FRIDAY vnv. 6 30 p.m. potluck din ner, annual children's Christ mas party, VFW Hall. IOOF ORDERS, 15:30 pm., potluck, Christmas partv, treats (or children, IOOF Hail. All orders and families. I MOT.M, 6 .10 pm., I children's Christmas Moose Home. LOOM, ;30 pm., fish Moose Home. trv, EAGLES AUXILIARY, I p.m. meeting. Christmas gilt ex change, Eagles Hall. SATURDAY SONS OF NORWAY, 6:30 p.m. lutefisk and meatball dinner. Christmas party, children's gift exchange, Shasta Grange Hall. KLAMATH LANK LODGE 4W1, VOA. 6 p.m., potluck. Christmas program and Lucia, IOOF Hall. MERRY MIXERS. 8 p.m., square dance, caller. Dude Sid ley, Cottage Grove. Pelican City Hall. Bring potluck. potluck, party. Open Tonite 'til 9 Sea Santa 7:00 - 9:00 J. W. KERNS 734 So. olh TU 4-4197 CHRISTMAS FOOD SALE. Semper Paratus Horuon Club, 10 a m. to S p.m., downtown Market Basket. KLAMATH LODGE 77. AF 4 AM. 8 pm., public installation of officers, Masonic Temple. SUNDAY VFW, 2 p.m.. annual Tom and Jerry party, VFW Hall. ELKS LODGE, 7 to 9 p.m.. Christmas open house, Elks Temple. Adults only. ELKS LODGE, 2 p.m., kid dies Christmas party, Klamath Auditorium. SHASTA VIEW GRANGE. 2 p m., dinner, Christmas pro gram, Grange Hall. MONDAY DEGREE OF HONOR. 7:30 p.m.. children's Christmas par ty, KC Hall. Bring cookies. MOOSE MAWS, 9 p.m., Christ mas party following bowling, Moose Home. Quick Action By Passerby Saves Man From Flames HERALD A.SD NEWS. Klanutli falls. Or. Maty, Decarabtr M, 16) PAGE-7A OPEN SUNDAY 10 AM to 6 PM Gifts by Anjou to set her heart singing! DUSTING POWDER EXTRAORDINAIRE Here is the ultimate in fragrance and packaging. Beautiful gleaming opaque plastic base with monogramed dome shaped clear plastic lid and the fluffiest most luxurious puff imagin able. Celestial and Side Glance $3.50; Devastating and Apropos $3.00 p BRODERICK'S PHARMACY ftVWJ A driver-salesman for Bond Portland Trucking Com pany. Marvin Bland, 2342 Au tumn Avenue, is alive today be cause of the quick thinking act of a Southern Pacific em ploye, David Vincent, 2023 Abi lene. Vincent was passing by the truck terminal at 1445 Oak Ave nue about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday when Bland came running by. His clothing was on fire. Vin cent caught him, threw a large overcoat over him and put out the flames. The action undoubtedly saved Bland's life. He was taken to the hospital where he was treated for burns on both legs, arms and forehead. He is in good condition today and should be released from t he hospital in time for Christmas. Bland was working with an other driver-salesman of the firm, Jim Adams, filling an alcohol-burning heater in a van loaded with potatoes. The can of fuel exploded, throwing burn, ing liquid on both men. Adams was able to extinguish his clothing quickly, but Bland, unable to do so, began to run. Adams suffered minor burns and was treated at the hospital and released. Gene Yates, terminal mana ger, reported that Adams would return to work Monday, and that Bland should return to work after the first of the year. Yates reported that other men were able to put out the fir in the van and that only small damage occurred to t h e po- i la toes. Blind Musician ST. LOU IS l'PI - Thirteen-year-old Michael Gerber, blind at birth, is a musician who has appeared as soloist with the nearby Kirkwood Sym phony Orchestra. Gerber is a pianist, has been studying piano since he was three years old. Dorothy Zieglcr. the orch estra's conductor and music di rector, said Michael's "out standing achievement to date has been aided by the fact that he has absolute pitch." Michael has learned by ear, using phonograph records and a tape recorder. He is now learning to read music in Braille. "Michael is a remarkable boy." Miss Ziegler said. STAR G XERV MAR. 23 9-22-39-43 44-78-84-89 TAUIUS APR. 21 MAY 21 2- 8-21-24 53 67-4? OIMINI MAY 22 JUNE 22 IB-IV-Z4-3I 37-52-79-86 CANCH y 34-34-38-40 & 44-49-50 no AUG. 23 59-43-44-4a 71 73-77 VIROO AUS. 2' SEPT. 22 Oi 3-28-54-74 75-76-83-88 -Br CLAY R. POLLAN- M Your Daily Activity Guide H tr Accordina to tfie Start. 1r To develop message for Saturday, read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodiac btrth sign. UMA srrr.a r-t-T OCT.U&Ni C2-33-47-J'.' I58-40-82-&S 1 Your 2 Devete 3Good 4 Curb 5 fondest 6Some 7 Hot! 8 Soma 9 Check 10 And 31 Persiitenc. JZTneres 33 No 34 A 35 Are 36 Simp! 37 To 33 Hoopenipg 39 Gift 40 Mov 11 Development 41 Don't 12 Helps 13 Prospects 14 Des.res ISDiti'ft 16 Bnoht 17Todoy 18 You 19 Require 20 To 21 Time 22 Your 23 Unexpected 24 Greater 25 To 26 To 27 Good 28 Work 29 Reveol 30Wr,re 42 Ld 43 Your 44 Are 45 A 46 Turn 47 Time 48 Expect 49 Into 41 All 62 Letter 63 Eflort 64 Will 65POV 66 Luck 67 Shopping 68 Likely 69 Socioliling 70 The 71 Handsome 72 Soy 73 Dividends 74 Done 75 Con 7o W,n 77 Now 78 You 79 Burred SCORPIO OCT. 24 CV. NOV. 22 4-11-12-20 T 09-43-80-81 J SAGITTARIUS NOV. OEC 22 13-14-17- 07-44-68 50 Complications 60 Unusuol 51 To 52 Accomplish 53 Leisure 54 Well 55 Hove 56L.le 57 Hot 58 Now 59 Creotiva 60 To Q$Good (a)AdTtrse 81 Talents B2Stort 83 Generous 84 Forgetting 85 Action 86 Goals 87 Within 88 Proite 89 Someone? 90 Reoeh ) Neutral CAPIKOftN OIC. 23 ?f JAN. M r 41-48-51-35 41 161-70-72 HJ AOUARIUS JAN. 21 4-14-25-30C 145-37-42 V; risen m. 20 MAR 2. 1- 3- 7-10,0 87-90 VSJ 5-33-8 SHOP TONITE ft a 8 8 8 8 a a- a a a a a a a a a 8 a 8 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a BEAUTIFUL NYLONS Gift Wrapped for you Her favorite stocking! Seamless, ef course. WE HAVE THE BEST DRESSED TURKEYS IN TOWN! Grtdt "A" birds ipteially teltcfcd (or food ftoitino,. May wi hov your order now to onuro you of getting just tho bird you wont tor Chriitmai. MARKET BASKET So. 6th & Shasta Way TU 4-4050 9th & Pine TU 4-3167 G-E DELUXE smvk ha ,n 8 PORTABLE HAIRDRYER eautiful Travel Case $2695 Other G-E HAIR DRYERS $10 9S from 1 7 REMEMBER... W twnplen rvlct toiilittH ftf ! all mih ef TV. (CJ.I, f U4lr. Big adjustable bonnet slips over largest rollers 9 Heat is distributed evenly for fast drying Quiet, portable lets you walk, talk en phone 3 heat selections plus cool dry for hose, nails Open Every Night This Week! 10th & Main PK. 4-8183 confidentially, girls. . . YOU'RE SURE TO FIND A DISHWASHER UNDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE ... IF YOU HAVE HIM DO THE DISHES FOR A WEEK! Hardly a gentle hint. Sort of a mean trick to play on old Dad, perhaps. But convincing . . . the best way to let him know why an ELECTRIC DISHWASHER is the idea! Christmas gift for you. After he's had his, hands in the dishwater for a while, remind him that you waste over 400 hours a year scraping and scrub bing dirty pots, pans and plates. He'll see that you should spend these hours on more worthwhile family activities. Remind him, too, that - for the sake of good health, the "entire family can profit from a dish washer in the kitchen. Dishes and utensils come from an ELEC TRIC DISHWASHER sterilized and almost entirely free of harm ful bacteria . . . scalded in water hotter than the hands can touch. This should cinch it. Try it and see. Find an ELECTRIC DISHWASHER under your Christmas tree! Set Your Favorite ColOre Electricol League Dealer, ASK ABOUT EASY TERMS i.95 a . s: mm i 1.50 -1.65 fUJ a:- lifii t istie.t...ee1i.aisitll