HERALD A.VD KENVS. Kl.rn.tl, In the Woods 1 ACROSS 1 leaves 4 jhooi 45Jewi.hprie.0j 8 hunt garment 13Eiilt 47 Sick 13 Koreerm bonet iSSubdurd 14 Jamaican liquor ullerance 15 Reproof 52 Regret 17 Greek letter S3 Looks (or 18 Approximately 54 Ankara IP Highlander. So Speck 21 Man of 56 Belief Turkestan 53 Clutch 24 Bishop's seat 23 Slow down imusici 27 Soak flax 28Farlier 31 Wrapped tightly 33 Fireplace projection MSun 37 Aries 40 Exhibit 87 Make a mistake DOWN 1 avis 2 Anteroom to Hades i(ir.) S Testify 4 Whollv 5 West German C1!V 8 List of quotations 1 Mr. Hunter 8 Mining lode 1 12 13 I I 15 16 17 ST- 1 9 111) 111' 12 13 Ti 15 16 yj Z L J'.-- " 21 22 23j P" 24 I1 2526 TT2l ST 29 5o" ' ' ' J1 32 3T35p 36 " TI37 "T 40 4I H 43 44 45 b" 47 "" 48 49 150 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ' ' I . I I I I I I I I I 6 $6.5 Million Approved For High Voltage Intertie WASHINGTON UPI - The Senate Appropriations Commit tee recommended Thursday $fi.5 million for construction of extra-high-voltage transmission lines to carry power from the Colum bia River to the Pacific South west. But the committee directed that construction not start until Congress acts on legislation to give the Pacific 'Northwest first call on power produced at fed eral dams in the area. The legislation has been passed by both the Senate and the House, but is bogged down in controversy over a House amendment to the legislation. The amendment, drawn up by Rep. Jack Wcstland, RVash., would require the Bonneville Power Administration to get specific authority from Congress before building any powerlincs outside the Pacific Northwest. The Senate committee recom mended appropriation of $3 mil lion to purchase land and equip ment for the power intertie and an additional $1.5 million for preliminary engineering. Two Line Intertie The committee said the two line intertie should connect the BPA system to the Central Val ley Project power system at Tracy. Calif. It t-aid the Pacific Northwest LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given, that the un dersigned Carolyn Kelly, has been ap pointed administratrix of the estate of Clittord H. Kelly, deceased by the Cir cuit Court ol the state ot Oregon lor Klamath County, Oregon, and has qual ified. Ail persons having a claim or claims against said deceased are hereby noti tied to present the same, duly veri fied as required by law. to the under signed administratrix at the office ol A. W. Schaupo. 205 Wiliils Bldg. In Klamath Falls, within six months from the date ol the first publication ol this notice which date is Novenv ber 11, 1963. Carolyn Kelly, Administratrix A. w. Schauop, attorney No. 462, Nov. 11, Dec. 6, 13, 20, 1963. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby fliven that Ihe un dersigned has been appointed Adminis trator with Wilt Annexed of the Estate ot Douglas Bartow, deceased, by the Circuit Court ot Klamath County, Ore gon and that atl persons having claims aqainst said estate are hereby notified to present Ihe same to said Administrator at the office of the un dersigned, Room 302, 53 Main street, Klamath Fads, Oregon, together with procer vouchers, within six months ot the date of the first publication of this notice, which is November 22nd, 1963. R. F. MCLAREN Administrator with Will Annexed O'NEILL &, MCLAREN Attorneys for Administrator No. 448. Nov. 22, 29, Dec ft, 13, 1963. EQUITY NO. 63-3?0 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAVATH VELVtN WALTER K ATT . Plaintiff. VT. NOLA LOUISE K ATT. Defendant. TO NOLA LOUISE KATT, DEFEND ANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to aooear and answer the Complaint on Me against you in the above-entitled co-irt within tour f4t weeM from he date ot fi'sf publication of Summons m th HERALD AND NEWS, which first oublicat.on day is the 22nd of Novemrjer. iv3. end if you fail to en swc. Diamtitf will aoo'v to t Cow 'or the relief prayed for in his com plaint, name'y: I That he be granted a dece o' ab solute dtvont of and from the Of'enrj nt, forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant. II For any further rfhff as fft the Court mav seem just and equitable in the premises Tfis Summon? is se'vrt upon you ft" oubircat'on thereof once a week for four i i , consecutive weeks in the herald and NEWS, daily newspa per o general circulation, published in K'tmatn County, Oregon, pursuant to te Order of the Howeba Doneid A. w Piper, Judge of the ibove-entitied Court, dated and entered on the tltrt day of November, 193. SEODOE 4 WOOD By: Arthur A. Beodne A'tOrrteyt for Plfmttlf 62. Man Street Kiamath Feus. O'ttsn i 45!. Nov 22. 2, Dec 4, 13. F.U., OrSoo Frid.v, Decrmb,r . Antmr to Pmioot Punl 10 Exit 33 Glutton 34 Fgg dish 35 Snake 38 Off the boat 39 Abstracted person 41 Monopoly 43 Russian measure 44 watching 46 stalking 4 Born 50 Bear s lair 11 Christmas 16 Bumpkins islanci 20 Ventilate 22 shooting 23 Feminine appellation 2 Japanese girdle box 29 From 30 Musical note 32 Dropped in also should be connected through the intertie to the federal Colo rado River power system. This would include connections with the existing Hoover. 'Parker and Davis dams and with the pro posed Bridge and Maitole Can yon dams in Arizona. Basin Briefs BONANZA THE ANNUAL COOKED FOOD SALE AND BAZAAR will be given by the Bonanza Women's Club at the library starting at 11 a.m. Dec. 7. Lunch will be served all day by the hospitality committee. Esther Brown is general chair man. .Money raised will be used for the up-kcep of the library building which is owned by the Women's Club. Santa C I a u s will arrive at 5:30 p.m. with treats for all the children. BEER FROM TAP LONDON (UPI) Beer from the tap that dream of beer drinkers became a reality at Royslon near Barnsley in York shire Thursday. A modern sink unit was being demonstrated in Roystons Ur ban Council offices, but no wa ter supply was available. A barrel of beer was used instead. LEGAL NOTICE NO. 63-145 P NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate ot VARD THADDEUS McNAIR, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ihe undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Vard Thaddeus McNair, Deceased, wilt from and after the 23rd day of December, 1963, at 10:00 a.m. at the office ol Glenn D. Ramirez, At torney at Law, Suite 205, IOOF Build ing, 432 Main Street, Ktamafh Falls, Oregon, proceed to sell to the highest bidder the real property of laid es tate as follows: Beginning at a point of the South erly line ot Front Street 133 feet West erly from the Intersection ot the Southerly line of Front Street and the Westerly line ot California Avenue; thence Westerly along the Southerly line to Front Street, 237 feet; thence South 262' i feel, more or less to the shore line of Uooer Klamath Lake; thence southeasterly along said shore line 172 feet, more or less, to the Southwesterly corner of that certain tract of land heretofore conveyed to Donald J. Divens and M. Marie Dlv ens, by deed recorded in Vol. 233, page 134, Deed Records ot Klamath County, Oregon, which said oomt is iU feet Northwesterly from the intersection of said shore line and the westerly line ot the West Side Highway; thence North 15 deg. 03' i min. East 361 feet, more or less, lo Ihe point of begin ning, and being a portion of Lot 8, Section 30 Township 38 S. R 9 E. W-M. SUBJECT TO: Easement and release granted to Calif. Ore. Power Company, a Corporation, by instru ment recorded in Vol. 133 at page 201, Deed Records of Klamath County, Ore gon; Reservations in deed recorded n Vol. 133 at page 199. Deed Records of Klamath County, Oregon; other Easements and rights of way of rec ord and those apparent on the land, if any; ALSO SUBJECT TO that cer tain mortgage, included the terms and provisions thereol. executed by the grantors herem to Albert M. Hattan and Ruth E Hattan, husband and wife, dated Jan. 20, 1959, recorded I jan 2. 159 tn Vol. 187 at page 582, Mortgage records of Klamath County, I Oregon, which sad mortgage the I grantee heren hereby expressly as . sumes and agrees to pay according to the tenor thereof as the lame be comes due and payable, and the note I accompanying It. The terms Of the Sale will be cash, or tor part cash and part credit, and, if tor part cash and part credit, the of fer ot purchase must state the terms ot such credit; ail sales made subject to confirmation by the above entitled I court. I The right Is reserved to reiect any and ail b'ds Bids in writing may be left with the i undersigned at te o".te o G'enn D. i Rermrei, 205 IOOF Bu'idmg. 4J2 Man Street, Kieme Fai's. Oregon, any I time from fne date hereof until I the prooerty t se'd. Tnis sale is made pursuant to Order o' the C'rcuit Court dated the 22nd j day ot November, 1963. DALE McNAIR Administrator of the Es tate of Vard Thaddeus Mc- Nair. Deceased No. 453. No. 23. 29. Dec 6. tj. SEkElRjs vlo!R A Life" AlRIQiu.S ETTg WfV page sb r LEGAL NOTICE NO. 63-67 PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FtNAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTV tn the Matter of the E stale of FLOR ENT LEO LAMOTHE. Deceased. Notice it hereoy given mat I have tiled my final account of the adminis tration of tne above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed December 23. 193, at 10:00 A.M. as the time for hearing objection to such final ac count and Ihe settlement thereof. Nellie C. Lemoine, Administratrix Ganong 4 Ganong Attorney tor AOministratnx No. 454, Nov. 21, 29. Dec. 4, 13. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER and by virtue of an execu tion Issued out ot the County Court of the County of Klamath, State of Ore gon, pursuant to an order of said Court roaae and entered on the 13th day of November, 1963. directing that execution issue to satisfy those cer tain hens docketed by the Clerk of Klamath County on the 10th day of Novemoer, 1961. In Lien Docket Vol umne 14, pages 409 and 416. I have tnis day levied upon in and to the following described real property, to wil: Beginning at a po'nt on the East r-w line of Geitie Street; said point being N. o degree 35'W. 114 Jt feet and N. 8 degrees 57'E. 195 feet from SW cor ner SE'jNW' of Section 2. Township 39 South, Range 9. E.W.M.; thence N, 0 degree 3i'W. 75 feet; thence N. 89 degrees 25'E. 135 feet; thence S. 0 degree 35'E. 75 feet; thence S 89 degrees 35'W. 135 leet, more or less, to the point of beginning, and. Beginning at a point on the West line ot SE'NW' of Section 2, Town ship 39 South, Range 9, E.W.M.; which point n N. 0 degree 35'W. 666 2 feel from SW corner of SEWNW' of said section 2; thence N. 89 degrees 25'E. 135 feet; thence N. 0 degree 3S'W. 75 feet; thence S. 89 degrees 25'W. 135 teet; thence S. 0 degree 35'E. 75 feet, more or less, to the point of begin ning. Notice is hereby given that I will, en the 6th day ol January, 1964, af 10:00 o'clock A M. of said day, at the Klamath County Courthouse, sell at public auction, for current lawful mon ey of the United Stales ot America, the above - described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said Hens together with In terest and cost of advertising and sale, to the highest bidder. Done and dated this 3 day of Decem ber 1963. J. M. Britton, Sheriff Klamath County, Oregon. By: Ellen Biehn, Derjuty No. 470, Dec 6, 13. 20, 27, 1963. NO. 63-3 P CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of BERYL BUTLER DAVID. Deceased. TO: GORDON W. DAVID IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, YOU are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court within ten days Irom the date of serv ice of this Citation upon you If served In Klamath County, Oregon; within twenty days if served in Oregon out side of Klamath County, and within twenty-eight days It served elsewhere or by publication then and there to show cause if any there be, why Glenn D. Ramirei, as administrator of the es tate of Beryl Butler David, deceased, should not be permitted to sell ihe fol lowing described real property, subject to confirmation by this Court at pri vate sale. Said property described as follows: A lee simple estate In: NE'SE'i, SW'NE'i, Section 1, Township 36, Range 7 (80 acres) A 19-35lh interest In the following real property: A portion of Lot 2, Section 3, Townshio 35 South, Range 7, E W.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North boundary of Section 3 of the above named township, range and meridian, which point Is West 1,320 leet Irom the NE corner of said Section 3, Said point being marked with I" Iron pin and being in the NE corner of Lot 2 of Section 3, the initial - point ol the survey of the City of Chiloquln, and the initial point of the survey of South chiloquin, and addition to the City of Chiloquin, Oregon; thence South 0 deq. 16 mm. East along the common boun dary of Lot 2 and South Chiloquin ad dition a distance ot 238.0 teet, more or less to the true point of beginning, which is the NE corner of Lot 15. Block 1, of said South Chiloquin addi tion; thence West along the North boundary of said Lot 15, a distance of 87.0 feet, more or less, to a point on Ihe northerly right ot way boundary ol Southern Pacific Railway Company's Oley Spur; thence North 53 deg. 36 mln. West along the said Railroad right of way a distance of 126.39 feet, to a point; thence East 188.73 feet, more or less to a point on the East boundary of said South Chiloquin Addition; thence South 0 deg. 16 min. East along said boundary, a distance of 75.0 feet to the point of beginning. A fee simple estate in: N. 97 feet of Lot 7 Block 5 Altamont acres 3rd Addition, (4060 Austin Street) (That the heirs of Ihe above entitled eslata have previously sold their Inter est in Lots 2, 3 and 5, Section 6, Town ship 36, Range 8, containing 79.71 acres, more or less.) Witness the Honorable Donald A. W. Piper, Judge of the Circuit Court for Klamath County, Oregon., and the Seal of said Court affixed this 4th day of December, 1963. ATTEST: CHAS. F. DeLAP By (s) Betty Hill, Deputy No. 471 Dec. 6, 13, 20, 27, 1963. To Place Your want ad; Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays 8 a m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Minimum or der 2 lines. 3 6 10 1 Lines 2 Times $2.50 325 400 4 75 Times $4 00 5 00 6 on 700 T.mes Month $5 00 $ 9 .00 6 50 11.50 B 00 14.00 9.50 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per aoverf-semenf, if paid In advance. Above rates are tor consecutive Inser tions, without change ot copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be l clear and understandable to be produC' five. All words must be spelled out Autos offered for sale by private Indi vidualscash with copy. DEADLINE 4 30 p m. day before publt-1 cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Monday. CANCELLATIONS f CORRECTIONS -On same schedule, ccept on Monday these are taen 'til rjo am. Please read first insertion of your ad. The Herald & News will give one etr run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS 1963 1 column Inch, SJ5 per month with $3 56 ; discount for payment on or before the 10th. '7 Inch, $19 with $1.50 discount lor . - payment on or before the lOth. Based onjHELP WANTED one copy change per month. BOX SERVICE- cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM $3. FOR COMMERCIAL RATES PHONE TU 4-8111 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, FRANCIS P. LANE Y, ha been, by order of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon tor Klamath County, appointed Administrator of the estate Of MADGIE CARMAN LANE Y, Oiceased, end that Letter of Adminis tration have been Issued to him. Ait person having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the tame, duly verified and with prop er voucher, to the unoersigned at Smith and Card's office. 534 Mam, Klamath Falls. Oregon, witnm t i x month from the oate of the first pub lication of this notice, which publica tion is the 6tn day ot December, 1963. FRANCIS P. LANEY, Admin is tr a tor of the Estate of Mad ge Carman Leney, Deceased. SMITH AND CARD Attorneys tor Administrator No. 409, Dec. a, 13. 20. 27, 19e3 j FUNERAL HOMES C . WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 9?S H'gh Street, TU 7-10 MEETING NOTICES 1 PflNinFROA I niSfF Kin 7?fl I AF&AM PUBLIC INSTALLATION j OF OFFICERS Saturday,) Dec. 7, 8 p.m. Mason-' Temple. A cordml invitation extended tO oil. Ed Barren, Master Elect. SCOTTISH RITE BODIES Fait Reunion, Friday, Dec. 6th & Sat., Dec. 7th at 8 p.m. Hermon Gtsvold, Secy. LOST & FOUND MALE Siamese cat disappeared from home near KUHS last weekend. Very affectionate, constant "talker"; family pet, reward, TU 2-0834. LOST red simulated alligator shoe, medium heel, siie 7M. Leave at La Pointe's for Rae Glosler. REWARD for return of Blue Crown Jewel bowling ball. Has name Wil lene on it. No questions asked. 5229 Cottage Ave GENERAL NOTICES 4 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous meets Wed., Sat, nights, TU 7-5740, Box 105. PERSONALS 6 LARIAT Beauty Lounge ocrmanents, hair shaping, cutting. Evenings by appointment. 3616 Summers Lane, TU 2-5777, Robert Lanti, operator. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-6704, help at anytime. BEGINNERS Alanon, Hetp families of alcoholics, TU 4-7129, Box 1065. LICENSED home for aged, men, women, personal interest assured, TU 2-315. SERVICES 10 REMODELING, carpenter and cement work. Reasonable, references. TU 2-5388. LORNA'S DOLL HOSPITAL 1434 Lakeview St. TU 4-6992 14 yrs. In Ihe tame location PAINTING, wallpapering at its best, interior, exterior, brush or spray, rea sonable prices, tree est., TU 2-3131. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave. Al Sloll, TU 4-6126. MEAT CUTTING Experienced retired meat cutter will cut and wrap your meat, very reason able, TU 2-4801, 611 N. 11th. PAINTING, papering, rooting, plumb Ing, general repair. 397-4483. TREE topping, trimminq, removing, Roe Tree Service, TU 2-9389. DRESS making and alterations, all work guaranteed. TU 2-6530. W ATKINS PRODUCTS Dorothy Nee! TU 2-4185 Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for men, wom en, children. All work guaranteed. Reasonable Prices Gene's Men's Wear 537 Main SEPTIC TANK CLEANING and INSTALLATION Licensed - Bonded - Guaranteed C. W. CLIFFORD & SON TU 4-9841 3209 Hilyard Rose's Tailor Shop Complete Dressmaking Alterations Tailoring - Belts - Sutton Holes Upholstering SEWING LESSONS 356 DIVISION TU 2-68J2 ED'S SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE ALL MAKES APPLIANCES 1411 OWENS Quick, Expert REPAIR SERVICE on oil OIL STOVES and FURNACES Also small gas engines, etc. McGAUGHEY'S 1 TRADING HOUSE ,2508 Altomont Dr. TU 2-4893 'HELP WANTED, FEMALE 141 RELIABLE woman over 18 tor steady baby sitting, TU 2-5012. I "f3EAVTTc7ANwantedrFaye's Magic" Mirror, 632 Pine. i 'HELP WANTED, MALE 16 Auto Salesmen (2) For Plymouth-Chrysler makes, Past experience desirable, but not necessary. If you're neat appearing, friendly, and bond able, there is an opportunity for you with a future. Demo program and many fringe benefits for selected men. See Bill James . . . OLSON Chrysler Plymouth, 522 So 6th. Personal inter views only. No phone calls please. BOYS! scahg?ol EARN Extra Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TJ 4 8111 171 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS Ait help wanted ads published in the Herald A News are accented in good faith that te lobs offered are as stated in the adfcrtistng copy. We are not re sonstble tor the Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reiect all misleading adver fisting Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading t asked to report if to 1h Oanfed Ad- vertismg Department of the Herald fc News. U WANTED experienced, elderly iltV man tor part time work. Apply at 7J Mam. WANTED experienced truck and pick up talesman, must be married local man acquainted with area. A reason able guarantee to start. Demonstrator allowance. 5ee Dick or Mel, Miller Bro . Inc . 7t w-j K'smafr SITUATIONS WANTED 18 IRONING. P'Ckuo 4-4837. ad delivery. TU IRONING in my home. 2671 Radciilte, $1 per hour. RETIRED mason, active, henay with tools. Block work specialty. Handle any repair oo, tu 4-7837. "7FOR DEPENDABLE CHILD CARET TU 2-1844 1338 Carlion Dr. JACK 4 JILL DAY NURSERY IRONING, washtng, pickup, delivcTT FAST SERVICE, TU 4-f434. IRONINGTO DO I N M YH OM E '.V' Prif,'. TU 4-ls ROOMS FOR RENT 22 li MEN 134 N. 3rd,"$36 per "monthTTU- j 4-MJJJ. I U 4-Vit!. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 3 blocks from Main, Si 8. up. TU 4-4259. STEAM heated, clean, quiet sleeping rooms, 310 So. 5th, TU 2-0214. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 2 block- ,fom Wa,n- 6nQ uo- T" commercial Rooms - dean, com- lussaui. iidmiouh oc, ti w. up. Accommodations for lunch packing. Working man's rooms, lounge room with TV VS. Commercial APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 SMALL, furnished, washing facilities, Inquire 1324 Oak, TU 2-6198, TWO bedroom unfurnished deluxe apt. newly redecorated, $80, TU 2-6500. FURNISHED front apartment. Natur al hot water heat. All utilities paid except electricity. 319 E. Mam Apt. 5. CLEAN furnished 2 room apt., J45, utilities paid, TU 2-0339 before 10 or after 5, see 1142 Esplanade days. FREE HEAT, 1 bedroom apt. Unfur nished except range, adults, no pels, 560. TU 4-7SS8. HEATED, fui vate parking. tlshed, clean, quiet, adults. 415 Walnut. COMPLETELY turnished all utilities, 1411 Main. DESIRABLE uptown, turn., free heat, adults. bb. Alpha Apts., TU 4-423. REX Arms Apis. Furnished 1 I 2 bed rooms. Heat, phone, garbage, Klam ath and Broad, 224 Broad, TU 2-9317. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom, furnished, hot & cold water, close In, washing facilities, no pels. TU 4-8411, PLEASANT duplex apt. near town, schools, adults, unfurnished. TU 4-9803. "EWAUNA". DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, turnished. 219 So. llth - TU 2-1062 2 BEDROOM partially furnished, 2125 Orchard, adults, inquire 3037 Radcliffe. 2 ROOMS lurnished, utilities and wood furnished, adults, close to downtown, TU 4-3353. Eves., TU 4-6304. FU RnFsh ED A P TsT'olTltTeet park ing, TU 3-4736 weekdays after S p.m. anytime weekends. 'EDR'OOW furnished apt., 3204 Al tamont, TU 2-6765 or TU 4-9905. 3 ROOM, private bath, couple pre ferred, no doqs.TU 2-6886 . AND 2 bedroom furnished apts., adults, 1 child acceptable, low winter rates, 1143 Pine. FURNISHED 3 room Owens, TU 4-53i9. apartment. 900 FURNISHED, modern, clean 2 room bachelor apartment. Lights, water paid. S33.50, TU 2-6547, TU 4-8361. SMALL furnished apt., clean. Court View, 112 So. 3rd. FOUR room turnished, adults only, TU 4-6796. close In, $40, TWO bedroom furnished apt.. Also a 2 bedroom furnished apt., Water, garbage paid, TU 4-5692. $45. $65. 2 ROOM furnished apt., bage, bachelor preferred, LOVELY 2 bedroom apartment, stove & refrigerator furnished. TU 2-1544. COZY clean furnished apt.. TU 4-5334. 330 Hanks. no pets. CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Furnished. Near new OTI. Kitchens, weekly rates, carports. PELICAN MOTEL, TU 2-9356. FURNISHED studio apt., all utilities furnished, woman only, 803 Lincoln, $50. FURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex, elec tric heat, 3676 Summers Lane. NICELY furnished, newly decorated dining room apt. Wool rugs, au'o. wash er, infant o k. TU 4-3762, TU 4-3893. DOWNTOWN furnished apartment TU 4-8836 or TU 4-6300. CLEAN 4 room furnished apt., adults, wafer and garbage paid. TU 2-3862. HEAT paid, 1 bedroom, good location, 1800 Esplanade, TU 4-5539 '$35. COUPLE or single man, TU CLEAN furnished one bedroom apt., water, garbage paid, TU 4-5397, 1937 Oregon Ave. AUDLEY APTS. Nicely furnished t bedroom & studios, 303 SO. 8th, near Post Office. ToWCOST"36to$ab, Includes" permanent maintenance. CONVENIENCE Near town, shop ping centers, schools, churches. COMFORT 1-2-3-bedroom furnished or unfurnished units. Call for personal interview 8 a.m. to S p.m. Mon. through Frl. SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1627 Washburn Way TU 4-8777 ROOSEVELT APTS 2036 Leroy TU 7-1749 Two bedroom unlurnijhed. Garaqe. Hot water neat. Hot borings area. Adults KINGFALLS J APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Dally, Weekly Motel Rates TU-5577 KLAMATH'S FINEST UNION MANOR 7SU UNION 1 & bedroom apartments Furnished or unfurnished SPACIOUS ROOMS Wa'l to wall carpeting SvVIMMING POOL Htat. wafer, garbage furnished 0-"i' No'n TU 7 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNISHED 7 bedroom. $55. Garage, yard. Orchard Avenue, TU 4-7175. ? BEDROOM, garbage & water fur nished. Also CABINS as low as $12 a month, water & garbaqe furnished. In quire Andy Zudell, Rtt. 3, Box 222, Weyerhaeuser Junction, CLEAN 7 bedroom, Heniey, TU 4-MI7. adults, references, Nif E clean unfurnished 2 bedroom. TU after 5 p.m. TWO bedroom unfurnished, washer, dryer hoc up. 423) Oreensprmgs Dr., SSS, TU 4 Sill. VERY nice 1 bedroom, carpeted living room, built In range and oven, large garage and fenced yard, $7$, TU 2-47J2. TU 2 0924 UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home, fire place, carpeting, forced air heating. See 19J1 Hope St. or TU 4-1750 after 5 pm. 50 per mo. COVPOPTABlVJ bedroom twrn7shedr MarUn $1.. $5$ 50, TU 2-2002. ONE bedroom house, on Altamont Dr. $45, inquire 1777 Gary. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom house, fireplace. Large yard. Water, garbage paid $74.50. On Ogden, TU 2-3741. TtVO bedroom house unfurnished", "Cou pie Only, nfi. TU 4-6770. TWO bedroom and 3 bedroom rent o sale No pels, TU 4-3969. ONE bedroom unfurnished, close I natural hot water heat, garbage serv ice and water, $7$. adults, Tu 4-449. HELP WANTED, MALE HOUSES FOR RENT 26 FURNISHED 1 bedroom, Mnls Add'n, ph. TU 2-3 7C2. THREE room furnished house and ga rage, 150, TU 2-3852. NICELY furnished 1 bedroom-houst close In, only $50 mo. TU 4-4756. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom unfurnished. Garage, basement. Garbage, water paid. Nice yard, $100. J6 Washington, TU 4-9330. UNFURNISHED tx7ocm'. wateTT draoenes. 124 Patterson near Moyma, adults, no pets, Tu 3-1812. 2-BEDROOM house, largo garage 7Q; 1 -bed room furnished apt. TU 4-5686. CHARMING furnished lbedroom dih" plcx, wood burner, utility room, 112 Upham, TU 2-3366 ONE bedroom furnished house, in, TU 4-4379 or TU 4-157. THREE bedroom house near school, 3041 Bisbee. TU 3-4289 after 5:30. TWO bedroom unfurnished. Milts Add n, fenced, carport, US, TU 4-3770. ONE bedroom unfurnished, water in cluded, near Weyerhaeuser, 30. TU 2-1180. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished house, 150, TU 2-0673 or TU 4-4404. FURNISHED 2 rooms, part utilities pd. 130, TU 2-4389, TU 2-4917. 3 ROOM furnished, electric heat, tully Insulated, automatic washer, dryer, close in, TU 1-1 470. THREE bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, builtm appliances, in south suburbs, 1110 per mo. TU 7-3177. CLEAN one bedroom, furnished, ga rage, S50. TU 4-5935 3 BEDROOM unfurnished, garage, near new OTI, TU 4-57J5. TU 2-1590. MILLS Addition 2 bedroom unfurn ished duplex, $40. Inquire 7441 bberlein. UNFURNISHED, new, 3 bedrooms, ap pliances, double. 1' baths, 9115, 1649 Siskiyou. Inquire 111 Pine, TU 4-5865. TWO bedroom unfurnished. Mills Ad dition, S50, inquire 1339 E. Main. CLEAN 2 bedroom South Suburbs 5420 Delaware, TU 2-4566. CLEAN, unfurnished 2 bedroom. Fire place, St. Francis Park. Maximum 2 children, S85, TU 2-0091. ONE bedroom furnished, shower, 6IIU Lowell, S45, TU 4-6632. CLEAN IVj bedroom unfurnished, full basement, garage, nrar KUHS. 1646 Portland. $50, TU 2-6590. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished duplex apt., California Ave. S69.50, TU 4-9264. NEAT furnished one bedroom cottage near Hillside Hospital. TU 4-6773. ONE bedroom furnished house, o 1 1 heat, HO. Also unlurnlshed apt., elec tric he at, S50, South suburbs, TU 4-7523. FURNISHED cottage, comfortable. Mills Addition, TU 4-7185. 3 ROOM furnished, water, garbage paid, $30, TU 2-0456, 1723 Oak. EXCELLENT 3 bedroom, unfurnished duplex, electric. Mills. $70 TU 2-0249. CLEAN 1 bedroom partly furnished, close In, $50, 207 Eldorado, TU 2-1549. COMFORTABLE 1 bedroom furnished, easy to heat. Inquire 2124 Ogden. TWO bedroom unfurnished, gas heat, basement, available Dec. 15, $85. 1025 N. 7h, TU 2-3559 days. FOR rent or sale nice 2 bedroom home on 3 acres near Air Base. Nice yard, out buildings, $65. TU 2-5088 be fore 5 p.m. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, fenced yard, garage. So. 6th area, TU 2-0212. LARGE unfurnished 1 bedroom duplex. Mills Addn. Electric heat, $65. no pets. Inquire 2338 Reclamation, TU 4-5561 after S p.m. or weekends. THREE bedroom unfurnished home. Close in, call TU 4-4379. TWO bedroom unfurnished, clean, 2 ml. north of town. Children, pets ok. Water paid. $55. 702 Spruce, TU 2-6590. OR lease three bedroom unfurnished house. Living room with fireplace, I1? baths, range, oven. Close in. $125. TU 7-4664, IU Z-16BJ. THREE bedroom unfurnished, place, electric heat, 633 St. F Ire Francis St., TU 4-5244. 1 U 2-0436. THREE room partly furnished house, $35, 179 Old Fort Road, TU 2-5704. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, TU 4-4380. FURNISHED 2 bedroom. $65, 320 No. Slh, TU 4-9117. CLEAN turnished or unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms. Garages, close In, gas. Some utilities paid, references, TU 4-8773. FURNISHED No. llth, $65, I bedroom duplex, inquire 111 Pine. 729 LARGE 2 bedroom home, unfurnished, oil furnace, close to store, $50, TU 4-8073 evenings. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, $55, 1r? Johnson, TU 4-9098. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 OFFICE - Street level, across from courthouse, vacant soon, TU 2-6500. OFFICE space, 1400 sq. ft. Parking for 7 cars. 3rd & Pine, available March, 1964. TU 4-6033. REAL ESTATE WANTED .... 28 WANT to buy, irrigated farm, cash If desired. TU 7-4(115 eves. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 1 am a 'TRADER" ARE YOU? why sell when you can trade. Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed Ore., Calif.. Ida., Wash. 1037 Main St. TU 4-41J7 MLS Multiple Listing Service TRADE 3 bedrooms, spacious living room with circulating fireplace, separate dining room, part basement, double detached garage, fenced back yard with play house, patio, and fireplace. Pairview school district. Will trade down for small TRAILER, RENTAL or KENO property. IF VOU HAVE PROPERTY TO TRADE. UP OR DOWN, CALL US. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB NEW LOCATION; 1213 MAIN TU 2-6351 ANYTIME Parking Net To Klamath Flower Shop Evenings Dan Homletf TU ?-"K$ ''Ifrfl Mall TtJ 4-?Vi REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 HOME alt In restricted rrslrl,nlil .re., Enloy the finest In (jul.t jubur b.n living. L.rge Ic-M from Si to 10 It. frontage, garden loam, all utilities pavement A iidealks. Shown by ap oomtment. TU 4-7523. NEW large iew home, basement, dose new OTI t hospital. TU 2-Q570. CLOSE In 2 or 3 bedroom, fireplace, fenced yard, $9,750, TU 2 5842. SMALL house on Vj acre. Suburban area. Or will trade for house trailer. Reasonable. TU 2-4911. RURAL lot, owner-financed, suitable tor trailer, TU 2-1066. FOR sale by owner, 2 bedroom house near park in mhis Add'n, No down payment. TU 2-5405. FHA appraised attractive 7 bedroom suburban. Fireplace, garage, large lawn, fetv.ed. shruM and trees, on school bus run. Buy enulty or refinance. $10,200. TU 2-497$. MA Arthur. THREE bedroom. Will with option. TU 2-505 7. sell or lease 4 BEDROOM, llreplace, large rooms. 1 acre, 2004 Ogden, TU 4-5291, TU 2-60'.l. 'i ACRES. 3 bedroom house, north" Side, $1,700 down. TU 2-09BQ. ) BEDROOM So. Suburban, or lease option, write Box 165, Ashland. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 31 HOT SPRINGS, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, family room, TU 4-6130. V BEDROOM,tull basement, fenced" back yard, fruit trees, 2 blocks to school, excellent neighborhood, 18,500, TU 2-3311 alter 4 p.m. TMMACULATEJbedroom. D o u bTeT garage, carpeting, built-in appliances, fireplace. Corner lot, view of lake. 603 Ml. P.f, TU 4-9174. HOT Springs, good older 3 bedroom home, $1,000 equity, will consider terms. TU 2-591. FOR SALE two bedroom suburban home, dming room and large garage. Carped nq, fireplace, aluminum storm doors and windows. $10,750. Ph. TU 4 86. Cal-Ore Ranches 300 FARM and RANCH sites In tht ROGUE RIVER VALLEY near Grants Pass and Meotord. 5 to 80 Acres low as $99 down and $29 monthly. WRITE for FRfc-E RANCH & FARM CATA LOG with pholos and descriptions. Cal Ore Ranches 1054 k. F $. Riverside, Medford, Ore. BELOW APPRAISAL New 3 bedroom home In restricted res idential district. Best ot construction. Natural gas hot air heat, hardwood floors. I'.j baths, fireplace, patio, birch kitchen, lots ol storage, $15,900, Tw 2-2410. MOYINA EXTRA LARGE 3 bedroom home. tg baths. View from large living room, dining room and kitchen (full of buiittns). Huge paho. LEVEL LOT, fenced. Part brick construction. Won derful floor plan. Lots ot storage. $24, 000. Easily financed. Owner will con sider trade-in ot property or a contract. Call tor details. DON SLOAN For Finer Homes 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-5658 Days-Eves. MLS Multiple Listing Service MAKE the whole family happy for Christmas with this beautiful ranch style 3 bed room modern home. Quality built from the ground up. Circulating fireplace, double garage, economical oil forced air heal, intercom system. Desirable suburban location. Under priced at $15, 400. $650 don plus closing, monthly payments approximately $100 per month, FHA. STILES REALTY 4831 So. 6th Street ONE STOP REAL ESTATE SERVICF, Phone TU 2-4740 Homer Stiles Joe Perry TU 4-WI4 TU 4-5332 VIEW OF LAKE Is terrific from the picture window of this lovely home. Large carpeted liv ing room, attractive fireplace, separate dining room, PLUS dinette olf large kitchen. Three bedrooms, bath and hall, separate utility, double oarage. Situated on large lot. A LOT OF HOME for only $15,500 WALKER REALTY m Main SI. Slevcni Hol DMIcs: TU 3-4154 DV1 or Evet. Residence: TU 2-1BR5 STILWELL & CO. Presents: A LOT OF HOUSE FOR $5500 - Needs some flxln', but solid and sound. S big rooms olus basement, oil fur nace, good corner lot. Located at 908 North Olh. A real opportunity for a handyman. Easily financed loo. WE WILL CONSIDER YOUR OFFER on this good 2 bedroom Ranch Style noma at 4524 Clinton, present r HA loan can be assumed. Sava closing costs. Immediate possession. See if today. Stilwell &Co. 51! Main SI. Roallori TU ..3116 Afler 5:00 Call: Bruce Blnkley TU i-Ult II no answer call TU '-7006, TU 1JUU Multiple Listing Service SIDE MLS NORTH Three bedrooms, large llvlnq room with lovely circulating fireplace. Din ing room, kitchen, hath. Detached ga rage. Price $1,750, terms. HOT SPRINGS Custom built 2' i year old home. Living room has wall to wall carpet, circulat ing fireplace. Family dining room, kitchen with built-in dishwasher, range, oven, disposal. Three bedrooms. At tached double garage. $19,500, any type loan. NEW 5 BEDROOM HOME PLUS OFFICE Living room with fireplace. Wall lo wall carpeting. Dining room has slid ing glass doors opening on to patio. Built in kitchen, IB x 26 It. party room, utility room, 2 balhs. 7.770 sq. fl. of living area. $29,500. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION to qualified buyer. SUBURBAN Living room, extra large kitchen, util ity porch, 2 bedrooms, bath. Largs fenced yard. Home partly furnished. Make an olfer on this one I Andy Silani REALTOR 314 S. 7th TU 2-4M4 Salesmen Wilene Walch TU 2-4117 Andy Silani TU 4-5544 Aob Bailiut TU 2-640 Ed Mitchell TU 2-I6B3 "HOTSPRIN&S-tarmat hase ofWar- ner Mountain, 2 miles from Lakeview, Ore. 90 acre crop and grazing land. Eicellent building or golf course site. Constant flow 180 degree noncorroslve mlnerellied water, approximately 2 cu. fl per second. Can be developed for bathinq, washing or heating. Very best ol hunting, fishing and skiing area. Na tural resort location. Price $45,000. Terms available. HILLSIDE ADDITION. Three bffd rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, electric heat. Also wood furnace in full ba'.ement. Handv to new OTI and Hn- J p.fal location. Price $12,500. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 2-3471 Jim O'Donahue Eves. TU 4-9693 NO CASH DOWN! J BCDROOM HOMES on your &oonr LOT m?U7W (Choice Lots Avollable) Three bedroom homes. Large living room, dining area. Large bedrooms and closets. Nice kitchen with lovely cahlnefs. Til balh and shower. All this end fully Insulated tool t Work Out Closing Cost Easy Financing f) Payments Like Rent MODEL HOME . 4 Bedroom In Bel Air Gardens , . , THRIFTY BUILDERS ESTATE DRIVE SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2 0436 - TU 4-5244 REAL I STATE FOR SALE 30 THREE bedrooms, carpet, oil furnace, fenced, plus rental, TU 2-3107. DRIVE BY 4260 FARGO Lovely, large 3 bedroom, 2 bath, oum ke brick home. With much exposed brick inside and open beam ceilings. Circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, built-m appliances. Carport with stor age. W X 120 tt. lot. Price . . . $16,500 McATEE REALTORS 330 E. Main TU 2-4646 Harold HoihS TU 2 6815 Evelyn McAtee TU 2-5935 ""STRO U T R E ALT Y 5429 $. fh PH. TU 4-5281 EVENINGS CALL Bob t Stella Oehlinger TU 3-5601 Hank Holmsrt TU 2-5041 ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom, fireplace, forced air furnace, dead end street. New reduced price $9,500. ONE third acre. Henley School. Large l bedroom. Fireplace, dining room, attached garage plus separate work shop and lois of storage pact. $15. 50. 3 ACRES, Henley District. Three bedrooms, fireplace, lots ot privacy on this dead end street. $10,500. 90 ACRES Irrigated. Klamath Basin showpiece. All ground and buildings highly improved. $75,000. Multiple Listing Service MLS LOT 518x110 tt. lust a few blocks north of Main St. Only $1,400. COTTAGE on large suburban lot. Walking' dis tance to stores. 2 bedroom plus ga rage with storage area, Terms. $7,000. REDUCED Four bedroom, suburban home. Fire place, economical oil heat, carpel, ga rage, partial basement. See It today. New price only $12,000. MOYINA Large three bedroom homo featuring fireplace, built-in range & oven, large two car garage. FHA or G1 terms or will trade for pasture land. Price $17, 500. DURANT Realtor 2050 So. 6th TU 4-9832 or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday Bowl Staff Evenings Bob Sorlien TU 4-7985 Ernie Graves TU 2-1396 Tina Reader TU 4-7341 Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 MLS Multiple Listing Service LAKESHORE DRIVE WITH 2 ACRES Country living on ihe edge of town and on Upper Klamath Lake. One acre of meadow for horses or other stock and one of hillside with home and view. You can ride all day long from this place and not get on pavement. The home has three bedrooms, living room, bath, kitchen on first floor with den and Irult room in the full basement. Storage, shop and two car garage In basement also. Heated by McPharson lorced air furnace. Wide paved drive way. Lots ol living tor $21,500. TRADES - TRADES We have several homes on which people will take a smaller home in trade. It YOU want that better home -try us nowtt PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-514? Evenings "Pat" Palone TU J-0834 Al House TU 2-7088 Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 SFT Presents $49,500 Ten acres plus 3200 sq. ft. split level home. Living room 191V x 2' Kitchen 14' x 15' 3 bedrooms 12'i x 24", 12'i x 13, and 10' j x 14' party room IS' ' x 28' 2nd kitchen eda cent to party room on lower level 14' x 19 one double garage above and one single garage below hardwood kitchen cabinets, built-in appliances, dishwasher, garbage disposal 3 full baths covered patio above open patio below domestic water well. Am enities include swimming pool, superb view and quiet seclusion. This lovely home will accommodate a very large family. Plenty of room in one bedroom for 3 double beds. Owners will consid er other real estate In trade, $25,000 I acre 1950 sq, ft. home. Living room 29' x 20' separate dining zoom 14' x 16' kilchen 12' x 16' 3 bed rooms 16' x IB', 14' x 14' and 14' x 14' 2 lull baths utility with buillins tl'V x 14' fruit room oft utility 6' x 10'. Hardwood kilchen cabinets, built in stove, double ovon, food mixer with attachments and combo, relrlg. and deep freeie plus garbage disposal. CHy water, suburban (ewer and paid up Ir rigation rights. Owner will reluctantly consider small 2 bedroom as down payment. Mills Addition!! Neat and clean 2 bedroom home. Close to schools and shopping. Com pletely fenced with redwood fence. Ex cellent neighborhood. Priced at $9,500. TUCKER Real Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Honk Hansen TU 2-3101 eves Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 eves MLS Multiple Listing' Service JUST LISTED! ! ARTISTIC. ENG LISH STYLE I STORY 3-BEDROOM HOME, with full m.iwiry b.m.nl. Sp.cloul living .nd dining rooms. tp .r.t. br.ftkt.it .r... 1'i b.ths, oil pin.d ht. Altr.ctlv. U V )M tot. BEST BUY IN CLOSE-IN RIVERSIDE ST. AREA AT US.;). EASY FHA OR CI TERMS. PRICE CUT SI.OOOII WAS Sll.ttOl NOW SIJ.SOO. FOR QUICK ACTION. M.ionrv 2-Mdroom horn, on Sh.lt. W.y, with .Imoit 1 cr. of rich, Irrt gtd land. Flrolc. I.rg. utility, covared p.tlo, sturdy sm.ll.r b.rn. YOU CAN'T 00 WRONG HERE; E I FHA OR Gl TERMS) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. HAVE CASH BUYER for well-buitt t or 3 bedroom horn. In Htnlv School District, WITH I lo 5 ACRES OOOO GROUND, Want! lo b within a tw mlltt ot Henley School. Will go 110.000 to 11J.000 lor right prop erly. PLEASE CONTACT US IMME DIATELY. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 190? SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. tlh Phone TU 4-771 Sit Personnel: Aft Moorman PH. TU M?H Evtt. Rill Chtlcolt Ph. TU 4-J2II Evil. Ed Chilcote. Attocial Broker Bob Chiicoit, Broker REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 SALE or lease, well located 3 bedroom" home. TU 2-014). - 160 ACRES, 120 acres, 410 acres, tim ber on land, Box 27, Beatfy, Ore. MILLS ADDITION One of the cleanest, largest two bed rooms homes we have had. Hardwood floors, fireplace, separate dining area, fenced yard. Good location, $12,500. will take any loan. OCHROEDER CO. 134 MAIN - TU 4-m TU 2-0141 MLS Multiple Listing Service BRAND NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Three bedroom, fireplace, family room, all built in kitchen, scads of cupboards and closets. Gas forced clr furnace to each room. Large double garage on generous slied lot In restricted area. Built by one of the Basin's leading contractors. Maximum financing. Full price $17,950. MILLS Two bedroom, living room carpeted, gas Door furnace, attached garaqe, real cute and well maintained. $11,000. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR 134 No. 7lh Lou Vocv Lucille Anderson tu 4-jh TU 2 544 TU 7-CSlf 'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . 32 SMALL hottl ,nd apts., ro.sonoblt. TU nm Hl.r 5 p.m. FOR sale tavern In city limits, in cludes property, building and fixtures. Will consider trade for prooerty same value. Write Herald News Box 626 C. MAJOR oil co. service stations for lease. Excellent business opportunity. Paid dealer training program. Pur chase reasonable Inventory only. In formation, ph. TU 4-7223, I a.m. to 6 p.m. ' NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly any In vestment of money in merchandise, various enterprises or business oppor tunities before Investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every effort to re (eel all fraudulent or mis leading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the Integrity of the firms or Individuals who place ad vertising In our publication. Any ad vertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or mislead ing should be reported to the Classi fied Advertising Department of t h Herald and News. FINANCIAL LOANS 34 HEDGE YOURSELF against Inflation) See about REAL ES TATE INVESTMENTS anywhere west of the Rockies at DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed - Ore., Calif., Ida.. Wash. 1037 Main St. TU 4-4127 FOR sale $7,500 contract paying 7 per cent interest. Secured by clear title and first morlgage on over $40,000 real estate value. Repays in three years at $2,500 per year plus interest. Write Herald and News Box 627C. BARGAIN! Discount paper, $9,500. Discount $1,500. Excellent security on Income properly sold tor $30,000. Also other discount papers tor sale. Write owner care Herald and News Box 622C. STUCK for CHRISTMAS CASH? We love to be Santa's Helpers. We'll put Christmas "Greenery" into your hands, and quickly, too! Call us today for courteous, con fidential cash service. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER Wo Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Soles Financed Locally Owned for 33 Yean Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 BUILDING - REMODELING 36 "expert in "remodeling Bathrooms Kitchens k Additions Goroges, etc. Free Estimates Gladly! K. J. HALAAS TU 4-5448 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 AUTOMATIC Whirlpool washer, an teed, 1 owner, $65. TU 2-03M. guar LIKE new 30 Inch Frlgldalrt range, 184 Dahlia, TU 2-AW5. SEE beautiful Olion reversible rug l In your home. TU 4-4732. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS Call TarKel Tweot TU 4-717 ' 1963 MODEL automatic eewlng ma chine. Monogrami. button holei, scal lops. Does all types of fancy designs. Anume small monthly payments on balance of $64.90. Wilt discount I o r caih, TU 5-3810. CABINET style sewing machine, Coro nado, $30, TU 4-409 after 4:30 p.m. BlGM BIG!! BIG AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 p.m. 3899 So. Sixth A TREMENDOUS : QUANTITY OF QUALITY FURNITURE EXCELLENT APPLIANCES, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS POET'S CORNER Edna's run out of Ideal, John Is to la linen prone. If vou want a Poet's Corner, You'll have to write your own I Preview All Doy Friday If You're Not Buying At THE RESALE ; HOUSE You're Paying Too Much! Johrj C. Argetsingyf, Own 1