LfLfji N6353C - M&' welcome ESETsr OFFICIALLY WELCOMED on football team is pictured ichigan, Of Ratings; Beavers NEW YORK ( UP1 1 Michi gan and Kentucky moved up to challenge top-ranked Loyola of Chicago today in the United Press Internatioal college bas ketball ratings. The weekly standings were jumbled by a sejes of upsets. Loyola's high-scoring Ram blers survived a close brush with the upset wave against Detroit and Western Michigan during the week and thus dropped four first-place ballots from last week. The undefeat ed Ramblers were ranked No. 1 by 28 of the 35 coaches on the UPI rating board this week. Unbeaten Michigan, an early Big Ten crown, skipped three places to second, receiving three first-place ratings and to taling 245 points, 80 behind Loyola. Kentucky, which has broken TomSrcrru BATTER EXCLUSIVELY AT J. C.RENIE JEWELERS 1021 Main TU 4-4606 Your new rings initials and date while you wait. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE "SINCE . . . r long dlMim moving , . . Bv experienced movrn modern enulnme nl. STORAGE . . . CRATING . . . PACKING A (mis far Rekim I' rats K ms omen mum mvbn mran kiwi w kiwi IT M WU I HAM KTUK TRIUMPHANT HUSKIES RETURN The University of Washing, on arrival at Los Angeles. Kentucky the 100-point mark three times in winning five straight, moved four positions to third with two first-place votes and 202 points. Duke, one of five members of the top 10 last week to be up set, dropped from second to fourth; Cincinnati gained one position to fifth and UCLA, un beaten in four tests, jumped from 14th to sixth. NYU, upset by Toledo, fell to seventh from third and Texas advanced a notch to eighth. Vandcrbilt, another high-scor-ing outfit which dropped Duke last week, vaulted from 16th to ninth with five consecutive wins: and two powerful small er universities, Davidson and Toledo, both with six straight victories, tied Oregon State for 10th. Minnesota, Wichita and Ari zona State rated 1.1-14-15 in or der followed by Oklahoma City ltith. Kansas State 17th and Creightnn 18th. Bradley finished 19th and Georgia Tech and Villanova tied for 20th. engraved with free of charge When it's YOUR MOYE CALL TU 4-7425 1918" FREE ESTIMATES Country r Around the World 0)., OiWOSI, KJU. IHTKIT NEW YORK (UPI) The The Huskies scheduled another workout today at their Rose Bowl headquarters' camp at Long Beach. Near Top Now 10th United Press International col lege basketball ratings with first-place votes and won-lost records through games of Sat urday, Dec. 14, in parentheses: Team Points 1. Loyola (111.) (281 (4-0 ) 325 2. Michigan (31 (5-0 3. Kentucky (2) (5-0 4. Duke (3-1) 5. Cincinnati (3-1) 6. UCLA (4-01 7. NYU (II 14-1) 8. Texas (5-0) 9. Vanderbilt 5-0 10. (tie) Davidson in (6-0) 10. Uie) Toledo ((-0i 10. (tie) Oregon State (5-1 Second 10: 13, Minnesota 35; 14, Wichita 21; 15, Arizona State 19; 16, Oklahoma City 15; 17, Kansas State 13; 18, Creigh ton 12; 19, Bradley 11; 20 (tie), Georgia Tech and Villanova, 9. 49er Coach Awaits Big Decision SAX FRANCLSCO I UPI) Jack Christiansen probably will find out next week if he will coach the San Francisco Forty Miners in 191)4. Christiansen, choice of the players to continue, met Mon day with club president Vic Morabito, but the youthful For ty Niner coach said they dis cussed only last Saturday's 21 17 loss to Green Bay which gave San Francisco a 2-12 rec ord for the year. The Forty Xiners announced that they had signed 210-pound fullback Ollie Ross of West Tex as Stale. He was a 15th round draft pick as a red-shirt in 1912. Ross gained 930 yards on 182 carries in his college career. Hockey Standings WlfL Standings By I nilcd Pros International W I, T Pis OF CA Denver 18 8 2 38 120 73 Seattle 14 11 3 31 LosAngls 13 12 3 29 Portland 11 14 4 26 San Fran 12 17 2 26 97 82 85 99 88 i!9 90 118 90 99 Vancouver 10 16 2 22 Monday's Results Xo games scheduled Tuesday's Schedule Portland at Vancouver 90 PROOF KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY DISTILLED AND BOTTLED, Br THE JAMES B. BEAM DISTILLING CO., CLERMONT, BEAM, KENTUCKY. Licenses To Expire Hunters and fishermen are reminded that a new year is about to begin. As such their old hunting and fishing licenses will expire on the last day of December. Hunting and fishing licenses for 1964 must be in possession Jan. 1 if outdoorsmen intend to start the New Year with a trip to the duck blind or to a hot spot steelhead hole. Waterfowl hunters and fish ermen will be affected most by the new license requirement since fishing is available hi many areas of the state through the w inter months, and the w a terfowl season will extend through Jan. 5. The old duck stamp remains valid through the waterfowl season, but steel headers will also require a 1964 salmon-sieelhead punch card. The game commission said that license fees remain at the same old rale of $7 for com bination; $4 for hunting; $4 for fishing. The salmon-stcclhead tag 'remains at $1. Resident juveniles 14 through 17 may purchase hunting (ex cept big gamel and fishing li censes for S3 each. No li cense is required for juveniles under 14 except for big game. Tlie game commission ad vised that all anglers must have the salmon-steelhead punch card in possession while angling for these fish. The punch card, which may be obtained at any license vendor, is issued free to juveniles under 14. 1,000 TO PARTICIPATE LONDON' (UPD Officials for the seventh international Maccabiah Games in Israel said Monday more than 1,000 athletes will represent some 32 countries in the 19S5 event. ChisoxTop Rookie Takes ERA Crown BOSTON (UPD-Gary Peters, a 26-year-old lcft-liantlcr who had failed in three previous tries with the Chicago White Sox, today officially became the first rookie since 1951 to lead the American League in earned run average. Official figures compiled by the Howe News Bureau dis close tlie 6-foot, 2-inch, 200 pound spcedballer posted a 2.33 ERA to edge out teammalc Juan iPizarro's 2.39 ERA. Ca milo pnseual of the Minnesota Twins was third with 2.47 and somas, Jimmy Brown Unanimous Pro All-Star Choice; Chicago, MY Giants Place Five NEW YORK il'PIi - Jimmy Brown of the Cleveland Browns, pro football's greatest running back, regained his place on the United Press International's 1963 National League all-star team today by unanimous ac claim. The Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers and New York Giants each placed five men on the 22-man, two-platoon team; the St. Louis Cardinals had three representatives; the De troit Lions two and the Browns and Minnesota Vikings one each. Angeles-Bums Set Spring Camp Game LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The world champion Los Angeles Dodgers and the youthful Los Angeles Angels today both an nounced their spring training exhibition schedules, climaxed by tlie city series between the two clubs. The Dodgers and Angels meet April 11 and 12 at the stadium they share in Chavez Ravine. In three previous encounters between the two clubs, the An gels have won all three games, sweeping the two - game series last April and beating the Dodg ers in 1962 in a single game at Palm Springs. The Dodgers open, their exhi bition season of 29 games with three clashes in Mexico City, March 13-15, returning to their Vero Beach, Fla., training camp for 24 games in Florida before flying to Los Angeles for the city championship series. During their Florida sojourn, the Dodgers play every team training in that state at least once. This year, for tlie first time since the Dodgers came west, they are skipping encoun ters w ith teams training in Ari zona. The Angels play 13 games at their Palm Springs, Calif., Red Raider Aid Probe Welcomed ASHLAND (UPD Ed Sing master, president of the Red Raider Boosters, said today he would welcome a full investiga tion into the athletic scholarship program at Southern Oregon College. Singmastcr said that "in the interest of athletics in general and hi order to clarify the situ ation at SOC, I would welcome an investigation..." He also said ,Iim Bouton of the New York Yankees was fourth with 2.53. Xo rookie has won the AL ERA (ille since Saul Rogovin, also of the White Sox, won it in 1951. Peters, who had a 19-8 rec ord this season, had trials with the While Sox in 1959, 1961 and isra but couldn't win a single game. He didn't win his Jirst game this year until iMay 6 but then went on to compile a 19-8 won-lost record while striking out 183 batters in 243 innings. Whiley Ford of the New York Yankees led the circuit with a .774 percentage and his 24-7 record made him the biggest winner. Other 20-game winners were Bouton and Pascual with 21 each and Steve Barber of the Baltimore Orioles and Bill Monbouquelte of the Boston Red Sox with 20 each. Relief pitcher Stu Miller of tlie Orioles set a new league mark by appearing in 71 games one more than the mark jet by Mike Fornieles of the Red Sox in 1950. Miller had a 5-8 record and a 2.25 ERA. Pascual's 202 strikeouts made him the league strikeout king for the second straight season while Earl Wilson of tlie Red Sox was the circuit's wild man with 105 walks and 21 wild pitches. Brown, who set an NFL rush ing record of 1.863 yards this season, was the only player to receive the votes of every one of the 42 regular league writers who selected this team for UPI. Tiie panel was made up of three writers from each league city. The 230-pound Cleveland full back thus won back the first team all-star berth he lost in 1962 because of a so-so season. Prior to 1962, Brown had made the UPI first team in each of his first five seasons as a pro. Roosevelt Brown, 255-pound spring camp with a schedule that calls for the club to, be at home at Angels Stadium on the desert every weekend except when they meet the Dodgers in Los Angeles. Immediately after tlie second game with the Dodgers April 12, the Angels fly to Washington for the presidential opener of the American League against the Senators. The Dodgers ppen the regular season at home April 14 against the St. Louis Cardinals. RIDES THREE WINNERS CH.VRLES TOWN, W. Va. (UPD Jockey D. Smith rode three winners Monday at the Charles Town race track. Smith's triple included Blue Bachelor ($13.80), Sea Tread ($5.20) and Audio Econ i$49.40). JETS SIGN WARE NEW YORK (UPD Tlie New York Jets announced the sign ing Monday of Jeff Ware, a 6-fool-2, 215-pound University of Pittsburgh linebacker. War was tlie Jets' 13th choice in the American Foothall League draft. he would "welcome a complete airing by Oregon Collegiate Con ference officials." The boosters are an organiza tion of business and professional people in the Ashland-JIcdford area. Singmaster's statement came following charges last week by Dr. Alex Petersen that there were irregularities in SOC's athletic scholarship program. Petersen said he had resigned as chairman of the physical education department i at SOC and that it had been accepted. Dr. Elmo Stevenson, tlie col lege's president, said Petersen would be retained in a teaching capacity as a professor cf health and recreation. A TOP VALUEI It's your beat buy. Handles all cutting jobs in home workshops. And these outstanding features make it tops in value. Powerful Motor ovsr 1 horpowr to handle tht toughsit cult. Varl-Tarqu Clutch dltsngagoi blade II It binds in cut. Plotted motor against waar and burn out. Extra Cutting Capacity 2' lumbar can b easily cut (van at 4S. Accurate Adjuatmants depth tnd bevel controls are eaay-to-roach, quickly adjusted Moty & Van Dyke, 638 Klamath Ave. Giants offensive tackle, was honored for the eighth consecu tive season; center Jim Ringo of the Packers for tlie fifth straight year; and offensive tackle Forrest Gregg and line backer Bill Forester of Green Bay and defensive back Dick (Night Train) Lane of Detroit each for the fourth year in a row. Jimmy Brown was chosen for the backfield that included quarterback Y. A. Tittle of the Giants, halfback Tommy Mason of the Vikings and flanker Bob by Joe Conrad of the Cardinals. HWTT HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Parseghian Avoids Irish Grid Contract CHICAGO (UPD-Ara Parse ghian had conferences sched uled today with Northwestern Athletic Director Stu Holcomb and Noti e Dame Vice President Rev. Edmund P. Joyce to at tempt to resolve whether he is football coach for tlie Wildcats or the Irish. Parseghian, coach at North western for eight years, was announced Sa'urday as tlie new Notre Dame mentor. But Mon day, after a two hour confer ence with Joyce, he refused to sign the Notre Dame contract and came home. He had planned to confer with Holcomb (Monday night about his stattis at Northwest ern and in search of friendly advice on his situation with No tre Dame. But at the last minute, lie canceled the appointment to at tend a sports banquet at Grand Rapids, Mich., an appearance he had attempted to cancel. "He's mentally and physical ly exhausted," his wife said. "I don't know why ho went." Failure to agree on terms of tlie Irish contract did not mean that Parseghian wouldn't accept the new job in the next few da vs. SET RECORD ATTENDANCE WASHINGTON (UPI) Tlie Washington Redskins announced 'Monday a record home attend ance for tlie I9fi3 season. The 'Skins played before 3M.B38 cus tomers, about 25.0(10 more than in 19(B. Open Tonite 'til 9 See Santa 7:00 - 9:00 J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 Uie our can. v e n I a n t new parking lot. En tor the ttora right from tha lot. with 6,' blada Inc. i Del Shofner of the Giants was selected as the split end, Mike Ditka of tlie Bears as tight end; Rosey Brown and Gregg at tac kles; Jerry Kramer of Green Bay and Ken Gray of St. Louis at guards, and Ringo at center. Four members of the Bears won places on the defensive team. They were end Doug At kins, linebackers Joe Fortunato and Bill George, and safetyman Rich Petitbon. The other defensive players honored were end Jim Katcav age of the Giants; tackles Hen ry Jordan of Green Bay and Falls, Ore. Tuesday, December 17, 1963 . It was believed the differenc es with the Irish athletic board centered on how many assist ants Parseghian would have to retain from the current Irish staff. "Tlie details of tlie contract had not been fully worked out nor have they as yet," he said in a brief statement at a South Bend press conference called to hear his plans for the future at Notre Dame. "We expect to resolve these matters within a day or two," be concluded. Meanwhile, Holcomb said, Parseghian remained on the Northwestern staff. "He's never officially re signed," Holcomb said, "and we're going to get together." They call it the Wondersole, by Roblee, and it's recognized as an exciting excursion into foot com fort. You'll "feci" why immediately after you step into this dramatically shaped sole. Take our word for it, this is a completely new fit sensation a startling step forward from Roblee. And it is styled with the softest, most sapple calfskin uppers avail able. Try it. Beautiful Gift Wrapping in the Bagatay Man ner. If in doubt Give a Bagatay Gift Certificate. 617 Roger Brown of Detroit; Fores ter at linebacker; Dick Lynch of the Giants and Lane at cor ner halfbacks, and Petitbon and Larry Wilson of the Cards at safety, Tlie repeaters from last year's first team included sev en players on offense but only five on defense. The offensive players also honored last year were Tittle, Shofner, Ditka, Gregg, Rosey Brown, Jerry Kramer and Ringo. The defen sive repeaters wereJCatcavage, Jordan, Roger Brown, Forester and Lane. PAGE IB Northwest Gun Shop Xmas Gift Suggestion A B I. f " " w puck ivnives .22 Rifles Rifle Scapes Handguns Gun Cases Reloading Tools FREE Xmas Gifts ft Juit com In and register R M lor a chance on the follow- K ing gifts. No obligation. jfl "I it sm won rronrier SCOUT AW Revolver, value ' 2nd Gift Pacific Reload ing Press. value r6 Gift Western Hunr- ina Knits and Axe u Ing Knife ond Axe Combination value 9" Northwest; Gun Shop Pat Miller A Larry Amundmn u Bill E. Main new comfort sensation . . . the Wondersole. 21 99 for men who care Open evenings 'til 9:00 SHOES Main St. s