J? 77 'SIS. DECEMBER 8,1963 r " 4 , ,,-t- r 7 " .-: IT- ': .'. -.i:"'.'';.'. ' . ,,..-3 If kTJ' Hi''-:,.':... mm' rife- v: V r1J r.-" ' "X kYl' J V - 1,-. I at 4.,, ..... . is 4i If you're looking for a bright gift idea this holiday season, why not plan' on giving homemade sweets? Turn to recipes on page 12: CANDY FAVORITES The Skiing Life Half the fun of skiing (which is growing by leaps and bounds from California to the Carolinas) is not so much in knowing how to schuss down a slope as in dressing for it. And what a fresh palette of ski togs is being unveiled this season! (See page 10) First of a Series on the Contenders for '64: NELSON ROCKEFELLER The Women in His Life Behind a Historic Medical Event: My Boy's Arm Was Severed and Reattached But He Wouldn't Cry! By MRS. EVERETT KNOWLES What Happened to MILTON BERLE?