PAGE i. HKRALO AND 25 Youngsters, 3 Adults Die In Series Of Tragic Fires ' By I'nitfd Press 'InU-rnutlonal Twenty-five children died in fires across (lie nation within 24 hours along with three adults to bring sorrow to the hearts of parents ho know tliat Christ mas won't be the same this year. Six children were killed Sun day niglat when flames from an exploding space healer swept through their two-family house at iPortland. Maine. The chil Woman Cited On 4 Counts Following Accident Here A 29-year-old woman was charged with drunken driving, hit-and-run driving, having no operator's license and disorder, ly conduct after, police said, she was involved in an auto col lision at Reclamation Avenue and Washburn Way early this morning that injured lierself and another man. Police said injuries (o t h e woman, Hose Lee Sncll, 1317 Adams Street, weren't serious, nor were the injuries to the oth er driver, William Bernard, 49, 2161 Vine Avenue. The disorderly conduct charge was added after the woman fought and kicked police at the police station. Officer said the woman was driving her 1953 sedan east on Reclamation and pulled the auto in front of the other car, a 193S panel truck, being driv en by Bernard north on Wasli burn. Major damages to both autos resulted from the colli sion. Police said the woman stopped her car at first, but when Bernard asked for her name, she drove off. A nearby resident, Robert Fricsen, 1121 Washburn Way, followed t h e woman in his auto to a house at 1130 Owens and then re ENDS TONITE ESQUIRE ' LAST TIME Ml iraEm Ml J.UI4J,!A'L - ua. GRANT rttyl iiihi.. YOUXG MEADOWS ANOTHER "MOVIE MASTERPIECE" FROM A GREAT BOOK.. T Bill Pitbcw- Hen S'i"M, h S r l'txTb j4 S N eY"-n i f.XxM ti fj' 0 SH"'Ck ox'W t, ,k Ccn.i, V W "'. . .... . . . NEWS, Klamath Falls. Orr. dren were members of the fam ily of Mr. and Mrs. William Harrigan, who managed to save (our others before heat and flames drove tliein out. Killed in the fire were Heidi, 3, Mary, 4, and Holly. 6. and three wards, llamona Haley, 7, her brother Tommy, 6, and her sister Tammy. 4. The fire broke out when llarrigan tried to light the oil beater. Kive children perished Mon- turned to the accident scene to tell police where she was. The woman was arrested at that house and charged with the three driving ivolations. Police said the woman fought violently in the police station, so the fourth charge was added. The collision occurred at 12:15 a m. Marsh Moved To Oak Knoll Jack Marsh, Klamath Kalis, who spent six weeks in a Pen dleton hospital, has been trans ferred by a Navy aircraft to Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in Oakland. Marsh, an employe of Uie stato highway department, suffered a stroke while on an elk hunting trip in Eastern Ore gon. He suffered paralysis of the right side and loss of speech which is partially returning. Arrangements (or Uie hospital trip were made by Commander Harry Coombs, 12lh Naval Dis trict, San IKrancisco. Marsh retired after 20 years in the Navy. Tulelake Plans Yule Contest TULELAKE - Tulelake Gar den Club and Pacific Power and Light Company will again spon sor the annual Christmas light ing contest for the Tulelake Newcll area. First, second and third prizes will be given in three catego ries: Best overall display, door way, and window decoration. All who wish to enter the con test are asked to call M r s. Richard G. Paulson, lighting chairman. (KS4-237I, or the PP&L office by Dec. 20. Judging will he done Mun l.iv tier 23 hplwn the hours I of 7 and 9 p.m. TODAY! RODGER'S & HAMMERSTEIN'S SHNC -1-1 & NANCY KW&N IAMS SHIRFTA MMnwt .-. V.....WW .. uMIYOSHI IMKI His love CHALLENGED THE FLAMES OF REVOLUTION ! RONALD COLMAN in Charlti Dickons' A TALE OF TWO CITIES t Wji't.i'l WEDNESDAY OHI DAY OHLY Turtday, Decrniber 17, 1963 day when fire raced through a frame home at .Maitland, Kb., all members in the family of Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas Smith. Huddled Together The victims were Bernard Darrell. 2 months. Brcnda De nisc. 1, Debra Louisa, 2, Cyn thia Laverne, 3, and Sandra De lores, 5. They were found hud dled together in a scorched bed room after firemen battled the flames for more than an hour. Four children died in a fire at their Jasper, Ark., home Sunday, while their pregnant mother ran barefoot more than a mile to summon help. The dead children of Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Howard Jr. were Tammy, 3, Barbara, 2, and Larry and Barry, 13-month-old twins. At Lexington. Ky., three children burned to death in their home while their mother was visiting her grandmother a few doors away. The young vic tims were Mona Lynn Howard, 4, and her sisters, Sandra Dec, 3, and Chalenes. 11 months. House Trailer Burns Three children died Monday in a fire that raced through a house trailer at Annapolis. Md. The children were Teresa John son. 3, Tyrone, 2, and Albert Jr., 11 months, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson. A blaze of undetermined ori gin took the lives of two chil dren Monday at their Port Washington, Wis., home while the mother was at a neiglibor's home to borrow cutters for Christmas cookies. The victims, Cary, 7 months, and Kevin, 2. were the children of Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Keeler. A fire that destroyed a two story brick home at Chillicothe, Mo., Monday night took the lives of Joe Silkwood. 5, and Debbie Faubion. 12, children of Mrs. Bonnie Silkwood. A faulty healer touched off a (ire at Calhoun, Ga., Monday that killed a chicken farmer, his wife, and his son-in-law. Rescue workers recovered the charred bodies of R. A. Banks, 45, Mary Banks, 44, and John ny Muse, 23. Airline Hopes To Keep Flying PORTLAND (L'PII United Air Lilies will attempt to keep all its (lights operating even if the International Association of Machinists goes ahead with a threatened strike at midnighl Wednesday, officials said today. The company said it hoped negotiations now under way w ill resolve the dispute, or that President Johnson w ill step in before the deadline. Recommendations made by an emergency board appointed by the lale President Kennedy will lie put into effect Thursday, the line said. They include wage in creases and benefits the com pany claims will cost $2 million over the life of the contract. DAL President G. K. Keck said the company would do all it can to provide work for em ployes who want to slay on the job if the strike does occur. SP To Curtail Streamliner PORTLAND U'Pl -Southern Pacific has advised the Inter state Commerce Commission it wants to operate its Shasta Day light passenger train only dur ing the summer vacation sea son. The Shasta Daylight now runs three tunes a week between Portland and San Francisco. Holiert M. Gilmore. Southern Pacific's general passenger traf tic manager, said the number of passengers carried in t h e first live months of l3 was down 27 per cent from tlio same period in 11. Additional cars would be added to the Cascade streamliner to provide service, lie .sud. 2?eraliiaTt&$fto;$ Klamaflt Pallt, OrtfM Pufclltnttt tally (airatl sal 1 and simaav Sarvlnt Saufharn Oraawi and Narlftarn California Klamath Pwbluninq Camaany Va n al Einlanafl Phana TUtarta a ll II flnlarad at aacn6-laia mallar at tfca nol oflta at Kiama'h Fain, praoan. an Awimt la. ltaa. yndar act at Can- araat. Varfh 3. tla Sanro clai mat aaa Mid at Klamatn Fall. Oratar and al additional mailina aftican Carriaf I Mantn Mantna . . 1 Vaar Mall In Advanca I Manfn 4 Manlna ... 111 M 111 N I I n ill aa m.w .. i 1 Ynar Carnar and Daalara Waaaaar, Cany. Sunday. Ca I UNITIO Pdltf INTaRnUTIONAL IK jdumr suitfau op circulation Iwktcrlnnra nal rafaivlnf dalivarv at tfrair Haratd and htma. pkaaa IHni I'utadd 44111 Sanwa Major Medical Expense John H. Houiton Karvlra lnra la:i r -,.vs'i) Am p y. a V.i 'i r.W '. Of CLEAN UP JOB Residents of the Baldwin Hills area in Los Angeles remove furniture from home as mop-up operations get underway after Saturday's flood disaster. The dam at the Baldwin Hills reservoir burst sending almost 300 million gallons of water cascading down the hillside causing millions of dollars in damage. A warning of nearly four hours was credited with preventing it from becoming one of the big disasters of all time as 16,500 people live in the area. U PI Telephoto Giant Crack Discovered Across Reservoir Bottom LOS ANGELES (UPH - A huge crack across the bottom of the Baldwin Hills reservoir may have unleashed the huge tidal wave that destroyed doz ens of homes, damaged hund reds of others and killed three and possibly four persons. It was learned Monday night that Archie V. MacDonald, 70, a furniture store executive, has been missing since the dam broke Saturday and swept him away before the eyes of his wife. Marie. Mrs. MacDonald was one of the 27 persons hospitalized with injuries received in the disaster that caused damage expected to exceed $10 million. The huge crack, running nearly the length of the reser voir, was revealed when the water drained out. Max K. So cha, department of water and power chief, insisted the crack must have occurred only short ly before the dam failed. Weather Northern California: Rain spreading southward. The Dalles and Hood Itiver: Cloudy through Wednesday; lit tle light rain or drizzle tonight, rain Wednesday; highs 3i 42 cast and 42-4B west; low to night 30-117; gorge winds mostly east 10-18. Bend: Mostly cloudy through Wednesday; highs 37-45; low to night 22-28. Baker and La Grande: Mostly cloudy through Wednesday; high 3H-42; low tonight 23-32. Portland Vancouver: Mostly cloudy with occasional light rain Wednesday; highs about 4fi; low tonight near 40. Western Oregon: Mostly cloudy tonight, occasional rain Wednesday: higlis 44-54. except 40 south interior; low tonight 40 4i except 34 south interior. Eastern Oregon: Mostly cloudy with some patchy fog. little light rain north, through Wednesday: highs 34:17 north and 40-45 south; low 25-33. Remember For i V '., jlfrpy ''L&' t-P" avS?S i.Tj3L' a . ' ' ' ' n . ' 9 Cascade Laundry and Dry Cleaners Opp. Post Office TU 4-5111 New Method Cleaners Gold Bond Stamps 1453 Esplanade Ph. TU 4-4471 Broadway Cleaners "S&H" Gteen Stamp's 4615 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-6403 Trucks Radio Dispatched for Fastest Possible Service SUM "We have drains under there (Uie bottom of the asphalt covered reservoir'," he said. "Those drains were not taking any water." But no official would specu late on what caused the crack. "It would be a matter of conjecture," Socha said, adding it should be left to investiga tion. City health officials clamped a tight embargo on removal of water damaged food from the stricken area to prevent spread of any disease. City Health Officer Dr. George M. L'hl said a health hazard definitely exists with danger of an epidemic caused by rodents, flies and mosquitos and from uprooted sewer and water mains. Mayor Samuel Yorty Monday promised victims of the flood that they would be fully com pensated for their property losses. Roundup Temperatures hours ending at day. during the 24 4 a.m. PST to High Low Pep Astoria 51 45 .72 Raker 3 26 . T Rrookings 55 45 Mcdford ' 38 30 New port 54 North Bend 54 42 Pendleton 32 32 .1)2 Portland 40 38 .08 Redmond 45-53 Salem 53 42 The Dalles 38 34 T Chicago 21 8 Los Angeles 71 53 New York 27 20 Phoenix 8 37 San Francisco 47 40 CHIP DIP The Holidays YOUR Table Linens Napkins Drapes Curtains Slip Covers ... oil should be ol Iheir corn?onv orruei. There' plan- ,v ,ime ,0 hov9 us Piclt them up and, cleon and press them and have them bock componv -perfect in ttme for your holiday .Niter laming. Coll x tirjt thing in the morning Gas, Dust Blamed For Blast MARTIN. Utah aPI '-Methane gas and coal dust, possibly ignited by a spark, w as blamed today for a searing explosion that killed nine miners and turned a "model coal mine" into a "black and dusty hell." Ten miners survived the ex plosion that rumbled through a drift a half mile underground in the Carbon Fuel Co.'s No. 2 mine Monday. Only one of the survivors was injured. Jesus Nunez, 45, received se vere lacerations, multiple contu sions and suffered from shock. He was in fair condition in a hospital at Price, Utah a short distance from the disaster cene. State and federal investigators moved into the blast-wracked mine today, attempting to learn the definite cause of the violent explosion. They agreed on the gas-dust factors, but were un able to pinpoint the source of the spark. ' Gov. George Clyde ordered an investigation immediately following the mine disaster, the second to strike Utah in less than four months. The bodies of the victims, all from Utah, were hauled to the surface Monday night and tak en to a mortuary in Price. The victims were: Andy Juvan, 42, Spring Glen; John Senechal Jr., 32, Kenil worth; Victor Fossat, 47, Ben Valdez, 39, and Ben Montoya, 40, all of Helper; Gerald Niel son, 43. of Fairview; and Mike Ardohain, 33, Archie Larsen, 40. and Heino Linn, 38, all of Price. Fire Report (10 a.m. Monday to 10 a.m. Tuesday) Klamath Falls Fire Department 10:59 p.m. Monday 1224 Mon Claire. chair and davenport in front of gas slove afire, house full of smoke, occupant Lorna Pomeroy. County Fire Department 12:37 a m Tuesday Rte 2, Box 673, Hill Road, clothing in upstairs closet afire, wall and floor scorched, smoke damage, occupant Harvey Wise. State Loses Bird War ATLANTA (UPD-State offi cials put on a great show of force Monday but lost another round in their battle to dis lodge thousands of starlings from the Capitol. Eight selected marksmen fired shotguns into Ihc swarm ing birds for 20 minutes, killing an estimated 2.000. But one dis couraged official remarked "that didn't even dent them." The pesky birds picked the Georgia Capitol for their win ter roost and come in at night, defacing the Capitol. Secretary of State Ben Fort son tried various means of get. ting rid of the birds, before hitting on the shotgun approach. "The idea is not so much to kill them as to scare them." he said. "We lei them settle down good in the trees and get com fortable and then we blast away and keep them moving." In one beautiful RAMBLER Niw Rimhltr C limit 7 70 hirdtnp. nn nt 24 modlls in .1 neitim M Rimblif Sent: Ammcjn ... Clic 6 V 8 . . . AmbissJdor V 8 new excitement. Olt STIITCH OUT (OOMINISSI Solid comfort for ft Nj aduliv ihe Rambler Cluwic 6 or V-H is trim outside for easy handling. Young Sinatra Aided FBI cool role of detective played by Frank Sinatra Jr. while he was held by his kidnapers was cred ited today for the speedy cap ture of his abductors. Although the FBI continued to remain silent concerning the clues that led to the arrests of three persons last Friday and Saturday, Frank Jr.'s role was learned by United Press Inter national for the first time Mon day. Blindfolded and nervous, the 19-year-old youth nevertheless was able to provide many clues to (lie FBI, including distances counted by footsteps, sounds Mrs. Burton Divorces Actor In Mexican Court MEXICO CITY (LTD -Friends predicted today Eliza beth Taylor will soon divorce Eddie Fisher to marry Richard Burton, whose wife Sybil got a Mexican divorce Monday. "I don't think Liz and Burton are going to wait very long," one friend said "It looks as if they will be married soon." Burton and Mrs. Burton ar ranged details of a property set tlement and custody of their two children before she filed for divorce in Puerto Vallarta. the tiny Mexican fishing village where he recently completed work on a movie. Miss Taylor had no part in the movie, but she accompan ied Burton to Puerto Vallarta and was on the set almost ev ery day, keeping him company. They shared a villa. Went to Village Burton's lawyer, Aaron Frosch of New York, went to the village to represent him in civil court when the divorce was granted. Burton also was represented by a Mexican at torney, as was -Mrs. Burton. Frosch said Mrs. Burton charged that her husband treat ed her "cruelly and inhuman ly" and said he was "in the SERVICE WHILE YOU SHOP ... at our QUICK SERVICE DEPARTMENT Cash Wash Lubrication Brakes Alignment SAVE EVEN MORE TIME BY CALLING FOR APPOINTMENT We're in fhe center of the shopping area the POST OFFICE is right next door -and no worry about parking meters while your car is here " !OLDSMOBiLil ..big 6-footer room... standout performance... value features HIT SNAPPY 4 famed economy passing. Choice ECCLES MOTOR CO.. 606 South 6th St. W.trt I ha D.nnr Kajl Show m CBSTV. WpOimd.) v.m in p m . ChannH 3 hpai-a" at the hideout and-in moment when his eyes were un coveredthe name of a ham burger stand on a wrapper. Tlie discovery of the hideaway where Sinatra Jr. was held in nearby Canoga Park from the time he was abducted a week ago Sunday night to his release on payment of $240,000 ransom early last Wednesday has been credited as the major break in cracking the case. And young Frank Jr. was ap parently able to provide the clues that led to Its discovery. The account of Frank Jr.'s role in the apprehension of the trio accused of kidnaping him constant custody of another woman." Miss Taylor was not men tioned by name in the court pro ceedings. Mrs. Burton also received the Burton home in Geneva. Switz erland, a trust fund for the two children and a substantial set tlement for herself. The atlor- nv cairf Rurtnn retained "a fund out of their community property." ENROLL NOW WINTER TERM January 6 Robertson School of Business i I 411 Main Li TU 2-4126 Mr. Robertson Available for Counseling by Appointment Wipers Anti Freeze Exhaust Repairs Fender Repairs MILLER CADILLAC "Where CLASSIC 6 or No. 1 in compact car sales-Rambler leads because Rambler listens .1 IB. 1' i ar V-l PHfOHMANCl plul and plenty of co for safe of Classic 6 or V-8. came to light as the FBI made plans to transport John William Irwin, 42, suspected ringleader, from live jail in San Diego, Calif., to federal jail facilities here. The two 23-year-old suspects, Barry Worthingtun Keenan, scion of a wealthy Los Angeles area family, and Joseph Clyde Amsler, Playa Del Rey, were held on $50,000 bail each. Multiple indictments against the trio were expected to be re turned by a grand jury within three weeks. 8P.tAT 0IFT Jj fjlaM vou home 3r HS illUijT i-i I STITES I i pi uuBING t HEATING !l 201 1 Ortgon Ayd. TU 4-3798 KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Snow Tires Wheel Balancing 6 Seat Belts Glass Replacement BROS., INCp the action is!" V-8 package- lii! TiT: 1 ii.w a on ixta VAims at noevtra cost, including Deep-Dip rustprooring, Double-Safet, Advanced UnitConstruction.