PAGE I A IIKRALI) AND NEWS, Klamath Kails. Oregon Friday. December S, 196J Thompson Case Goes To Jury ' jMTWfEAPOLlS UPl - A jury of six men and six women today resumed deliberations in the case of T. Eugene Thomp son, accused of having his wife murdered or $1 million insur ance money and love of a mis tress. The jurors deliberated tix hours Thursday without reach ing a decision. District Court Judge Rolf Fosseen ordered the jurors locked up for (he night in the Pick-NicoHette Hotel and kept them from reading or hearing any accounts of the trial. Thompson, 35, the short, 6uavo lawyer who was on the rise in the Twin Cities, was locked up in jail ifor only the ninth day since his arrcrt June 21. Fosseen refused a defense plea to let him remain free on bond as he had been through ' out the seven-week trial. Killed Last March Thompson is accused of ar ranging with Twin Cities under world characters to have his wife, Carol, 34, heiress to a plumbing fortune, killed in their home last iMarch 6. In Minnesota, complicity in murder is the same as murder iteff. If Thompson is lound guilty, he could bo sentenced to life in prison. The state abol ished the death sentence nearly a half-century ago. Prosecutor William B. Ran dall told tlic jury not to be mis led by Thompson's position as a rising criminal attorney, his background as an elder in the Presbyterian Church and a prominent resident of a fash ionable St. Paul neighborhood. Randall's closing arguments pictured Thompson as "this happy honeymooner, the church elder and trustee'' who carried on a "sordid backstreot life" v. ith Mrs. Jacqueline Olescn, 27, and promised tier he would be free to marry her in 11 months. Calls Tektimony Questionable Defense lawyer Hyam Segell said the state's case was based on questionable testimony by "live hoodlums" and with "more missing links" man facts. He asked the jury not to send Thompson to prison simply be cause "you can't find a reason for somebody else killing" Airs. Thompson. The judge told the jury to be "uninfluenced by pity or by passion and prejudice." FBI Checks Walker Case WASHINGTON "UPH - The wrfe of Lee Harvey Oswald has told FBI investigators that the accused assassin claimed that he had fired a bullet into the home of lormen Maj. Gen. Ed win Walker in Dallas last April, it was learned today. The FBI declined comment both on the statement attrib butcd to Airs. Oswald or reports that the possibility that Oswald was the Walker sniper is being investigated. But other sources said that the Russian-born wife of Oswald had related that her husband (old her excitedly last April that he had tried to kill Walker. Other sources said FBI agents Investigating the Kennedy assas sination have awked Dallas po lice for details of the firing on Walker's home seven months ago. Tliey declined to speculate on anything beyond the fact that the HBI was looking into a pos sible connection between Os wald and the Walker episode. The action was 'part of what was described as a "continuing investigation" into every aspect of the background of Osw ald pri- A Motioh Picture That May Well Strengthen Your Faith In Heaven, in nun-anil in motion pictures I The slory ol Homer Smith and Ihe live telugee nuns liom behind (he Berlin Wall., will provide an enlertammenl lar, far out ol Ihe ordinary. Sidney iV CTO - VDW1Y POM III i? IHJ ll'lm Him fltl.vll ffi P Kit lis At IMtrMm Pi. ftnin Cilhnhc rum Oiff'tHH , Opv Toght , CMllnuout Sat. 4 Sua. .Prim llH oitier a mo y I It RAIPH NltSON'S TMgss fthe ttturi thru uhillO UliStJ' GATES OPEN 6:30 TONITE & SATURDAY! A different kind of kl(k-lh-btkit remedy! t , w- I yiSTAVISIOH SET MLLBEHT forUATHER, AUDIE MURPHY FELICIA FARR STEPHEN McNALLY and) "LAST of the VIKINGS" Nm OpM Txlti i4S Ends SATURDAY! On Complete Show Tonife of 7:03 Confinuout Show Saturday from 1:15 THE GREAT ADVENTURE BEGINS WITH T stive james richard mcqueen garner atienborough - color:,- panavision 2 cmsmmm- m ltsMtwUhJ I umstuuMM l8iRUBRlXC0tl. Bob HOPe Anita EKbetg COLOR REMEMBER! SATURDAY NITE IS HUE 5 or to the slaying of President Kennedy en Nov. 22 in Dallas. Dallas police said (he day following the assassination that they were checking the possibil ity that (he assassin and the Walker sniper were the same person. However, no official police announcement has been made A u mi WKjKh WW! POTTED PLANTS FOR GIFTS Al Nyback, co-owner of Nyback'i Flowers, chatted with Mrs. Pat McAuliffs of Fort Klamath, who was in Klamath Falls to buy family Christmas gifts. Lovely arrangements are made with fresh flowers, artificial flowers and artificial fruits. Poinsettias are being readied under lights to be perfect for Christmas. The public is invited to "Holiday House," annual gift to the public, daily through Sunday, Dec. 8, from 2 to 9 p.m. H.lllldii r ; n it It could be the most terrifying motion picture I have ever made!" -ALFRED HITCHCOCK ALFRED . HITCHCOCKS wmhm ts CHNicotorr mmmmm ROD TAYLOR -JESSICA TANDY SUZANNE PLESHETTE 'T1DDI' UCnDCW vJE 9tMrHtrH EVAN HUNTtR ALfRtD HITCHCOCK A Univnl Bif st Elm Starts City Fight PORTLAND iL'PI i - Port land's (U - j car - old Klandoi s Street elm must go. tay city fatliers. Not so. say lice lovers led by architect Lewis Crotchet'. The City Council voted 3-2 Thursday to condemn the old tree, which was planted at NW Flanders and 23rd in l'.HKI. City Engineer L. 11. Rosenthal said the elm's roots had ripped up MO feet of sewer line and caused $1,8110 worth of damage. Hut architect Lewis Cnitchor, who lives across the street from the lice, said "we will form a l ing around the tree and pro tect it with our lives if neces sary." He said tree lovers nad ap plied for an insurance policy to protect the city against damage from the tree. H will take about week to obtain Ihe policy, Criilcher said. If anyone tries to cut down the tree a court restraining order will be considered, lie added. I na)uiwii riuXHiwinw Mm Duo Caught Shoplifting Two 12-ycar-nUI Klamath Kalis hoys have been arrested hy po lice for shoplilting a number of flashlights and knives from at least two downtown stores. The bns were ordered to ap pear at the Juvenile Depart ment w ith their parents for fur ther action. Police said the incidents first came to the attention of the boys' school administration One boy admitted the thefts over the period of a vrek and impli cated the other youth. The sec ond hoy has partially admitted involvement. GREGORY PECK, RP3ERT MITCHUM POLLY BERGEN 10RI MARTIN MARTIN BALSAM JACK KRUSCHEN TT.U.Y SAVALAS -BARRIC CHASE Kiamith Faltt. OrM Pukliilttit tftiiv (Mctd tat y arf lundiv 5fVlrt Kthtrn CrttVfl nd Nrthrti C I V'1 ' Fllll"lf1r nltrttf it ttcw-nt matttr at tM ki o''f at H'arnatu Fi'. Ortea, a Autvt ! "(r art t Can ww, vartri y ii't sif(i ci a p at Klama'H Fa Hi, OrfM, ind at additional mall(n ltttit Carntr i MHtti i n 4 MntM .. M I Yaar U1.M Vail in JtdviRCt I Mfnln I I 'l MMIM V9M 1 Yaar l.M Carnar anat PaaUrt Watkaiy, Ctf, 1M Swdriay. Cf IH UNITID WttW INTIRNATtONAL AUDIT tUKIAU OP CIRCULATION IvhurlWrt Mt ralvlfi tfaifvay t ttiffir HaraM iM Nawi. pfeMN IU 4-4111 fcrart I p.H. CHRISTMAS IN THE AIR It is annual "Holiday House" at Nyback's Flowers, with every corner filled with beauty beautiful flowers, handsome arrangements, Christmas trees with baubles and tapers, waiting for the lighting. It is Al and Nine Nyback's Christmas gift to the Klamath Basin. Hours for the show will continue to be 2 to 9 p.m. through Sunday, Dec. 8. Walk through the rows of bril liant poinsettias and unusual flowering plants. There is no charge. Open house is planned for both stores, 3614 South Sixth, 430 Main Street and the greenhouses. Portland Druggists Seek Opinion On Tax Write Off Ry L'nited Press International President Jim Mead of the Portland Itetail Druggists Asso ciation said Thursday he will seek a legal opinion on whether druggists can write off unpaid claims against the Slate Welfare Commission as bad debts for tax purposes. Tlie Welfare Commission re cently cut reimbursements to druggists to alout 63 cents on the dollar because of a shortage of funds. Mead said he was uncertain what the tax status of the losses would be because there was no written contract with the com mission. A release from the Lane Coun ty Pharmaceutical Association said its members will continue to fill the orders in spite of Ihe hassle with the state. WHEN YOU SWITCH TO BUY EXPERIENCE l- 1 Ltfi bn w& RCA pioneered and developed color television. Made it a reality. Proved it In homes like yours. When you buy RCA Victor Color TV, you buy the xperience, advanced engineering and extra care that add value beyond price. RIIV DFPFMDARII ITY koa victor new Vista Color TV features famous RCA Space Age Sealed Cir cuitry that gives unsurpassed performance. It requires less maintenance than old-fashioned all-hand-wired circuitry. RUV SATISFACTION i ne penorm- ance-proved RCA High Fidelity Color Tube delivers unsur passed natural color. You enjoy the brightest color ever seen on an RCA Victor TV screen, thanks to the 24,000-volt (factory adjusted) New Vista Color Chassis and super-powerful "New Vista" Tuner. BUY RCA VICTOR JVew Vistd TV with Space Ae Sealed Cirouitry PLEASURE UNLIMITED ' ' I I'M '"n III ,, , ,, IM 'VMS f! j i f Th AntninffHa I 14.H-96M'f. Th Antoinette Mork 1 sr,ei RCA VICTOR Color TV Home Entertainment Center 26S tq. in. Picture-Glare-proof Hi-fidelity col or tube 6-speakcr stereo sound two 12", four 3'i" Deluxe 9-tube FM AM radio with built-in FM Storeo 4-specd Studiomatic changer with Feather oc tion ton arm RCA VICTOR COLOR TV SETS START AS LOW AS 449" Southern Oregon. Come in Choose from the largest se lection of Color TV in ... see it! feJFHAPCO. 10th & Main Ph. TU 4-8183 Hogg's Margin Less Than Expected LONDON (L'PP - Science Minister Quint in Hogg's disap pointing showing in winning a Commons seat increased the concern of Conservative strate gists today in their planning for tlie general election campaign against Labor. There was jubilation among Labor officials as the returns came in showing a sharply re duced margin of victory for Hogg, the ormer Lord Hailsha and an increased margin for La bor in winning another by-election. The Laborites also gained ground in a third race, won by Conservative Keith Stainton by a majority considerably less than that polled by foimer La bor Minister John Hare in 1939. Hogg, who resigned his title to seek a seat in Commons and put himself in a position to suc ceed Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home as party leader, chose a safely Conservative dis trict, tlie .Marylebone area of London. But his margin of vic tory was only 5.276 votes, com pared to the 14,771-vote margin won by the last Conservative candidate, Sir Wavell Wakelield in 1959. At the same time, Labor's Charles iMorris, running in an equally safe seat in the Open shaw district of Manchester, won a majority of B.IW2 an in crease of 524 votes over the 1959 these outcomes as a sure sign results, and one registered de- of a Labor victory at the gen spite a smaller turnout. ral elections, which must be Labor party oiiiciais saw ig.u Court Records II Dac. S, 1H3 Jack Bakem, drunk, $2S or five or 10 dayj. Eugent Monlgomtry, drunk, S2S or fiva or 10 days. Deloert Sharp, drunk, S2S or fly or 10 days. William Kanntlh Johnton, drunk, SIS lorfeiied. John D. Fuller Ion, drunk, J?S or five or 10 days. party perfect! You're sure to enjoy a perfect time when you plan your "evening out" in the Round Table of the Winemo Motor Hotel. We've everything for your pleasure, including delicious foods, fine drinks, and superb services. Make your reservations now for a table for 2 or any size group! Winema Motor Hotel 1111 Main Street f Hermitage time ! II VTIUIOHT O0B8OI3 . KEWTUCKT ffM In the West... holiday time is Fine Kentucky bourbon aged 6 years Beautifully packaged lor girts and parties Holiday favorite since 1869 Attractively priced$4,65 THE CIO HERMITA61 OlSTitlERY COMP NY. lOUISVUlt, KENTUCKY, 19 PROOf o