HERALD A YD VEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore. Wednesday, Drrrmbrr II, 1963 PACE-IB Bids Opened On 12 State Highway Projects SALEM iUPH - Bids totaling $7,720,978 for 12 projects were opened here Tuesday by the Siate Highway Commission. Another project, nine miles of paving and grading of the Co lumbia River highway east of Arlington in Morrow was cancelled. County, Apparent low bids by county: Clatsop Replace polings at Astoria ferry landing. General Construction Co., Portland, $2S.-800.. Douglas Roseburg traffic signals, Trowbridge Electric Co., Roseburg, $5,968. Roberts Moun tain section of Pacific Highway, Slate-Hall, Portland, $1,114,916. Gilliam Hay Creek bridge, R. L. Coats, Bend, $23,090. A FOR HIM FOR HER -- Take a tip from Santa and make this a Merry Christmas with the most lasting gift of all an elegant diamond set in the ring or rings of your choice. Choose from exciting new styling in men's and ladies' rings as well as beautiful engagement rings and bridal sets. Personal service by Ricky. Just say charge it! 700 Main St. Ph. TU 4-5131 Grant and Harney John Day Burns Highway rock production, Arthur Simonsen & Co., Baker, $30,930. Jackson Siskiyou Summit California line section of Pacific Highway, Western Contracting Corp., Sioux City, Iowa, $4,874, 858. Jefferson Jefferson County roads in the vicinity of Culver, Babler Bros. Corp., Portland, $86,118. Josephine Selma section of Redwood Highway. C & H Dur bin Construction Co., Eugene, $345,642. Lake Lakeview-Burns High way rock production, Jedd Wil son & Son, Lal'ine. $21,900. Morrow Willow Creek - Air port Road section of Columbia River Highway, Earl L. McNult Co., Eugene, $1,921,224. Tulelake Crash Brings Citation TULELAKE A Tulelake driv er was cited by the California Highway Patrol for driving while intoxicated following a Sunday evening accident which demolished his 1955 pickup. The driver, Clayton Floyd Jr., received a cut on the head. He was treated by a Tulelake phy sician and then taken to the Sis kiyou County Hospital. The California Highway Patrol said Floyd was driving south on Highway 139 Sunday about 7:35 p.m. near the north city limits of Tulelake. His pickup ran off the shoulder, the patrol said, into the ditch and then re turned to the highway and rolled over. RSi: .u;i - tost i Gaffers: tUSlNGLY INEXPENSIVE AND BEAUTX Fvtra Wiall Extra Special! 9x12 RUGS Luxurious Viscose with Attached Foam Pad for Longer Carpet Life! 9x12 Size Budget's Low Price Only 12x15 Rug Same as Above w7l 21 i95 Brand New Shipment Here Now Early American FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES Just arrived Monday morning! We didn't even have time to price the merchandise for this ad BUT YOU CAN BE SURE THEY'RE THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! Beautiful solid wooden accessory pieces with smooth Salem Maple Finishes! Magazine Rocks 8-drawer Spice Cabinets Spice Racks Shelves OPEN r NIGHTS f TILL 9:00 & ...... lipW 95 ' WS vt4i 1 A-r ,.. J Polt Lamps TabU Lam pi Desks i tlfc I .Rocker. L t3 C,ub I A IK 5 Ottomans Occasional Tobies f l k Dinette Sets Cj K l Wall Accessories Throw Pillows Living Room Grps. s?Q f Hide-a-woy Beds Bedroom Furniture Mattresses, box y Springs si?! Bunk Beds Rugs i o Bookcases Expanding Hat Racks Fireside Benches WE WILL GLADLY HOLD ANY ITEMS FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY. 5 2410 South Siith Street The Little Store That Saves You MORE! DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY! Come on out and look around. We guaran tee that we can save you money on qual ity furniture! NO MONEY DOWN No Pymt. till February DRIVE OUT ANYTIME 10:00 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. PARK FREE ON OUR OWN BIG PARKING LOT! EDO 2410 South 6th Free Delivery Klamath Falls Elementary School Enrollment Shows Normal Drop Current figures for Klamath Falls elementary schools show enrollment at 2.432 a drop of about 80 students in the last Merrill School Plans Program M Kit RILL The Merrill Ele mentary School will present its annual Christmas program on Thursday. Dec. 19. at 7:30 p.m. Grades five through eight will participate. On Dee. 17, the Merrill High School band will present a con cert at the high school at 7:30 p.m. The public is cordially invit ed to attend both programs. two months. Superintendent Ray Hunsak er, in presenting the figures to the Elementary School Board Monday night, said tills drop is normal and it is likely the en rollment will continue dropping until next February. After that, he said, a rise ran be expected until the end of the year. The largest single class in tlie school system is one of sixth graders at R i v e r s i d e School. There are 35 students in the class. There are three classes of 33 one of seventh graders at Roosevelt, one of fifth graders at Roosevelt and one of sixth graders at Pelican. The administration assured the board that no serious prob lems have developed in tlvese large classes. The largest school in the sys tem continues to be Mills with 472 students and second is Roo sevelt with 3i4. Other schools and their current enrollments are: Fairview, 3S1; Fremont, 2!C; Pelican, 2-12; Riverside, 228; Conger, 225; O'Neill, 171; and Ponderosa, 47. Thhe largest single grade of i YULE 1 LOGS 2 CRATER FUEL CO. 2 Ph. 4-9757 K students in live city is the first grade with 331 and the small est is in the seventh grade with 259. : Hemorrhoids Cured Painlessly By Non-Surgical Method The non-surgical, electronic method for treatment of Hem orrhoids (Piles) developed by doctors of the Beal-Oliver Sandy Blvd. Clinic hat been to aucceuful and permanent in nature that the foUowtnt; pol icy is offered their patients; "After all symptoms of Hem orrhoids ... have tu balded and the patient has bean dis charged, if he should ever have a incurrence, all further treat ments will be given without additional fee." Patientj experience little, if any pain. Their treatment re quires no hospitalization and does not employ drugs or in jections. Writ today for free, de scriptive booklet, yours without : obligation: The Beal-Oliver Sandy Blvd. Clinic, Chiroprac- ; tie Physicians, 2026 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland 12, Ore. TyTSJVEj:' MAUN C&E MARKET m si MAUN'S LARGEST SUPER MARKET LINK SAUSAGE Seasoned Just Right! Swift Premium Chuck Roasts u;oi ,nd Choic B,.,, u Round Steaks 0lChoi"' Lb 49c 93c Fresh, C&E Lean Lb. 39c 5 LTbin 3.95 A good family Christmas present Good & Choice Hind Qtrs. Beef ' wrapped free .... lb. 55c FRESH, FRESH, FRESH For Christmas Swift 7 ' Ground Beef iMMuJ Uim Swift Premium VUI1IICU nUIIIS Wondcrtul gift! FHA FOOD SALE SATURDAY 9-5 at Malin C&E Market SUPPORT THE BOY SCOUTS Visit their Christmas Tree Lot in Downtown Malin, Oregon! JELL0 Assorted Flavors - Reg. pkgs. Butterball Turkeys Also for Christmas feasting we will feoture geese and Long Island Duckling, i is 9 Free Samples'- Nalley's Dippers and Nalley's Chip Dips Saturday 10:00 to 5:00! Chip Dips iKtt'b 49c Potato Chips NRty69c Pkg 49c Dippers Kk Pk3 3589c Syrup Quik Shrimp Butter Karo White Full quart Nestle's Chocolate 2-lb. tin Standby Tiny Clean, 5-ox. tint ' Crater Lake 1 -lb. prints Cranberry Sauce 5 Standby Whole or Jellied Reg. Tint $-j00 SOUR CREME 29 Crater Lake Vi Pint Tub Snack Crackers i Pumpkin Fruit Cakes Napkins Frozen Pies Olives Libby or , Del Mont No. 2!4 Tins Festival Brand 2-lb. Cake in Fancy Metal Tin Chiffon Dinner Size 60 Ct. Pkgs. Johnston 9-inch All Flavors Oberti Giant Ripe Pitted No. 1 Tins Sunshine Your Choice of Varieties pkgs. 00 Cucumber Chips '', 79c Dill Pickles fi'MTT. 269c Sweet Pickles 'otjar. 2169c Clam Chowder A", 5?$1 Stuffing Mix S, 3 Pie Filling ,kK: 5s$1 Extra Fancy Real Beauties Malin C&E Market Produce it Guaranteed Snoboy Sunkist ORANGES 8-T ORANGES HALF BOX 39 Celery Hearts 29 Yams, Sweets- 2-29c Cucumbers 2;25c i-' .y-' Complete Set! vv 25 Volumes S ' FUNK AND WAGNALL'S . ENCYCLOPEDIA All 25 Volumes Watch Sunday's paper tor mora Pre-Christmas tood specials from Malin CIE Market Complete selection fancy holiday nuts and Chriit- , mat gift-packed annle.! r r 99 mi k Downtown Malin, Orgon V Alwoyt Fre Forking No Limits rv A Wonderful All grocery pricet in thit ad effective thru next Christmas Gift! Wednesday, subject to ttock on hand. Meat and produce pricet effective 'bf p'thru Saturday. m I mn ne i v,t-'. ,