HOUSES FOR RENT IS -c5FORTBL-biiriT- easy to heat, inquire 2U Ogden. LARGE unfurnished J bedroom duple, Willi Afldn. Electric heat, US. rto pets Inquire 2331 Reclamation, TU 4-Sial after S p.m. or weekends. THREE bedroom unfurnished Clese in, call TU 4-4279. home. TWO bedroom unfurnished, clean, 2 mi. north ot town. Children, pels ok Waltr paid. 55. 7C2 Spruce, TU 2-59o! OR lease three bedroWYfuiYhed nous. Livingiroom with fireplace, l'i bathi. range, oven. Close in, $125, TU 2-444, TU 2-1663. THREE bedroom unfurnished F i re place, electric neat, a3 St. Francs St., TU 4-5244, 1U 2-04J6. TWO bedroom, TU 4-4360. unfurnished, close CLEAN furnished or unfurnished I & 2 bedrooms. Garages, close in, gas Some utilities paid, reference!, tu 4-1773. FURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex . N0J,fn- S, inquire n, p,np 729 MISC. PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 OFFICE building for Vent, available" TU 4-1131 days. OFFICE -courthouse, Street level. ,cros tro-n vacant now. Tu 2-65CO OFFICE -pace, KM jg. It. Parkinj'lor REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 1 am a "TRADER" ARE YOU? why sell when you can trade. Call j DEANE SACHER ! REALTOR Member International Traders Club ' .Licensed Ore., Calll., Ida., Wasri I f ain St. TU 4-4127 I OWNER SAYS , "Find me someone who has a three ' bedroom home who will trade for a I ndohnorhood grocery store w;1li living quarters." I INTERESTED? Then Call Us Right Away Fnr More Information ... PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5.49 Evenings "Pat" Palone TU 2 0636 V Hws TU 4-7081 Harold M Ruth TU 7-4173 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 HOME sites in restricted residential area. Enjoy the finest in nui-t subur ban living. Large lots from 65 to 150 ft. frontage, garden loam, all utilities, pavement & sidewalks. Shown by ap pointment. TU 4-7573. NEW large view home, basement" close new OTI & hospital, TU 2-0570. RURAL lot, owner-financed, suitable tor trailer, TU 2-1066. FOR sale by owner, 2 bedroom house" near park in Mills Add'n. No down payment. TU 2-540J. FHA appraised attractive 2 bedroom suburban. Fireplace, garage, large lawn, fenced, shrubs and trees, on school bus run. Buy equity or refinance, 510,200. TU 2-497fl, 173B Arthur. 4'i ACRES, t3 bedroom house,""" north" Side, 51,700 down, TU 2-0980. 3 BEDROOM SoSuburban, or lease" option, write Box 165, Ashland. HOT Springs, good older home, $1,000 equity, w terms. TU 2-5491. bedroom consider FOR SALE two bedroom suburban home, dining room and large gar.ige. Carpetinq, fireplace, plumnium storm doors and windows. J10,750. Ph. TU 4-850. SALE or lease, well located 3 bedroorrT home, TU 2-0141. THREE bedrooms, carpet, oil furnace, fenced, plus rental, TU 2-3107. S1300 OFF, 3 bedroom, fireplace, finest construction. Full price 113,500, 1722 Lo- i gan, TU 2-1728, Cal-Ore Ranches 300 FARM and RANCH sites in the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY near Grants Pass and Medford. 5 to 80 Acres low as 59? down and $29 monthly. WRITE tor FREE RANCH 8, FARM CATA LOG with photos am inscriptions. Cal Ore Ranches 1054-KF S. Riverside, Medford, Ore. MLS Multiple Listing Service MAKE the whole family happy for Christmas with this beautiful ranch style 3 bed room modern home. Quality built Irom the ground up. Circulating fireplace, double garaqe, economical oil forced ar heat, Intercom system. Desirable suhurbnn location. Underprlred a' S'5. 4M $650 down plus closing, monthly payments approximately $100 per month. FHA. STILES REALTY 4831 So. 6th Street ONE STOP REAL ESTATE SERVICE Phone, TU 2-4740 Homer Stiles Joe Perry TU 4-9904 TU 4-5332 STILWELL & CO. Presents: A LOT OF HOUSE FOR $5500 - Needs some flirln', but solid and sound. 5 big rooms plus basement, oil fur nace, good corner lot. Located at 904 North 9th. A real opportunity tor a handyman. Easily financed too, WE WILL CONSIDER YOUR OFFER on this good 2 bedroom Ranch style home at 4524 Clinton, present FHA loan can be assumed. Save dosing cos's. Immediate possession. See it today. Stilwell&Co. it? Main St. Realtors TU ,-3U6 Alter 5.00 Call: Bruce Binkley TU 4-3478 It no answer call TU 4-IOOa. TU i-0444 Multiple Listing Service SIDE MLS NORTH Tt't-et bedrooms, tfrqe I i vino roim wth lovely circuiat.nq fireplace. D'n mg room, kitchen, bath. Detached ga rage. Prict $8,750, terms. HOT SPRINGS Custom built 2'i year o'O home. Livmq room has wall to wan camet, circulat ing fireplace. Family dmmg room, kitchen with built-m dishwasher, range, oven, disnnsal. Three hr-d'ooms At tached double garage, Si 9,500. any lype loan. NEW 5 BEDROOM HOME PLUS OFFICE Living room with fireplace. Wall to wli carpefmg. Dming room has s''d inn qiass doers ooening on to pat'O Built in kitchen, H 26 ft D'v room, u'Hity room, 2 baths 3,770 so ft of Iwmg area. $79,500 IMMEDIATE POS SESSION to qualified buyer. SUBURBAN Ltvnq room, eif'a large tu'chfi. u'' i'v porch, j bedrooms, bath L'ae '(need yard Home partly (jrnished. Make an offer on this one! Andy Silani REALTOR 3U 5 Tin W.tar Wetci Aifly S'lani tib Baiiitu ll V.tChfil TU J-a TU J-4"37 TU tu :-mo TU 3-1MJ UtiL t!mi . . , "AL ESTATt fOSALtJO I Bira9- Mating, bu.iun ' aDpiiences. ! BELOW APPRAISAL n..-rv . . "om ,n r'rtcted re .oent.a Ontr.ct. Best of con strut). on. Natural fla hot a.r heal, harowood floors, 1, h)r. frnla,-. 3 2410 norage, Hi.W0. TU STROUT REALTY"-" 5429 S- Ph. TU 4-5211 EVENINGS-CALL Bob I steiia Denlinger TU 2-5461 Hank Hoimen tu J-5041 FERGUSON HENLEY SCHOOLS Large 3 bedroom on double lot Paved dead end street. Fireence, hardwood paneling and exposed beam ceiling, forced air oiesei furnace, buHtin kitch en, attached double garage. Don't miss tni o'ltstAodina hrgdin at a new reduced price, 114,750. acres, exclusive residential area with Si20rdinB Vl' N'W Wtl nfl pump- 100 acre Irrigated farm, Tulelake, 2 I bedroom home. An exceptional buy at I J37.500. MOVINA HEIGHTS Beautiful three bedroom home on McCltllan Orive. l'i baths, double attached garaqe. 1 0O 110 M. lot. A very comalele home. Shown by appoinlment only. Price J21.0GO, HIGHWAY 97 north, only 4 miles from center of town. 17 acres with three bed room house and highway frontaoe. Close to motel, trailer court ana new OTi and hospital sites. Priced to go at $11,000. Midland Empire" REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1004 Main Jim O' Donahue TU 2-3471 Eves. TU 4-9693 DRIVE BY 1804 CARLSON Lovely new 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with 2 fireplaces, perimeter oil heat. Thermooanes throughout. Large sun deck, covered patio, double garage. All this and a panoramic view too! FINANCING AVAILABLE CONSIDERABLE TRADE McATEE - REALTORS 339 E. Mfln TU 2-464. Harold Hallis TU 2-6815 Evelyn McAfee TU 2-5935 SFT Presents $49,500 Ten acres plus 3200 sq. ft. spill level home. Living room 19' j' x 28' Kitchen 14'. x 15 3 bedrooms 12'j x 24", 12'4 x 13, and 10i x 14' party room 18' 2' x 28' 2nd kitchen ad la cent to party room on lower level 14' x 19' one double garage above and one single garage below hardwood kitchen cabinets, built-in appliances, dishwasher, garbage disposal 3 full baths covered patio above open patio below domestic water well. Am enities include swimming pool, superb view and quiet seclusion. This lovely home will accommodate a very large family, Plenty ot room in one bedroom for 3 double beds. Owners will consid er other real estate in trade. $25,000 1 acre 1950 sq. II, home. Living room 29' x 20' separate dining room 14' x 16' kitchen 12' x 16' 3 bed rooms 16' x 18', 14' x 14' and 14' x U' 2 full baths utility with buillins ll'i' x 14' fruit room oil utility 6' x 10'. Hardwood kitchen cabinets, built in slove, double oven, food mixer with attachments and combo, retrig. an d deep freeze plus garbage disposal. Oty water, suburban sewer and paid up ir rigation rights. Owner will reluclantly consider small 2 bedroom as down payment. Mills Addition!! Neat and clean 2 bedroom home. Close to schools and shopping. Com pletely lenced with redwood fence. En ceilent neighborhood. Priced at $9,500. I TUCKER o Real Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Hank Hansen TU 2-3101 eves Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 eves MLS Multiple Listing Service $3750 Two bedroom for the THRIFTY. H.n economical gas heater and range. Fenced yard, detached garage and workshop PLUS 'i acre. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB NEW LOCATION: 1213 MAIN TU 2-6351 ANYTIME , Parking Next To Klamath Flower Shop Evenings Dan Homfelf TU 2-ion Mildred Hall TU 4-1576 BETTER BUILT b HOMES iV By Thrifty Builders ONLY $8900 & Up (On Your Lot) CHOICE LOTS AVAILABLE Three bedroom homes. Larqe living room, dming area Larqe bedrooms and closets. Lovely cabineis. Tile bath, shower and fully insulated loo! No Cash Down Financing See Our 4 Bedroom Model Home in Bel Air Gardens . . . DROP BY ESTATE DRIVE-SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2 04:6 TU 4-5244 Multiple Listing Service MLS Lots and Acreage MHs Improved corner lot. 50 i 120 tt. IJ500. i South Subu'ban 17' i 347 tt. on Ander sen Avenue. S7.0CO 7' i Acre - ymmprived, survfvtd. Pn I Grovl Du'ntt, S6.0C0. i L't"e over an acre on Homedeie Road, t 12 JS0. I 715 St. Francis T h-e bedr oom plus s w 'nq t nom ftr covs be 4tn bedroom F"-eptefe, qm furnace, fun basement, seoarati ga roe. e'remeiy neat and well ma'n famed Ou'te dose m aid near inoo png aid '.(.-"uoiv G i aportised. Don't pais ttMs one uol $n,7i0. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR 1J4 N9 71 luoiie Anrson Lo.s Maty tu i-rj TU JJIJ'H TU I S' RIAL ISTATl rO SAU .... 30 OANER transferred, must sacrifice J bedroom So. Suburban, fireplace, oa rage, large lawn. Buy equity, se S500. Fha eoprased VC.20Q. vour price, $9. 7CO, TU 3-47l, Uil Arthur. T.VO bedroom home. Si SO dOn. take ever payments, TU 2-2W1. 1 0 ACRESrUOcesTao'acres. lim bar on land. Box '27, Butty, Ore. W300. Large 3 Oedroom (1 town end 2 upK Comoieteiy remodeled, new foun- f"-0?:. r'n9' 1D'unD:"-? 11'!?,J? tor TRAILER HOUSE. Owner will car. ry contract on this EXCELLENT BUY. Make us an otter! We have other good listings in most all price ranges ana districts. Let us know what you're looking for. It we eon't have it, we'll FIND it FOR YOU! 'walker REALTY 49? Main St. Stevens Hotel Office: TU 2-4154 Day or Eves. Residence: TU MMJ. Multiple Listing Service MLS FREE HEAT Have all the comfort you want with out reading meter. This home has three bedrooms, l'i baths, large living room with fireplace, separate dining room 12 X 14, pen and full basement The whole house is com fy year around for free. Good neighbor hood on Pacific Terrac. Owner was asking $70,000- but has re duced it to $18, SCO. 10 per cent down. PHONE US FOR APPOINTMENT . . . PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings "Pat" Palone TU 2 0136 Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 Al House TU 4-7088 ONE OF THE LARGEST FINE HOMES IN TOWN HOT SPRINGS- Just off Pacific Ter race. A fine older home, (Completely modernized. 24 x 35 living room, car peted. Large cheerful dining room. Big kitchen with adjacent IB x 24 glass walled break last room. PaVty room, 20 x 30, has a second huge fireplace. Master bedroom suite like you see in the movies. Den. Sewing room. 4 other bedrooms. 3' i baths. Full basement. NEW Hot Well heat. Oversized double garage and work-shop. 120 x 150 lol, a country home in the city. Priced sur prisingly moderate. Call for details, DON SLOAN For Finer Homes 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-5658 Days-Eves, 53,500 - new root - new sidinq - one bedroom stove and retriqerator - con crete foundation - partial basement easy terms, S7.750 - excellent two bedroom home in Mills - tireolace extra large kitchen -garage - landscaped. s CHROEDER CO. AAIN TU 4-9254 TU 2 0 New Homes Now Available In Casa Manana Paved Streets Concrete Curbs Natural Gas Close to Shasta School For Particulars, Call DURANT Realtor 2050 So. 6th TU, 4-983? or TU 2-3587 Next to Heliday Bowl Multiple Listing Service MLS NEAR HIGH SCHOOL 5 BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS. HUGE RECREATION ROOM, modern oil forced air heating plant. Central Hot Sprlnm location. S?0 -500; maximum loan; WILL TRADE; WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE? PETERSON SCHOOL Spacious 3-bed-room home (over 1,400 sq. ft 1, sur rounded by other tine homes. DINING ROOM PLUS DINETTE, Just S16.000, with E-Z FHA OR Gl termi. DRIVE BY 4707 CLINTON AVE.; MOVE IN TODAY; LEASE-OPTION AVAILABLE WITH S250 DOWN & SU0 PER MONTH. HOME 'N INCOME MILLS ADDITION 2 FULLY FURN ISHED HOUSES. Large 1 bedroom home plus 2 room rental unit in rear. Top location. Just 56,500 takes it. ALT AMONT AREA Large suburban lot, paved street. Has 2-bedroom home plus 1 -bedroom. rental. ONLY 45,000; TERMS. NEAR OTI SITE 3 targe l-bedraom units, mostly lurnl sh(d, Extra ground tor expansion. 512,000; WILL TRADE FOR SMALLER GRO CERY STORE, ETC. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. 9th Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Ari Moorman : Ph. TU 2-1238 Eves. Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-32B1 Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chi'cote. &'0f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 SMALL hotel and adU.. reasonable, TU -828? after 5 p.m. - noticeTto PUBUC Please investiqat thoroughly any In vestment ot money In merchandise, various enterprises or busisi oppor tunities before investing your capital. The Herald and News make! every effort to reect all fraudulent or mis leading advertising, however, we are not responsible (or the infeqrity ot the firms or individuals who place ad vertising m our publication. Any ad vertising of business opportunities d pearirg to be fraudulent or mislead ing should be reported to the Classi fied Advertismq Department of t h t Herald and News. ' MAJOR oil co. service stations for lease. Excellent business opportunity. Paid dealer training program Pur chase reasonable Inventory only. In formation, ph. TU a m. to A FINANCIAL LOANS 34 FOR S7,iOO contract paying 7 per cent interest. Secured by dear title -d first mortgage on over S4CCO0 real efe'e value. Repays in three year at SI 500 per year plus interest. Write Htfaid and News 8o 627C BARGAIN! Discount paper, S9.5O0 Discount SI, 500. Excellent security on irxome orooerfy sold lO' S30.000 Alio otner discount papers for sai Write owner cart Heraid and hews Bon 622C. HEDGE YOURSELF ana.nst inflation! Se about REAL ES TATE INVESTMENTS anywhere Wtit Of the Rock-el, at DEANE SACHER REALTOR rVTiBer 1rtrnationi T' alert Cub licenced Ore , Caht.. Ida , Wash. 1C17 Mam St. TU 4-4117 FINANCIAL LOANS .. . ... 34 STUCK for CHRISTMAS CASH? I j VYe, ,tA De cantos nepers. We'll put Christmas "Greenery" into your hands, ond quickly, too! "5 iooay Tor couneous, con- 'fidentiol cosh service. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Poy Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Yean Motor Investment Co. 513 So oth TU 4-7783 BUILDING - REMODELING 36 OVERHEAD door. 16 X i TU 2-0943. ro'lup double garage ft. with hardware, J?5, EXPERT IN REMODELING! Bathroons Kitchens Additions it Garages, etc. No down payment on F.H A, (approved credit. Up to 60 months. Free Estimates Glodlv! K. J. HALAAS I TU 4-544R HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 LOVELY walnut vanity with I a r a e mirror and a 9 X 12 rug with mat. twin Hollywood b"d. frame, springs & mattress, TU 4-65P7. DEARBORN gas heater, automatic thermostat, r'npnr laik, Pw no ker chairs and table. Merrill 798-5546. APPLIANCE buyers are checking Classl-1 tied right now Dial TU 4-8111 to start I an ad on the ones you want to sell. 1 AUTOMATIC Whirlpool washer, anteed, 1 owner, S65, TU 2-0388. SEE beautiful Olson reversible rups In your home. TU 4-4732. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS Call Tarkel Tweet - TU 4-7167 1963 MODEL automatic sewinq ma chine. Monograms, button holes, scal lops. Does all type of fancy design'.. Assume small monthly payments on balance ol 564 90. Will discount tor cash, TU 2-3810. GUARANTEED USED FREEZE RS REFR IGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS - RANGES Cascade Home Furn. 412 Main TU 4-8365 WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT . . . $180 Excellent condition, 1 GUARANTEED KIRKPATRICK'3 East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 WE MURDERED PRICES!! Hfr, ,1 THE RESALE HOUSE, the whole qang has been CUTTING, SLASHING AND SMASHING'! You'll he amazed at ' the low prices on quality new and used (urnilure and appliances. The RESALE HOUSE 3899 S. Sixth Funeral Services 9 n.m. - 6 p.m, FRIDAYS UNTIL 10 P.M FUEL - HEATING 38 FOR tale. Lodge Pole nine for lire place. TU 2-269, TU 2-432i. FUEL oils delivered 7 days a week. Di rect from refinery. Jay Hawk Petrole um, TU 4-5166 or TU 4-681. DRY pine blocks, u-haul, 54 cord, Metier Bros,, 3121 Crosby, TU 4-51(4. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales S d H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 2-7201 and TU 2-9260 Western Oil & Burner Co. Quality heallnt oils, budget paymenti, oil burning equipment. , TU 4-3873 145 South Ath. -wesccTfurnacTes GUARANTEED 10 YEARS RING SHEET METAL 2104'i SO. 6lh TU 4-53 COLD DAYS ARETHEREf See Us For PINE BLOCKS BODY WOOD - COAL STANDARD HEATING OILS ASHLEY - SPARKS HEATERS Frankford Fuel Co. WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS N Biehn St. TU 2-4444 GOOD THINGSJTO CAT 39! pump APPLES "for sale, Fellsberto's RanchNo. T 376 between Merrill - Malin, 798-5563. GOOD polfltoei for sale, ii 25 per 100 lbs. TU 2-0870. TU 3-0976. CUSTOM butcherinq, bffef. pork whole sale, cutting, curing. SliAmrocK Mts. 3? Srinsts Wov, TU T U 7-1A78 Boott-Pets-Sports-Hobbies AKC GERMAN Schnaur 719 Wisrd, TU 4-6104. 40 l-YE AR-old male Squirrel monkeys. Unitary U 2 075. MONARCH go-cart, new condition. West Bend 2 cycle motor. $100, TU 2-3252. "golden"r'etrievfr"puppies National field trial cliamnton blood line. AKC registration, greatest nnm in the modern dog encyclopedia throughout their pedigree period 9 weeks old, females $75, males $150 to qualified buyers. W C. Moen, Bo 10(, Fall River Mills. Calif., ph. 336-5611 PAINT- beawlifu lplaque& for Chrlsf- mas. no firing, tree instructions. L. Mc- Danel, 3713 Summers Lane. STORE vour boat for winter in our new storaqe sheds Let us winters your motor, loo! Pelican Marina, ?2S Front. WANTED Siamese kitten tor Christ mas. 647-534? luleiake. AKC registered miniature noodle puppies. Reasonable, TU 2-3IGS. REGISTERED Pekingese puppies, males, females, TU 47125, TU 2-07tr. REG. toy poodles, 5033 South Etna, TU 4-752S. BEAUTIFUL req. Boston Terner pupsj small near Champion at tlud. Arnold's 5un Glo Bosfons. 1475 Sun Glo Dr , Grants Pass, ph. 471-3730 eves. Or weekends. SHASTA Cascade Boarding Kennels where you' pe's receive personated care and attention. Booth Road off Mer- r ll H TU 4 "J RADIO - TV - MUSIC 41 CAW FOR USED PIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC, TU 4-5171 USED upright piano and bench, TU 24021. NEW MAGNAVOX transistor OrQan. Two keyboards, full octave pedals, Hts. 12S down, vp to M months on bal'c. MAGNAVOX TV console. New 71 inch puttjrt tube, 1 yrar guarantee. 0 day service on alt other parts HO down, H0 mpntrt, full price 121M Derby's Muj'C C. RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 HAMMOND ORGAN cc;iienl co-J:t'on, terms, see at uit E. mtn percusi'on, brp,in puce, Main anyt'me PIANO SPECIAL! i3 pull i new Aurlitter piano or uied piano ot your choice, m your home tor I weeks. This includes one pnva'e lesson per Meek and delivery. $j will apply to purchase. DERBY'S MUSIC CO. ?6 No 7th TU 4 V?l UVtIOlK ft POULTRY 42 SIX young wrvtelate cows to ca va in spring. TU 4-7023. HORSE breaking, ihoeinq. care ail horses.eitimates, Tu 4-5ll eves. AMERICAN taadie bred gelding, ' Y years old Mal-n 723-2090 KLAMATH proved sire service. TU 4-44WLTUJ-ni5, JJJ4-455I. TU 2-4102. RABBITS tor sate, 2 good breeding does, 2 each, TU 4 6172. HEAVVflutyTh0rse fra1!eS450!"OnT American acioie mart wilh cnlt. reg istered, J 50. Termsl TU 4-7835. BABY calves and small teeaers tor sa e, 1145 Gary, TU 2-11(9. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you , EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr. TU 4-4 103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot 1 p.m. sharp Rte. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Road . ANNUAL DECEMBER STOCK & FEEDER CATTLE ' SALE Tues., At Dec. 10th 1 P.M. Make Ynur Pnns Now lo Consign to Stockmen's Market. I Tuesday is sale day in the j K lama eh Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Otticc 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY 44 Logging & Shop Equipment FOR SALE 2 B-73 Mac trucks, 262 & 220 Cummins scalps 1 Int'l Coastpr, 220 Cummins 1 B-61 Mac T hermarfyne 1 35 tt. Freuhauf Vein 1 10 KVA Diesel Electric plant 1 40 ton Lo Boy 3 HD II AC Cats 4 HD 6 AC Cats 1 HD 20 AC Cat 1 TD 24 Int'l Cat 1 1 yd. Scoopmobilt with forks and bucket 1 link belt truck crane, Rerqer lonqi 1 p's yard Shield Baniam truck crane 1 20 Ian Lorane upper I 25 ton General Maxim! 1 model 45 AC Grader 60 ton press with ring gear jig r,idial drill press air compressor bench grinders, portable grinders, drills Atlas Ml he Curnmim starters, rebuilt Chains and binders Belt assortments Settle gauges and boxes, new 1, inch electric Impact wrench Bill Thomas ' TU 4-4554 USED TRACTOR Horsepower-Tested And guaranteed. No. T 373 John Deere 4010 Good condition No. T 382 John Deere 7200 Electric Slort No. T 377 IHC - TD6 with hydraulic M800 3300 1 875 IHC - 'M D' Ready to Go! 1200;, 'No. K 343 ' John Deere 'A' . Good I ... USED I PLOWS DISCS HARROWS DRILL BLADES ETC. . All Priced to Sell Coll or See Us At Klomath Falls nr Tulelake? DON POTTER MACHINERY CO. 7376 So. 6th TU 2-5571 T,,l-!oVe Pb 667-5213 MISC. WANTED 46 CHRISTMAS trees wanted. White fir, Sflyertip. 5 trees fo 1,000. TU 2-1075 WANTED upholstered contour (pos- MISC. FOR SALE 51 BARBIE DOLL FASHIONS Cute styles - Re'onpie prices. 1505 Avalon - TU 4-1514 700 ONS second euttmg crimped alfal fa, under roof, TU 4-?6j4 UrO hrir',. V as is. 5C Ofr erh Cleaned 45 It of 3 M , 45 ft of 2 M pme. 3-H inch thick Su'tab'e for cul verts Contact Russell Short at Elling ton Mill. 'ROADWAY material, dram rrxK and a'admg GFrOROE R. STACY, CO., TU 4-3541, TU 2-4133 M A S O N7 Ye dTf ' 1 1" d i rlTsYnd yf i 1 17 C i n ders. Ptilcan Sand, TU 4-4317. TOPSOIL. concrete, agoregatt, drlve- wny ma'nal. drain rock J. M. BARNES, TU 4-745 CASH register and electric adding m- Chne. reasonable, set at 1414 E. Main anytime. ORIVfWAY mate' c rushed rock, TU 4-tsl. any amount. Joa Bart, MISC. FOR SAU SI 'ILE H toft and lofty , . . colors re- tain brilliance m ta roe's, cleaned win Blue Lustre. Rent electric shamDooer $l. Claude M. Oavil Fioor Covering LARGE selection good used clothing" New Method Cleaners. STEEL fence posts, slock tanks, jALBERS FEED. TU 4-77J3. AFRICAN "vToTEts 334 Upham VALLEY PUMP Pressure Svstemi . Industrial Pumps Irrigation Pumps Water SoMeneri ALL WORK GUARANTEED ?3a4 Sm - "By the V" TU 41T7 HUFFERTS TRADING POST USED FURNITURE 1 APPLIANCES :3:s W',.c! tu t .'( -" TRAILERS 52 30 FOOT tut bed semi trailer, Malm 723-2251. "will take tranfor equity in 27 ft mobile home, TU 48851. Complete HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR BrvCirr, 4423 Winter Ave. TU 2 1163. I PiDiuniikir t,iiI ia V "ia" 1"V.." ! v.;':;,, PV normal down and only i"'1'- I $55. 1 1 per month. 'SI ANCELUS tralltr houit I x 3J, n,wj croet, I I IA tt. lAnmg r-d wood I 4;i. AND You Can Buy A 1600 FOR my equity in l63 3 bedroom i 11 . . expansion living room, siMo Vandyke i o4 Mercury Monterey Jli,r h""' 7U iWith V-8, Mercomatic, power COLEMAN and international Mobile steering, heater & defroster, sig home furnace parts, service, TU 4-1436. j i. , i r . . '"Jnal lights, anti-frceze. For only 1 rrv iou interested in Soving Money on o MOBILE HOME or TRAVEL TRAILER? See us oliout our NEW FACTORY PURCHASE PLAN WILEY BUICK CO. 1330 Mom tu 4.3UI This Week's Special IW3 SI It by 10 It., 3 bedrooms, dou ble insulation, storm windows. I3.9S. SIERRA TRAILER SALES 6800 So. 6lh BRAND NEW 1964 ALOHA TRAILERS WE RENT LEASE SELL LARRY KLAHN USED CARS J'?! SO Mri T u : 1?H AUTO MISCELLANEOUS 33 327 CHEV. engine, Herbert roller CAM, hi performance heads, balanced, 6-carhi on Edclbrock Ram Log. W. H. DuCoil ignition, TU 4-3403. CECIL-COX"GARAGE Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Up a Specially 3851 Altamont TU , ,0?3 "OVER 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE" CITY CENTER CAR WASH AMERICAN GAS & OIL Convenient Downtown P-kmg WAXING - POLIISHING S 8. H Green Stamps Too! 7th A Pino TU 2-2422 NEW CARS & TRUCKS J4 IN ITS" PRICE CLASS DATSUN DELIVERS MORE FOR YOU! DALE'S MOTOR CO. 333 So. 6lh TU 2-4980 TRAILERS Make a Van Dyke Village! SEE OUR HUGE Pre-Christmas Display of New and Used MOBILE HOMES and VACATION TRAILERS! 1951 "TERRY 24' x 8' 1 -Bedroom $899 1963 SHASTA 15' VACATION TRAILERS We have 5 of these used Shastas to choose from. Come early take your choice 11953 STATLER 35' 8' 2-hedroom . ... 1955 ROLLAWAY 40' 8' 2-bedroom OCA'1955 MOBIL CRUISER 40' x 8' OOU1 2-bcdroom 1 958 MELODY 50' x 10' j 3-bedroum 1959 NASHUA 50' x 10' I 3-bedroom '1959 DCTROITER 50' x!0' 2-bcdroom 1963 PONTIAC CHIEF 50' x 10' 2-bedroom, Brand new 11963 SHASTA 16' TRAVEL TRAILER Brand new. You can buy this one right now with one year license ond I ing no trade is considered) $ i for only 11963 SHASTA 16' TRAVEL TRAILER j New. Has toilet, shower, septic tank, gas refrig- crator, gas water heater, gas wall furnace, pres sure water system, i single Pods, one full bed. With no trade, one year license and $inQJ" insurance will be included for only .. L.KJ O A VAN DYKE VALUE BRAND NEW 1963 VAN DYKE 50'xlO' 2 -bedroom, completely turniiherl AOOO Regiilor price $5,595, NOW T'YYY AND ... we will include absolutely FREE a new washing machine. PAUL and WARREN will trade for most anything of value. TRY US Warren Poole - TU 4-7553 OPEN SUNDAYS POOLE'S MOBILE HOMES, INC. 3125 So. 6th TU 2-2801 IIDII.M.l) AM) NEWS. Klamath NEW CARS t TRUCKS j Mr. Ramp I (Joe Fisher's Jolly Mgr.) Is About To Ploy ! SANTA CLAUS! I NOW You Can Buy A i '64 Mercury Comet 1 2-Dr. Sedan 6 cylinder, Hondcifd transmission,1 heater & defrostar for as little at $2283.00 $3378.90 I Pay normal down and only I $75 per month. ,AMr, . TUIC1 AND LOOK at THIS! 63 Mercury Monterey Convertible Brand new, yellow exterior with luxurious oil vinyl black interior, 300 h.p. V-8, automotic, power steering ond brakes, electric win dows, radio, heater. Black top! TU 2-0207iRciulor price was $4,382 60. "SANTA" RAMP SPECIAL! This Week Only $3600 SALESMEN Roy Rinchort TU 4-954 1 Joe Padgett TU 2-0637 !Jim Ehrclh ... TU 2-0149 Tommy Bender TU 2-5971 Dale Scchri-.t TU 2-5720 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY i COMET JEEP I 677 So 7th TU 4-ft104 USED CARS & TRUCKS 55 T5MERCURY Mnntcialr, auirnie nny- mentt $27.44 mo. See 3405 Granite, TU 2-6506. FDft sale 1951 Jeep Station Wagon, pood condition, TU 2-3689. SAVE$S067 $700 Will'bUV S700 worth ol equity in I960 Triumph TU 4-6844. I 1955 WILLYS Pickup, Wern hubs. Ru. aoipn jeiincK, wann. CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK CHECK TODAY! ! HUGH KIDD AUTO SALES ?B77 So. 6th TU 3-1303 Trip To 1951 AMERICAN 35" x 8' OQQ 2-licdroom ' 7 ' $ 1095 NOW $I899 Was $2195 $2099 $2495 $2495 $3493 $3475 $2295 jlJY . $3495 ... $4695 3795 insurance included. (Provid 1495 Paul Mauldin TU 4-9997 10 a.m. 'TIL DARK1 I Falls. Oregon Monday, December 9, 1963 34USED CARS ft TRUCKS 35 DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash for cars. TU 4-557, ii SCOUT 4-wheel drive, icahenT l.275TU 2-5455 after 3. 1961 OLDS Dvriamlc'r"-4-dr. dn. ulomatic Irani., power steering and brakes, 3430 Lavarne, TU 2-1454. I960 VOLKSWAGEN, 2 oor sedan. Clean, 21,000 miles. TU 4-9704. SHARP 1962 Chav. Monra Coupe, 1C2 h p. 4-speed, radio, heater, white walls, TU 2 S:J3. 1955 WILLYS Jeep 4 cyl. pickup. Good tires, warn hubs, good condition, lato. Phon Ray Pruitt, Tulllake 444-2355. ECONOMY "special! f955Ford T floor '4' with overdrive. 1450, TU 4-7373. " 1 962 I M PA L a7 S?, 3507 w i 1 1 t akeMrTdeT easy financing, TU 2-4460. '41 CORVAIR Greenbrier 4-speed, new snow tires, healer, curtains, SIMS TU 2-5480 before 10 a.m., etter p.m. CENTRAL '42 Chev. Impale Sot. Cpe. '59 Ford Galaxie Hasp. 59 Chev. V- Bel Air 4-Dr. '57 Ford V-l 4-Dr. Stick . '57 Ford V-l 4-Dr. R8.H 56 Chev. '6' 4-Dr. Wagon AUTO SALES Hiiween so. TU 21130 4tn & So. 7th on Willow TU 2-3204 Eves. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We Buy Sell Trade Get cash for your car or truck equity fast! th & Plum TU 2-4784 CART WANTED We need your car .... cash" wail- ingl Payments loo high? Trade Into a cheaper car or sell your equity. SELL YOUR CAR k DON'T GIVE IT AWAY See Dale or "Shine" DALE'S MOTOR CO. 333 So. 4th St. TU 2-410 DECEMBERBUYS! '51 Chev. 4 dr. auto. R&H I 795 'SI Ford Warjon 4 dr. . . 5 6'5 '61 Chev. 4 dr. auto. R & H .. 1645 '62 Chev. Impala 4 dr. hdtp. Loadedl S334S DEAL RITE MOTORS 238 So. 6th TU 4-9445 Glno. Eves. TU 2-4093 "We're Rollin' Along" YEAR END car CLEARANCE SHOP EARLY We still have a good selection. MILLER BROS., INC. 7th & Klamath TU 4-4154 '62 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL SEDAN 43,000 Miles Very Sharp Full Power Air Conditioning One owner, of course $4,250 Balsiger Motor Co. Main & Esplanade TU 4-3121 CHEVYCENTER" '63 BUYS! ' O.K. GUARANTEED '63 CHEV. Corvair Monza Spydor Radio, heater, JTCOQ 4-specd 63 CHEVY II Sport Coupe Radio, healer, Pow- $9"2QO crolidc, excellent .. 'O '63 CHEVY II Nova Sport Coupe. Radio, healer, Pow- SOCQQ nrnli.U Own . t370 '63 CHEVROLET Biicoyne 4-Door Station Wogon. Radio, hcoter, standard $0.OQ tronsmiVjinn DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6lh to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 REPO!" WANTED Responsible party to take . over contract on '59 DESOTO FIREFLITE 4-DOOR SEDAN 'r3-,,t.(..l ...Uii. itaUi with matching solid vinyl interior, , .Fully equipped with radio, heater, 3 I 75;3u,orno''C transmission, power (steering, power brakes, 6-way pow. A ZbiiCr cat' rcor w'Rdow defroster, many other extras Make one payment of only S74.88 and assume bal ance, with regular pay ments of only $63.18. , Thomas DODGE USED CAR LOT 7th K Commercial TU 4-4627 OLSON CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH USED Not Abused Cars 64 Dodie Pnlorn 500 2-Dr. Hdto.! J..,! tr.. i. nr. Tfl fit in engine, "3"340 radio, healer 'i'63 Buick Electro 225 2-Dr. Hdtp. Full power ond l')7l - oir conditioning " '63 Imperial Crown 4-Dr. Hdtp.i Fully equipped including foe - tory air S4Q0t:' I Olson CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH See them ot the "V" at 7TH & COMMERCIAL PAGE-IS USED CARS & TRUCKS 55 151 CHEV. 4-dr. wagon, VI, auto, trans, power brakes, redid, heater, original owner, excellent condition, $950. TU 2 1473. ECCLES MOTOR CO. YEAR-END Q Al T CLEARANCE OALC Now In progress at WIDE-TRACK TOWN! '63 Pontioc Bonnevills Vista $3797 '62 Pontiac Bonnevilla Vista $3197 '62 Pontiac fionneville Sport Coupe $3097 '60 Pontiac Bonneville V,sta $1897 '59 Pontiac Bonneville Vista $1597 '57 Pontiac Storchief Salari 2-Docr Wagon $ 897 '56 Pontioc Cotalina Cpe . $ 497 '55 Pontiac 2-Dr. Wagon ..$ 497 '62 Chev. Corvoir 700 4-Dr. Sedan $1797 '60 Rombler Amer. 4-Dr. $ 997 '60 Volkswagen 2-Dr $1 197 '60 Plymouth 4-Dr $ 497 59 Chev. Brookwood 4-Dr. Station Wagon $1397 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. Ath TU 4-8124 THESE CARS MUST BE SOLD! No offer overlooked! WILL SELL cr TRADE! 63 Chev. Impala 4-Dr Full power, law mileage 62 Plym. Savoy 2-Dr. $2950 $I495 Like new 59 Morris Stotion Wagon ... 5v Vauxhall 4 -Door 57 FORD 4-Door 495 595 745 695 395 295 275 395 495 85 '55 Rambler Country 5tn. Wan. '54 Lincoln 2-Dr. Hardtop '54 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Sedan '53 Ford Sedan '53 Pontiac Sedan Cadillac 4-Door Chev. 4-Dr. 51 51 Sedan SALESMEN Bud Fairclo, Malin 723-2354 Jim Knoles TU 2-3209 Bob Tardiff TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND Cummins International Freuhouf 1 llh ond Klamath TU 2-2581 HALF PRICE On All These : Good Cars! They LOOK GOOD! ' They RUN GOOD! They ARE GOOD! Response Has Been Tremendous, But There Are Still A Few Left. No Down Poymcnt (On Approved Credit) '2 PRICE or Less! $347 '57 BUICK SPECAIL 2-Dr. Hordlop Was $695 '57 BUICK CENTURY 4-Dr. Hordtop. "3Q7 On owner. Woj $95 '56 FORD 4-DR. SEDAN 1 owner, 40,000 mllev Was $695 '56 BUICK 4-Dr. Hordtop. Wos $595 '56 FORD .$347 .$297 .$347 $I97 Station Wagun. Was $695 '55 PONTIAC Station Wogon. Wos $395 '55 MERCURY 4-DR SEDAN Full power. Wos $295 .. $I47 '55 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Standard trans, Was $295 '55 BUICK CENTURY 2 Dr. Hdtp. Red 4 while. Was $495 ... I47 247 54 FORD STATION WAGON V-8, standard trons., $ I Q-J overdrive Was $395 ' ' ' 52 MERCURY ' 4-Door Sedan. $ Q-y 7 -) nntv.r i.nnri 'iniki Stondord Irons., very $17 clean. Was $295 I L. I i'46 WILLYS Station Wogon. $I47 $I47 Was $295 '51 DODGE PICKUP Was $295 46 FORD PICKUP V-8, 4-specd. Top ' conditoti. Wos $345 167 Don't Wait Come In TODAY Wilson WILEY BUICK Co. 1330 Main TU 4-3141 Lot 2 429 So. 7th TU 4-9203 I