fceta Siqma jPld dafvacade Of asliionS J?l (DuhtanJing. aii jSocia? vent X) o By Helen Bechen Herald and Newi Sunday, Dec. I, 1963 1 . . K Over 300 women of the Klamath Bat In attended the 'annual Beta Sigma Phi tea and fashion show, this year a "Cavalcade of Fashion" put on by the National Cotton Council and McCali's Patterns. Ruth O'Harra, right above, general chairman of the event, chats with Kay Han sen who was commentator for the fashion revue which was held in the ballroom of the Winema Hotel on Nov. 16. Pour guests at right look over clever programs whose covers were black with ' white cutout dress forms. Left to right are Mrs. Gus Vlahos, Mrs. John Ferm, Mrs. ; Margaret Arnold and Mrs. Brooks Dicker-man. Doralyn Bocchi, above left, in charge of tea arrange ments, was .assisted by Ann Rinehart, center, and Doris Christian. For decora-lions, the table was centered with chrysanthemums in rich fall shades, flanked by yellow tapers and ceramic birds in complementary colors. IS -v. Watching the show, below, left to right are Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs. Ivan Kesterson and Mrs. Minnie Applegate. 1 'A , 4 Charming little model at left, Taralee Hamilton, shows her fall outfit to Lorraine Rasmus-sen. Photos by Guderian IV. B, I c . 'lit ' 4 JuSr Vs. (I ' ,4 ' Programs are given out at left by Dorothy Malley and Alice Badley to Betty Thiem and Vir ginia McGaughey. At right, Barbara Roufs admires dress worn by model Debbie Baker. Decor for the occasion was ap propriate to the show with dress forms draped with new fall ma terials and on a backboard for the models'' entrance were pinned patterns and tewing ac cessories. All materials for dec orations were shown by Miller's Store. Models walked among the tablet while Helen Crapo played back ground music at the organ. 4 hr J vMrf ? liV m