD & NEWS PRESS ROOM MISC. FOR SALE 51 75 TONS oal hay, Bonanza 545-2381. GO-CART, mad bv original GO-Carl mlgr, Excellent condition, S13S. ph. eves. TU 2-5041. FOR sale hay stored Bonanza 545-2091. CHRISTMAS Trees 75 cents and up. FREE CONES. Reasonably PRICEDM Next to Kalcr usd car lof on So. 6th. FOR "a ob well done feeling" ctean carpets wilh Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer II. Claud H. Davis Floor Covering. FORsaie, 70 ton barn stored oaf hay. So Earnest Firsick, 3 miles East ol Spragu River on Spragu River Road. LARGE selection good used clothing. New Method C'eaners. MASON, sand, fill dirt, sandy fill. Cin ders. Pelican Sand, TU 4-4387. ROADWAY material, drain rock end grading. GEORGE R. STACY, CO.. TU 4-3548, TU 2-4133. TlTHlVlfJuVsity A Gardens, Christ mas trees, all kinds, CALL about (lock ing. TU 4-8243. 2740 So. 4th. TOPSOIL7"concrete,aqgrgat, drive way material, drain rock. J. M. BARNES, TU 4-765 VALLEY PUMP Pressure Systems Industrial Pumps Irrigation Pumps Water Softeners ALL WORK GUARANTEED 7364 S. 61h "By the Y" TU 4-9776 HUFFER'S" TRADING POST USED FURNITURE 7m Wlflrti APPLIANCES TU 4-BI74 TRAILERS 32 3 BEDROOM. 10 ft. wide, 36 It. long, aluminum lacks, dual oil barrels, Iron sleps, new paint, S5U0 down, terms to suit, 97 Trailer Park, TU 2-9370 FOffreHt on bedroom 10 x 40 tracer, parked, couple. TU 4-9213. Complelt HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR. Erv Crr, ull Wlnltr AvtJU J-1163. cbTEMAfTrlti International Mobil, ham, turnac, part,, lervlc TU a-aaJft. This Week's Special 1958 10' wide I bed- 9"5QC; SIERRA TRAILER SALES 6800 So. 6th TU 2-0207, TRAILERS WANTED Un to 3S II. any agt or make, ,1c, CASH walling, Iradt up or downl SELL YOUR TRAILER DON'T GIVE IT AWAY See Dole or "Shine." DALE'S MOTOR CO. 333 So. 6th TU 2-4980 BARGAIN BUYS! 51 TERRY 24x8' 1 1 bedroom 799' 997 '51 AMERICAN 35x8' i 2 -bedroom '57 COMMODORE 40'x8 2 -bedroom. $ I 7QQ "A.U" SPPCIAL .. I ' 7 7 58 MERCURY 15 It. Trovel I roller 697 REMEMBER We'll TRADE for Cars or Pickups Dl C'C Mob.i. Inc r WWIl w Home, 1175 V rilh TU 2-2801 AUTO MISCELLANEOUS 53 CORVAIR ipeclallil. Oil leaki itoppad. No imell. Guaranteed, TU-5480. "MOTOR TUNEUP7va1va orlnd obl a specially, tra, estimates, Lea & Bob't Repair, 4100 Washburn Way. TU 24512. CECIL COX GARAGE Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tun up a Specialty JIM Altamont TU 4-WI "OVER 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE" FREE CAR WASH WITH FLOOR MAT PURCHASE $4 & UP SUM Green Stamps Tool CITY CENTER CAR WASH 7lh V Pine TU J-.I4I2 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN K ESPLANADE USED CARS & TRUCKS IV), TU 3-3117. TOP. SALF 1S Merc JW Power ttforing. clean Also 1V) OMC panel, long reel bae. 4 pe4, -PW fires SJIS Ph, TU J-i3't OrDUCEO PRtCF '11 Jeep Pickup, 4 wheel d'lv. 4 cyl initr. runs like a watch. S3. Se Hi So lh. Moo-1 llalion. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We Buy Sell Trade r, iuct coih tor your cor or . ItriirLr anintu fsictl I ' , . JT. 7th & Plum TU 2-4784;7th & Klomoth Falls, Ore goo Monday, December 33. 1963 USED CARS & TRUCKS . 55 DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash for cars. TU 4-3S'. '51 GMC s4 Ion 4-sped pickup, very good condition, new scat covers, paint, good tires with split rims. $35, TU 4-7217. Jtil snasta Way. J FALCON 2-dr , 170 cu. In. motor. 4 sod trans. tSOO miles, SIS95, TU 3-6018. SI CORVETTE. CHnf condition, ra d'O. heater, good tires, assume pay ments, my equity S50O. TU 2 4411, t. 27 befer 5 p m.j alter 5. TU 2-595. 1 H3D 0 DG E 4H)T7d Infer iorTjl Jhl performance nin. 4 soeed, cash or trad for equity, TU 4-5544 vS. Values This Week! '60 Chev. V- Pickup. 4-spd 1 owner 1I49J '40 Austin Cambridge 4 Door. I owner $495 '59 Chev. '4 cylinder Pickup 3-sped. Radio, heater I I9S DEAL RITE MOTORS mi so tin tu m.s Gmo. Evas. TU 24093 EXTRA SPECIAL! 1956 CADILLAC D Vill 4 dr. hardtop. Radio, heater, power equipped. Mchinkny perfect) ONLY $1195 LARRY KLAHN USED CARS 1111 So. tin tu i-3:ts CENTRAL AUTO SALES ' Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4-Dr. 'S9 Ford Galaxie Hdtp. Loaded ..$1295 '58 Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4-Dr $ 995 '57 Ford V-8 4-Dr. Stick $ 695 '54 Chev. V-l 2-Dr. Bel Air $ 595 'S3 Chev. 4-Dr. Slick $ 285 Between So, 6th & So. 7h on Willow TU 2-U30 or TU 2-3204 Eves. CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK CHECK TODAY!! HUGH KIDD AUTO SALES 2877 So. 6th TU 2-1303 A Christmas Wish To all our friends ond patrons A Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year From the MANAGEMENT & STAFF JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 "DEPENDABLE" SPECIAL 1963 DODGE 440 2-DOOR HARDTOP Jet black with red accent stripe and red interior. White sidewalls 2898 383 engine, 4 on the $ floor Thomas DODGE USED CAR LOT 7th & Commerciol TU 4-4627 CHEVY CENTER Christmas Special '63 CHEVY CORVAIR MONZA Radio, heater. 150 h.p. Spy- der equipped. Reg. $2598. SPECIAL 9"3QQ TUESDAY ONLY J'O DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7lh on Plum TU 4-3101 FARM or COMMERCIAL TRUCK SPECIAL! '56 INTERNATIONAL SI80 BD 308 engine 5-speed transmission 2-speed 18,500 Ib. rear axle 10:22.5 tires 16 ft. flatbed with stake racks Hydraulic operated lift gate $I795 JUCKELAND BROS., INC. 1 1 th & Klamath TU 2-2581 "YEAR END" CLEARANCE SALE! EXTRA SPECIALS 53 Buick 4-Door $145 53 Old Hordtop S 145 56 Mercury 4-Dr. Hordtop $160 54 OWi '88' 4-Door $240 54 Old '88' 2-Dr. HdiD. SJ85 '56 Old '88' 2-Door $295 15 '55 Olds '88' 2-Door $225 '55 Olds '88' 4-Door JJV5I 56 Ford 4-Door $l0 '56 Ford 4-Door $190 '56 Mercury 2-Dr. Hardtop $230 55 Ford 4-Door $290 56 Pontioc 2-Door Hardtop $260' l'57 Plymouth 4-Door $295' '56 Buick 2-Door Hordtop $395 MILLER BROS., INC. "Where The ACTION Is" TU 4-4154 PAGE-9 USED CARS & TRUCKS 55 Kit DODGE pickup, txa. TU 21517. Lec,l lotri co. VM CORVAIR Vonu wh,t J-dr. hrd too. i-sMd. ri.te. hMtir, Boo Mtrrl lti. 79I-59I3 M.rrill. "SM FORD Htrdtop. 332 Main, with du.l 4'1. 4 IPttd. extr.i. cm flOSO, TU ,.76SO. im p,rro. ECCLES MOTOR CO. WINTER SALE TIME AT WIDE-TRACK TOWN SAVE up to $300 63 Pontioc Bonn. Vista .. $3597 '62 Pontioc Bonn. Vista .. $3097 '60 Pontioc Bonn. Vista .. $1897 '62 Che. Corvair 700 4- Door $1697 '60 Volkswogen $1 197 '60 Renoult 4-Door $ 497 '58 Ford Frlne. 500 4-Dr. Stdon $ 697 '56 Ponliac 4-Door Station Wogon $ 397 '56 Pcntiac Hdtp. Coupe $ 447 '56 Chev. 210 4-Dr. Sin. Wogon $ 497 '55 Olds '88' 4-Dr. Sedan $ 197 '54 Ford Station Wogon .. $ 127 '53 Buick Super 4-Dr. Sdn. $ 97 '53 Olds '98' Holidoy Cpe. $ 147 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th TU 4-8124 OLSON CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH USED - Not Abused Cars 63 BUICK ELECTRA 225 2-DR. HARDTOP Roman red. Dynaflow, ladio, heater, power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, power an tenna. All leather interior, bucket seats, factory $50QIT air conditioner 007O '63 IMPERIAL CROWN 4-DOOR HARDTOP Embassy gold. Automatic transmission, radio, heater, power steering ond brakes, power windows, 6-way seat, tinted glass, factory air condi tioner, white 4RQ leather interior ... "OO 63 STUDEBAKER LARK 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater, vinyl interior, light beige. This one-owner new car trade-in has enly $ I 7QC 3,423 miles 1 ' ' 3 OLSON CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH See them at the "V" at 7TH & COMMERCIAL HOLIDAY CLEARANCE! PRICES SLASHED on our ENTIRE STOCK of FINE USED CARS! 57 Buick Special 2-Door Hordlop $345 '57 Buick 4-Door Sedan .... $395 57 Buick Super 4 - Door Hardtop $795 57 Buick Roadmoster 75 Coupe $695 '57 Dodge 4-Dr. Hdtp $695 57 DcSoto 4-Door $495 57 Ford Frlne. Club Sedan $595 57 Olds 88 2-Dr. Sedon .. $695 56 Buick 4 - Door Hardtop (Blue 1 White) $495 56 Buick 4-Door Hordtop (Green . White) $595 56 Buick 4-Door Hardtop Century $295 56 Ford 4-Dr. Sdn. 40,000 mile $395 56 Ford 8-Po. Stn. Wgn. $395 '56 Stude. Golden Hawk Coupe $595 55 Buick 2 - Door Hordtop (White & Beige) $395 55 Buick Special 2-Door Hardtop $395 55 Buick Hardtop (Red & White) $295 55 Pontioc 4-Door Stotion Waaon (ai-ii) $195 55 Mercury 4-Door $195 '55 Plym. 4-Door Sedon .. $195 55 Buick 4-Dr. Sdn. (Beige) $195 52 Mercury 2-Door $145 '52 Dodgo 4-Door $145 '49 Chrysler 4-Door (os-is) $ 95 46 Willys 2-Dr. Stn. Wgn. $195 COMMERCIALS '63 Chev. Vi T. Pckp. .. $2395 '62 Ford Vz T. Pckp $2495 '60 Int'l Vi T. Pckp $1395 '61 Corvair Pckp. 4-speed $1495 '61 GMC Pckp. 3-spd $1595 '58 Volkswogen 6 Pass. Pickup $ 995 '55 Chevrolet T. Pckp. $ 695 '50 Chevrolet 2 T. Flatbed (2--.peerl oxlc) $ 795 '60 Willvs Pickup 4-wheel drive (Hubs) 16,000 actual miles $1695 See 'em oil Today at WILSON WILEY BUICK CO. 1330 Mam TU 4-3141 Lot 2 42? So. 7th TU 4-9203