l HFRALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Jacoby On Bridge NORTH II 893 V A72 4 A J 3 Q964 WEST EAST 4KJ742 AQ109J VJ4 V1093 Q95 4 8742 73 A2 SOUTH (D) A A VKQ8S K10 6 KJ1085 No one vulnerable Sonth Wet North East 1 N.T. Pass 3 N.T. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead A 4 Bid Wastes Good Hand r.y OSWALD JACOBY Newspaper Enterprise Assn. All bridge experts don't agree on how many points are needed for an opening no-trump. My limits are 15-17, others use 1( 18, some use stronger or weak er no-trumps. Disagreeing on points, they stand together firm ly on the principle that you only open no-trump with no - trump shape and that no-trump shape is either 5-3-3-2, 4-4-3-2 or 4-3-3-3. Occasionally an expert will de cide to open one no-lrump with 5-4-2-2 or 5-3-3-2, but never will he open no-trump with a single ton. The reason is that hands with singletons 'even singleton aces) cry out for play at a suit con tract and while you can open no-trump and wind up in a suit it is much easier lo reach the right contract if you start bid ding with a suit. Today North has an automat ic raise to three no-trump after his partner's' one no - trump opening. West has an automatic Fpade lead and South should go down one trick. South made the hand and was quite proud of himself. He en tered dummy with the ace of hearts and led a club. East ducked and South had a club trick. Then he ran off the rest of the hearts, guessed the dia mond finesse and had his nine tricks. North pointed out that it was a great waste of talent. Had South opened correctly with one club he would have wound up at five or six clubs and would have made six without the trou ble of a finesse. Q The bidding has been: - North East South West 1 Pass 1 Pass 3 Pass ? You, South, hold: A J43 VA65 4KQ74 82 4 What do you do now? . A You are surely going to t ' slam. Bid (our no-trump to ulc for aces. TODAY'S QUESTION You bid four no-trump and, as hoped, your partner bids five s hearts to show both missing I aces. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow Sales Tax Study S.YLBM - URD If Oregon had had a sales tax during 13, the gross revenue would have totaled about $79 million if the law included food in the tax base, or $(i6 million if food pur chased for home consumption had been exempted. This was the conclusion con tained in a report issued today by the State Tax Commission. The commission made U clear it was not recommending a sales tax. but e imply releasing the results of a studv of such a tax. DIAMOND BllP 1111 -Sv 11PIW1SB 'j Wednesday, Dm Music Lesson ACROSS 42 Exists 43 Gerthwin, long writer 45 "Tannhauser' composer 49 Harangue 53 Black 54 Connoisseurs 57 German river 58 Transgression 59 Transmitted 60 Bleaching vat vi r. 81 Number 62 Affirmation DOWN' 1 Opers singer 2 Bibhral character 3 Unconscious ness 4 Hungarian retainer 5 Sum up A Insect 7 Duration of office 6 Symphony by Beethoven Johinit Sebistiin German composer Lohengrin's bride Sioiun Indian English river Highway Mrmnrv nurlcrr Shield bearing Moslem decree Shoshonean Promm director (ab.) Journey Taxable One of the Silvers Eagle (Bib.) Wheel track a Tot" by Grieg loung salmon Habitat tcomb. form Rebuilt Norman town Q N'nbleman 1 E B 14 I IS IS 17 I 18 19 110 111 is i6 n ; is I W 20 ' ' zi zTj 1 I ' ' zTTTTs f 27 28 129 30 131 132 35 40 : 41 ' 1 1 4a r-JTiT ' 1 1 146 n "r 50 sT" sr sr feisn 55 59 65 51 62 1 I I I I I I 1 I It Lodge Slafes 'Lucia Bride1 Kbmath Lank Lodse No. 460 VOA Christmas program, Lucia bride ceremony and pollock din ner will be al the IOOF Hall. Saturday, Dec. 21, starting at 6 p.m. For further information call TU 4-4502 or TU 4-8518. The crowning ' of the Lucia bride custom dates back to an cient times when Scandinavian countries opened the Christmas season on St. Lucia's Day, Dec. 1:1. The eldest daughter of the family donned a crown of light ed candles, a long while robe, belted with a red bridal belt, and led the other children of the family in waiting on parents. Lucia buns and coffee are served to their ciders. Lucia this year will he Linda Bailie. Her attendants will be Barbara Hedberg and Patricia Thomas, assisted by Willie and Allen Podawillz, and Stephen Erickson. The elves, who in BUY YOUR TOYS AT WHOLESALE! OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. UNTIL XMAS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE RANCH WHOLESALE SUPPLY MERRILL-LAKEVIEW-J UNCTION - SET WATCHES OF RARE PERFECTION ...CRAFTED IN 14K GOLD o t OMEGA' y.siDE and outside,. tliCbC ate amnng tlic most distincthe watches vc have keen. Like the meticulously crafted, extremely precise Omega men enicnt inside . . . each of the diamonds h.nc been loupe-inspected for brilliance and perfection of cut. 1SK gold dial-figures, hand applied. EXCLUSIVELY AT J. C RENIE, JEWELER 1021 Main TU 4-4606 PAGE IA Answer to Previous Punle !s'AT 10 Auction 1 1 Anbun sespart 16 Spine publisher 32 Famous English school 'jo Moslem noble 22 English composer 24 Level of "Boris Godunov" 25 Miss Stevens 26 Chancier m Bible 28 Country ol Kathleen Mavourneen 29"Rif!Oletlo" composer 30 Mineral tar 37 Sit lor painting 40 Whitesmith 41 Kamous opera star 44 Fabulous bird 4STime period 46 Competent 47 Mongolian desert 4fl Musical psusst 50 Region 91 Canvas shelter 52 F.stonian 55 Dessert 56 Hoslelrv 31 Ampricsn Potluck, Ceremony Sweden give the Christmas gifts instead of Santa, will be Kalhy Keep and Ginger Comer. Insure Your Happy Holidays! DRIVE CAREFULLY! Bob Jones' Southern Oregon Insurance Agency So. 6th & Shosta Way 2-4671 mbr II, 1963 SAFECO IN8UflANCE I f h i! opent,ll rj m jlj WEEKDAYS l 1 liah rki n e v?- SHE'LL LOVE NEW STAINLESS STEEL COFFEEMAKER Bell's 90 23 Price Only Counts the cups 8uilNin gouge Modern Danish styling Model No. P33 Easier to cloan TIME-SAVING GIFT FOR 7 VBk'l Easier Heats food and keeps it warm all through feeding Suction bottom prevents spills Easy as a cup to wash Your choice of pink or blue PRESTO APPLIANCES NOW SALE PRICED! THIS CHRISTMAS Push Button Convenience sprays, tteoms, spray-steam, dry! Reg. 21.95 SALE PRICE CHEiRY COLORS! Pfesta-perks citron yellow mandarin orange with sprightly flower The NEWEST idet in coffee milters! Du ruble poly propy lene perks in three glamorous colon . . . will not fade, chip, or crick. Three-step brewing: 1) Pour in water, 2) idd coffee, and 3) plug it in. Makes 3 to 5 cups of delicious coffee. Add color to your kitchen with FittU-ptrkt, by West Bend. See the Klamath Basin's larg est selection of famous brand small appliances in Bell s n Downstairs Store Toasters, V mixers, woffle bakers, grills, :ff coffcemakers, hair dryers, Os- tertzers, Irons, and many :ff others. All Specially Priced! ft A NEW SMALL APPLIANCE r l vM lint PORTABLE MIXER Bell's 4 95 16 Price Only Weighs less than 3 lbs. Knife Sharpener accessory is avoiloble Three Control Speeds Removable Cord set MOTHERS! AUTOMATIC SKILLET BABY FOOD WARMER Bell's Price Bell s Pnc t 9 98 Fixes Baby's Dinner Faster. motifs if 1588 6 HARDWARE DOWNSTAIRS STORE Newl General Electric Automotic Electric TOASTER Bell's 4 A 65 18 Price Only All Chrome Finish Automatic Toast Selector PopUp Feature Removable Crumb Tray Ail 11 Vx I New Till Top , V.v vX Includtd! . X.7. W ft: Top always handy when you need it Exclusive Tip-Tea Leg drains fat away Big 10-inch sisa AUTOMATICALLY ! N EW V' EASY-CLEAN GRIDDLE with miracle Du Pont Teflon cooking surfact I FRY WITHOUT FAT AND WITH' Reg. 30.45 OUT S TICKING! Rinses .... J If. . t -I unuer ma mpi ims oown waiilcu laiuries. rieips cholesterol. Beautiful new ENJOY SPIN GOOKEJ with the Just st the dul on this Osterizer on any of eight clearly mirkftd proctssin actions stir, purse, whip, grate, mil, chop, blend, or liquefy and the Power-Minder takes over, automatically preventing any loss of speed or power when additional ingredients are added 5-cup, heat-resistant, graduated glass container with con venient handle. Removable full-ounce cap for measur ing and adding ingredients during processing. Gleaming chrome base. y I ij 31 i c,n,,,u' $88 j ft; S cohikhii oiih R9-62.95 efW I ; i . OS IHOIOUOH C t I A N I N e l OTN IN R " ...... . ... . ,l .v.l.MM JtVJJK IL. -J i -f professional food grindina right in your own kitchen For tastier, juicier ground meat treat, (resh grind a selected cut just before using with the OSTER electric Meat Grinder that cut and chops without tearing or aqueezing out natural meat juices. Coarse grind left over meats for money saving meals . . . fine grind nuts (ves. even hard almonds) for those delicious cookies or delicate pastries . . , grind bread, vegetables, anything fast er and better with no effort Reg. 44.95 SALE 39 95 clean 25i7 on unrAI r reuueg stvlina. With Control ill . I I ' GIVE QUALITY . ... , COFFEEMAKER Stain If 11 itel, whiti aecinti, automotic! Reg. 26.95 SALE PRICE At It's Best 10-CUP percolator 14.95 (q)88 KliQRE)UAKl DOWNSTAIRS STORE 528 Main, I lLl!dp, ' S ln wm srf ml , I. a .tmip . i wwfl 4 -KT-A i AT A SAVINGS! Ph. TU 4-3662 I fli