Thursday, December 5. 1963 PAGE 10A IIKRALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon Answer to Previous Puizle Fruits and Nuts IK1 ACROSS ! Uuicy berry .' 6 ThiiMhelled nut 11 Lamprey fishermen 19 Mental state 14 Shrub la Fuller'! herb (var.) 16 gerlne 17Aeriormfuel 19 Coal icuttls 20 Nights before 22 Steamship (ab. zjronaies 24 Italian city 26 Scatter! 29 Exist 31 Auricle 32 Wife of Aeglr (myth.) S3 Silkworm 34 Small fiihea 37 Shade treea 40 Outbuilding 41 Pronoun 43 Bristle 45 'Diamond 46 Tribunal 47 Old Dutch measure 48 Awaken 61 Citrua fruit 54 Crew taut 5 Glosay cotton fabric 66 German city 67 of cattle (Dl.) 1 nnwu 1 Exploit 2 Resurface, as a street 9 Ranges In I tew 4 Through 6 Before 6 American writer 7 Age 8 Tropical nut v Apportions Tm!s felT' 10 Requirements 12 Droops 13 Mountains (ab.) 18 Onager 21 Looked fixedly Z-I nlsKS 25 PerUlnlng to an epoch 27 Mound used by golfers 28 Underdone 30 Suffix 34 English counties 39 Husk or water (pi) MUrial 38 Humbler 39 Put on a play 40 List of candidates 42 God of love 44 Prayer endings 46 Couch 49 Employ 60 Oriental coin 62 College cheer fi.i consumed 1 2 3 5 S 7 8 9 10 20 21 22 t'm p3 24 25 " 26 27 128 29 30 3) j 32 33 I 34 3T 36 T'"! 37 38 139 I 40 ' " j W 42 I 43 44 45" " jn 48 49J!o FT 62 53 54 ; 55 I Li rl ML Dad's 'Future' Leads To Battle :; iBy ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Last night my husband slartoi (a tell mc ; how great his father is. After k'"?'i-',h about five . OT .1 1.:. ijtvi s ins tryvs got sort of wa (cry and he aid, "If my father ever got too sick to work I'd hock everything in this house to take care of him." I told my husband if he so much as sold one stick of fur niture I would take live chil dren and move out. After all, I worked six years before the children camo and every dime wont into (his liotisc. It's just as much my as his, and I'm not ahout to let him hock things to help out his dad. We got into a lig argument and I'd Hike you to tell me if I m right or wrong. Thank you.-JOSIE Dear Joslct Why waste time and energy arguing about something that hasn't hap pened, and probably never will? ' , It would make a lot more sense If your husband helped His dad work out a program whereby he saved a part of his weekly check. This beats fight ing about problems which don't exist. Dear Ann Landers: Last week my obituary appeared in the newspaper. Of course I did iot die, but the person who did die had the same name as mine, and the same middle ini tial. He was two years older than I am. I hare Jived in this city for Jess than two years. Most of my friends and colleagues know very Utile about my fam ily. lly wife received several cards of condolence and a few hand-written nots. Eiglit or ten people phoned her to say they were sorry. Naturally she told Mtose who called 1 was alive and kicking. But what should tlie do about the cards and notes? She feels it would bo stupid to do anything about tliem. I say if those people were, good enough to express sympathy she should respond by letting them know 1 am all right. PJease advise us. PULSE NORMAL Wear Norm: The folks who wrote should be notified by tel ephoneand I' hope your wife will do It promptly before someone who wrote a condol ence note bumps into you an the street and has a coronary. Dear Ann Landers: I'm 16 years old, but today I feel like 90. It's too late for advice, but maybe my experience will pre vent some other Rirl from mak ing the same mistake. I live in a city where there is a state university. Any high school sophomore who can get a date from a guy at the uni versity is considered pretty special. I was thrilled when a 21-year-old junior asked mc out. He was handsome and on Ui football team besides. My success really went to my head. I figured since this guy was older that hand-holding in the' movies and a goodnight kiss at the door would ho kid stuff to him so I decided I'd do any thing and everything to keep him interested. .Believe mc this was the biggest mistake of my life. After he got what he wanted he dropped mc like a hot coal. Now I feel like a cheap tramp. Just tell the girls for me, Ann, that once you become a con quet instead of a challenge the boy Joses Interest. -4UMH iME Dour You: I'll agree you were pretty dumb but your let ter indicates you've smartened up considerably. Thanks for writing and I hope your new found Wisdom will be reflected In your future conduct. Ann Landers' frank and in formative new book, "Teen-Ag-ers and Sex" ($2.il5) is now available at your book store. Timmoofm! JaW 'nJltfTtS rTVS 5 $4500 VALUE! 5 COLUMBIA STEREO RECORD ALBUMS V " WLJ U " U I I PLUS DELUXE ROLL-ABOUT STEREO CART.. .OnlV 995 I Now! Hear Sfereo in startling new clarity! See Black 3 JLkTTJ. --tUgC & White or Color TV in luxurious new comfort ... in JZZZZ. P?JiFffl J j.w. Kerns' New "Music Bo," ; i I 1964, jjf j.W. KERNS ,r , r 3 SPEAKER HIGH FIDELITY PORTABIE Brand New ''-tv I featuring MICRO-TOUCH 2G I I ' -V I the world's most Imitated tone arm rns A M I; El fl 0 i ,'. ' '. ' .fe vf.. "th fabulous "Free-noatm8" certidge... -'-I J5 f rMl1ailsHl iV i.f " . I -l-tef4095im STEREO-TV ROOM! PfsT ''"felV 1 i S " 3" speaker in II Th. CHORISTER Modal LPSSO V 3)5sSAy V - I A '. 'iiPFiS T'H1 'lfggJT ) S!l",.t."?5'''",.i- All n.w grac.ull contoured WTNt JgZM 8' il I lS. WndLn,3 4 II N luggage portabl. carry c.s. of U Cai. IN. , 1 i I . , , j " , ?Ka VWWl --.rir.dc s , 'XSJ W'k- A n .mNo.1 QiprPO Value fr.w" P. wsF open i , w. V It Our 1 oi"1 cu "M.CRO-TOUCH" 20 V L ZZ'S P FRI. XMl YEAR g .7 mil dlamood and 3 ' mS ik l N,TE K 2 I"y" jt till .M Ln-'fgiu. '- ' g Tr.b. Controls" ilL fLrT-sS 9:00 ' . ' ' ' t ' 'st JM""' I ) M"! P..y with ramo,. u, rTl. ' V X f 1 I a T" DETACHABLE TWIN GLESff 5 V 'fcl fal'J 1 .1J i K1J a 1 5' 11 REMOTE SPEAKER UNITS 1 fj rnf-P .MCCEE err CAkJTA SOlEHhrkl r-L P, Ki-s ..ywuTrlad, FREEC0!S friday iia!sigms X .KtrsmotospeaKeruniU, C" A' SATURDAY! V Kii;W!5 j (Pj aC ? (m " flSlS " VALUE s - ?rFIcY I J flf95 ' t I Al?T Olympic J Would Build It- Plus $20 in Fre. Records j NEw,96 I 19" Portable TV - rrTs; , -''TSisS jgiJ&W fJ wired chassis, tront B g f 3 , t Blfe E ! S . HANDCRAFTED TV j 4" . J iJ-Jlf ;j ' jji ' 2V ov"nt,"K- P,c,u' met.. 2BO sq. in. ract. picture an uy" ! rf V 4 ' 43 " V ' Vl HANDCRAFTED Chassis I fiVSESH Tff ! 3 fefe ? A X X for GREATER DEPENDABILITY! S"RpE, U 1 4i l"4fj 45? it-M.u.una, The,e are no printed circui, production afifeJJOL Mf (?jff " SSS i k Brained MahoRany color. handwired and soldered. It costs more to make 2 I ' ' LJ----r ju-'- jjf I; 1 fltVk. jtfsX at Zenith Service Saver chassis this way-but it re- S Has stereo-hi-fi, 23" TV x J :V I V,,flnilirnWS B. r suits in bettor performance, long TV life. and AM-FM radio! ft M IsLJIlLJI PIUS FrCB : i It? The STOCKHOLM Mndl Rl DA2n 1 ' fcH 'WlTaT Wl T r. , ,-iXXJSUU.-.IMZSXe3IWlll l.J. ' f .ItWPJBHkllWjkUWain v r: - mm ol low solo price, aove m Af f U $100! -..77 - . . ;. Holiday Visit Mr. and SIi s. Knmil t'aim-f-oii and sons, Ronald Jr., and Jimmy, nf Stinnyva!A, Culif.. spent the Thanksgiving weekend willi Mis. Cameron's parent, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dwyer of 442 MIchijKm Avenue. (Mis. Oimeron and (he chil dren remained tor another week. OREGON FARM BUREAU WEEK DEC. 2-7, 1963 Protect YOUR Interest in Agriculture! JOIN KLAMATH COUNTY FARM BUREAU TODAY! The Business Voice of Agriculture $60 Worth of Toys FREE Just Register at Kcrnj Norgc Dept. HORGE 30" Norge 40" Deluxe Automatic Electric Range With Trade Plus FREE TURKEY . IT ,Jt--' ijtljiF With Trade! PLUS $20 WORTH OF FREE RECORDS! Deluxe Automatic ci crtmr RANGE $16995 With Trode Plus FREE TURKEY '1 Modal 57-1. t" lit Innk-tn Avrn lrr, tlmtr, ' R K H R 95 Olympic 23" TV Sale Priced 199" With Trade The STOCKHOLM Modal RL242Q Fine furniture styling. Your choice of Walnut veneers in Danish Modern, Mahogany ve neers in Italian Provincial or Maple veneers in Early American. cfoay MICRO-TOUCH 2G TONE ARM The world's most imitated tone arm. With the fabulous "Free-Floating" stereo car tridge. Only 2 grams (114 ounce) needle pressure. Your records can last a lifetime. Hand wired chassis, power trans former, 23,000 volts of picture pow er. Save now! Olympic 4-Speed Automatic Record Player 13 ZENITH 2G "STEREO PRE CISION" RECORD CHANG- ER. 1 I turntable. Plays lb , J3'. 4b and 78 rptn records. Spmdle lor 1 b 'i and 4b rprn records. Record-reject control. FMAM RADIO. For out standing FMAM radio en. loyment. Automatic Fre Ouency Control for dntt-free FM. Automatic Gain Control on AM, Built-in antennas. HIGH FIDELITY SPEAKER SYSTEM. 4 deluxe Zenith quality speakers with Alnico 5 magnets. Two large 9" x 6 woofers and two 3vi" cone type tweeters. ZENITH STEREO SOUND CONTROLS. Combination LoudnessStereo Balance Control. Bass and Stereo Monaural Control. Treble Control. npOiW II NORGE Big Capacity 2-DOOR Refrigerator With Huge 94 Lb. Freezer & Automatic Dtfroiting 21995 With Trade Plus FREE TURKEY ( Si fla! M Si 391 K !V tt Extra Special! NORGE Automatic Electric DRYER NOW ONLY (Oil 'i'? r..lly BBUsaai 0 a-aai i Barbie's Dream House Plus 24.95 Cal Ore League Bonus in Sheets & Towels PLUS FREE TURKEY FREE TURKEY With Each Norge Appliance This Weekenr' Listen to the Direct Radio Broadcast from Kerns Music Box Saturday 11:00 to 2:00 over KAGO K Regular 8.00 P 30 !? Kerns Wonderful Price 0 i Radio Flyer Wagon 36h17.5o Wooden Wagon '"2450 K T-l.-. rMMM Cl R9. 12.95 R I UllftU rUI III JC I Kerns Price in Magnetel Reg. 7.00 i 95 Kerns Price T $r4 Dl T-.II.:--. u I UIIYIHIj nUI 9C Rc9. 48. 95 Pool Tables t1' Rc9 " 50 Musical Dolls T,T- Barbie & Ken GZ9ScU,o 11.95 Eidon Road Race Deluxe Set 19 9S Regular J 10.95 Just Arrived from Marx 17.95 Bop-A-Bear Big Bruiser E-Z Weaver 10.95 38.95 17.50 1.73 ft 734 South 6th Phone TU 4-4197 HEAR THESE LOCAL SINGING GROUPS AT KERNS SATURDAY 10:00 a.m. Altamont Elementary School Chorus Mrs. Alfrvd Clowton, Director 2:00 p.m. Falcon Heights School Chorus Mist Jacki Backlin Director i FOR THE KIDS! 1 rKIDAY 7:00 P.M. MARIONETTE SHOW 8. VISIT FROM SANTA SATURDAY 10:00 2:00 4:00 MARIONETTE SHOW & VISIT FROM SANTA WIN YOUR HEART'S DESIRE! Just choose your lovorite gift of Kerns register at Main Desk. The child whose name is drown will hove hit choice of nr toy in the store! MOTHERS Sonto't Moilbos it set up ot Kerns. Moil thot letter here!