1 JLx - ' yill ff FRESH! FRESH! 1 jc3ne sojftH il i -I"-'1 ZZZT" 2S$ isi we hove vour order now ,o " X V H A Ul V XlVN I -T"---- &&Jy assure you of getting just the ; vXcri t 'WfWV' j Boneless, Fresh, Eastern fBI jl Cream of j 2? If ' Potflto Soup j r HfCake Mixes ot Both Baskets UUflllSlUS De"l.nd is Mr 1 1 1 v i nnoii Crater Lake 11 ii V2 Gal. USDA "GOOD" LOCKER BEEF Buy on Our Budget Plan No Payments Till Jan. 20th Front Quarter 43 Hind Quarter 59 HALVES 49 Cut & Wrapped FREE! Swift's "Sweet Rasher" Boneless Brisket - our own cure Pork Steaks L"" " 49 Sliced Bacon Corned Beef Pork Sausage Ground Beef Pure Pork 071b 3-1:19 Fresh Ground! 1 4 4ft Market Bosket Quality lbs. y Swonsdown All Varieties Except Angel 2 33c Swift's Prem Luncheon Meat 12-oz. Tins 43' CHERRIES Diamond A Red Sour Pitted 00 3 303 $11 Tiri J mm Nall.y't Salad Dressing Full Quart Crater Lake Cottage Locally Made It's Days Fresher! cheese Pg Quart aniieci ifiEiEc Toilet Tissue CONGRATULATIONS TO WINNERS OF THE TWO 30 CUP PERCOLATORS: Store No. 1 Mrs. O. F. Arnett, 1862 Arthur Street Store No. 2 John Dickinson, 2212 Reclamation For home candle making Parowax , ,b. pkgi. 25c Perfect for the Holidays Planter's Mixed Nuts ,3:., . 85c Pennant Brand 13-oi. jar Marshmallow Creme 23c Hershey's Makes wonderful fudge with Pennant Marshmallow Creme 12-oz. bags Choc. Dainties 3s$l 3-Minuta White or Yellow Pop Corn 2kb9 29c Baker' 14-oz. pkg. Angel Flake Coconut 59c Borden's 28-ox. jar None Such Mincemeat 59c Stokely's No. 303 tins Shellie Beans 23c Golden Sweet Margarine Mb. pkgs 37c FOOD SALES THIS WEEKEND AT MARKET BASKET NAACP BAKCO FOOD SAU Saturday, Mirkrt Itilttt N.. 1, tih and Pint COW IELI.ES BEEP CANDY AND COOK BOOK SAll Friday, MarVit latitat No. 1, 9th and Pina ORDER OF AMARANTH FANCY WORK SALE Friday. Market laikat Na. t, fth and Pina. Borden's Evaporated Toll Tins Northern Brand c A N S 34-roll j Paks j DOLLAR SALE Dog Food c"7.. Ti.13s$l Fr. Cocktail DMZ 4?$1 Chrry Star Oranges M"dT. TiB. 4i$l 6s$1 Cottogt Applesauce Sliced Beets VoX. 7s$l 303 Tins Tom. Juice HuB3oo Ti. 8$1 Tomatoes Co,,093'o3 Ti-. 7s$1 Spinach Co"" 303 Tin. 7$1 Peaches 0,1 ""?M T . 4?$1 Grapefruit 303 Tim HJ I Catsup Co,,0"u..,. 7s$l Welchade 32-.. r, 3?$1 Argo Figs 303 Ti.. 5$1 Pears C'M" 303 Tl.. 4?$1 Cotto?. . Crtam ar 7ol WOril Wh. Kirml 303 Tim!? I Peas Cattaga Cottaga 303 Tim Green Beans c3l Tn. 7$1 Dal Mania Peas Early Gordtn 303 Tim 5$1 Carta g a Asparagus ,l,nd3oos,?:73;$1 Tom. Sauce crrTin,13?$l Pipes Tobaccos Humidors, Domeitte and Imported Tobacco,. Pipe Accessories at 9th & Pine Store. New shipment of fine quality pipes just arrived, new styles and shapes. Perfect Christmas gifts! 1.95 k, $35 CORN Del Monte Cream Style 7 $1 $1100 Sweet Juicy Navel BOX Banana Squash Washington Red or Golden Delicious Apples Grapefruit Per Pound 8c Cut and Cleaned lb. Large, White Cauliflower u. Unpitted Af( Dates New C7U. n,. 4V 3 - 39c 1381 9' Algerian, Zipskins f OCC Tangerines 1j All grecary dtp!, ipacialt goad thru nat Wadnatday. Maat and product tpaciali goad thru Sun day, tubjact te iteck an handl Extra Fancy Arizona, Red 1-Lb. Pkgs. P-tKMAli No. 1 Golden Beauties tailUli Pkg "WKn We Resere The Right To Limit!