1 --i ...... ; -.--w. ' ar 1 . a wn: 50 DIFFERENT PERFUMES FOR $2 Pick your ideal scent from SO bottlettes of famous imported French perfumes. Way below individual cost. Real value. Gift-boxed, tt plus 35, tax and handling. Paris Imports, 887 tnd Ave., N.Y. 17, N.Y. FOR THE CAPTAIN and his first mate striking black cotton slipovers with embossed white lettering. Salty looking; wear 'em ashore for lounging. Specify sizes S, M, L. Pair, $8.98 ppd. Palms Co., 6701 N.W. 37th, Miami 47, Fla. Weekend Shopper By SUSAN PAINE STAY IN TRIM Automatic "roll-over" hair trimmer gives barbershop results. Safe, non-electric, no exposed blades. With instructions, $3.95 ppd. John Sur rey, Dept. -C-72, West Hempstead, N.Y. B A ANYONE CAN DRAW w l lit iuis luagii. nil itc- producer. Focus it on any subject and follow the lines of the "picture image" reflected on paper. Reduces, enlarges photo, person, map, etc. $1.98. Norton, Dept. FW-113, 296 Broadway, N.Y. 7, N.Y. 2 tg8r J id, iuaA- - aW . CIGARETTE LIGHTER is elec tric, works on 2 standard penlite batteries, nee no flint or fluid doubles as a handy flashlight. Comes in handsome gold-tone metal case. Each, 98!; 2 for $1.89 ppd. Nancy Ellen, AJ-68 Spencer Bldg., Atlantic City, NJ. PERUVIAN MAS- KAP protects en tire head from winter's worst. Hand knit (no 2 alike) by Andes Indians; rolls up to make cap. Specify man, woman, child. Free catalog. $3.98. Hobi, Dept. FW-11. Flushing 62, N.Y. ELECTRIC TRAIN SET is battery operated, f comes complete with locomotive, r coal car, log-car- rying car with logs, caboose, circular track, punchout signs, etc. 21-piece set is a buy. $2.98 ppd. Bargain Trains, Dept. FW, Box 50939, New Orleans, La. MONOGRAMMED BEER GOBLETS hold a big 15 ozs.; hollow stems; hand-cut Old-Eng-lish monogram. Give initial. A nice gift. Set of 4, $3.45; 2 sets, $6.75 ppd. Alexander, 140-FW Marbledale, Tuckahoe, N.Y. BEAD NAME BRACELET, linked by simulated pearls, spells child's first name. Blue beads for boy, pink for girl. Print name. State if for adult, child, teen wrist. With golden heart, $2. Elane, Dept. FW, 285 Market St, Newark, NJ. BE TALLER Add a full . 2" to your ; height Foam ' rubber . and ! felt shoe pads quickly slip into any shoe, invisibly make you 2" taller. Sizes S (up to 8) and L. Pair, $2.98 ppd. Spencer Gifts, AJ-68 Spencer Bldg., Atlantic City, NJ. CERAMIC PIGGY BANKS are imprinted with either "For My Mink Coat" or "For My Cadillac" (specify). Plump and saucy, these gay fellows dare you to leave 'em empty. Each, $125 ppd. Ban Sales, Dept. FW-10, 342 Madison Ave, N.Y. 17, N.Y. Si 100 NETS are rub ber coated. Use them as mark ers, to attach notes to metal surfaces, just plain doodling. 100 magnets, $1.20 ppd. A.L.K., Dept. FW, 415 S. Broadway, Yonkers, N.Y.. Weekend Shopper items are NOT advertising. If products shown are not available at stores, order from sources listed. Now you can buy thousands of U. S. Government ssrplus Hems lor as little as 2 and 3 cents on the dollai. direct from the Government, is so many others have done. There are more thai ISO toverameat surplus depots located throughout the country. Some surplus merchandise avail Me tree! Our bif new catalog has complete information: merchandise available, the depots, buying procedure, etc. nus eatatofl, yea see eaa take advawiaaa el tsa eeeastst I aspa.t ll to Wy as T of riiium Ho ZZZ SELLING FOR ONLY A FRACTION OF ORIGINAL COST! THOUSANDS OP TOMS AVARABU at lew, lew imptm prina. SeUing prices everaie 1 J M to 10 of original cost. Don't wait, order vow catalog - M m--aa today only 1 00 TYHCAt MMPttf. SAL! ftrCtS: -tar, Nl 1 11 Can PkvhMM iSUrlPlitt KARQAIIff DEPT. FW-1 1 If. O, BOX S14M-PJCW ORLEANS M, LA. Enclosed is SI. 00. Send both Catalan .mmrf.iai VmM. u..r tM postpaid. $1.00 will be refunded if I am not satisfied Iyi""Ml'il"' yplMii si Fawar Stow tt 1M hU flrJii - I "Nw 1964" Calendar Bonks GIVE YOU 51 ,000" EffortlessM Para! a at Caleaa'ar aaJoi Raa It May. laaart v a MUST aa a"allr r ata lap art. ! , aaaaaJja MM la Baaraa. PSUHT auues mm mmr U.U ar U.Bttl B. far ete.ao. 4 . STAT 4 If c4Ca.S.4(m. PROUD OF YOUR DOOR? Let US beautify and Identify your doorbell or door with thto Impressive soUd brass en raved nameplste. J1, In. lonp. Your bum sranrUy encraved to script. Honey back If not dVllthted. Solid brman acre Included. Pull price 11.00. Sorry no C O D 'i We ablp In 3 days, liall to: Slaia KarmrtMc Cav 114 8 til 8U. Daee . niuuam. Hrm&ak RUBBEI STAMP PXIRTEK 2 for $1 compute m hv?-a&mJI The msm etawrl a OTt-S MM 1st ' as-e5sElFi eaeb by etbarS . jaJaait- - -fL bKLJ UMfai i-c . i. .-; VSSi Mm. UMa. Airy 1-IIm m,t to u totun. with nlf.Mlai VMM mm. Mm IM: 1 uti (. t.t $i.m): m $i.JS: BOLD UfETV PI MM la MM aar bhwM or nwalcr. ! I . I ktur MHIM MMlfallr mutitciL 1 la lane, rail Brlca tl.M aadL Maoea Dark If Dot Wa ataja la dari. alaU to: LOIN oaaitaviMa CO. I4 MUIH IT.. PUIIOH , II.LIII0I1 AN DO YOU DREAM OF YOUTH? "tflrtfW-Uava coa hasp rtaaso dfatatsas OBSria lrv far eajproaUaaHlr 93 of woman vr 40. OtariicDlaY-fafervafi CnbsoetiSaly ecifa foe avasi sha ajoet super esaifitlve) -Alvat. MafaSYawcA eajew oxtaa. Ma aaaaarfa. Ma C.O-O.'a. UaaMad taaaa arfar ol aMa prkas 4. (rial aha, a.J.JIi t aaat ond laoltinQa Sand) diack oc moaay onssr foi AOE-W1SE COSMETICS, Daa. 11 1 Warlk II. fca fianiliii, Cataiala MIU ON COSTLY PHONE I rvrruriAtira 3 coaruTEiv ranTuu in nil "omuui" TIlEPfWME EXTUtlOM COM J Sajl U4 Mc Mltaaa tlUBMlM IS' PHONC EXTENSION CO0 COMP1ETE WITH MIIII-IN PIUO t JACK. W ATMPIOOr SNAtl- PROOf . PEKTECT FO POOl, PATIO. HOME, Off rCI Ot WOP Standard falaplaora plvai $1.50 aa. Srondord falaphoaa ock (1.80 ao tTMHUS KM MM1 miTTMC ttuuiai M mtM MB IS IS A4I.Hrarala( a .SOfaraastajaClr Z WI CAMY A COMF1 ETC 1INE Z OP ANTIQUE A MODERN TELEPHONES WIITE FOt CATAIOOUE FW J i, CONTINENTA1 t Telephone Supply Co., Inc $ $49 W. 48 SL, N.Y. 31. N.Y. IT 1-1286 BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS ta "Loooay tyrHfit " k Daw aaay to aaiatac padalkal apart lor younatra (aa4 aidaura. iaol. Davaiopa aaordlaalMa. and tiaatoc ... a tirUI to fHda aloa oa tbia oaa anMaW ejrda . . . aaajiaa Iriaada' aouaanaaL TSa Looaar rra k aUirdilr boiH. Boat adjuala ap aaa aoaa far arioo lat laaftla-baaglifaUr Waaat. Taa aaateMac balaaran poaa katp m Mara. af all aniara DbMra' Clab aa4 AMarieaa 14 UlaMHaanra. OaatpOO. Ha Tart 8.. . rmUy WetUy, Prointxr I, INI