Thurs., Dec. 19, 1963 Page 10-C Herald & Nvwi Klamath Falls Quaint Gift In The Mail Christmas is an exciting tim even to a food editor because the mail brings the most unex pected gifts. This week it was a Utile Dutch "speculaas" board, an exact replica of an antique spe culaas board used centuries ago by Dutch and German cooks to make little cookies with raised designs. Speculaas, pronounced spee-coo-las, meaning mirror, is an appropriate name for these cookies because they mirror the designs in the board. The traditional Netherlands tale of speculaas boards is that, on Dec. 5 St. Nicolaas arrives, lie sails into the land on a boat from Spain and brings sacks full of toys. and dolls of speculaas for all good children. tf you look you can find some of these boards about town. Any child would love to find some speculaas dolls tucked into a stocking. SPICV SPECULAAS COOKIES 3 cups sifted enriched flour 3 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon nutmeg Vi teaspoon baking powder 'i teaspoon salt 1 cup softened butter lj cup shortening l'i cups light brown sugar 2 to 3 tablespoons milk Sift together flour, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, baking powder and salt: Add butter, shortening and brown sugar, Mix at low speed on mixer or with wood en spoon until mixture is crumbly and well blended. Add milk a tablespoon at a time to form a very stiff dough. Press small amount of dough into each carved section of speculaas board and press down firmly with palm of hand to complete ly fill mold. With sharp knife, gently cut away excess by run ning knife across top of board using a sawing motion. Invert sheet and tap one end so cookies fall onto sheet. If some cookies break, gently push to gether. Place cookies close to gether on sheet. Repeat with re. malning dough. Bake In moder ate oven (350 degrees F.) about 15 minutes or until lightly browned around edges. Makes about 6' dozen small cookies or 3'i dozen large cook ies. If you don't sift and in the ob sence of other directions, spoon flour directly from container into dry measuring cup, level off, then remove two level tn. blcspoonfuls, according to US DA recommendations. Note: If self-rising flour is used, omit salt and baking powder. Cookies will come out of carved sections more easily If board has been seasoned first. To season, fill sections with solid shortening, using about 2 tablespoons altogether, place board on aluminum foil or bak ing pan. Place In slow oven (300 degrees F.) for about 45 minutes. Remove from oven and wipe off excess shortening. Cool board before using. Deviled Fig Canapes A new kind of canape just in time for holiday entertaining. Deviled ham Toast rounds California Dried Figs Grated cheese Spread deviled ham over toast rounds. Cut each California Dried Fig into 4 slices. Arrnngo one fig slico on each round. Sprinkle with cheese. I'lace un der broiler until cheese Is bub bly. Serve hot. FRUIT DESSERT Easy to fix but fit for a com pany dinner that sums up "Tropical Fruit Dessert." Scoop fruit from California avocado half-shells. Mash the avocado and add lemon juice. Fold into whipped cream fla vored with ginger and gralcd orange rind. Fill the half-shells with clullc-d canned fruit cocktail and orange sections. Top with the avocado mixture. fo please any cat. all tuna liver 'n meat chicken fish meaty mix kidney 'n meat .WVA ' -L'iSJr I 1 Tjj Safeway Stores MlO$ CLOSED rtfteP) SEW?? WEDNESDAY H 'Wr? December 25 V W Sh0P AhEAD wfcWiMii i Prices effective IkO) M Thurs., Dec. 19th WMty xk JFL thru "ay, Dec- Xm ember 24th Wt ' fir r jjnty ' m && ANGEL FOOD Mrs. Wright's. Regular while, f f r Cherry Chip, and Custard Angel. ' J fev& 3 delicious varieties JkmmmmmmmmmA save, save GOLD BOND stampi You save every time you shop of Safeway! Low low prices plus Gold Bond Stamps! SAFEWAY GIFT ORDER iaieway uirr uraers come in denominations I ci.A J to fit needs or gifts to i . r-srrsrt ' Lvtiyuiiu. ar cneciv bland. ;' I If ft NVWAl.r 1 tusDA? Sr v J Aged for Flavor . . . Best for Value Steak U.S.D.A. Choice grade beef lb. f (CHOICE Beef Rump Roast a. ft ;: Choice grade beef, aged for peak flavor and tenderness. Bar-S Bacon 79 Bar-S Franks Thick sliced Freshly pocked Lb. Skinless wieners vacuum pocked Lb. 59c 49e 9 t .. . A'JS ... Tti Monor H VW '.I'i'VpS!" Covernme ' 1 l.i ft ' -rt?f I ' fshness mm 1 L.S.D.-4. Grade A louse ivernment Inspected rozen 16 to 24 lbs. 3f c Captain's Choice Medium Size Oysters ! Sausage Sofewoy pure pork. Mildly seasoned 12 ox. jar Lb. lb. 59 Turkevs 0 45e Fresh Leg 0' Pork Manor House Frozen 8 to 16 lbs. Lb. Whot or Half ' 43' 59' m, mt h m i m u m .9 ft V K itr 1 1 T I T Vs." 1 W . 1 sW 1 Dec. Thurs., Dc. 19. J1 Pace 11-C Herild & Noi Klimalh Falls W Mrs. Wright'l. Finest quality fruits $ i, una nurs. uenclous! Fruit Cake Ring $J09 Mb. 5-oz. Prices effective Thursday, 19th thru Tuesday, Dec. 24th. BONELESS HAMS & 79s, , rt.-nt , -pjdBMBMzsaBM t--Jl-x---t l v LJLJLJ K- f v it: i i'lS. v..r?." i.,'.v). Si. .m Rich Lucerne Ice Cream ! 16 Ass't. Flavors vQ) 2 1 t V2 Gallon I Cottage I Cheese I uort 'J I '2G'" PintCtn. Cranberry iauce Powdered or !rown Suaar Check This List Mince Meat Borden 5 None Such 28 ... Pk9. 59c Soup Mix Kno r Cr ofLeekor0nion Pk9. 43c Poultry Seasoning Crown Co,ony , ... 23c Sour Cream Lucerne ex, Q r,ch plBt carton 59c Holiday Values Egg Nog ' 59c Kara Syrup " ' " Marshmallows Half Gal Hi lb, Fluf-Puft, miniatures .... lO'i o 98' 29e - 25e 8 1 ,Sit Mb. Pkg. Jellied CT WC I PPlC 17. I or Whole U) I lra 0(0 CI I No. 300 Can J I " Cj J "if f r Lucerne AA iutter i & 3 ggg IS(p)c I 1 lb Print CJ I I . I 8 ...rfsgiMM? tf. If O DON'T FORGET! O Ripe Olives L'ndsov ior9C Tall can 39C f fJS ' i m aMMI litmifi 1 iuieiiiMi jlh ijifeifiSii;rii;i I m s ir i mm m w 1 Stuffed Olives Empreii ManTZ 39c Sweet Pickles 2 ppy' wh0" 22 ... i 59c Cocktail Sauce s,okely' ,,n"' qu0,li,y.1. 29c Mince Meat Bord05 None Such , 0, 33c Bumble Bee Tuna Wh " t.! 43c Fruit Cake Mix Lyon s ,,, pk9. 69c Sweet Yams Jock 0 Lon,ern No 2,icon 29c Reynold s Wrap Heavy dl ty 0 ft1 I Hot Dog & Hamburger Skylark fresh rolls at Safeway 8-Ct. Pkg. mm ft. f SUNKIST NAVEL Sugar Sweet 'n Juicy f O SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES Christmas Carton Rolls Skylark Brawn 'n Servo Pkj. of 12 3i100 I 25 ft. roll 35c Azar Ass't. Nuts 39' P.c.ns Pistachios . Pinon Walnuts - Almonds - Bra tils - Ptpitas Cashes Potnuts Fancy Mind, Pkf. Greater Savings at Safeway Fruit Cocktail --r 4?1.00 AA Large Eggs C com0 T-" 49c Dairy Topping L"'rr-yc Delicate Peas Smo 25c Party Dips Lu"rn,-7snd,tr -39c a ft ft" :ff ft Avocados 2?29c I Serve with cheeit stuffing if AA Crisp Celery - 10c Assorted Nuts E n0' 8 2 - 89c 1 Always welcome ... i" AA. Boiler Onions " - 5 - 39c I I L i I PtHect complement A f Fresh Mushrooms --- - 49c 1 Afl 12-lb. carton I .70 1 O RED DELICIOUS O APPLES 1 m 8 Hood River Red Delicious. Firm and crisp. 10-LB. BAG l 00 20-lb. Xmas Ctn. 289 :ff ft CoPVRICiHT I9W, SAIIUAV SrORlS. 1NCORPORA ITU l THE HH1 BOOK OF CHRISTMAS Now Available at Safeway In 3 Wonderful Vols. n A K K K K K K K K K X R R j Bel-air Corn " Penney Savers Westag Vanilla ' ' .. .,, 39c, Cragmont Beverages ""'-' 6I100 Stuffing Mix -29e. Stuffing Bread " 33c Save More at Safeway MJB Coffee "i p"", '" '' 59c Edwards Coffee -- 57e Instant Coffee -99e Instant Coffee -':." 83c Canterbury Tea 1- 0 " " " 49e Clean Metal Easy Way By FRANCES C. HALL County Extension Agent As file holidays approach, many homemakera are looking for nw products that can ease the chore of keeping silver, copper, brass and other metals shiny clean. For example, sil ver polishes are now available which both clean and protect against tarnishing. For a simple way to quick clean a quantity of silver ta blewaro, fit a piece of alumi num oil into the bottom of a pan and put the silver on top of it. The foil should be tlie sire of the pan bottom. Cover the silver with hot water and add a teaspoon of baking soda. In a few minutes, tarniih will be deposited on the foil. Caution: Do not use this m e t h 0 d for hollow . handled pieces or for oxidiied silver patterns. When not in use. store silver in tarnjsh-resistant flannel or airtight plastic wraps. Brass and copper accessories will slum tarnish If given a beauty treatment with kitchen cleaning wax. First remove tarnish with a copper cleaner or with vinegar and salt. Wash iin lint sudsy water, rinse, and polish with a soft cloth. Than apply wax, the type used for the exterior of the refrigerator. Lacquer sprayed on the out side of clean silver, copper or brass also provides a pro tective coating but don't apply it to items which come in con tact with food, tlio specialist emphasizes. These lacquers and waxes arc available at most hardware and department stores. If stainless eteet looks spot ted or dull, wash it wtoh warm water, soap or a synthetic de tergent. Itinse, and polish dry with a soft cloth. Chromium finishes, such as found on toasters and other appliances, do not tarnish but become dull and covered with film. Clean with silver polish, wash in warm suds, rinse and polish witli a cloth. Pewter, an alloy oi tin and other metals, is very soft and must be handled carefully to avoid scratching. Wash in liot, sudsy water, rinse and polish dry witli a soft cloth. If tar nished, use a silver .polish. A soft luster enhances pewter. Crystal vases and bowls will have added sparkle if washed in warm suds to which a few drops of household ammonia are added. Rinse well'and dry. Wooden taay should be wiped with a cloth wrung out of cold1 water, then dried. Do not stand on edge to dry. Wood absorbs waler and cracks or warps easily If left dn contact with tvater. Salad bowls should be washed quickly in warm suds, rinsed with warm or cold water, and dried immediately. Do not soak woodenware or put it in an automatic dishwasher. Salad servers and bowls which have lost their finish can be smoothed when dry with sandpaper, then rubbed with linseed oil. Wipe off surplus oil and expose to air until odor is gone. A leaflet "Care of Metals and Kitchenware" is available for the asking at the county extension office. 1949 Main Street or phone TU 4-8151. roien Peas 10 oi. pkg, B9 "The Glory of Christmoi" "The Pageantry of Chriirmoi" "The Merriment of Chrittmai" SET $C96 J Plus; Hi-Fi rtcord of Christmas Music. Individual Book or Record $1.49 Each Food Hints Sunday supper (or any other quick meal) takes on a party laste with a main dish like this: In saucepan, combine a 1-pound can beans and franks in toma to sauce with 14 cup drained ap ricot halves, cut in quarters. Heat, stirring now and then. Serve with a tossed salad to 2 or 3. That great mcal-in-one-tray. Hie frozen 3 course Salisbury steak dinner, gets its Italian airs with the addition of olives. Just fold back foil over the steak and top (he meat wilh 1 tablespoon sliced stuffed ol ives. Rescal; heat according to label directions. Here's a soup to serve at a lunch or as a prelude to the evening meal. In saucepan, cook 1 slice bacon (diced) until crisp. Pour off all but 1 table spoon drippings. Add 2 table spoons chopped green onion: cook until tender. Remove from heat and add a 2Vounce can cream of potato dry soup mix; gradually stir In 2 cups cold wa ter until smooth. Bring to boil, stirring. Partially cover: sim mer 1(1 minutes, stirring now and then. Add 1 cup milk, dash marjoram, and dash thyme. Heat, stirring. Makes 3 to 4 servings. For a cleverly delicious hot beverage these nippy days, try heating a 12-fluid ounce can V-8 and i teaspoon soy sauce. Simmer a few minutes and serve to 3 or 4. P4pl Read SPOT ADS yen ore mm. 3j I O V