l.Ar-l l"Lai i "w s" r. i rs trai l 1 ':f i fel p?J tM 5i m fM f i "DEB" ADDISON JAMES ALLEN LORNE ALLEN FORREST ALTER DOROTHY ANKENY LYNN ARNOLD DOROTHY AUDISS ' Ad Director Ad Sales Linotype Operator Circulation Manager Proof Reader Compositor Proof Reader f 1:4 mi UmA fep I ' ROBERT E. BEDEL HELEN BECHEN BEE BOOK BUSTER BRAMLETT RICHARD BRIGGS THOMAS BURK JOE CARAHER 1 . Compositor Society Editor Cafeteria Press Foreman Reporter Stereo Typer Publisher yjf, I pfn jP sex r"vi f5 I Mr nrl hr, fcfj $2$ bJ I I iis-. rJ Jog Cf l fef I w4 pl teA i ftv m Clst t&Lt4 V7: js& . LJ UM ft .'I? JACK R. CHARLTON BEULAH COTTER RAY DELONGE MAVIS DICK LAURA M. DIVINE ANNA MARIE ECK WILLIAM FOLTZ 'jX. Itj: Machinist Dispatch Pressman Prool Reader A Circulation Dept. Classified Ad Sales Pressman jV tl ' TTS Operator 1 J4? "era LM &J w&s i 'iU ' DALE GALLAGHE CLARENCE CLAWE WILLIAM GOULD DAVID GREEN WESLEY GUDERIAN GEORGE HARPER LEOTA F. HARRIS ; iV Composing Room Pressman Sports Editor Asst. Circ. Mqr, Engraver Linotype Operator Proof Reader & Foreman TTS Operator M 1 'ff j P p IS I . I S2-Kf!ll r f la ili. a ! L ERNEST HEDLUND DANIEL HENRY BETTY HOLLIS LEO HULSE INEZ IVERSEN FRANK JENKINS EDWARD JOHNSON Tl' Engraving Foreman Linotype Operator Classified Dept. Compositor PBX Operator Columnist Custodian f I Rv . fs BIS! ,V JUNE JOHNSON WALTER JOHNSON MIKE JONES DONALD KETTLER RUTH E. KING EDNA KILLMEYER , DEAN KRENZ 'If. Cliurch, Correspon Compositor Flatcasler Photographer Food Editor. Reporter Classified Ad Dept. Ad Sales AT dunf editor "S f .. ff; l ?p ts MM 'Qi i I I $3 m W Wl M I ;? C. LAMPHOPULUS N. LAMPROPULUS CLAUDIA MALCOMB J. A. McDONALD JACK C. MORGAN R. MORGAN HOWARD MUFF ( &: Compositor Classtlied Ad Sales Librarian Ad Sates Olfico Manager Linotype Operator Compositor :jjr f rz 5 SF3 1 f hg fej ps Wl " ROBRBT NEALY P. NflSWNO JACK PEARSON M. 5CMLOTP ELDT RUIM IPETl HAROLD TOMPKINS W H . IOITON Q If. ''' Aa , Bookkno.r TS Optralor Clrtulalign Clan Ad Mgr. :y a fti rl tz?.viJ v ,r'i KSS" rrsa a I rla Wl M Mjk mk im f;i$ I I-v-Y T mi feJ Ha I f ANDREW VALDEt DAN WALTERS DIANA WALTERS WANDA WHITNEY DONALD WILLIAMS OEORdE WILLIAMS PAUL WORTHIN V Lmotypt Oparalr Raparlar Oupatch Llnelvpa Oparalar Compiilr Mamltnanca Campontsr 'fi; t- I 'feffs?,' fisl f W I iff PLOYO WYNNE CHARLES I UMWALT OARY IUMWALT V i Manam ldlr Campptiiar Cpmpsnrpr : from the folks who bring you At f As joyous and holy season of the year we are happy to extend our sincerest greetings and wish you a pleasant and prosperous 1964. Pictured left- are the people employed full time or nearly full time. They work hard to produce a good news paper every day of the year. All have an important job in an im portant hometown industry; a pay roll that exceeds $400,000 annually. V L V I ra 'P