Wednesday. December U, 1963 PACE S-B HERALD AXD NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE Widow Of Former Partner Testifies At Baker Hearing WASHINGTON (LTD - The widow of Robert G. 'Bobby) Baker's former partner told Senate Investigators Tuesday how she and her husband split a J54.000 stock deal melon with Baker. She said they had no thought that the ex-Senate offi cial used any "influence" in the transaction. The attractive blonde witness. Mrs. Gertrude V. Novak, also .said the death of her husband. Brand New 1963 NORGE ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYERS NOW ONLY W5 NO TRADE NEEDED Plus Cal-Ore Bonus 24.95 Sheet and Towel Set FREE What a Wonderful Christmas Gift! $10 Down Delivers J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 Alfred S. Novak, was not at tributable to his financial rela tions with Baker, She said the death was an accident not sui cide as local officials ruled. . ' Baker resigned his $19,600 job as Senate Democratic secretary on Oct. 7 after disclosure of his wide-ranging outside acthrties in stocks, real estate, insurance and other fields. Mrs. Novak opened the first public hearing by the Senate Rules Committee w ith the testi mony that she believes her hus band's death was "definitely accidental." But her initial testimony dealt primarily with a deal in which the Novaks put up all the money, $12,000. to buy stock of the Mortgage Guaranty Insur anec Co. (iMGIO of Milwaukee on Baker's recommendation and then split the profits with the 35-year-old Senate official. Under questioning. Mrs. No vak testified that: She and her husband never were involved in any other transaction in which they put up all the money and split the profits with a third party. She did not learn until later that Baker had holdings in MGIC stock other than that in which they shared. Part of their profits were placed im mediately in an account for construction of the Carousel Mptel in Ocean City. Md., an other joint venture with Baker. Novak's death was ruled a suicide by local authorities. He had been Baker's partner in construction of the Carousel Motel at Ocean City. Md. He w as found dying in the garage of his suburban Maryland home. - U across re-nr us--' The Cardiff Giant, one of the world's biggest hoaxes, was cut from a two-ton block of gypsum Keep your clothes'Tarty Perfect" . . . with our professional fabric care Skillful handling plus special fabric finishes give Sanitone cleaned clothes a bright, new look cut " rate methods can't achieve. Try our complete, professional service today. CASCADE LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Opp. Post Office TU 4-5111 NEW METHOD CLEANERS Gold Bond Stamps 1453 Esplanade Ph. TU 4-4471 BROADWAY CLEANERS "S&H" Green Stamps 4615 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-6403 Trucks Radio Dispatched for Fastest Possible Service I ONLY 54 SHOPPING HOURS TIL CHRISTMAS! LAST HOUR GIFT IDEAS Open 9:30 Til 9:00 Every Day Til Xmas EDeCc.P24 t.v... ..'. 1111 li.i. . .1. lit rn.iL wl NflO 8 '039 'L 'VNVISinOI 'd33HS "C 'SNOAVH3 -2 'OfNVfl "I UMorj -HANV '6 '3JJVHIO 8 '3AIH338 9 NVDn3d "S "IVIfJNflS -C 'JI31V38 "l OJ3V 'SS3MSMV Husband Fears AS ter-40 Sex Lite By AN LANDKRS Dear Ann Landers: There will be no name or address on this one, Ann, because my husband opens all the mail. Please reply in t h e paper if you can change the words around and make my let ter printable. My hus band's closest friend dropped dead of a heart attack six months ago at the age of 44. This man had always been in excellent health, played a great game of tennis and was a lead er in all sorts of civic activi ties. He had been a bachelor until eight months before his death. His w ife was 18 years his junior. My husband told me the day after the funeral that he is sure his friend's coronary was brought on by his marriage. He claims that sex after a cer tain age is damaging to the heart. To come to the point, Ann, my husband hasn't touched me since his friend was buried and I don't know what to do. There has been no discussion, he just finds excuses to stay up later than I do every night. My hus and is 41 and I am 38. Please help mc.-OUT OF MY MIND. Dear Out: Your husband's theory Is invalid. Some bache lors who marry in their 40' have a far less strenuous sex life as husbands than they ever had as bachelors. The death of your husband's close friend has obviously had a traumatic effect on him. He should discuss the problem with a doctor at once. Refusal could mean a shattered marriage. Dear Ann Landers: I was a mother who yelled herself hoarse tiling to get my chil dren to do things. One day I woke up to the realization that yelling at children only pro duces resentment and makes them more hostile than ever. My husband occasionally would step in and resort to drill ser geant methods. He got surface obedience, but he lost their af fection. Finally, together wo hit on a totally different tech-nique--and it works! When punishment is in order our children get it promptly a swat on the bottom, or the loss of a privilege. We have cut out scolding and nagging and have substituted praise instead. We took the emphasis olf the HOUSE DISCOUNT Town & Country Shopping Center - Shop till 9 EXTRA CHRISTMAS VALUE! CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP 6 -BIG ROLLS 576" Long TOTAL REG. 1.98 29 tilings they did wrong and placed it on things they d i d right. It's hard to believe they are the same kids. Instead of bick ering and sulking they cooper ate with one another and strive for our approval. Anyone who is grumpy and cross is ignored. The cheerful, pleasant child gets to do interesting things and is rewarded with smiles and hugs and compliments. This is no-fairy tale, Ann, it is a method that actually works, try it . EX-YELLER Dear Ex-Ycller: Of course H works, but it takes patience and understanding, and many moth ers are too immature and short tempered to try it. Children respond to approval, affection and suggestion .far more readily than they respond to yelling and commands. Thank you for saying it so well. I hope the shrlckcrs will follow your excellent suggestion. Dear Ann Landers: I am a woman in my 70's and have been very friendly for over 30 years with my next door neighbor. Mrs. X says she is 79 but peo ple who are in a position to know say she is closer to 83. Mrs. X does not seo well and she is as deaf as a doornail. She insists on driving her car everywhere and is forever offer ing me a ride. I'm afraid to ride with her and my children have begged me not to. Strangely enough she has never had an accident, which I Uiink is a miracle. Please tell me what to do. D. D. E. Dear D. D. E.: The kind of driver you describe may not have accidents but she can cause them. Arrange for other transHrtatkm whenever he calls to offer you a ride. "PkaAe, don't umt 'til Vccmlm 25tk to-ddum nuj Chmtnun EtecbuA gtadl'dbeto-kmiLnoia-fot, altkose itah of diihes. glutei, flakmt,, pots tutdpoM dusting tk&ko&dag j&uon -and ewg dtij I get tkumjudifo'vrnijfamlj, ChuitMA umu but once, a, yeuu, butdiih umung goei on f ovum f Wemlyyowu. Hommakm 'P..: m!a, - - Light Company ad ui todojj'i papw, andijowtlifiAiukjjl want oa Eftbio DitkwcjJm: fgH y-H-hhWl WE JUST UKylpUJ. RECEIVED A fe RM&L fe:A??J 17 lie ii ru Burin- sjmmml i $ NEW SHIPMENT sSlSl ' OF RECLINERS wSam WITH A PRICE IPf TO FIT EVERY PiMi J POCKET BOOK ttlSCTi i ''"-w a . 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ItR it PAYMENT PLAN fTOT? if i Vf 2 A Modern Swivel Chairs KvC 1' Sg lI.JVlJO W5S4jLJl.I In New Soft Vinyl sVL -AsiXa" Jrf Colonial Style Chain MiW?X?L CJA NO Ml With Soft Pillow Back $49& mm J89 jkt-ilfLA Graceful channel back style, fHVIWrjiWwl Recaptures the charm of Col- ' 1S jfTm "X so thrifty you'll wont a pair. V 'ifj W-B fi fl U onial days with oroceful wing J II If All over padding of polyure- "VjlT W f '' back ond 'lo"nd skirt. Gay ., W V U thane foam, JjLj'''' cotton print cover. Jj French Provincial Style Chairs $jcoo Sean Price No Money Down Hand - tufted polyfoam backs plus rayon damask covers, Fruitwood finish wood frame. MIRRORS O LAMPS O CERAMICS O PICTURES O PLAQUES O SMOKERS ON SALE IN OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Slim Line 1 4-in. Plate Glass Wall Mirrors Distortion free plate glass reflects the charm of your home for years. Ideal 24x36-in. size is backed with Masonite, polished on both sides for clear re flecting. Hang vertically or horizontally. 95 22K Gold Trims Pottery Susans !! I Chflrgt It Seven selections for relishes or chips, dips. Sean Price Handy Metal Snack Tray Sets to Serve Four Check Sears low price With hanging hardware NO MONEY DOWN 17 BRASS MAGAZINE RACK 99c Mcrfcrn broil wire moofin rock. Gift priced at Sears. Buy severe!. Check Sean low price One rack stores other 3 6 CHARGE IT Attractive 16x21'2-in. king-size trays on sturdy brass-finish legs for 4. Oak leaf design, ivory and black finish metal trays hold oil the dishes needed for king-size appetites of snackers! Ceramic Ashtrays in Modern Design . $199 Sear Price I Assorted shapes 10-12V4 in. long in amber flame, burnt orange, walnut wood finish. Complete Selection On Hand Toyland Annex 812 Klamath Ave. Ground Floor Location Shop at Sears and Save Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back SEARS OPEN DAILY 9:30 9:00 PM UNTIL CHRISTMAS 133 So. 8th TU 2-4481