u-Ht is f Novtlty Gifts SMART SHOP DRESSES, JEWELRY FANCY WORK CHILDREN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY 619 Klomoih Ave. TU 2-6214 You'll find The I RIGHT GIFT in the '' ' Classified Christmas ;;'gift shopper : READ IT EVERY DAY! Gifts for jjj Him M.J. R. MUFFLER CUSTOM EQUIPMENT ; TAfHS. CH ROME O WHEELS SVCESSOBIES. SET BELTS . SPEED EOUIPMENI ' OPDER NOW FOR LAY-A WAY 730 So. Sth TU J-OOT THE TOG SHOP MEN'S WEAR 70S MAIN V W W W W W !tf WWW CROWN GRAPHIC PRESS CAMERA A Real Buy At COFER'S EXCHANGE 625 Klamoth -TU 4-7 1 60 BASIN BUILDING MATERIALS Black a Decker U-100VS" UTILITY DRILL NOW . . . Black & Decker offers a Vi inch drill at the lowest price ever. With a U.L. industrially listed mo tor. This drill features ex tra power at a low price. Another outstanding value. WAS $15.98 NOW $9.88 4.784 So. 6th TU 2-2563 Religious Gifts THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL THE HOLY BIBLE We have a complete linn o( all styles, (Mori, prices. Name In 2JK. gold FRF E THE BIBLE CENTER 122 So. N.nth TU 2-1988 SANTA'S SHOPPER GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Everyone on Your List Can be found in the Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER : READ IT DAILY! Daily Gift Suggestions --Everything QAMTA'Q CLASSIFIED M N I J Gifts far Everyone KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS EXCLUSIVE WITH J. C. RENIE JEWELRY 1021 Main TU 4-404 COMPLETE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY AT WESTERN AUTO 1039 Mom TU 4-5514 - -ij. Give A Typewriter over ;w i cwLVijii 'i't. $49.95 and up. Tfti.1 J 'fir teijiir-Htltnr AMIDON'S special r a nni cc CHRISTMAS 0LLL.L0 FREEWAN S WESTERN WEAR 4532 So. 6th TU 2-0212 717 Moin St. TU 4-5251 "GIVE A LASTING "GIFT Portable Tape Recorder! Transistor Radios A TV Sels PACKARD BELL Clock Radios, TV & Stereo Equipment NELSON'S TV & RADIO 3005 Shasta Way TU 2-3479 SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS WITH CHEERY FLOWERS AND PLANTS FROM KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP Kl X! lilt Main TU 4-4IS7 RESERVES THE FINEST OF ITS KIND... FROM SINGER SLANT-O-MATIC Automstle Zlg GOLDEN GLIDE Cinfitfr Cleintr SINGER Deluxe FLOOR POLISHER VlllUt.ll Portable Typewriter GRADUATE mod.l SINGER1 SEWING CENTER 633 Mom Ty 2-J51J Cf , M as. risr,4m Gift We never guess We look it up WORLD BOOK encyclopedia 1ST IN SALES AND SERVICE Local Representative, TU 2-0223 or Box 62, Ashlond, Oregon. iiisiu s wUu. w s; ZENITH STEREOS TRANSISTOR TV SFTS RADIOS TABLE l CLOfK RADIOS UHLI(5'S V J(KKS TU 45513 I Christmas specials on (VirUA4.IINC SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ENTIRE FAMILY GIFT CARDS FURNISHED KLAMATH KAMERA AND NEWS CENTER m vjun tu A tms w a; at w . ULO-.VAX For Christm.s C.ndle 7 , lb. GLO-CANDLE GLITTER ISC & UP PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN So, 6lh TU 3-iS55 WWWKWWWWWWWWW STOP - SHOP $ SAVE $ AT THE SSn. MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 6th - TU 4-6660 2 'iu. AC ' sbf It ?C 1 if APPLIANCES - TOYS R 1 LUGGAGE, ETC. yf FAMOUS NAME BRANDS AT J Wholesale Prices!! i FRANK'S TACKLE H?0 E. MAIN TU i w w w w w w w PHILCO TVs Radios RECORD PLAYERS AND APPLIANCES- FIRESTONE STORE 6th 8. Pine - TU 4-8109 CLbTlNGOUT" SALE 20 OFF CAV'C GIFT V 1 o SHOP 219 Main St. TU 4-3817 The CLOTHES MART GIFT ITEMS MADE TO YOUR PLEASURE TOP QUALITY New & Used Clothing 125 So. 9th TU 4-3364 Just Like a Daily LETTER From HOME! Suhscrihe this Christmas to the Herald and News (or your STUDENT SERVICE PERSON RELATIVES FRIENDS Year by moil $ I 8 00 6 Months by moil $10.00 3 Months by mail $ 5.25 Just phone TU 4-81 I 1, ask for Subset iptiom, Hrrold and News, 1301 Esplanade VILLAGE 'COURT BOLEX ZOOM RPFLFX MOVIE CAMERA LFO'S CAMtrRA SHOP Main TU 2-3331 BEACH'S JEWELERS THRILLING NEWS In diamond ring styling TU 4 3493 FREE PERSONALIZED MONOGRAMING ON AIL LEATHER GOODS CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS '40 Mom TU 2-3475 Sports Gifts CHARLIE READ iAUULtKT Nkfrvl rncTnu rrv-ii itsir. PRE CHRISTMAS SADDLE SAIE SAVE UP TO $50 ?.t KLAWAIH AVF Til , sA I BSA ""' PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT NEW MODELS BODENHAMER'S il fr Mam TU 4-46 Gifts for "jSl EY.ryon. 3 I !834 Mn.n VCZf nT t CUSTOM V1 CUTTING 117 S'lVh fnr Holiday tm A mfl wtthfHtt Mf U a ff l lr-c(wnp'tf Stt imputed US artert Meals FoV Everybody-In CUrDDCD O W Gifts for Homo ZENITH 19" Portable TV Only $159.95 ADAIR'S 2200 So. 6th TU 4-7510 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS!! GENERAL ELECTRIC LO-BOY STEREOS with RADIO AM-FAA Tuner 4-tpeed Automfltic Chfinoer All Wood Cabinet Dual Channel Stereo Amplifier $198 & up See our Selection of Portable Stereos $49.95 & up WHILE THEY LAST!! Goodveor CHRISTMAS Album No. 3 i I only .... ' AT GOODYEAR STORE 201 So. 1 Ith - TU 4-8141 SHOP J. W. KERNS FOR BABY BUGGIES Reqular $7.50 NOW $5.95 (FACTORY DIRECT PRICES) 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 fitiHiUli.tt.'SiU.ii.KZiiifiU.K CHILDREN Wll I I OVF GENUINE LEATHER COWBOY BELTS and BOLO TIES Only $1.98 STOP BY ALBERS 2710 So. 6lh - TU 4-7733 yfyyfyi: 7$ w yp Gifti for Her KNITTING NEEDLE YARN & KNITTING ACCESSORIES STUDIO KNITTING MACHINES 204 V2 NEVADA TU 4-327! "BUILDERS" SUPPLY AND FLOOR COVERING GENERAL ELECTRIC GIVE HER A GIFT OF DISTINCTION MODEL FC15W5 GARBAGE $ 31.95 DISPOSAL 345 Eosl Moin TU 2-2955 Gilts lor Friends Honci Tooled Lpothrr PURSES BILLFOLDS BELTS SHOP EAST MAIN SHOE h LEATHER 7S3 E Aain TU : (stO Gifts for Children fQ I Ho day jfS Foodi r HOLIDAY PARTIES OUR SPECIALTY SARI'S ITALIAN DINNERS CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS 53 6 So 6ih TU 4-8212 MEAT FOR CHRISTMAS HALVES CRATER LAKE MFMS 1? Ktmtn tu iyy V; L Give the Finest Gift of all FURNITURE And save during our DECEMBER STOREWIDE SALE LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main Tu 2 4145 JONES FURNITURE REFINISHING This Christmas Refinish your Piano Finches changed to MODERN CONTEMPORARY FRUIT WOOD PROVINCIAL FREE ESTIMATES TU 4-3441 S Sparkllnq Clean Upholstery This Christmas U( with our new, modern, easy to .4 use, upholstery shampoo and spray machine. K VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Main TU 4-6812 TOWER t FURNITURE GIFT HEADOUARTERS FOR HASSOCKS MIRRORS PICTURES LAMPS 0 Wall Accessories S&H Green Stamps Too! (Open Friday 'Til 91 Lflrqe Free Parking Lot 1204 MAIN - TU 4-8858 K K R J5 WWWWWWWWWWW Make This a "Baldwin Christmas" BALDWIN ORGANS With Percussion & Panoramic Tone $995 Bowden Music 830 Main TU 2-4883 SIEGLER OIL & GAS HEATERS & save AS MUCH AS $100 00 HARRY HAFTER FURNITURE CO. 833 Klamalh Ave. " USEb'fvTETS-' . $39 & UP USED Kelvinator Rplrigeralor $75 VACUUM CLEANER and APPLIANCE CENTER 121 So. 6th TU 2-0131 "SYLVAN I A TV SETS, RADIOS STEREO EQUIPMENT BEEBE'S TV & RADIO SERVICE P?29 Oregon Ave. TU 4-7529 TV'SERVICE GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR CHRISTMAS FOR INFORMATION CALL BILLY GOLDEN TV & ELECTRONICS 2507 UNITY TU 2-1259 WOW!! 5cc The New THOMAS COLOR-GLO KEY-LIGHT ORGAN TRANSISTORIZED OOUBl E KEYBOARD LESLIE SPEAKERS $499 & up AT SEWING MACHINE CENTER 14 14 E. MAIN - TU 4 6949 "ENJOY LIFE MORE WITH MUSIC" So Our Fme Selection of Ins tiurvents onit FAMOUS lowrey organs 495 up Music Lessons AvmloXe j KLAMATH , MUSIC" ! MS E Mo'i TU 4.3.1S0 Gifts for Home yni I ft: Si TU 4-4878 1 PACK I2B m HELP WANTED, MALE WANTEO experienced, derly sales man tor pari timt work. Apply at 733 t- Mam. BOYS SCHOOL AGE EARN Extra Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Crmtnrt Hra!d & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE 7U 4-8111 iHELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS AH help wanted ads published in the Herald & News are accepted In good faith that the jobs ottered are as slated in the advertising copy. We are not re sonsible for the integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject ell misleading adver tising. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading Is asked to report It to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald & News. K SITUATIONS WANTED It RETIRED mason, active, handy with tools. Blockwork a specially. Handlt any repair job, TU 4-7837. &Jirr h0' bv FOR DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE. TU M844 I3J8 Carlson Or. JACK & JILL DAY NURSERY IRONING, washing, pickup, d.llverT FAST SERVICE, TU 4-9434. IRONING TO DO IN MY HOME Mrs. Beaslev. TU 4-9936 ROOMS FOR RENT 22 MEN 134 N. 3rd, $36 per month, TU 4-6033, TU 4-9287. Mij CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 2 bli fi from Main, S5 & up, TU 4-4259. STEAM heated, clean, quiet rooms, 310 So. 5th, TU 2-0214. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 2 blocks from Main, $5 and up, TU 4-4259. COMMERCIAL Rooms - clean, com fortable, reasonable rales, $7 wk. up. Accommodations for lunch packing. Working man's rooms, lounge room with TV. 575, 539 Commercial. APARTMENTS FOR RENT .... 24 TWO bedroom unfurnished deluxe apt. newly redecorated, $B0, TU 2-6500. FURNISHED front apartment. Natur al hot water heat. Alt utilities paid except electricity. 319 E. Main Apt, 5. 2 BEDROOM furnished apt., "utilities paid, $75, TU 2 0329 before 10 after 5, see 1842 Esplanade during day. CLEAN iurnished 2 room apt., $457 utilities paid, TU 2-0329 before 10 or alter 5, see 1842 Esplanade days. FREE HEAT, 1 bedroom apt. Unfur nished except range, adults, no pels, $60. TU 4-753B. HEATED, furnished, clean, quiet. Pri vate parking, adults. 415 Walnut. COMPLETELY furnished apartment, all utilities. Mil Main. COUPLE or single person wanted. Fur nished aot. rent frpe in exchange for baby sitting, some light work, TU 4-6050 after 5. DESIRABLE uotown, turn., free heat, adults, S65, Alpha Apis., TU 4 4522. REX Arms Apts. Furnished 1 L 2 bed rooms. Heat, phone, garbage, Klam ath and Broad, 224 Broad, TU 2-9217. ATTRACTIVE 1 oedroom, furnished, hot & cold waler, close In, washing facilities, no pets. TU 4-8418. PLEASANT duplex schools, adults, unfui apt. near town, nlshed. TU 4-9803. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, Iurnished. - 3,9i0, ,,,h " Tu 21063 2 BEDROO Mpar t laTfy furni shed. 2Y2T Orchard, adults, inquire 2037 Radclllfe. ONE bedroom partly furnished apt., adults, inquire 2519 Applegate. UNUSUAL otters get response when made "Personals.1' Dial TU 4-8111 2 ROOMS furnished, utilities and wood Iurnished, adults, close to downtown, TU 4-3353. Eves., TU 4-6304. F U R N i 5 HED A P T T, of fs t ree i" park7 inq, TU 2-436 weekdays after S p.m., anytime weekends. 2 BEDROOM Iurnished apt.. 3204 Al tamonl, TU 2-6765 or TU 4-9905. 3 ROOM, (erred, no private bath, dogs.TU 2-688(1 1 AND 2 bffdroom furnished apts , adults, 1 child acceptable, low winter rales, 1143 Pine. FOUR room furnished, adults only, TU 4-6796. close in, $40, TWO bedroom furnished apt., $45. Also a 2 bedroom furnished apt., $65. Water, garbage paid, TU 4-5692. 2 ROOM furnished apt., water, gar Jsage, bachelor preferred, TU 4-6373. LOVELY 2 bedroom apartment, stove & refrigerator furnished. TU 2-1544. COZY clean furnished apt, no pets, TU 4-5334, 330 Hanks. CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Furnished. Near new OTI. Kitchens, weekly rates, carports, PELICAN MOTEL, TU 2-9256. FURNISHED studio apt., all utilities FURNISHED t bedroom duplex, elec tric heat, 362 Summers Lane. NICELY furnished, newly decorated dininq room apt. Wool ruqs. auto, wash er, mfant Ok. TU 4-3762, TU 4 3893. DOWNTOWN furnishedaparlmentTU 4-BB36 or TU 4-6300. CLEAN 4 room furnished apt., adults, water and garbage paid. TU 2-3662. HEAT paid, 1 bedroom, good location, 1800 Esplanade, TU 4 5539. $35, COUPLE or single man, 2 6460. TU CLEAN furnished one bedroom apt , water, garbage pad. TU 4-5J97, 19.17 Oregon Ave. LOW COST $16 to $60, Includes oprnirviml maintenance CONVPNIFNfF Nr- tnurn ih. Pino cr-nfers, schools, churches COMFORT 1-2-3-betiroom furnished ( hed Call tor personal interview 8 a m. to 5 p m. Mon through Fri SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS '627 Washhum Way TU 4-827 ROOSEVELT APTS. 2034 lit'Ov TU )-"4 To tifoom unfurnished Garaqe. heal. Hot Springs ea. KINGFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opti. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Drtilv, Weekly Motel Ratu TU 2-5577 LAMATH'S FINEST UNION MANOR :-.44 UNION ' 2 beflreom aoartmen's FU' " Shed or V'nuri'hed SPACIOUS ROOV5 vwl 'o wail ca'oei ng r.VlWWINC. POOL wif. garbage fU'Vi? 1IKI1 AI.I) AVI) NEWS, Klamath Falls, Orrgoj, f 16 HOUSES FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom house, fireolice. Large yard. Water, gar&age paid. $74 50. On Ogaen Streeet, TU 2-373. TWO bedroom bouse unlurnished, cou ple only, ptv TU 4-77t). TWO rent ) bedroom and 3 r sale. No pels, bedroom TU 4-3969. ONE bedroom unfurnished, close in, natural hot water heat, garbage serv ice and water, $75, adults, TU 4-4849. Ur'nished 1 bedroom, Wills Add'nT pr. TU 2-3702. THREE room furnished house and ga rage, S50, TU 2-3852. NICELY furnished 1 bedroom house close In, only $50 mo. TU 4-4756. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, close In. Water, garbage paid, 455, TU 4-9961. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom furnished." Garage, basement. Garbage, water paid. Nice yard, $100, 436 Washington, TU 4-9330. UNFURNISHED ? bedroom, water, draperies, 1624 Patterson, near Moyina, adults, no pets, TU 2-1812. 2-BEDROOM house, large garage $70; 1 -bedroom furnished apt. TU 4-5686. NICE two bedroom with garage, un furnished, 827 N. 2nd. $B0, TU 2-4732, TU 2-0924. CHARMIN G furni si hed Tbe d r oo md lT plex, wood burner, utility room, (U Upham, TU 2-3366. ONE bedroom furnished house, close In, TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. THREE bedroom house near school, 3041 Bisbee, TU 2-4289 after 5:30. TWO bedroom Add'n, lenced, 4-3770. unfurnished, Mill carport, $65, Tl TWO bedroom. Mills Add'n, unfurn ished, $50. 2142 Darrow, TU 4-6917. ONE bedroom unfurnished, water in cluded, near Weyerhaeuser, $30, T U 2-1 180. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished house, $50, TU 2-0673 Or TU 4-4484. FURNISHED 2 rooms, part utilities pd. $30, TU 2-4389, TU 2-4917. 3 ROOM furnished, electric heat, fully insulated, automatic washer, dryer, close (n, TU 2-1470. THREE bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, builtin appliances, in south suburbs, $110 per mo. TU 2-3177. CLEAN one bedroom, rage, $50. TU 4-5935. furnished, ga- 3 BEDROOM unfurnished, garage, near new OTI, TU 4-5735, TU 2-1590. MILLS Addition 2 bedroom unfurn ished duplex, $40. Inquire 2441 Eberlein. UNFURNISHED, new, 3 bedrooms, ap pliances, double, Vi baths, SI15, 1649 Siskiyou, inquire 111 Pine, TU 4-5885. TWO bedroom unfurnished, Mills Ad dition, $50, inquire 1339 E. Main. CLEAN 2 bedroom South Suburbs 5420 Delaware, TU 2-4566. CLEAN, unfurnished 2 bedroom. Fire place, St. Francis - Park. Maximum 2 children, $85, TU 2-0091. ONE bedroom furnished, shower, 622'.j Lowell, S45, TU 4-6632. CLEAN lli bedroom unlurnished, full basement, qaraqe, near KUHS. 1646 Portland, $50, TU 2-6590. 2 BEDROOM unlurnished duplex apt. 7 California Ave. $69.50, TU 4-9264. NEAT furnished one bedroom cottage near Hillside Hospital, TU 4-6773. ONE bedroom furnished house, 0 i I heal, $40. Also unfurnished apt., elec tric heat, $50, South suburbs, TU 4-7523. FURNISHED cottage, comfortable. Mills Addition, TU 4-7185. 3 ROOM furnished, water, garbage paid, $30, TU 2-0456, 1723 Oak. EXCELLENT 2 bedroom, unfurnished duplex, electric. Mills, $70 TU 2-0249. NICELY furnished 4 room house. Ga rage, washer, 914 Lincoln, TU 4-4253. CLEAN 1 bedroom partly furnished, close in, $50, 207 Eldorado, TU 2-1549. COMFORTABLE 1 bedroom furnished, easy to heat, inquire 2124 Ogden. TWO bedroom unlurnished, gas heal, basement, available Dec. IS, $85, 1025 N. 7th, TU 2-3559 days. FOR rent or sale nice 2 bedroom home on 3 acres near Air Base. Nice yard, out buildings, $65. TU 2-5088 be fore 5 p.m. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, fenced yard, garage. So. 6th area, TU 2-0212. LARGE unlurnished 2 bedroom duplex. Mills Addn. Electric heat, $85, no pets. Inquire 2338 Reclamation, TU 4-5561 after 5 p.m. or weekends. THREE bedroom unfurnished home. Close in, call TU 4-4379. TWO bedroom unlurnished, clean, 2 mi. north of town. Children, pets o.k. Water paid. $55. 702 Spruce, TU 2-6590. OR lease three bedroom unlurnished house. Living room with fireplace, l'i baths, range, oven. Close in, $125, TU 2-4664, TU 2-1683. THREE bedroom unfurnished. F I re place, electric heat, 633 St. Francis St., TU 4-5244, TU 2-04JA. THREE room partly furnished house, $35, 179 Old Fort Road, TU 2-5704. TWO bedroom, unlurnished, TU 4-4380. FURNISHED 2 bedroom, 5th, TU 4 9117. $65, 320 NO. CLEAN furnished or unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms, Garages, close in, gas. Some utilities paid, references, TU 4-8773. FURNISHED I NO. 11th, $65, t bedroom inquire 111 duplex, Pine. 729 LARGE 2 bedroom home, unlurnished, oil furnace, close to siore, $50, TU 4-8073 evenings. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, $55, 1609 Johnson, TU 4-9098. MSC PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 OFFICE Street level, across from courthouse, vacant soon, TU 2-6500. OFFICE space, UOO sqTft. Parkingfo7 7 cars. 3rd & Pine, available March, 1964. TU 4-6033. REAL ESTATE WANTED ... I WANT to buy, irrigated farm, I if desired. TU 2-4805 eve. . 28 cash 'REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 "TRADE" and SAVE TAXES For information on tox FREE Trades, call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member Infe-national Traders Club Licensed - Ore. Cal. Ida. Wash " Va.n S Tiju'i' iREAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 THREE bedrooms, carpet, oil li fenced, plus rental, TU 2-3101 THREE bedroom. Will sell or lease ,h; OPt'on. TU 2-5057. 4 BEDROOM, fireplace, arqe rooms. 1 acre. 2004 Ogden, TU 4-5398, TU 2-6C58 4' i ACRE S, 3 bedroom house, north stde. $1,700 down, TU I-O980 3 BEDROOM So. Suburban, or lease option, write Box I6J. Ashland. FOR sale by owner. Moyina Heights, i 3 bedroom, 3 yrs. old. wall to wll caroetmg in living room 8. 3 b e d i rooms, can buv for $.ooo oown. own- er will carry balance. 4331 Sage Way j TU 4-7473. HOT SPRINGS. 3 bedroom. J baths, f fireplaces, family room. Tu 4-4130 3 BEDROOM, lull basement, fenced back yard, fruit trees. 2 blocks to Mhool. excellent neighborhood, $8 500. TU 2-3311 after 6 o.m. MOVING? Licensed - Ore. Cal Ida. Wash. , W will "TRADE " VOsjr property "y. ! whert west Of ! Rockies! Call ! DEANE SACHER Realtor Vembr I -sternal ion At Traders Ocb Cal-Ore Ranches , .r0 FARM Tf RANCH S'tes Its the ROGUE RlVFR VALLEY near G'anti , Pass ryj VMiO'fl j to 80 Acres low as $ down and $2 mo'My WRITE t 'C FREE RANCH ft FARM CATA- LOG 'h phco nrt -Jescr plnn O'- O-f Ranches het -054-K S R vfvfle. Thursday, Decr-mber 5. 1963 26 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ., 30 view basement, TU 2-0570. Tl & CLOSE in 2 or 3 bedroom, fireplace, fenced yard, S9.750, TU 2-M2. "SMALL house on '.7 acre, Suburban area. Or will trade for bouse trailer. Reasonable. TU 2-4H. RURAL lot- owner-financed, for trailer, TU 2-1C6. suitable FOR sale by owner, near park in Mills 2 bedroom house Add n. No down payment. TU 2-5405. FHA appraised attractive bedroom large suburban. Fireplace, garage, lawn, fenced, shrubs ana trees, on school bus run. Buy equity or refinance. $10,200. TU 2-4978. 17S8 Arthur. BELOW APPRAISAL New 3 bedroom home In restricted res idential district. Best of construction. Natural gas hot air heat, hardwood floors, V. jbalhs, fireplace, pa ho, bifeh kitchen, lots of storage, $15,900, TU 2-2410. $300 DOWN Quick possession of Ihis 2 bedroom south suburban home within walking distance of super market. Total price $3,950, balance like rent. VERN W. EMLEY Real Estate & Insurance 2001 So. 6lh TU 2-3239 anytime DRIVE BY 4260 FARGO Lovely, large 3 bedroom, 2 bath, pum ice brick home. With much exposed brick inside and open beam ceilinqs. Circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in appliances. Carport with stor age. 80 x 120 ft. lot. Price . . . $16,500 McATEE REALTORS 330 E. Main Harold Hollls Evelyn McAfee TU 3-4646 TU 2-6BI5 TU 2-5935 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! Take a look through this 3 year urd 3 bedroom home. You'll like the UN USUAL design and arrangement. You will like the QUIET close to town lo cation. FHA appraised, $15,900. $600 down, plus closing. YOU COULD BE SETTLED IN THIS HOME BY CHRIST MAS!! WALKER REALTY 402 Main St. Stevens Hotel Office: TU 2-4154 Day or Eves. Residence: TU 2-1885 4 BIG BEDROOMS Brand new house in ELDORADO dis trict. Near new OTI. Huge living room. Big family room. 2 full baths (extra large). 2 fireplaces. Patio. Sun-deck. Completely built-in kitchen. Double ga rage. 95 x 110 lot. $23,000. Easily fi nanced. May consider trade-in for down payment. DON SLOAN For Finer Homes 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-5658 Days-Eves. MLS Multiple Lis-ring Service LOT st a few t $1,400. 52.8x110 It. ust a few blocks north of Main St. Only $1,400. COTTAGE on large suburban lot. Walkinq dis tance to stores. 2 bedroom plus ga rage with storaqe area. Terms. $7,000. REDUCED Four bedroom, suburban home. Fire place, economical oil heat, carport, qa raqe, partial basement. See it today. New price only $12,000. MOYINA Large three bedroom home featuring fireplace, built-in range & oven, large two car garage. FHA or Gl terms or will trade for pasture land. Price $17, 500. DURANT Realtor 2050 So. 6th TU 4-9832 or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday Bowl stf' Evenlnqs Bob Sorlien tu 4-7985 Ernie Graves TU 2-1396 Tina Reeder tu 4.7342 Clyde Williams TU 4-B734 MLS Multiple Listing Service ONLY $12,250 is thp total price of this newly built 3 bedroom home, circulating fire place, lenced rear yard, attached qa raqe. Excellent SUBURBAN LOCA TION. $400 down plus closing. TRADE YOUR SMALLER HOME FOR THIS SPACIOUS 2 bedroom-plus-lamily-room duplex. Live In one, let the other make the payments. Price $16,250. TERMS. $300 down plus closinq buys this well con structed 2 bedroom home In MILLS ADDITION. Attached garage, large workshop. Bargain priced at only $9,250. STILES REALTY Homer Stiles Joe Perry TU 4-9904 TU 4-5332 NO CASH DOWN! 3 BEDROOM HOMES ON YOUR LOT ... . $8900 (Choice Lots Available) Three bedroom homes. Large livlnq room, dining area Large bedrooms and closets. Nice kitchen with lovely cabinets. Tile bath and shower. All this and fully insulated tool t Work Out Closing Cost Easy Financing Payments Like Rent MODEL HOME - 4 Bedroom In Bel Air Gardens . . , THRIFTY BUILDERS ESTATE DRIVE - SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2-0436 - TU 4-5244 STILWELL & CO. Presents: DEER PLAY AT YOUP DOOR in th.s at'r sctive home on LAKESHORE DRIVE 2 acres of oark-iih grounds assu-e vou privacy and a perfect eM.ng (or the good 3 bedroom home which has a laroe living room wi'h fireo'ace and beautiful view t'om eve'y w-nqow. The't is a futt basement with nw e,i furnace. Grounds attractively lanascaped. Workshoo K small barn for slxk Price $i7.5O0. 3 BEDROOM IN HOT SPRINGS dost to town. Living room 8, sec -at fl-ning room w.tH double OeD.are Ru'M-m fc'irhf n eoDi'ancts Large carport. Tri-s modern homf up. P'ied to' JIT WQ Out f tpwn wn. er win consioer reasonable oer Stilwell&C o. 319 Ma i S' Bea ters TU 4-J'34 After 4 M CHI: BriXf ft-nhiV TU 4 lit tt no iniwer caM TU 4 7X4. TU 1 u444 RE AL ESTATE JO SAU 30 t IMMACULATE 3 bedroom. Double" garcge, tarpenng, wjin-tn appliances, fireplace, corner lot, view of lekt. 40 AAt. Pit, TU 4-9B74. HOT Springs, good older 3 home. 11,000 equity, will terms. TU 2-549I. bedroom consider FOR SALE two bedroom suburban home, dininq room and large garage. Carpeting, fireplace, aluminum storm doors and windows. $10,750. Ph. TU 4-8651. "greensprings drTve. Close to' Weyerhaeuser and Fairheven School Very well built two bedroom house, full 900 sq. ft. plus closed service porch on fully fenced neat lot. Lawn, trees and shrubbery. House only 6 yean old Well worth the price Of $9,000. Showri by appointment only. NORTH5IDE on 50 x 100 ft. lot. One bedroom, dining room, kitchen, living room and bath. Very good location, on paved street with sidewalks. Full price $4,750, $600 down, $50 per month. Own er will carry papers. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broksr 1004 Main TU 1-3,71 Jim O'Donahu, Eves. TU 4-9693 STROUT REALTY 5429 S. 6th PH. TU 4-5281 EVENINGS CALL Bob & Stella Oehlinger TU 2-5601 Hank Holman TU 2-5041 ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom, fireplace, forced air furnace, dead end street. New reduced price $9,500. ONE third acre. Henley School. Large 3 bedroom. Fireplace, dining room, attached garage plus separate work shop and lots of storage space. $15, 950. 2 ACRES, Henley District. Three bedrooms, fireplace, lots of privacy on this dead end street. $10,500. 90 ACRES irrigated. Klamath Basin showplace. All ground and buildings highly improved. $75,000. MLS Multiple Listing Service $3750 Two bedroom lor the THRIFTY. Has economical gas heater and range. Fenced yard, detached garage and workshop PLUS '-a acre. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB NEW LOCATION: 1213 MAIN TU 2-6351 ANYTIME Parking Next To Klamath Flower Shop Evenings Dan Homlell TU MOOR Mildred Hall TU 4-8576 MLS Multiple Listing Service LAKESHORE DRIVE WITH 2 ACRES Country living on the edqe of town and on Upper Klamath Lake. One acre of meadow for horses or other stock and one ol hillside with hrVne and view. You can ride all day long from fhis place and not get on pavement. The home has three bedrooms, living room, bath, kitchen on first floor with den and fruit room In the full basement. Storage, shop and two car garage in basement also. Heated by McPherson forced air lurnace. Wide paved drive way. Lois ol living for $21,500. TRADES - TRADES We have several homes on which people will take a smaller home in trade. If YOU want that better home try us nowll PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5149 Eveninqs "Pat" Palone TU 2-0836 Al House TU 2-7088 Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 SFT Presents' $49,500 Ten acres plus 3200 sq. tt. split level home. Living room 19 j' x 28' Kitchen 14' x 15' 3 bedrooms 12' r x 24", 12' x 13, and 10' i x 14' party room 18' i' x 28' 2nd kitchen adja cent to parly room on lower level 14' x 19' one double garage above and one single garage below hardwood kitchen cabinets, built-in appliances, dishwasher, garbage disposal 3 full baths covered patio above open patio below domestic water well. Am enities inciude swimming pool, superb view and quiet seclusion. This lovely home will accommodale a very large tamily. Plenty ol room In one bedroom for 3 double beds. Owners will consid er other real estate in trade. $25,000 1 acre 1950 sq. ft. home. Living room 29' x 20' separate dining zoom 14' x 16' kitchen 12' x 16' 3 bed rooms 16' x IB', 14' X 14' and 14' x 14' 2 lull baths utility with buiitins IP j' x 14' truit room olf ulilily 6' x 10'. Hardwood kitchen cabinets, built in stove, double oven, food mixer with attachments and combo, relrlg. and deep freeze plus garbage disposal. City waler, suburban sewer and paid up Ir rigation rights. Owner will reluctantly consider small 2 bedroom as down payment. Mills Addition!! Neat and clean 2 bedroom home. Close 1o schools and shopping. Com pletely fenced with redwood lence. Ex cellent neighborhood. Priced at $9,500. TUCKER d Real Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Hank Hansen TU 2-3101 evei. (Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 eves. MLS Multiple Listing Service JUST LISTEOir-ARTISTIC, ENG LISH STYLE 2 STORY 3-BEDROOM HOME, with full masonry basement. Soacious living and dinmg roems, sep arate breakfast area, 1' baths, oil pmed heal. Attractive 6 x 200 lot BEST BUY IN CLOSE-IN RIVERSIDE ST. AREA AT $15,750. EASY FHA OR Gl TERMS. PRICE CUT $1,000!! WAS $I3,S00; NOW $12,500, FOR QUICK ACTION Masonry I bedroom home on Shasta ' Way, wlh almost 1 jtcrt of rich, irn- gated land. Fireplace, large utility. covered oatio, sturdy smaller barn j YOU CAN'T GO WRONG HERE; E Z FHA OR Gl TERMS; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. HAVE CASH BUYER for well-built 2 or 3 bedroom home. In I He"?v t.chonl District. WITH 1 to S , ACRES GOOD GROUND Wants to Re withm a few m,ies of Henley School, Will go $"0,000 to $13,000 for right orop. erty PLEASE CONTACT US IMME DIATELY. Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US INSURANCE TOO 111 N X-, pM tu ,.,, Moorrr"H 1 U $) Bf Ch.Hc!,. -T." w O'