PAGE (A HERALD AND Forerunner of the tuberculo sis stamp and the Christmas seal was the sot of Sanitary Fair stamps which were sold at the Northern Ohio Sanitary Fair in Cleveland, Ohio, which opened on Feb. 22, 1864. 11 9 .J FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ON ANY ITEM IN THE STORE Phan Ui Yeur Needs Deliveries Each Day af 11:00-2:00-4:00 IN THE VILLAGE COURT th I Mela l 1-111 Sth fWC Jca. place" mour order now wi im W ipV HOUR HOLIDAY f 2$&?l LNlHIC. V MICKOUt SMOKtO 3 . "mtT Hey Kids! " I . i- J . . - i ,-""r:.l itpII,il- 1 ' Meet WE MAIN STREET - Between 5th & 6th 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M; The reindeer will be in pens and you can pet them. I'll have candy for you too. NEWS, Klamath Falls. On. Defense Of Impossible WASHINGTON (PI I - For mer U.S. Secret Service Chief U. E. Baughman said Monday that there were unanswered questions about President Kennedy's assassination that "should be resolved." Baughman, who guarded pres idents as chief of the Secret Service for 13 years, said "the plain fact is that you cannot protect the President from ev ery danger. And the greatest danger is from a sniper hiding in a high building." In a copyright interview with U.S. News & World Report, Baughman said he didn't know if the Secret Service did all it could to protect Kennedy be cause he wasn't in Dallas on the day of the assassination. "But I can't understand why Mrs. Kennedy had to climb over the back of the car as she did to get help," Baughman said. News photographs showed Mrs. Kennedy helping Secret Service agent Clint Hill into the presidential limousine after her husband was wounded. Baughman said that one rca- SHASTA Wty So. 6tk Sta. t',"IU me downtown m Tuesday, December 17, 1961 President Says Agent son that agents weren't next to Kennedy on the running board of his car was that the White House wouldn't permit it. "The White House has been trying to avoid making it con spicuous that you're guarding the President closely," he said. Asked if there were any mis takes in the Dallas security pre parations, Baughman said, "as an investigator, I can think of a lot of questions, but I wasn't there. The only thing I can say is that the Secret Service does not have enough men." Pope Plans Wide Appeal VATICAN CITY (UPD-Pope Paul VI will make an appeal to "all men of good will" from Bclhlchem Jan. 5 during his historic pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Vatican sources said Mon day. The sources said the Roman Catholic pontiff is also prepar ing a Christinas message that will underline the significance of the pilgrimage. The mes sage will be broadcast to the world by Vatican Radio Dec. 23. The appeal from Bethlehem, sacred to all Christians as the birth-place of Jesus Christ, will be made on a date significant both to Western Christians and members of the Eastern Ortho dox Church. Orthodox church leaders are considering a proposal to join the Pope during his prayer pil grimage as a gesture of Chris tian unity. Jan. 6, known as Epiphany, is celebrated in the West as the date when the Christ child was visited by the Magi, or wise men from the East. This is con sidered the first manifestation of the Jewish Christ to the non Jewish world. The Eastern Orthodox Church follows an old er tradition in commemorating the date as that of the baptism of Christ at the start of his min Istry by John The Baptist. Christian unity and peace were expected to be the key notes of Hie Pope's address on the final day of his two-day vis it to the Holy land, which cur rently lies in the states of Is rael and Jordan. Onions, Easter lilies, tulips, garlic and hyacinths all belong to the varied lily family. .4 Si i 4 DAY Santa I Sportstime ACROSS 35 landed 1 Baseball stick 4 Golfer i gadgets 8 style twimmiog 12 Your has a oroDertr 34 Born 37 Egyptian goddess 30 Horse's gait 40 Ran away 41 Fish 42 White poplar bearing on your i ports activity 13 Taj Mahal locale 14 Bridge position 15 Abner'a partner 45 Feminine advisers 49 Highest points' 51 Compaaa point 62 Of the ear 63 Statuary (ab.l 54 Transgression 5 j Became submerged 66 Head (Kr.) 57 Lincoln's son DOWN 1 Paltry 2 Malarial fever 3 Restrained 4 Domesticates 5 Self-esteem ie Line the Moabitei 18 Subjugate 20 Removes 21 Enter (ab.) 22 Goddess 24 Agricultural area 26 Singing group 27 Mr. Mineo 30 Tennyioniaq lady 32 Sculptured likenvsa 34 Rip Rain i TTl U IS IS 17 I Is 14 lirj hi1 l 13 U f5 IS 17 re 19 23 21 1 yd zT 1 ' ' I 24 125 ""I 261 2l lie lib 35 31 32 33 5? 31 35 IT" 37 38 35 42 43 W 'H45 47 Ua JS 5r 5T 55 53 " 54 55 56 7 I I I I I I I I I 17 ASC Committee Ballots Return Most Incumbents L.VKE V IEW The ASC com munily committee chairmen in election convention Monday, Dec. 9. at Uie ASC office re turned the incumbent commit tee to office, wilh one exception. Stanley Thomas, Westside, re placed C. B. Claik as second alternate committee member. Erwin Abramson will contin ue to serve as chairman, with Vancil Withers as vice cliair man and Charles Crump as reg ular memlier. Jack Kilteridge, Fort Hock, continues as first al ternate committee member and meets regularly with the com mittee to maintain close con taut between the committee ranchers in Northern Lake County. - . ....... The ASC committee adminis ters the spending of some $H0, 000 annually through a program aimed at conservation of agri cultural resources. Advising the county committee are five com munity committees with 19M memliership as follows: fort Rock-Silver Lake: Ed Es kelen, chairman. Jack Kitter idgc. Bud Parks, Lawrence Ivcrson and Eston Porter. Summer Lake - Paisley: How ard Cilson, chairman, Jess Pennington, John O'Leary, Al Rickert and Jim Carlon. Family's Fund Still Growing DALLAS (UPD Police of ficials said today it now a pears that gifts to the family of patrolman J. D. Tippit, slain trying to arrest accused presi dential assassin l;e Harvey Oswald, may total a quarter of a million dollars. The fund totaled $'J2G,2K2.H) Friday. iiTiiiiiiiriMliiJiE!liii EVERY BUSINESS MAN to increase his capabilities The challrnt-a faring today's hiuinnwmiin it gn-at. He must keep up-to-date, must look far ahead and he ready with new idem in (his changing world. Many have found their capa hilitira in thin direction has-e been enlarged its a result of their nnderatanding of the tnitha contained in Science and Health with Key to the Scrip turea by Mary Buker Eddy. SWence atnd Health may be at-ad or examined, together with the Bible, at any Christian Science) Reading Room, Or it may be pttrrhawd at $3L CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM OPEN 10 o.m. 4:30 Weekday! 7 a.m. 9:00 Tuei. & Fri. 1 needs LlSJ this nasi foe I Answer to Previous Puwle 6 Kxpunger 28 Vehicle 7 Sabbath (lb.) 28 Nominal BKestivali (Scot.) 9 Sara 31 fastened wills lor-ssentlal heing brads liSuffixea nl 33 Perfume ordinal numberl 17 Simplctonf 19 Asiatic plant 38 Form a notion 40 Splash 41 Exploit 42 Book ofBiblt) 43 Greek letter z.i oets up 24 Flowerlest plant 44 Ireland 25 Toward the 46 Small insect sheltered aide 47 Continent 28 Pithy 48 Dispatch i Mot. stellar so Devotee Eastside: Burton L. Cham bers, chairman, Ralph Loveless, Don Simms, Earl Cogburn and Vic Cormie. Westside: Andy Hill, chair man, Ed Garrett, Stan Thom as, Everett Becraft and George Jaska. Warner Valley: Warren Laird, chairman, B. C. Robinson, Joe Bonasco, Con Flynn and Con Taylor. Ed Skelin. Howard G i 1 s o n, Andy Hill, Burton L. Chambers and Warren Laird served as electors for the county convention. No Atom Pact Expected Until France Is Ready PARIS JUPU - The United States believes there is little chance of Western agreement on nuclear strategy before French President Charles de Gaulle builds his own atomic strike force, diplomatic sources said today. But Washington hopes that once De Gaulle does have his own nuclear strike force, he will realize American ideas for its use are better. The hope is based on the theory that first-hand knowl edge of the destruction that can be wrought by nuclear weapons has a sobering effect. This assessment of the strate gy disagreement explained why Uie question has been dropped from the agenda of this week's annual NATO ministerial meet ing. Because it lacks an anti-missile missile and is exposed to a Soviet attack that could kill 100 million Americans, Washington Club To Judge Light Contest MOUNT SHASTA-The annu al Christmas Lighting and dec oration contest in Mount Shasta will be judged by the M o u n t Shasta Garden Club, with prize money donated by the Pacific Power and Light Company. The chamber of commerce is direct ing arrangements. Judging will be in three cate gories: Home, including yard or grounds; windows; and com mercial buildings. Prizes of $25 first place, $15 second place, and $10 third place will be awarded in each category. Pill Coait-p-ait a nNEWSPAPERS'J NOW.. .and from now on... you can buy a new Studebaker with complete confidence! Today we can clear the air. Hack in October Ihe rumor started-and spread like wildfire that Studebaker was going out of the auto business. Matter of fact, some of us even began to believe it. But, in spite of this vicious threat of buying an "orphan," almost half of all those having the nerve to come in and test-drive the '64 Studebaker bought it. This is unheard of-even in normal times with people now shopping two, three and four makes before buying. These people bought the '64 Studebaker because of very obvious qualities-superior qualities that almost anyone can see and feel in one single test drive. But, as Studebaker's President told the press just last week, "The one thing killing us was the rumor -and because of it, fewer and fewer people would even step into the car and drive it." That rumor can now be squelched completely. Studebaker management has stated, positively -in the press, over television and radio-that Studebaker is staying in the automobile business. This year... next year... and years to come! As always, there will be complete continuity of parts and service for all Studebaker owners... present and future. And the kind of honest, ex YOUR 120 doubts that iMoscow would take seriously any threat to use nu clear weapons to counter a con ventional Russian attack. By the end of 1965, De Gaulle is expected to have a strategic air force of 50 iMirage planes, each armed with a nuclear or hydrogen bomb. That force could make hash of Washington's and NATO's strategic plans. De Gaulle says his force will not be assigned to NATO, but remain under French rational command. In that case, he could simply cut across the American idea of defense. Benefit Drive Closes Dec. 23 MOUNT SHASTA-The annual Community Benefit drive to col lect food and clothing for dis tribution to needy persons at Christmastime will close Mon day, Dec. 23. Mrs. Marge Poe, who has been in charge of the drive since its inception, said that food is coming in v e r y slowly and additional supplies are needed. Items may be left at the Poe home on Ski Village Drive pri or to the distribution dale or at the Methodist Evangelical Church, corner of South A and Ida streets. The elementary school PTA is assisting w ith the collection. Reflect the Wlswri&Ai QhhhhwA With a Kimball Mirror . . . P KIMBALL GLASS. 521 Walnut STUDEBAKER DEALER KLAMATH MOTORS EAST MAIN, KLAMATH FALLS STAR -Br CLAY R- M Your Ooir Advit Gone T A,r,Ama ta the Stors. To develop message for Wednesday, reod words crpooding to numbers 4-21-30-44 o( your Zodioc birtri sign. 1 You 3 1 Denv 2 You II 32Mov 3 Your 33 From i Dont 34 find 5Noi-c 3oStror9e 6 Pockfibook 36 When 7 There i 37 Overplay Empnoiis 38 On 9 You'll 39 ldQ 10 Mind AO Be 11 News AITne 12 And 42 Bn 13 Should 43 0p',m'e 14Betttr 44 Having 15Bneht 45 To 16 Pay 46 Your 17 Be 47 The 18 You 48 Personal 19Cker 490t 20 You 50 Reoclions 21 Insiis 5' Aked 22 Some 52Toord 23 Don't 53 Hove . 24 Memory 54 Happens 25 Sjipiious 55 Hove 26 Mov 56 Affairs 27 Received -57 Key 28 Attention 58 Hand 29 May 59 Forth aK " " Sy64-eB-8l-8o OIAUM J! JUNE 22 CANCiS f, JUNE 23 0,18,26-34-41 357-65-79-871 uo j JULY 24 AUG. 23 D 20-32-40-51 67.73-85-881 viaco m AUG. 24 StPT. 22 30 On 60 A ?J 3-10-12-24 Good AdTcrse sf)tu!l 131-60-75 SOCIAL REFOR.MKR Samuel Plimsoll, a 19th Cen tury British politician and so cial reformer, crusaded success fully for more seaworthy ships, and also visited the United States to promote adoption of a less bitter attitude toward Eng land in historical textbooks used in American schools, according Pops I A) ENTIRE STOCK SALE PRICED! perienced, personalized service for which Stude baker dealers have always been known. The only real difference is that future production will be concentrated in Studebaker's own modern plant in Hamilton, Ontario just 66 miles from Buffalo. This highly efficient plant has always made the same identical cars as all Studebaker owners have long enjoyed. It is geared perfectly for Studebaker's high quality production stand ards, and future volume. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU ...RIGHT NOW? There's no hiding the fact that many, many people have been hesitating about Studebaker. And most of us now have a heavier-than-usual inventory of brand new '64 models that we must move rapidly. We must do this in order to get a proper balance between dealer and factory inventories and as soon as possible. If you happen to be one of those who have already considered Studebaker-but have been hesitating come on in !. Or if you've already shopped two or three other low-priced cars, shop Studebaker, too. Right now, today, you can make the buy of a lifetime-and buy with all the confidence in the world! COME ON IN! GAZERS Y POIXAN UPT. 21 OCT. 23 p3-37-6-58af- (69-72-80-89 H 61 In 02F,ixl 63 Soeciol 64 Development 65 To 66 You 67 To UA 69 Or 70 Your 71 Money 72 Exoggerote 73 Ploy 74 Word 75 Thrill 76 Significonce 77 Someone 78 Who 79 New 80 The scoteio IOCT. 24 f, NOV. 22 11-27-29.: 163-71-76 SAGrrTAitus NOV. 23 DEC 22 'A 2- 52235aff1 150-52-46 J CAmcOM DEC 2 JAN. 1- -13.15rJ fit 36-54 V. 81 Secret 82 Talks 83 Own 84 B.g 85 Peoee-moker 86 Interests 87 Understanding PISCES 88 Today 89 Focrs FEB. )Sr 90Abi!!ty AAA 21 ? ' 17-25-rH P-7(h12-iVsV&I to the Encyclopaedia Britanni ca. AT SHAW'S SCALLOPS R IN SEASON SCALLOPS by LADY BUXTON You R fashion itself with these new two-tone leather accessories: ilim. sleek, Paris-inspired. French Purse, .vw ,Key-Tainer,2. Prices plus tax. SHAW STATIONERY 729 Main : AQUAftKJS IAN. 21 FEB.' It jv 14-16-19-26 45-48-56 1. i ' I i' f'