30 i300 OFF. 3 bedroom, fireplace, finest construction. Full price (13,600, 1721 Lo gin, TU 2-172. 25 ACRES good sandy ground, 2 mi. N. of Melin, no building, Rudolph ioitak, Box 31. Malin. FOR tela by owner, j bedroom house near park In Mills Add'n. No down payment. TU 1-5405. HOT Springs, good older 1 bedroom home, tl,000 equity, will consider terms. TU 2-569), BELOW APPRAISAL New 3 bedroom home In restricted res idential district. Best ol construction. Natural gas hot air heat, hardwood doors, H-j baths, fireplace, patio, birch kitchen, lots of storage, $15,900, TU 3-2410. Cal-Ore Ranches 300 FARM and RANCH sites In tha ROGUE RIVER VALLEY near Grants Pass and Medford. 5 to 80 Acres low as 9 down end $29 monthly. WRITE for FREE RANCH & FARM CATA LOG with photos and descriptions. Cal Ore Ranches 1054-KF S. Riverside, Med ford, Ore. .? & o OMEGA WATCHES EXCLUSIVE WITH J. C. RENIE JEWELRY 1071 Main TU 4-4604 M. J. R. MUFFLER CUSTOM EQUIPMENT TACHS, CHROMED WHEELS ACCESSORIES. SEAT BELTS SPEED EQUIPMENT ORDER NOW FOR LAY-A WAY 7?30 So. 6th TU 2-03W THE RS K lUb R . shop m J MEN'S WEAR JlM, Black a Decker . -. u-i 12-14" Utility FIXKIT This modern designed, high impocr, carrying casa contain the U-I00I4" drill with ac cessories and attachments for all those hom and shop projects. Included with each Ftxkit Is a FREE copy of "How to Choose and Use Power Tools." $19.88 B.A.C. Account as low as $5 a month, BASIN BUILDING MATERIALS 4784 So. 6th TU 2-2563 Giffi for Boyi NOW ON DISPLAY! TOYS INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS SCOUTS PICKUPS DUMP TRUCKS STAKE TRUCKS From $1.00 to $4.75 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. llth i Klomoth TU 2-2581 i in u u tie sn at At a tx m "sk s Reserve Your K .J HOLIDAY PARTY NEEDS K j Right Awoy! K If CoMm Wktr. Punch Bowl JJ Chlrtfl-SHverwarf Olrter limi 2 VALLEY RENTAL SMART SHOP" DRESSES, JEWELRY FANCY WORK CHILDREN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Gift lor Noelly TX" GifH 'A .o&. 619 Klomoth Ave. TU 2-6214 Gifts for Children TOY CLEARANCE t FIRESTONE EAL tSTATE fOR SALI .... OWNER transferred) Three bedroom on Onyx Avenue. Fireplace, carpeting. Built-in range and dishwasher. Dou ble garage. Large yard and patio. Shown by appointment only. Call TU 2-017. LAKEVIEW home, sell or trade, 3 yrs. old, near schools. Sell equity cheap, TU 2-5264; TU 2-0074. 2 BEDROOM HOME CLOSE IN Compact home with carpeting. Nice remodeled kitchen and dining area. 3-3 concrete basement. Single car ga rage. Large lot 50 x U0 ft. Total price $8500 $300 down plus closing. S6a monthly payment. McATEE REALTORS 33? E. Mam TU ?-4 Evelyn McAtte TU 2-5i Harold Mollis TU 2-4815 V. IX sJ l N I CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Regular $289 Fleetwood Automatic ONLY $149 ZT1 l?5 YEAR GUARANTEE) FRANK'S TACKLE 630 E. Main TU 3-47B8 ADAIR'S Headquarters For LANE CEDAR CHESTS $59.95 & up 2200 So. fSlh TU 4-7510 i-Kee - iy.vi CABINET With Purchase ol NECCHI SUPER - NOVA JULIA SEWING MACHINE "World'i molt automatic ma. chine." VACUUM CLEANER eild APPLIANCE CENTER 191 So. oth TU 7-0IJI XXXXKXXKXXXXXJ. KNITTING NEEDLE YARN & KNITTING ACCESSORIES STUDIO Knittinq Machines 204 Vi NEVADA TU 4-3271 nAmlL I UIN btACH ELECTRIC FOOD CONVERTER SALAD MAKER MEAT GRINDER Regular $54.85 NOW $49.85 (GUARANTEED 5 YEARS) UHLIG'S 1026 Main TU 4-5512 CHARLIE READ SADDLERY CUSTOM TOOLING PRE CHRISTMAS SADDLE SALE SAVE UP TO WS 10014 PINANDNr. ?3 KLAMATH AVE. TU 4-SSSI BSA PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT EIGHTEEN NEW MODELS BODENHAMER'S JSl e. Main Vt" Electric Drill Regular $11 IS NOW J9.95 PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN PLEASE HIM With THORSEN SOCKET SETS (Fully Guaraitt..rJ) 55.31 & UP COFER'S EXCHANGE Gifts for iI Her (Sjg Sports kMo GUli for r my-J 633 Klomoth TU 4-7160 Give Dad A Comfortoble RE-CLINER For CHRISTMAS $49.95 & up TOWER FURNITURE (Open Nightl -Tit Chrlilmail SAM Oraart Slamoi tool 1204 Mam TU 4-8858 ARMCHAIR SHOPPERS Enjoy The Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER READ IT DAILY! 30HEAI ISTATI FOR SALE 30 NEW large view home, basement. Close new OTI & houxtef, TU 2-0570. 4' 1 ACRES, 3 bedroom houseT"north side, 11,700 down. TU 2-09M. MLS Multiple Listing Service MAKE the whole family happy for Christmas with this beautiful ranch style 3 Bed room modern home. Quality built from (he ground up. Circulating fireplace, double garage, economical oil forced air heal, intercom system. Desirable suburban location. Under priced at $15, 400 $650 down plus closing, monthly payments approximately 1100 per month. FHA. STILES REALTY 4131 So. 6th Street ONE STOP REAL ESTATE SERVICE Homer Stiles Joe Perry TU 990 TU 4 5332 Daily Gift Suggestions--Everything For Everybody-In A k I -J A I " C ACCICICn " I I -s. r-v i-v i IS vLojirici v O rhrKfma, Giff Gifts for Everyone KLAMATH KAMERA J. NEWS CENTER 1004 Main TU 4-4825 RESERVES THE FINEST OF ITS KIND... FROM SINGER SLANT-O-MATIC AulomitlcZlgx GOLDEN GLIDE Canister Cleinir SINGER Deluxe FLOOR POLISHER Portable Typewriter GRADUATE' model SINGER' SEWING CENTER Moin TU 2-2513' You'll Find The RIGHT GIFT in the Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER READ IT EVERY DAY! j ! Foodi EXPECTING GUESTS' T rt thtvn at Kletneth s finest RtMaurA'tt SARI'S ha1of ITALIAN DINNERS CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS S326 So. nth TU 4-8212 REAL ESTATE FPU 5ALE .... 30 160 ACRES, 120 acres, 40 acres, tim ber on lend. Bo 27, Beatty, Ore. 3 BEDROOM So. Suburban, or lease option, write Box 165, Ashland. Mills, Near Park Two bedroom home, dinette, interior clean and attractive. Only $5,250, ferms. Northside Three bedroom home, dinette, utility. Only $5,000, $500 down, $50 per month. Suburban Five-room home, V acre, garage, fenced, on paved street. Full price $J 250, smell down payment. Summers Lane, 1 Acre Five rooms, " garage, outbuildings, nice yard, good pasture and garden. $9,450, terms. Everett Dennis. Realtor U07 Esplanade TU 4-8491 Evenings Jan Humphrey TU 2-1284 Anne Mason TU i-273 Rod McPheelers TU 2-5705 Gifts for Everyone LORDS PRAYER JEWELED CROSSES Were $4.40 NOW $2.20 Stuffed Animols Were J2.95 $2.40 GAY'S SHOP 219 Main St. TU 4-3817 THE GREATEST GMFT OF ALL THE HOLY BIBLE Nam In 23K. gold FREE Pictures - Lighted pictures. ?5 Tree L Ighfs Reo- J3.V8 NOW $2.98. Gifts for Christmas THE BIBLE CENTER 122 So. Ninth TU 2-19B8 J. W. KERNS HAS ELDON Ski Boll Sets Regular S10.95 Only $8.50 (Factory Direct Prices) 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 FAMOtJ; MAMF RRAWDt: $ Appliances & Oitts K l-OR EVERYONE! K 3j WESTERN AUTO I03 Main TU 4-5514 ! See Whot WE HAVE For CHRISTMAS GIVING . . . MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 6th TU 4-6660 The CLOTHES MART GIFT ITEMS MADE TO YOUR PLEASURE TOP QUALITY New & Used Clothing 125 So. 9th TU 4-3364 BUY YOUR DIAMONDS WITH CONFIDENCE The VILLAGE COURT COUNSELOR BATHROOM SCALES In popular decorative colors $7.45 - $10.45 CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS 840 Moin TU 2-3475 BEACH'S JEWELERS THRILLING NEWS In diamond ring styling ZOOM REFLFX MOVIF. CAMERA LEO'S CAMRA SHOP 8.1 Vain TU J JJJI Just Like a Daily LETTER From HOME! w a !a a a ia a th. uhscrihe this Chrlstmos to Herald and News lor your STUDtNT SERVICE PERSON RELATIVES FRIENDS Year by mail $18 00 a Months by mail $10.00 ? 3 Months by moil $ 5.25 Juit phont TU 4-8111, osk ia Subscriptions, Herold ond News a 1301 Eplonode sa mWM LAY-A-WAY I AMIDON'S iuwSV jO'A 4535 So- 6th TU 4-6370 R CHRISTMAS i PV.2a4tU SXXXXXXXXXXXXXK RICKY'S fpE3j Make JEWELRY l lJlsil This a 700 Main TU 4-3151 J f "R W ' 834 Mom TU 4-3493 a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MOVING? We will "TRADE" your property any where west of the Rockiest Call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed Ore. Cat. Ida. Wash. STROUT REALTY 5429 t. ettl Ph. TU 4 SHI EVENINGS CALL Bob I Stella Dahlinger TU 7-5MI Hank Holman TU 2-S04I FERGUSON HENLEY SCHOOLS Large 3 bedroom on double lot. Paved dead tnd street. Fireplace, hardwood paneling and exposed beam ceiling, forced elr diesel furnace, builtin kitch. en, attached double garage. Don't miss this outstandino bargain at a new reduced price. 114,750. I acres, exclusive residential area with outstanding view. New well and pump. il2.KK. 100 acre Irrigated farm. Tulelake, ? bedroom home. An exceptional buy at S37.500. f 1UULU VT I El Gifti for Everyone ORDER EARLY! I CHRISTMAS FLOWERS 1 ARRANGEMENTS KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP 12M Main TU 4-4159 THIS CHRISTMAS BUY WESTERN WEAR FREEMAN'S WESTERN WEAR 4532 So. 6th TU 2-0212 or 717 Main St. TU 4-5251 THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE SADDLES (New & Used) Reasonably Priced Tool EAST MAIN ShM & Leather TU 2M0 253 E. Main BULK WALNUTS FILBERTS 1-100 Lbs. Extra Delicious This Year) ALBERS XXXXXXXXXXXXXi GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST . . . SEE US FOR: Typewriter & Adding Machines Desks - Chairs - Files Desk Accessories (New & Used) BALDWIN ORGANS With Percussion 8 Panoramic Tone $995 Bowden Music 830 Main TU 2-4883 We never guess We look it up WORLD BOOK encyclopedia 1ST IN SALES AND SERVICE Local Representative, TU 2-0223 or Box 62, Ashland, Oregon. gTvealast i nggTft ' Portable Tape Recorders Transistor Radios A TV Sets PACKARD BELL Clock Radios, TV & Stereo Equipment NELSON'S TV & .RADIO 3005 Shasta Way TU 2-3479 . tn m a w w si. u GOODYEAR I BALDWIN ORf.ANS CHRISTMAS ft BUYS - Complete Selection OF TOYS Coffee Table STEREOS WITH RADIO AM-FM TUNER 4-Speed Automatic Changer All Wood Cabinet Dual Channel Stereo Amp. $198 & Up Portable STEREOS $49.95 & up GOODYEAR 201 So. 1 1 ih TU 4 8141 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALC .... BETTER BUILT T.V HOMES u By Thrifty Builders ONLY $8900 & Up (On Your Lot) CHOICE LOTS AVAILABLE Three bedroom homes. Lerge living room, dining area. Lerge bedrooms end closets. Lovely cabinets. Tile bath, shower and fully insulated tool No Cosh Down Financing k See Our 4 Bedroom Modelj Home in Bet Air Gordens . . DROP BY ESTATE DRIVE SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 3-043 TU 4-5244 DAVENO & CHAIR $1 19.95 1.95 Down $10.00 A Month ASSORTED COLORS DECEMBER STOREWIDE SALE LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Moin TU 2-4145 HOLIDAY SPECIAL! $1.00 OFF ON ALL HOUSE CALLS FOR INFORMATION CALL BILLY GOLDEN TV & ELECTRONICS 2507 UNITY TU 2-1259 JONES FURNITURE REFINISHING This Christmas Refinish your Piano , Flnshes changed to MODERN CONTEMPORARV FRUIT WOOD PROVINCIAL FREE ESTIMATES TU 4-3441 SYLVAN I A TV SETS, RADIOS STEREO EQUIPMENT BEEBE'S TV & RADIO SERVICE 929 Oregon Ave. TU 4-7529 BUILDERS SUPPLY AND FLOOR COVERING REDECORATE Your Home For The Holidays C. H. P. GREATER HIDING POWER ONE COAT COVERAGE LATEX PAINT Reg. J6.95 NOW 345 E. Main TU 2-2955 SIEGLER OIL & GAS HEATERS' save AS MUCH AS $100 00 HARRY HAFTER FURNITURE CO. 833 Klamalh Ave. TU 4-4878 WOW!! See The New THOMAS -7 COLOR-GLO KEY-LIGHT ORGAN TRANSISTORIZED DOUBLE KEYBOARD LESLIE SPEAKERS $499 & up AT SEWING MACHINE CENTER 1414 E. MAIN - TU 4-6949 "enToylTfeTvAOre" WITH AvAUSIC" See Our Fine Selection of Ins truments includrng the FAMOUS LOWREY ORGANS 495 up Mumc Lessons Avoiloble KLAMATH MUSIC 515 E. Moin TU 4-3360 I a Gift for Home jjj ($5.95) V GAl. J Reod The Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER EVERY DAY! 30 PAGE-SB REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 3 THREE bedrooms, carpet. oil furnace, fenced, plus rental, TU 1-307. TWO bedroom home, (450 down, take over payments, TU 2-221. S500 PLUS closing will move you into this modern 3 bedroom home, many extras, balance FHA. TU 4-604. HOTSPRIiNGS 3 bedroom. I batns, J fireplaces, 126,750, TU 4-6130. BIG J tHKJroom horn, on half crtj, just off Homed It. This is a BIG homi. All Iftt rooms re lars. Nlw ly rtmodtltd. neat and clean. Gas furnace heat. Fully insulated. Aibes. tot shake stding. A bargain at 17,830. DON SLOAN For Finer Homes 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-ttSa Dayi-Evei. MLS Multiple Liyting Service Lots and Acreage Mills. Improved corner lot. 50 x 120 ft. S3500. South Suburban MVi x 247 ft. en Ander son Avenue. t2,000. Vh Acres unimproved, surveyed. Pint Grova District. M.OGO. Little over an acre on Komedai Read. S2.250. 715 St. Francis Three bedroom plus sewing room or could be 4th bedroom. Fireplace gas furnace, full basement, separate ga rage, extremely neat and well main tained. Quite close in and near shop ping and schools. G.I. appraised. Don't pass this one up I Si 1,750. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR 1M No. 7th Lucille Anderson Lois Macy TU -3!2 TU 2-0518 TU 2-H67 STILWELL & CO. Presents: CLOSE IN NORTH SIDE A very comfortable 3 bedroom older home in splendid condition throughout. Carpeted living room & dining room, fireplace, beautiful modern kitchen, basement, economical oil furnace, view location. Immediate possession good terms. Price iu.soo. A 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY - Located In attractive WEST PARK, Easy ac cess to OTI and hospital sites and downtown. Close to school. Home only 3 years old and In excellent condition. Living room with glass enclosed fireplace, dining room, beautiful hardwood floors, attached garage, covered patio. Spacious lot. You will like this. Price $17, 500, Sti &Co. (wel 519 Main SI. Realtors TU 4-3136 Alter SiOO Call: Bruce Binkley TU 4-3479 If no answer call TU 4-7006, TU 2-0444 MILLS ADDITION CARPETED LIVING ROOM. SEPA. RATE DINING, NICE BIG KITCHEN, LARGE UTILITY, THREE BIG BED ROOMS, BATH AND HALF. All of tills lor only '$10,500 Don't wait on this one I WALKER REALTY i02 Main St. Stevens Hotel Office: TU 2-4154 Day or Eves. Residence: TU 2-18B5 JOHNSON Street. Two bedroom house on large lot. Lots of storage space. Two extra rooms and garage in full basement. Good garden and flower space. Owner will carry papers. Full price $4,500, terms $500 down and $50 per month including t, per cent Inter est. HOMEDALE. Comfortabl 4 bedroom home with double garage and addition ai storage room. Wide lot. On paved road. Excellent location. Owner wilt consider good used three bedroom house trailer in trade. Priced to move at $12,000. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Mairt TU 2-3471 Jim O'Donahua Evei. TU 4-?693 MLS Multiple Listing Service SIDE NORTH Three bedrooms, iarge living room with lovely circulating llreptace. Din ing room, kitchen, bath. Detached ga rage. Prict $8,750, terms. HOT SPRINGS Custom built 2''j year old home. Living room has waif to wafl caroet. circulat ing fireplace. Family dining room, kitchen with buitt-in dishwasher, range, oven, disposai. Three bedrooms. At tached double garage. $19,500, any type toan. NEW HOME 5 BEDROOM PLUS OFFICE Living room with firepiace. Waif to wail carpeting. Dining room has slid ing gtass doors opening on to patio. Butit in kitchen, 18 x 26 ft. party room, utility room, 2 baths. 3,770 sq, ft. of living area. $29,500. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION to qualified buyer. SUBURBAN Living room, extra iarge kitchen, util ity porch, 2 bedrooms, bath. Largt fenced yard. Home partly furnished. Make an otter on this one! Andy Silani REALTOR 3' i h TU 2-(A4 Salesmen Wllene Welch TU 1-4tV Anfly Silani Tu 4.5,44 Bob Baiilius tu 3-660 Ed Mitchell TU 2-i683 MLS Multiple Listing Service CHEAPIE FURNISHED on bedroom modern homt. 78 x 300 tt. lot. Sewer connected. Drive by 3113 Boardman then crtec with us on TERMS available to reli able party. Price only $2,350. ALTAMONT Net two bdroom home on 7? ft. ipf. Potential buvntss Site on front of lot. Terms. $?.000. NORTHSIDE EXCELLENT one bdrocm hom with 'utl basement, cio to Conger School. Excellent terms. K000. SUBURBAN BEAUTIPUL neMv new three bJ rrom home. l'i baths, circulating firt Biace ana" many otnr tint features. Let us show you this on, today. $H.- DURANT Rifor So TU -37 ( tu I-3M7 Net to Hot-day Bowl Se Evenoi Ovd WiN.ms TU -l'3i Tina Reeoer tj t-rytj Err. Gravel -ry 2 '5 Bob Soriten .SJ HKRALD AND NEWS, Klamath Fails, Oregon REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN Vt bedroom; building lot. appraised it iltOO, yours for $7500. TU 4-5649 eves. OWNER transferred, must sacrifice 2 bedroom So. Suburban, fireplace, ga rag, large lawn. Buy equity, save $500, FHA appraised $10,100, your prict, $9, 700, TU 2-4971, 1731 Arthur. $3,500 - rttw roof - new siding one bedroom - stove and refrigerator con crete foundation partiai casement -easy terms. $7,750 - excellent two bedroom home in Mills - fireplace extra targe kitchen garage landscaped. ScHROEDER CO. U MAIN TU - TU I-014I SFT Presents ALL BRICK CONSTRUCTION!!! 2052 Sq. Ft. This is one of the finer homes of Kfam ath County. Living room, family room, 3 bedrooms, 2'? baths, utility, kitchen with builtin stove, oven, dishwasher, and garbage disposal. Also has a den UIIX23 ft. that is presently utilized as a mother-in-law apt. Complete with kitchen. This wonderful home is locat ed on s large corner lot. Please call tor more complete description and ap pointment to see. Priced very reason ably at $26,000. r TUCKER . oReal Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Honk Honsen TU 2-3101 Eves. Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Eves. MLS Multiple Listing Service LOTS OF LIVIN' in this iarge luxurious 4 bedroom home. Beautiful natural wood finish. Newly finished floors. Bullt-ins and closet space galore. Close to town, but not close to neighbors! Located on one acre of ground that can support enough livestock activity to keep the kiddies out of mischief. In tha winter time they can piay indoors in a nice recreation roonv with separate tire place. There are a lot of other fea tures about this place that can only be appreciated by your personal in spection, ment. Phone us for an appoint ONLY $25,000 PEYTON Member Internationa! Traders Club 835 Market TU 2-5149 Evenings Harold M, "Pat" Pale TU 2-4173 TU 2-OS36 TU 2-7088 MLS Multfpfe Listing' Service WALK TO TOWN 4-BEDROOMS & 2 BATHS, equally close to Academy or KUHS, on paved, ievei street. Soi fd 2-story construction at $14,500; top ioan; OR WILL TRADE FOR YOUR CLOSE-iN NORTHSiDE 2 - BEDROOM HOME, W,000-$9t000 BRACKET. WILL TRADE! ! Unusually large south suburban 2 bedroom home, 120 ft. paved street frontage provides ex tra building area. Needs minor main tenance and priced at ust $7,750. WILL TRADE FOR DUMP TRUCK OR 8' WIDE HOUSE TRAILER, NORTHSIDE ECONOMY Complete ly modernized, very nest 2 bedroom home in Fairvlew district. New cabi nets. 100 per cent insulation, nearly new plumbing and heating, Oniy $8, 500; maximum FHA ioan. 1044 BISMARK ST. DRiVE BY & SEE THE POSSIBILITIES HERE. Compact coloniai-styied 3 - bedroom home, in need of some repairs and painting. Priced accordingly at $7,000; LOW DOWN PMT., E-Z MONTHLY TERMS. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. 9th Phone TU 4-7771 Sates Personnel: Art Moorman Ph, TU 2-1138 Eves. Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker SFT Presents Small Acreages!!! 3 bedroom on Wiard St. Fruit trees, barn and pasture on 1 acre of feriitt soil. $10,500. Kane Street!!! 3 bedroom, Pius 7 acres irrigated pas ture. Barn, garage and other out build ings. $14,000. South Suburban!!! Gettle St. 3 bedroom on three lets. Handy to grade school and shopping center. Price reduced by $1,000 to $10, 500. Any terms desired. Attention!!! T5 btlter serva you. wa ojva courfesy (o all Real Estate Brokers and Real Estate salesmen. You may Inspect any of our tistlnqs through your favorite real estate office. Brand New!!! Just finished. 3 bedroom south subur ban home. Built with loving cart by lo cal, reliable builder. This Is not a tract hornet Come with us and see It, and you'll agree that It's well worth the price of 115,700, F R f TUCKER Real Estate 2240 So, 6th TU 2-7241 Hank Honsen TU 2-3101 eves. Fred TucVyr TU 4-9742 eves. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . 32 UNION OIL COVPANY OF CALIFOR NIA rM high oot?n!isi servkt jtation for lease if, TuHMi. Calif. Paid deal er !rm.ng, automotive services avail able, medical, hmoital and retirement plant. For information can or write K. Oliver, P O. Bo 3?!, Medford. ph. 77J 50 or Erv. Miller M-5714 Merrill. Business Wanted!!! K ecre. Permanent pasture und at- fl'a. Fair home yjnd Outbuildings. Wilt trade practically tret and clear tor susmtii ooportunlty m Klamath Coun ty. Boat Marina!!! On if Rtver. "Eis te Aie Mermaid." teen only by ftthermen wko iayi tell fht truth. Boat , mo ttv rnti, cc"ee ihop, motor rep,p ifoe. electric boat hoit, moorage rent. B't. swimming eciM)tj. nice home wth Swedish tireo'ace, cabm and aot. rental, trailer toacet and tecitia thoe. AM thu tor only Ui COd, and ownei-j 'M keeo an ooen m.nd to an treat OthJ't. Tucker Real Estate 210 SO Phone TU 2-! Thursday, December 12, 196 30 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .. : MAJOR oil co. service stations fo tease. Excellent business opportunity Paid dealer training program. Pu chast reasonable inventory only. M formation, ph. TU 4-722', I a.m. to p.m. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Pleas Investigate thoroughly any li vestment of money In merchandisi various enterprise or business oppot (unities before investing your capita The Herald and News makes ever effort to reject ail fraudulent or mi: leading advertising, however, we ar not responsible for the integrity t the firms or individuals who place at vertising in our publication. Any ac vertislng of business opportunities si pearing to be fraudulent or misieac ing should be reported to the Class tied Advertising Department of t h Herald end News. FINANCIAL LOANS 3 FOR sai $7,500 contract paying 7 pe cent interest. Secured by clear tiff and first mortgage on over $40,000 ret estate value. Repays in Ihree year at $2,500 per year plus interest. Writ Herald and News Box S27C. BARGAIN ! Discount paper, $?,$& Discount $,S00. Exceflent security o income property sold for $30,000, Als other discount papers for sale. Writ owner care Herald and News Bo: 622C. STUCK for CHRISTMAS CASH? We love to be Santa's Helpei We'll put Christmas "Greene into your hands, and quickly, to Coll us today for courteous, coi ndenttal cash service. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Poy Private Auto Soles Financf Locally Owned for 33 Yean Motor investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-77S BUILDING - REMODELING . EXPERT IN REMODELING! Bathrooms Kitchens Additions Goraaes. etc. No down payment on F.H.A. approved credit. Up to 60 month Free Estimates Gladly! K. J. HALAAS TU 4-5448 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 3 ELECTRIC range, fair condition, SIS Japanese Imported new piece chim set. S!5. SM Oak. SALE on all Early American pictures I5,. ?. 52 lnc,,' SKOT' " S Inch, $31.50, sale price, $5 down, ss pei month. Large assortment. Lues: rurnnure, lyi t. main. BEAUTIFUL Early American Lamps, December storewlde price, S3,.95, Lucas Furniture, Main. Poll salt m E. KENMORE automatic washer, tee condition, TU 4-3591. 17 INCH G.E. TV, Royal portable type writer, lamps and bookcase, TU 2-6749. SEE beautiful Olson reversible rugs in your home. TU ,-,732. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS Call Tarkel Tweet - TU ,-7147 1953 MODEL automatic sewing ma chine. Monograms, button holes, scal lops. Does all types of fancy designs. Assume small monthly payments on balance of SM.90. Will discount tor cash. TU 2-3810. GUARANTEED USED FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS . RANGES Cascade Home Fum. "'in TU 4-1345 r WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat . . $7i Good Condition KIRKPATRICK'S Eost Side Applionces 132 So. 7th TU 4-8S8i TREMENDOUS! GIGANTIC! BIG, EVEN!! AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 3899 So. Sixth A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES AND FURNISHINGS!! Just in time for Christmas Mall Golden Retriever, AKC papers. THF POET'S CORNER Just a Christmas reminder It's sneaking up fast! At The RESALE HOUSE You'll find gifts that iastt Preview All Doy Fridoy If You're Not Buying At THE RESALE HOUSE You're Paying Too Much! jnhn C. Arnptsinoer, Ownpr PUEiHEATINS 38 FUEL oils delivered 7 days a week, on" reel from retfnerv. jBy Hawk Petrol urn, TU 4-SIM or TU 4-A788. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heatino Oils Metered Propant Sales S & H Green Stamps Ooen 34 hour 2540 SeMJth Sftn fu a-r2oi and tu 7-mt FOR sale, LodVtoltDln"rfo7t'tr ptaceTU tu 2-4324. DRY pin blocks, uWOTToTdT Vetler Bros. 3ljl Crosby, TU 4-5!4, Western Oil & Burner Co Oahty heatina 0;is, buooet payments, 0.1 burning equipment. TU JlWJwm WESCO FURNACET" GUARANTEED IS YE4SS RING SHEET METAL COLD DAYS ARE-HERE"- See ui Por 'E BLOCKS OOY WOOD . COAL STANDARO HEATING OILS ASHLEY . SPARKS HEATERS Frankford Fuel Co WE GIVE GOLD POND STAMPS N. Biehn St. TU 2-4444 if Hh t Pin. TU 4 11W K ynxxxnxKrtxKx-n-PiX 'ji ytyfxvxn w l