Chief Finds Little Support In Attack On AF Officer NOVATO, Calif. f PI ' -That $15 parking warrant of Air Force Major Alan W. San ders has been paid and acting Police Chief Robert J. Oi Gra zia admitted today that some times tiie life of a law enforce ment officer can be a trying one. Di Crazia has oeen bombard ed with letters and telegrams since last week, when he ac cused Sanders of action "un becoming an officer and a gentleman" for the major's re action to a $15 warrant which resulted from an unpaid $2 parking fine. Sanders who had been trans ferred to Viet Nam wrote a letter to the acting chief say ing he would welcome the ar rest, preferably in Novalo, and would cooperate fully in any ef forts to get him out of the Far East and back to California. Oi Grazia. slightly miffed by Sanders' action, turned a copy of the citation and a record of the action over to the Air Po lice at Hamilton Air Force Base. - But Di Grazia admitted today mat he may have acted in haste. He said the letters and telegrams which have flooded his office were 20 to 1 against him. And Di Grazia said Sanders' fine had been paid by a gen erous citizen in Redwood City, Calif., who forwarded a letter and a $15 cashier's check. He said the cashier's check was applied to the fine because there was no return address on the envelope and no indication as to who had purchased the check. Hard of Hearing! Zenith Hearing Aid $5000 For Only Full Powered 4 Transistors Dr. J. L. Lawson, O.D. OPTOMETRIST AND HEARING AID CONSULTANT ONLY LOCAL FULL-TIME HEARING AID CONSULTANT 715 Moin St. Klomath Falls TU 4-8322 HOURS: 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. MON. - SAT. Lowest Prices on Hearing Aid Batteries We Mall Batteries Anywhere Board Sets New Policy PORTLAND ILPI1 - The State Board of Higher Educa tion has adopted a policy that would insure competency by community college instructors. Dr. Miles C. Romney said the policy w as necessary to guaran tee that community college credits can be transferred to in stitutions of higher education. He is vice chancellor for aca demic affairs with the state sys tem. Under state law, the state board must approve courses in the colleges which are intended to be transferable and must also approve the hiring of in structors who will teach such courses. The policy also stipulates that community colleges have ade quate library facilities, and that they must not impair the effec tiveness of instructors by ask ing them to teach too many dif ferent courses. GIVE A GIFT HE CAN WEAR hpf J., f t l ' In y I $7Q0O J VgCN. C"r, It! Gift Wrap, Gladly HAGGAR IMPERIAL SLACKS Finest in fit, fashion and fabric These are the finest slacks Haggar makes! Imperials feature the best all-worsted fabrics . . . deluxe tailoring with the new Shapt O Matic Waistband that assures unusual elasticity without the tightness of elastic. You'll like the trimmer, more comfortable support . . . smart appearance . . . superb wrinkle-resistance and press-retention.. In your size In the latest Fall colors. DREWS Manstore 733 Main and Town & Country HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon Friday, December 1$, 1961 PAGE IB I i it 15 UK .X. Aikin, Mount Shasta housewife, is truly Deciding to salvage boughs from ever- averaged constructing 100 Christmas ENOUGH IS TOO MUCH Mrs. Virginia glad that Christmas comes only once a year, greens cut by her lumberman husband, she wreaths each day during the fall. One day the champion wreath-maker put together 132 between daylight and dark. She says she isn't afraid that increasing competition will make the business unattractive for it is unattractive without any competition at all. Her wish for Christmas Eve is to be allowed to sleep through New Year's Eve, and then she doesn't want to find a Christmas wreath hanging on her door. New 'Something Box' Does Nothing Except Sell Well As Christmas Gift By GAY PAULEY I'PI Women's Editor NEW YORK (UP!) Now starts the seasonal guessing game what is it and what is it supposed to do? For instance. There is some thing called the something box" by those who are selling it in this, the age of off-beat gifts for the person on your list who has everything else, as some thing that "works as well in darkness as in light." "While it blinks," the blurb continues, "you'll discover, if you are sleepy, it will keep you awake. If you're an insomniac, it will probably put you to sleep. . . "Try it on your desk. You'll find people thinking you've got a compact computer, a spy system, signals from your con flict of interests firms; maybe you're a scientist." "Try it on the table at the board meeting and see what happens. . . "Let us warn you, that unless you use an axe you can't turn it off. "It .will keep on winking its eight eyes in no recognizable pattern and for. no apparent reason for nearly a year. Then it's dead as a mackerel and you can't get it fixed." A spokesman for the New York firm marketing the "something box" said the thing it is a rectangle weighing six pounds is one of its best-selling repeat after you and when it aoes, its glass eyes iignt up in a bloodshot malevolent gleam." Shopping the stores and the catalogs reveals that you can buy a kit for making your own "antiques"; one to build your own grandfather's clock. Buy a fidget stone of jade to rub in moments of tension; a pistol that slioots coins into toll gate baskets; a pistol swizzle stick, battery operated which goes into mixing action when the trigger is pulled; A kit of five lubes of tooth paste, non-alcoholic in content, but flavored to taste like mar tini, brandy, orange curacao, rum or eggnog brandy; An automatic lie pressor; fur seal eyelashes; a stapler with its supply of 5,000 staples pack aged in florentine silver-plated case; And men's handkerchiefs per manently imprinted with bright red lipstick kLsses. Christmas items. "Not only are we getting or ders by the thousands from the United States," said a spokes man, "but from all over the world." Asked if the box were supposed to do anything besides sit there and blink, he added, "absolutely nothing." The box arrives at your house already operating; the only way to get rid of it other than chopping it up with an axe is to "turn it against the wall in an unused closet." "Or," as the stoic suggested, "give it to some fellow who has no sense of humor." As usual, each Christmas shopping season produces an assortment of off - beat gifts. This year, the number seems greater than usual. There is the dilemma dis pensera transistorized, battery operated gadget to be turned on at will. "Dial your problem, throw away apprehension, watch the lights, and presto! Your decision is made for you," said its marketers. For those who want to have some fun at parties or are just lonesome enough to want to hear themselves talk, there is the bird with all the colors of a parrot or macaw. The bird is stuffed with a tape recorder controlled by a couple of but tons. "Say what you will," its pro motion reads, "this fellow will Funds Grow For Widows DALLAS lUPH - Money del oged two widows wlio were caught in the aftermath of the presidential assassination. Donations to the family of hero policeman J. D. Tippit ex ceeded $202,008 and 13 sacks of mail remained unopened. Mrs, Tippit was amazed and grate ful. Her husband was slain while trying to arrest tlh? sus pected assassin. The widow and two babies of accused assassin 1ce Harvey Oswald had been given $9,000. It was reported the Russian born woman wept when in formed of the outpouring. Police set-up a clearing house for the Tippit fund and had re ceived more than $158,000. The Dallas Times-Herald collected $-W,(W0. which was turned over to police Wednesday, About one-half sack of mail was proc essed daily. Bolh women were in seclu sion. Mrs. Oswald was under guard by Secret Service agents. She requested protection and was reported in hiding nt a local motel. Mrs. Shirley Williamson, a Fort Worth housewife who stalled a campaign to raise money for the poverty-stricken family, reported the $9,000 amount. "We get more each day than we got Hie day before," she said. After an initial meeting with newsmen, Mrs. Tippit asked to be left alone to meet the prob lems of rearing three children without their fatlicr. Neighbors said she was the type of per son who liked to do things for others. r. Santa Suggests: TP A GIFT FOR THE FAMILY -AN RCA VICTOR STEREO! ULTRA-SMART PORTABLE STEREO New Rifle Shoots Deadly Darts WASHINGTON UPI - The Defense Department is develop ing a rifle that shoots darts in stead of bullets. A top Pentagon research ex pert said today the darts are only an inch long and about (lie thickness of a pencil lead, but are capable of inflicting a gap ing wound almost as severe as that caused by a dum-dum bul let. He explained that the darts have little fins that keep them stabilized in flight. But when they strike flesh, they lose their stability and turn enctover-ond in tile wound. The early results were ob tained in a project known as "special purpose individual weapon," announced by the Army last February. "The weapon could lw used as both a rifle and a shoulder fired grenade launcher," the Army said. "Fully loaded, it is expected to weigh no more than the current .M14 rifle and will significantly increase the effectiveness of tlie combat sol dier. " The Army did not identify the nature of tlie ammunition. The defense expert who described the tiny darts indicated that much of (he increase in effec tiveness would be due to the ex treme light weight of the proj ectiles as compared with regu lar ammunition. A soldier could carry thou sands of tlie darts, and could fire them either in separate rounds or in a single deadly stream, he said. The expert added that the new weapon would aot replace the standard rifle. MUSICAL PLUSH ANIMALS! Guaranteed Musical Movement. Made ia USA. Big Variety! YOUR CHOICE . . 0. ilk ,SSSSSS,Hl P-1SC i97i kiili FRIESEN-WELMAN Co. ii 1 1715 Moin I ' Mion. TU 2-6333 HOUSE DISCOUNT Town & Country Shopping Center - Shop till 9 EXTRA CHRISTMAS VALUE BOXED CHRISTMAS CARD REG. T.25 32 complete with envelopes. Colorful Christmas or Religious Assortment! 1 f roe.., The PORTABLE MARK I Model 3VC8 RCA VICTOR DELUXE PORTABLE TOTAL SOUND STEREO Complete with Mike for "Sing-Along" or Public Address RCA Victor'i tintit Portable Stereo! Deluxe Studiomatie 4-ipeed Record Changer Flooti Down to? Easy Accesi. Swmg-aut Detachable Speeder Uniti Include Two 6Vi Woorert and Two 3'i" Tweeleri. Plort All Siset of Stereo and Monophonic Recordi. True-Trock Tone Arm ii Precision-balanced. OTHER PORTABLES with iwing-eut detachable ipeaken at .... VISIT OUR NEW RCA VICTOR STEREO CENTER There' a high fidelity Stereo ta luit your home and budget. Moster cabinetry - Unparalleled lound! f3tafCe if -from u B e. I "x OJK - i- .x LZ 1 W5 1 -o i M 5 el 3ibJl . 'IMITtlMCr I Ml V 0 You won't 6og DOWN U) TVi 1 tAj INTER. t)6ttHR (AUZZiES" If YOU DRIKK ADEQUATE AMOUNTS op F), CMS XA MILK. iHREcT susses craftedl E, - f J f s V Efcti MY is m 3ASC 'MINIMUM Vern Owens' Cascade Home Furnishings 1 412 Moin Ph. TU 4-8365 sfniiiiiiiiaiawi Si - .... ,fWPl