.,.,-' ... . .. if '"" T I .AND NOW MtKir u, ... - ... ww, w iviia. wioiii wniwti l Cl,ll I ly Lli Mapril Combs until her discharge Nov. 22, at left, shows the Air Force uniform she wore while serving as person nel officer at Kingsley Field. With more leisure time Mrs. Combs now turns her attention to music which she stud led at University of Oregon, her alma mater. She will Congress Reluctant On Bills WASHINGTON (LTD - The next three weeks may be cru cial in the making of a record for the first session of the 88th Congress. Action on the two most im portant bills of the session a tax cut and civil rights legis lation rests with the Senate Finance and the House Rules Committees. They must act be fore an expected Christmas re cess 'Dec. 22 i( Congress is to vote on the programs early in im. President Kennedy had call ed for their passage this year, but even before his assassina tion it was obvious neither would be approved before 1964. It is unlikely that President Johnson will be able to alter the situa tion. 1 The Senate Finance Commit tee was to begin its last week of hearings on the House-passed bill to reduce federal taxes by $11 billion and reform the inter nal revenue code. Closed - door consideration of the bill by the committee will follow w ith pres sure expected to be exerted on members to finish their work and have the measure ready for a Senate vote in January. PRE - CHRISTMAS FMGIDAIRE fe ' s ONLY r I Aw1 HE51- J AM Get This Bonus Gift - FREE! FREE BONUS GIFT. U picct Qun Mri SHEET AND T0W1L SIT if you purthjs and install a nw FLAMELESS ELECTRIC MYER between October M and December U from this local Cat 'Ore Electrical League Dealer $24.95 Value Subject to cor.d'1'Ons of dryer This is C!Ort Electrical league sponsored Offer. Visit Buy the Pair Cascade c.ni r u, n.. 1 1 Backers Of Goldwater Deny Political Shift WASHINGTON (LPH - The Goldwater for president camp is shrugging off claims that its candidate has been badly hurt by political shifts caused by the death of President Kennedy. It is preparing to drive ahead even though its candidate, Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona, has shied away from any com ment of a political nature since President Johnson replaced Ken nedy in the White House. Gold water has not declared himself a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. Goldwater backers answer questions as to whether tlieir candidate has been weakened with arguments of their own, such as: He still has far more, na tional convention delegates in sight than any potential rival. Goldwater has a large corps of dedicated followers ready to ring doorbells and raise money with more zeal than any cam paign organizations which might be built for other possible can didates. Although Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York is an announced contender, the oppo sition to Goldwater still has not agreed on a candidate. Assuming that Johnson will be the 1964 Democratic nominee the Goldwater partisans are ready to admit that they are playing in a new ball game but plus No-Heat Cycle: Wrinkles-oway drying for all Wash & Wears. Porcelain enameled drum is smooth as glass , , . won't snag or tear even the most delicate fabrics. Model DDA-64 4 colors or white $24. M V.I., purchase as posted with this dealer. h.m today! for Only $366 iWith Trades J Vcrn Owens' Home Furnishings is n play the French horn as a member of the Klamath Sym. : ..,.,t T....J... n., i .i k:ll. cl I a..j: iiviij iii iiuunoi lyuivpfi wv, tit a, itiiii ji,iiwui nuui torium. Tickets are available from Derby's Music Store, Bowden's Music Store, the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce, Mary Bothwell at First Federal Savings and Loan, or at the door before the 8 p.m. concert time. they are not ready to abandon their chosen captain. If and when Goldwater be comes an active candidate, he already has the framework of a national campaign organization. A start has been made toward selling up a national headquar ters in a hotel adjacent to the Senate' office buildings. It is un der the direction of Denison Kitchol, a Phoenix, Ariz., attor ney and an old friend of Gold water. Kik-liel officially is manager of Goldwater's campaign for re election to the Senate and un officially a coordinator of na tional political activities. Two tasks undertaken by Kitchol are research and the enlistment of expert advisers for Goldwater from college cam puses. He also is keeping an eye on the work of the National Draft-Goldwater Committee, an organization set up last April. Goldwater has disclaimed any responsibility for the draft com mittee. APPROVE RATIFICATION BONN (UPI) The upper House of the West German Parliament Friday unanimously approved ratification of the partial nuclear test ban treaty. The lower House is expected to follow suit before the Christ mas recess. SPECIAL! Dries Breeze Fresh! New 4-position fobric dial MATCHING FRIGIDAIRE WASHER Model WDA-64. Only With Trade Giant 12-Lb. Tub! 1 American Slain By Guerrillas iUPU-One U.S. soldier was killed and another seriously wounded in a Communist guer rilla ambush Sunday night near the Cambodian border, a U.S. military spokesman said today. Nine South Vietnamese troops also were wounded in the clash, the second serious encounter be tween government and Viet Cong forces within a few hours Sunday. In the first battle, also near the Cambodian border, the Com munists killed, wounded, or cap tured the entire garison of a government outpost before be ing driven off. The guerrillas lost an esti mated 50 men in tlic six hours of fighting but 42 of the 60 troops defending the outpost were killed, and 15 to 20 of their wives and children also died. The American casualties brought to 113 the number of U.S. combat deaths since large scale assistance to Soulh Vict Nam began in January, 1961. The death toll from all causes now is 141. Names of the two U.S. serv icemen were being withheld pending notification of relatives. The spokesman said they were riding in the cab of a truck in a two-vehicle convoy and the guerrillas set off a mine under it. The Americans were accom panying a Vietnamese troop convoy in the border area about 115 miles west of Saigon. WANTS KENNEDY COIN WASHINGTON (UPI) Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez, D-Tex., wants Congress to authorize a new 50-ccnt piece commemorat ing President John F. Kennedy. His measure, submitted Fri day, proposes that the coins be sold at a premium and that the profits be used for erection of a monument to Kennedy in Washington. The greyhound w as not named for its color but for the Iceland ic word "grey" which means "dog." 'SHOW USE Putting Off Winter PROTECTION Don't wait until the little wom an gets you up at midnight to clow out thow cold winter drafts. Fix yourself soma low cost storm windows out of Varp'i H.EX-O-CLASS. It's racy! Just rut with shears . . . tack over screens or frame. You'll be snug and warm all winter long and nave up to 40 on fuel costs. Warp's genuine, trystal-clear FI.EX-O-CLASS lasts for years at a fraction the cost of glaaa. Only H7( a square yard at your local hardware or lumber dealer. Friends Questioned In Death Of Actress HOLLYWOOD (LPH De. tecuves questioned friends and neighbors of actress Karyn Kupcinet today in an effort to track down (lie killer who strangled her with such force that a bone in her neck was broken. The county coroner said an autopsy indicated Miss Kupci net died "by manual strangu lation." Her nude body was found in her apartment Satur day night by friends. Those questioned Sunday in cluded the persons known to have last talked with the 22-year-old actress Wednesday night, including her former boy friend, actor Andrew Prine of the "Wide Country" television scries. Lt. George Walsh said two others, free lance writer Ed ward Steven Rubin. 22, and actor Robert Hathaway, 24, were the last ones lo see Miss Kupcinet. Both told deputies they left her apartment before 'midnight when site apparcd to be getting sleepy as they watched television. .11 (fi Gone are the days when every homemaker was a weather - watcher on washdays! Gone are the days of back-breaking washday drudgery - dragging heavy wet clothes outside to a clothesline to dry . . . Gone, matter of fact, is washday! With an electric clothes dryer, any day, any weather, any time is washday . . . and it's all as easy as turning a dial! With an electric clothes dryer, you ... viALTZTH RO UGNj WAl 2 H DAY . . . and dry your clothes gentler, smoother, and faster as well! B & B Radio & Electric TU 2-4434 Cascade Home Furnishings TU 4-8365 Eastside Appliance TU 4-8886 Home Appliance Company TU 4-8183 J. W. Kerns TU 4-4197 Uhlig's FREE ! pp M This effar Is good only on new dryers instilled in tha homes of metered cintomers of COPCO Division, Pacific Powsr 4 Light Company; Klamath Falls, lakt view, and Alturss Districts of Central Division, Pacific Powtr & Light Company; City of Ashland, Douglas Electric Cooperative, and Surprise Valley Electrifica tion Corporation. "Whoever did it got a three, day start on us," said Walsh. He said that a house-to-house check would be made of the neighborhood. The three men and a fourth, actor William Mamches, 23, an other friend of tlic dead girl, were given lie detector tests, according to sheriff's Sgt. Carl Vaughn. He suid such tests were "almost routine" under such circumstances. He said Mamches. Rubin and Hathaway had met Miss Kupcinet through Prine. All four were allowed to go home after being questioned, Vaughn said. Prine and the young actress had recently decided "not lo see one another so often," he said. He is divorced from ac tress Sharon Farrcll. Miss Kupcinet, the daughter of Chicago newspaper colum nist Irv Kupcinet, of the Sun Times, was found by actor Marl: Goddard, 27, who plays the role of a detective on Rob ert Taylor's television series, "The Detective." WASHDAY HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Protection WASHINGTON UP1 - The House was expected lo move swiftly today to approve a bill that would provide temporary Secret Service protection and other benefits to President Ken nedy's widow and children. The bill was introduced only last Friday by Rep. Tom Mur ray. D-Tenn., chairman of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee. 1 Under an cxisLng law, enact ed in 1936. Mrs. Kennedy is en titled to a 110.000 annual pen sion for the rest of her life. Murray's bill would author ize: Lifetime franking privileges for Mrs. Kennedy, enabling her to send mail postage free. Tlie General Services Ad ministration to provide her with office space for six months at a place to be selected by her, and up to $50,000 for employ ment of a stuff. Secret Service protection or her and her two children for one year, with at least two agents assigned to the family. Government payment of ex penses arising from the Presi dent's death, including under reBflCu goes Merit's Montgomery Ward & Co. - Sears Roebuck & Company Shaffer Electric Tower Furniture TU 2-5512 m u.iian a ii - issrwsw' in. eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaraaaaasaaaasssassiessssses Beautifully gift wrapped in three separate boxes, these colorful sets, from J. P. Stevens & Company, are yours as a gift with your purchase of an electric clothes dryer from a Col Ore Electrical League dealer before December 14th. Use them to add exciting beauty to your own bed room and bath - use them as gifts to friends. See the Queen Marie gift set displayed by your favorite Cal Ore Electrical League dealer. Retail value: $24.95. ...YOURS Falls, Orcfoa Monday, December S, 1963 Asked For Family taker fees aitd transportation. Other congressional news: Cutis: The Senate Commerce Committee is reported ready to approve Sen. Thomas J. Dodd's bill to prevent criminals and juveniles from purchasing guns through the mail once it gets Justice Department approval. Dctkl. a Connecticut Democrat, amended the measure after President Kennedy's assassina tion to extend the prohibition to rifles, similar to the $12.78 Italian-made weapon used to kill the Chief Executive in Dallas. Taxes: Tlie Senate Finance Committee begins its last week of hearings on tlie House-passed $11 billion tax cut measure. Closed-door consideration of the stalled bill by the committee will follow with pressure ex pected to he exerted on mem bers lo finish their work and have the measure ready for a Senate vote in January. Fallout Shelters: Army Chief of Staff Gen. Earle G. Wheeler and Stuart L. Pittman, assist ant secretary of defense for civil defense, were to testify as IS A WALTZ IIILEGTTESDG TU 4-4478 TU 4-3188 TU 2-4481 TU 2-5503 See fhe latest models displayed TU 48858 y y0iir 'avor"e Co,for Electrical league dealer. 16-piece Queen Marie SHEET AND TOWEL SET ABSOLUTELY FREE! PAGE t a Senate armed services sub committee) begins hearings on a House-passed bill to provide $19 million toward construction of fallout shelters in schools, hos pitals and other non-profit insti tutions. NOW GOING ON! LUCAS DECEMBER STORE-WIDE SALE Furniture Floor Coverings Lamps ALL REDUCED! Terms to suit YOU! LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main ei.' J 412 Main Ph. TU 4-8365