PAGE B HERALD AND LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE I I U BO 8WN "OOa 0l '31IJ '8 'aNowvia 'i umoq . 30HS3SUOH '3O0V9 'Z 8 ' HfS Size OS The Heart Is What Counts By ANN tANDEUS Dear Ann Landers: Something has been troubling us girls in the oKice. Wo decided to ask you to explain the mystery. A certain wom an who works with us is in her late twen ties. She is highly intelli gent, well-read and has a love ly face and stands about 5 fect, 10 inches in her stocking fect. Three months ago she began dating a homely little dried up runt who is at least six inches shorter than she Is. He is a suc cessful professional man, neat and pleasant, but they make fiuch an odd-looking couple we can't understand how she could have accepted the first date with him. The guy looks like something that should he dan gling from licr charm bracelet. When they arc together she elands erect, in her high heels, and seems almost proud to le seen with him. Whul is wrong with her? Is she blind to reali ty? What can she he thinking? -FLOOIt SIX 1NQUIHY Dear Floor Six: She Is prob ably thinking that he Is a lovely human being with a fascinating mind and an engaging person ality and that he li Infinitely better company than some of the gorgeous guys who are tall, handsome and boring. Dear Ann lenders: Someone asked you recently If your teeth were your own. I know good and well Hiey are because of the un sympathetic way you answer people who have denture prob lems. It's easy for you to sit there In Chicago w ith your own teeth and tell a wnmnn in Texarkana that her husband is a stubborn mule because he refuses to go to the denlist and spend another 100 vn a third set of chopors. I've gone through the whole hit and it's murder. I lost 15 pouftrts while a certain dentist monkeyed around trying to gel my teeth to fit. finally 1 got disgusted, threw litem in the ash can and went to anotlier dentist. 1 told him he could make roe a new set of teeth and 1 would pay If they fit. Ho agreed, and let me (ell vou those teeth Sybil Burton Divorces Mate NEW VOItK U'l'H Mrs. Sybil Burton divorced her actor husband. Richard Bin Ion. Mon day In Puerto Vullarta, Mexico, where Hurton and actress Eliza beth Taylor have been Jiving, it was announced here Monday. Mrs. Burton won the case o.i charges of abandonment and cruel and inhuman treatment. Miss Taylor was not named in the case Tie office of llie Burton fam ily attorney, Aaron Krosch. said flwt Airs. Burton obtained cus tody of Uieir two children. Kalh erine, 6. and Jessice. 4. the Bur ton home in Oneva. Switzer land,' a trust fund for the two clukiren, and a substantial fund for herself, Burton also retained a fund out of tiieir community property. FREE CHRISTMAS FOLDERS With your order of 25 or mora prints from o single negative! LEO'S asr III NEWS, Klamath Falll, Ore. 1 9TO5 'L 'miaios 'f 'JOOS -ooiid ui 'Nvwaau d 'xsaa 'si A3XNOQ 'l 'S83MSNV were absolutely perfect from the minute he put them into my mouth. 'Please tell people, Ann, that this is the way to get teeth that fit. Thank you. SMILING CLYDE Dear Clyde: My dental ex perts tell me that most new teeth need a minor adjustment here and there and that darned few dentist! will guarantee a perfect fH from the very first chomp. I'm glad you had such won derful luck, however. Thank you for biting I mean writing. Dear Ann Landers: The man I am going with was divorced two years ago. Ward's wile was a real swinger and he sued for divorce after he walked In on her and the building super intendent. Ward was given cu tody of their three children with no trouble. He does not pay her alimony and she has been supporting herself (barely). Wo plan lo be married in about three months. Ward has a housekeeper who Is sort of half baked but she manages some how to keep tilings going. I -should tell you that 1 own a business and am definitely not Hie type who could stay at home. Ward suggested last night thai It might be a good idea to hire his ex-wife as our housekeeper. He said she would love it, and it would be very good for the kids. At first 1 was sure he was crazy, but after he pointed out all the advantages it didn't sound so bad. What do you think?-M.ZIE Dear Manic: I think he IS crazy and It you agree to this arrangement you deserve what ever happens. I can promise you It won't be anything gnnd. Ann Landers' frank ami infor mative new bixik. "Teen-Agers and Sex" ( $2 93 . is now avail able at jour book store. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope. New Structure To Use Lumber WASHINGTON U'PIi - Wood from Oregon will be used for tlie Interior of the new federal building in Mcdford, Ore., Hep. Hottort Duncan, D-Ore., has re ported. Duncan said Hie General Serv vices Administration informed him of the rlans. He aUo said tlie GSA reported that local manufacturers of pro-stressed concrete beams and other pro duets would be given an oppor tunity to .u!wit bids to ccnli ac tors on the project. 5 tfX Jlie CltrislinciA Three Holiday Packed Floors , OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL 9:00 "Klamath'! Home Accessory and Gift Store" 721 Main TU 4-4561 Tutiday, Drcrmhrr 17, 193 Christmas Play Dated BONANZA Highlighting the holiday festivities in Bunanza will lie the annual Bonanza School Christmas program. The high school and grade school will join forces on Dec. 19 to present "Origin of Our Christ mas" at 7:30 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. The program will include the living Christmas tree scene, with Barbara Iteid narrating the origin of the Christmas tree. The children will also sing "Jin gle Bells" and "Christmas Gifts." The origin of Santa Claus scene w ill feature the third grade singing "Jolly Old St. Nicholas" and Nondice McFall reading the origin of the Santa Claus legend. "fhe fifth grade will sing "The Wassail Song" and the scene will be an English home, point ing up the English custom of caroling. Mike Clark will give the history of wassailing and the Yule log. The seventh grade will depict the scene of a German home in IBM and sing "Oh Christmas Tree." Janice Schmidt will tell about a typical German Christ mas and customs we have adopted. The Bonanza High School band, under the direction of Kenneth Kctal, will play t h e prelude, and the glee club will present several Christmas selec tions. Charles Dobry Jr. is the teacher in charge of arrange ments. Ann Frank Case Halted VIENNA IUPH - Austrian authorities have "postponed in definitely" a disciplinary inves tigation into the wartime acti vities of the Vienna policeman who arrested Anne Frank and her family in Amsterdam, po lice announced today. A police spokesman said no reason was given for the deci sion of the Austrian judiciary. The investigation had been scheduled to start Tuesday. Police inspector Karl Silber bauer, 52. who recently admit ted arresting the author of "The Diary of Anne frank" in August, 1944, was charged with a breach of discipline in con cealing his part in the World War 11 drama. Miss Frank died in a Nazi concentration camp In which she and her family were de ported after police found their hiding place. Silberbauer's wartime record with the gestapo was probed in 1934, wlien he was reinstated in the Vienna police. Silberbaucr was suspended in October when Jewish documen tation center investigator Simon Wiesenthal informed the Austri an interior minister of his dis covery of Silberbaucr'a role in the Anne Frank arrest. , He risked losing his job and long-service Ixuicfits if it was established that he concealed part of his wartime activities during his 15-1 re - inslatemcnt hearings. Yule Program CHiLOQUIN The Christmas program of the Chiloquin Grade School will be held Thursday. IX-c. 19, at 7:30 p.m. in the grade school gym. Itosalee Ho back is the general chairman, with Agues Pfieffer in charge of the music. YOUR STORE ore OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL AkMii'iI ) CALFSICIN BAGS SPECIAL ELEGANCE This low price for supple, quality-crafted handbags . . . just in time for Christmas giving ! Sleek new styles, all with a truly luxurious look. Pl" Choose from black or colors. A REAL BUY! my- ASSORTED BOXED WOMEN'S BRIEFS . 6 for 3 29 Pretty lace trimmed panties . . . elastic leg style. ..boxed in 6 asst. pastels. Sizes 34-42. v... ..v.. . HIS OWN ROCKER Comfort for the littin' 'n rock in' small fry. Built of solid oak with natural fin ish. 24" high. 593 9th and Pine FOR YOU 4 BULKY-LOOK CARDIGANS IN EASY-CARE ORLON Special purchase of cardigans . . . they've the new bulky look you've been hearing so much about this year I In Orion acrylic, the yarn, that washes eas-, ily, dries quickly, needs no blocking. Several handsome styles to choose from; white, black, pastels. 34-42. SMART SLIPPERS IN SNAP POUCH 66' C pr. Cushiony soft vinyl slippers fold into a snap pouch. Genuine soft leather. Exciting styles, shades. S-M-L. CHUBBY ROCKER Extra wide, virtually Inde structible. Maple finish olid hardwood. 22" high, teat 13x14'' 10 95 OPEN T". - 5 m NEW DARK TONES AUTOMATIC, WARM ACRILAN BLANKET Acrilan acrylic with "Nap Seal" finish to retard pil ling. Nylon bound; 8 colors. 80x90", sgl. control 29.99 80x90". 2 controls 33.99 iPIl HOLIDAY DRESS FOR THE TABLE 199 ; 52" Sq. Drip-dry cotton fable cloths in asst. prints, solid red end green. 52x70 2.99 60x80" 3.99 SINGH HOLSTER SET You get cap-firing piitot In leather holiter plus a wide-cjlrdle belt with tix bullets, clip. 2.98 EVERY NIGHT "TIL 9 P.M. UNTIL . . .. ' -- . - . .... ' ' 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS LAST MINUTE BRENT REG. 3.98 WASH-AND-WEAR MEN'S PAJAMAS 3 98 S-M-l-Xl Now Wards has pa jamas in the muted fash ion colors so popular in today's men's furnish-' ings. Beautifully tailor ed of fine cotton broadcloth, they're de signed for perfect com fort with extra-deep armholes, "U" shaped crotch, full seat, non bihd elastic waistband. WITH "NAP-SEAL" 27 99 .0" TWIN smoii control GUEST TOWELS IN 4-PIECE SET 299 4-pc. let Gift boxed, ready to give! Embroidered cot ton ferry towels with y.u "Hers," "Mr.," 'w " In many colors. PAINT BY NUMBER KIT Choost Pebbles Flintstone, the Jelsonj or Ben Caiey sett. With canvas boardi, brush, paints. 9gc CHRISTMAS SAVING ixmmm 5 j ij SPRAY-STEAM-DRY WARDS FINEST 3 - IN Big 32-sq. in. soleplate with 17 steam vents and a full-view heel for faster, easier ironing. New broad steam range for all fabrics; color-keyed fabric dial. PILLOWCASES IN EMBROIDERED SET 199 2-pc. set Soft pastels embroid ered on white bleached cotton muslin in a wide variety of patterns. Gift boxed. TINY 8-KEY PIANO A "plinking" good time for tots) One complete octave plays real tunes. Wood keys, enamel finish. ggc ..... C .. : XMAS Phone TU 4-3188 1 FTL. .-..?!!"-.. " TiVi"!'";'.' ..'r REG. 5.98 GIRLS' QUILTED ROBES VYCRON FILLED 4 88 You'd expect to pay much more for this Miss Brent acetate tricot robe that's comfort quilted in cloudsoft allergy-free Vycron polyester.. .the miracle fiberfill. Completely machine-washable, it comes in assorted pas tels or a winter-garden of florals. Sizes 714. St. Words cemptet. glrlt' Chubby Faihlon Lint, tool - ONE IRON 1 83 R. 17.9S NO kWNIT DOWN HOSTESS TRAY IS A WELCOME GIFTl t ICt Beautiful serving fray with cheese knife and carving tile. Packaged with multi-colored kit chen towels for giving. BATTERY-RUN JET "Motors" screech, jet-pods flash as H moves forward. Pods go off In sequence vvhen if stops, li' 2 98 tit Main Ph. 2-JJJ1