COIMW0O3O WOW MAXDMUM SPECIAL! OPEN FRI. SAT. MON. 8:30 A.M. Till 9 P.M. DAILY MEN'S ELECTRIC SHAVERS Reg. Norelco "Flooring Heod" O O 3, 95 SPEEDSHAVER "30" 28 49 Reg. Remington Jnl 98 26.95 ROLL-A-MATIC J Reg "SCHICK ETERNA POWER 2 89 31 49 Everyone Can Play CINWli?ID , Plus Your Chance To WIN UP TO 50 BONUS Check The Ads At Right, See How You Can Win Up to $50.00 Extra In This Big Contest! crW44R6D PRIZE $ 2500 00 'Sl El I'T E R ' VlP' R CAME .RAED c I 1 TfIPi 5 , T '5 0 E. P OUT J s S , , , H fs WIa S l'bA O N E T ET O - ' I 10.IA.TI0.N Y a kI I I I Isl I I NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ( ) Start tha Hirtld and Ntwi lmmdiattlyl ' Camplata punU, dtpoiit In bo at SUBURBAN DRUG OR WAGGONER DRUG CO. . . . or paita an a 4c poit card and mail la Htrald and Newi, P.O. Box 941. COINWORD CONTEST RULES 1. Solv COINWORD oi you would any other cron word pusxlo. 2. Anyono it eligible to enter the contest except em ployei or the Herald and News and their families, and em ployes of Suburban Drug and Waggoner Drug Co., and their families. 3. A contestant may submit as many entries as he wishes, using the entry blank printed in this paper, or exact sixed, hand-drown facsimiles of the puxxle mode without use of carbon paper or other duplicating means. 4. To submit on entry a contestant may deposit his complete puxxle along with his name and address in the COINWORD contest box at Waggoner Drug Co., 839 Main St., or Suburban Drug Co., 3950 So. 6th, or attach the com pleted puxxle along with his name and address on a 4c post card and mail it to the COINWORD Editor, Herald ond News, P.O. Box 941. Mail entries must be postmarked not later than 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, and entries must be deposited in the COINWORD contest boxes by 12:00 noon Wednesday. 5. The Herald and News will award a prlit of $100.00 to the winner of each week's COINWORD contest. If mora than one winning answer is received, the prixe will be di vided equally among the winners. If no correct solution is received, the amount of the weekly prixe will be increased $25.00 each week the puxxle is not solved. ($2,500.00 max imum). 6. There is only one correct solution to each COIN WORD puxxle and only that correct answer con win. Deci sion of the judges Is final and all contestants agree to abide by the official answer supplied by the COINWORD editor. All entries become the property of the paper. Only one prixe will be awarded to a family unit. 7. Entries must be mailed or delivered by hand before closing deadlines. No entries can be returned. The answer will be published in the Herald ond News. CLUES ACROSS 1. In need of a warm , the driver of on open cor would certainly put up the top. (Shelter, Sweater) 6. One might find a bit In the desrt. (Cornel, Cameo) 7. A piece of embroidery might be very val uable. (Framed, Frayed) 8. The owner of a squeaky cor could wish he had a for lubrication. (Flair, Fluid) 9. When moisture o piece of timber, a new piece would probably be next. (Rets, Rots) 11. The old-fashioned with painful joints is colled arthritis today. (Bout, Gout) IS. If it is to survive, civilization must abolish evil (Wars, Ways) CLUES DOWN 2. When they a toll, highway commissions should use discretion. (Enact, Exact) 3. Holding o , a man might pull himself out of a hole. (Tree, Trey) 4. An elderly person could find a long rather tiring. Hall, Haul) 5. A salesman with a .... . approach would not be likely to sell much. (Devious, Tedious) 7. The cry of " !" may indicate danger. (Ftre, Fore) 10. A good golfer keeps his eve on the ball when he it. (Spies, Spins 12. Threats will sometimes moke guilty people (Sweat, Sweet) 16. The wall of a castle could be decorated by o (Baronet, Boyonet) 17. A worker might fake a dav off occordmg to some spec ial (Nototton, Rotation) 18. A sharp should put one on hi toes. (Tack, talk) 13. Important .. ate usually eH paid (Poets, Posts) 14 A little now and then may be an obligation v.e cannot avoid. (Sting, Stint) 16. In a small town, a persuasive writer might create quite a (Book. Boom) Deposit Your Entries At Either COINWORD Sponsors Suburban Drug Co. -- or -- Waggoner Drug Co. 3950 So. 6th 839 Main St. Or Mail to: Coinword Editor P.O. Box 941 Extra Coinword Papers Available At Waggoner Drug, Suburban Drug and The Herald and News HELP; KEEP CHRISTMAS ' Wa. win i.iw M BRIGHT ALL YEAR LONG... Automatic Action Brush for Teeth and Gums from SQJJIBB REG. 19.75 NOW 4 J 85 ONLY 16 (i V QUICK, GENTLE . UP-AND-DOWN BRUSHING ACTION PLUS S&H GREEN STAMPS! ORIGINAL FRENCH CREAMS, artfully arranged in a new luxurious gift box... exciting French creams, tempting chews and crisp nuts. Treasured recipes, experienced blending and selected, quality ingre dients make each piece a rare treat. So fresh and delicious ...iust perfect for the holidays. (From $1.90 to $12.50) 26 Reg. $ 2, 50 SCHICK SUPER SPEED Reg. Ronson "300" $ 49 28 50 'BIG DADDY' 5 Reg. $ il ft 98 21.30 SCHICK MAGNA POWER $ 18 Christmas Ball TREE LIGHT SETS Colorful even when not lighted Westinghouse Lamps Reg. 1.69 7-Light - String 98e Reg. 3.19 15-Lighr - String 1.98 YULETIDE GIFT WRAP Big Rolls - Extra Wide Reg. ft AC 1.59 93 Reg. New! Kodak Insfamatic 100 17 " CAMERA OUTFIT Reg. Brownie Fun Saver nM MOVIE CAMERA Reg. Brownie Srarmaric II 44 50 CAMERA OUTFIT Reg. Brownie Starmerer 28 50 CAMERA OUTFIT Reg. Brownie Srarflex ,8'5 CAMERA OUTFIT Reg. Brownie Srarflash 13,5 CAMERA OUTFIT Reg. Brownie 5,5 FIESTA CAMERA $ 14 17 35 23 14 11 4 $ Jj 89 Just Received! NEW SHIPMENT OF TWEED Colognes Bath Powders Sets MORE CHRISTMAS BUYS! COMBAT OUTFIT Contains bullet shooting machine gun that shoots harmless plastic bullets. Camouflage helmet, can teen and cup. Mess kit with knife, fork and spoon. Only . . . ADDING MACHINE Here's one everyone will use. Adds subtracts and multiplies. Some youngster will want this one for Christmas. Priced at just . . . 2 98 3 98 GIFT TOWEL SETS Easy to buy and easy to give beautiful Cannon brand towels in .mHu It.... Li ... I from and priced at from . . . MM 198 GIFT PILLOW CASES Always a wanted gift. Beautifully packaged by Spunwell. Quality pil low case sets priced at just . . . I98 - 2 98 WE'CAN'T MENTION THE NAMES BUT ALL THESE APPLIANCES ARE ON SALE AT IS 9 IFF O Combination Electric Frypan and Broilers O 10" and 12" Elec. Frypans Q Electric Can Openers Electric Knife & Scissors Sharpeners Waffle Irons 2 and 4 Slice Toasters Electric Coffee Makers Steam & Dry Irons All These and More Pressure Cookers Portable Hand Mixers Electric Furniture Polishers Electric Hair Dryers Blenders Electric Clocks Radios Steam Travel Irons Vibra-Massage Vibrators Electric Shoe Shine Kits TV NURSERY SET A 41-pc. set complete with nurses, bassinets ond all accessories. Keeps the young nurse of the house en tertained for hours each day. Com plete set . . . 4 49 SPACE SCOUT Wind up, friction powered space scout all ready to land on the moon. Fun for any youngster with a mind towards space. Suburban Drug Priced at just . . . J 98 Open 365 days a year . . . 366 on lean Open 9 till 10 ... 9 to 9 on Sundays & Holidays - Oroa.iM On Duty at All Tim Current charge customers may charge anything except Camera Dept Mdte in the Suburban Drug Bldg. at the prescription counter. ' " 95 98 98 95 95 98