1 a Christinas card arrives on Christmas from some one not on your mailing list, re lax. Send a New Year's card. First class postage means your Christmas cards be forwarded or returned, if necessary. r . . . l: ' I. :vi Is .. . J - : ? f. . - ;-.: ; )t : . -,,- . - ,.- htf ; - ';- ; . 'yJi 1 ;:t;. '"i'ff-r. V ; ' ' T " I ' ( '5 nil- - .'" E' 'i , -' , t t X ,U ,i J . ' f i KSp PAGE M ...among merry celebrants at a small town inn By CLARK KINNAIRD AND it coma to pan la those days, that there wrnt out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. . ., . IN THE year 749 by the Roman calendar, the world ruled by Au gustus that was most of the world known then to the Roman extended from a vague, almost legendary, Cathay westward to a barbaric Brit ain. The popular conception of the world was a plane stretching from the Mediterranean to abysses beyond which all was darkness. Actually, beyond the boundaries of the world of the Romans were many populous lands, one of them being what's now called America. The latter had been populated by mi grants from acrosa the sea who may have been Asiatics, Phoenicians, Egyptians, northern Europeans, or all four. Most of the people of America at that time were nomadic tribesmen not unlike the nomads of Palestine. In the Roman year 719, Jews who dwelt In their homeland between the . Mediterranean and the River Jordan waited humbly and hopefully for a messlah. They had been promised one by the prophet Jsaioh: "Unto us a child la born, unto us a son Is giv en, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, tho Mighty God." They wanted a national deliver er from the tyranny which bowed them down. The estimated 3.000,000 people of Judaea, Samaria and Gali lee, which then comprised Palestine, were unhappy and rebellious under the rule of foreign pagans. And all went to bo taxed, every one Into his oirn city. And Joseph went up from GalliiA out of the , city ot Kazareth, Into Judnea, unto the city of David, which Is called Bethlehem; To be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great with child. , There are many places In the map of Palestine the names of which be TV -i tsoce on May the message of the first Christmas bring you great joy. Wa. aid Wlu. Jilk puna: Loon Adroon, Ralph Torgsrion, Rogsr Rote, John Barker Peace Ambulance SorvVe 0. AN V.llV rtr. Iitt wuhii lor thi happiest el Our liactti g tot; tudi lor the pril legi ol wving, you. holiday itoiocn. MERRY CHRISTMAS from oil of us at Lucas Furniture We're Continuing Our STOREWIDE SALE through TUESDAY, Dec. 31st. gin with Beth, because It was the most genera word for house or habi tation. Bethlehem meant house of bread. It was one of the oldest towns In Palestine. It was the home of Ruth; the Book of Ruth is a page from the domestic history of Bethle hem. David tended his sheep close by; Samuel came to Bethlehem to find the shepherd lad and anoint him as king of Israel. And so It was, that, while they were there, the days were ac complished that she should be de livered. And she brought forth her first-born Son, and wrapped Him In swaddling clothes, and laid Him In a manger; because there was no room for them In the Inn. In the days of Augustus, Romans celebrated the Saturnalia, or festival of Saturn, in the seven days begin ning December 17. During it, no pub lic business could be transacted, the law courts were closed, and no male factor could be punished. It was a time of licentious disorder. Probably Saturnallan celebrants filled the inn. And there were In the same country shepherds abiding In the Held, keeping watch over their flock by night. Sheep were one of the most im portant possessions of the ancient Hebrews. Judaea had manufactures, fisheries and commerce, but most of its people earned their living from tillage of the soli and from their flocks. Immense numbers of sheep grazed In Palestine in Biblical times; there Is a story of one group of shep herds whose flock consisted of 3,000, 000 sheep and goals. Sheep and lambs provided most of the meat and wool, most of the clothes of the East. . And, lo, the angel of the Lord cams upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were snro afraid. And the angel said unto them, JIKKAI.l) AM) NKWS, Klamath Falls. Oregon 'Til the season to thank you (or your loyal patronage and wish you all the pleasures of a good old fashioned holiday! Li AND BURNER CO. of Klamath Foils 1845 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-3873 l? f ' : Fear not: tor, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall bo to all people. 1'or unto you In born thin day in the city or David a- Saviour, which i Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye hall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, Jying in a manger. And Middenly there wan with the angel a multitude of the heaven ly boflt praising Ciod, and saying. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And It came to puss, as the angela were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds (uUd one to another, let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which Is come to paxs, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Jo Distributed by King Tuesday, Dcrcmlirr 24, ( .t NOIL r- in 'ff i i,- "i '.There was no room for thpm at the inn" A reverently realistic painting of the first Christmas by Henri Lerolie (1848-1929), a French artist best known for historical scenes and murals. ' seph, and the Babe lying In. a manger. And when they had seen It, they made known abroad the saying which was told them con cerning this Child. Because of what the shepherds made known, the world eventually be gan to calculate time from the birth of Jesus. But there was an error in transcribing 749 into Christian chronology, and the event about which Luke was to pen the greatest news story ever written was in 4 B.C., reckoned by today's calendar. Luke was the nickname of Lucanus. a man of Antioch in Syria. He was a physician (and also reputedly, a painter of extraordinary skill t before he became a convert to Christianity ajid a companion of Paul. The story was inscribed by Luke in Greek, up on papyrus, as a letter to one Theo philus, another convert to Christian Features Syndicate DRIVE IN CLEANERS 2041 Rodcliffe Ave. IS To you, from the entire staff at Moty & Van Dyke, our very' best wishes for a holi day rich in the true, deep meaning of Christmas. Moty & Van Dyke, Inc. 638 Klamath Ave. Mere's we really cherish , , . time out to tell you how much your loyal friendship and patronage mean to us and to y ish y ou and xour family a rerv Wiv, happy and cheerful festive seasonl ity. The latter was, like Luke, a Gen tile, and he appears to have been a Roman of high position and wealth. Nothing else is known of Theophilus except this: by inscribing this Gospel and the acts of the Apostle to him, Luke made Theophilus' name im mortal. There is little more that we know of Luke but we know this: he was a friend unto death. 'I am all alone, save for Luke," Paul wrote shortly before he was put to death ia Rome. Such devotion was to be expected of a Christian. It is probable that Luke gained most of his knowledge of the Saviour, as he did his devoutness, from Paul, for there is no evidence Luke ever himself saw Jesus. Luke could have had help from the earlier gospel of Matthew, who had left his job as tax collector at Caper naum to be one of Jesus' disciples, MERRY CHRISTMAS Here's hoping that your holiday is ever-so bright and gay. IPS SEASON'S GREFTINGS To All From Roy ond Elviro Lien LIEN'S STORE a holiday: tradition tj.-.. ". rf , T. , .1 ill1 '!'. " J and from what Mark had recorded. There were countless other narratives of Jesus current at the time Luke wrote. Still It appears that Luke was inspired most by what Paul told him and by the material he gathered him self. It is clear he wrote with con summate, unmatched art. Paul himself was a great writer, as we know from The Epistles: First Thesaalonians, Second Thessalonians, Galatians, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Romans, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon. His writings and his labors within a few yeara transformed Christianity from some thing known to a few into a world religion. Still Paul placed his empha sis upon the acts and teachings of Jesus. It remained for Luke, a man wonderfully inspired, to write the wondrous story of the First Christ mas that excels all other Chris Unas stories ever told. Umw0 1 13 hi L 7 mm i CHRISTMAS CHEER May every day of this joycus holiday be filled with happiness for you. from all of us at KLAMATH IRON WORKS A. I merry. to all Our very best wishes for o Hoppy Holiday Season to aM our good friends and customers. from the Adams We will be closed Christmas Day, Open New Years Day. ODESSA COFFEE SHOP Rocky Point Rood TO OUR FRIENDS Sending ycu and yours loads of grand wishes at Christmas . . . and our thanks for your loyal patronage. (Das di&mdnqsji Qcuisi SoUa DEE'S Beauty Salon The KNITTING NEEDLE 204 Nevada Ave. MI 1 U l S :1 Bert and LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main TU 4-3134 Betsy Foulger j5S5 525 Main 4