PAGE 4IA HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli, Ore. Assassination Top Story Of '63 i1 ) Thursday, December 19, 196 -I M 1 -I- PRESIDENT SLAIN The Assassination of President Kennedy on Nov. 22 completely dominated other news stories in 1963, according to a poll of editors compiled by United Press International. In this tile photo, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy and Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy leave the Arlington National Cemetery after the funeral. UPI Telephoto II J! -.5 lii j v-a i r iff., 27 .rr4 w: w f TREATY SIGNED The signing of the partial nuclear test ban treaty by the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union Aug. 5 was ranked fifth in the list of the top 10 stories of the year. Signing are, left to right, U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and then British Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home. ' UPI Telephoto n i - JL :. .. -. , .k's. tie' Vs V 'f iMl .v . !' . J ivS l ''"'"''' " Vr :: - f '1 r" nrir nieiiri luaiiiini'V 'k , 5 FIVE OF A KIND The birth of the Fischer quintuplets in Aberdeen, S.D., was ranked 1 0th in the list of top news stories for the year. Mrs. Fischer, mother of the quints, smiles proudly in this picture taken outside the hospital nursery several days after the birth. UPI Telephoto For Every Woman Who Is Concerned About Her Family's Health, Fitness, and Weight . . . the Westinghouse BROILER FRY PAN Broils, roasts, bakes, fries WITHOUT USING FATS! 95 For both pan & lid - Complete The non-stick fry pan that needs no pampering! Use a fork in it, o knife, a metal spatula it stays "NON-STICK"! The formula is permanent. No scouring or scrubbing, it rinses cloan. Just dunk under wotor for easy clean-up! NEW WESTIXfillOUSK HAIR DRYER There is no finer dryer . . . give the best! Giant site hood fits over biggest curlers, silent, com pletely portable, dries nails, too. MOC V 1 It l NON-STICK $40 We Give 'H" Green STAMPS Complete with attractive travel case. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC 95 24' 4 -I Can Openers Sp I KIRKPMRICECS fccud $id& OpplkuiaiA NEW YORK (UPI" - The as sassination of President Kenne dy one of the (op stories of the century completely dom inated a news year that ranked highest in drama and import of any year tince World War II. That was the consensus of ed itors who selected the "ten big gest news stories of 1963" com piled by United Press International. The integration story in the l S. A. was the overwhelming choice for second place on the list. announced Wednesday night. Tlie annual poll of edi tors represents hundreds of UPI subscribers in tlie United States and Canada. The Pope John XXlII-Pope Paul Victory and the Gordon Cooper space flight contested closely lor third plate. The The 34-hour-plus space flight by th COOPER GOES UP U.S. Astronaut Gordon Cooper was named as the fourtf top news story of 1963. This May IS photo shows Cooper waving as he steps from the space capsule on board the aircraft carrier USS Kearsarge upon completion of the flight. UPI Telephoto papal death-and-succession took third. Cooper fourth. Here is the 1963 list: 1. Kennedy assassination. 2. Integration U. S. A. 3. John XXIII dies. Paul VI succeeds. 4. Cooper space flight. S. U.S.A.-Britain-Russian nuc lear ban. 6. Assassination of Premier Diem and brother in Viet Nam. 7. Atomic submarine Thresher lost. 8. Profumo sex scandal in Brit ain. 9. Supreme Court rules against reciting Lord's Prayer in schools. 10. Fischer Quintuplets. . The ban by the major powers on nuclear testing in the air held s t e ady in fifth place throughout the balloting. Fairly close to the quintup lets of Aberdeen, S. C, as run-ners-up but not quite big enough to make the list, were two stor ies of widely dissimilar news import: The 14-dey ordeal and rescue of two buried coal min ers at Sheppton. Pa.; and the widening split between Red Chi na and Russia. Those two finished m a virt ual tie for the 11th spot. Others close in the honorable mention list were De Gaulle s v e t o of British . membership in the European Common Market, and the Russian launching of ' twin ' astronauts, one a woman. Many editors remarked that 1!H3 seemed the newsiest year since the war. Some said the list might have better included the 15. or perhaps 20, "biggest." UPI submitted ballots con taining 32 major events of the year for the consideration of ed itors. They usually base their judgments on significance, pub lie impact, shock value, human interest, readability, and the amount of space the story oc- to Ft ill .d rw 1 POPE DIES The death of Pope John XXIII was ranked third among the top stories of 1963. The richly robed body of the late Pontiff is borne in state through St. Peter's Square during the procession from St. Peter's Basilica in this June photo. ' UPI Telephoto Elizabeth Arden Presents For Christmas Me'moire Cherie Fragrance Set What more enchanting way to send all your Christmas wishes than with a Fraeranre Set of Mi'-mnire Clirrie the world" most Perfume! A bottle of lYrfiinif Mist and a flacon of the precious Perfume make for many a nionioire cherie, 8.50. plut ux 9th & Main Free Delivery TU 2-3475 A n War il , -v It SB tupied in the newspapers. The "ten biggest news stories of 13" list as voted by edi tors of UPI subscribers in Eur ope: 1. Kennedy assassination. 2. Pope John-Pope Paul. 3. Nuclear test ban treaty. 4. The Profumo affair. 5. French veto of British Com mon Market entry. 6. The German mine disaster and rescues. 7. Vaiont Dam collapse kills thousands. 8. and 9. (tie i Adenauer re signs. Erhard takes over; and Skopje Earthquake. 10. Macmillan resigns; Lord Home takes over. Edged by narrow margins were the first woman in space, Kennedy's European tour. Diem assassination, Britain's train robbery, Soviet grain purchas es. Integration in the U. S. A. didn't place. Polio Vaccine Given To 2400 LAKEVIEW Approximately 2.400 persons in Lake County took advantage of the SaEin oral clinic for type one polio vaccine held at the Memorial Hall in Lakeview on Saturday, Dec. 7, according to tlie report of Mrs. Ruth Mc-Kinncy, county health nurse. The clinic was sponsored by the Lake County TB and Health Association, and the work was done through the health office. There will be a clinic for type three on the first Saturday in January and for type two on the first Saturday in February. Adults are urged to take ad vantage of the vaccine as it has recently been determined that, while not suffering from the dis ease, they could be carriers. r7r- -' ' " -'Sir i f i 40I COURT RULING The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling against reciting the Lord's Prayer in schools ranked among top stories of the year. The case was started by Mrs. Madalyn E. Murry of Baltimore shown at right with son. Garth and her mother. Mrs. Bonna Mays, after historic ruling. UPI Telephoto UNUSUAL BANK CHECK One of the most unusual checks on display at a bank money museum in New York City is drawn completely in Braille and signed by Helen Keller. ttSHERBiT? silk I BATTERY POWERED - RUNS ON THE FLOOR! YOU CAN'T STOP IT. IF IT HITS AN OBJECT IT TURNS AND CjUti 1Mb OTHER WAY! "MAKING HIS MARK" At one time, smiths and pot tery makers had individual marks which they put on their products and. when these marks or brand names became well known, the person had "made his mark," giving rise fo the expression. PRESCRIPTION PSUG REG. t' 4.44 n m Just 4zr Sm tt UW'jfAto S a -i "' & itf s ill !iV 52 1 1" f v Ml? ' SL & i . jl - . , f-1 J; S 1 . . 4 I i iS I i . i M SSfN - v " !f ' - 4 5 Don't just say you love her! Show her T) 11' -wtn Jjerksmre A GIFT of Berkshire Stockings speaks louder than words on Christmas Day. Because these are the lovely, sheer stockings that every woman wants: mothers, sisters, sweethearts, wives! Only Berk shire nylons have the NYLOC Run-Barrier, and now, Berkshires are Ultrosonic. That means her Berkshires are guaranteed not to run from top to toe into the sheer leg area or she gets a new pair free! Buy her several boxes. From $1.35 the pair. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9:00 From Now Until Christmas Shop The Mcixonine Floor For China, Crystol, Stainless Steel Flatware trn tL4 Villi ST1 "Klomoth'i Home Accessory And Gift Store" c l K ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 721 Main 7th & Klamath Ph. 4-8886 Phone TU 4-4561