Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 01, 1963, Page 57, Image 57

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or money
back from
Only Blue Jav
can make this
3-dav ffuarantee
be rid of corns with Blue Jay.
Nunc Flndi Rtlief From
Itching Agony of Ecxmt
"f Buffered from the itching, burning
agony of eczema without any im
provement, although treated by the
best consultants in skin diseases",
writes a Registered Public Health
Nurse. "Then I tried RESINOL
Ointment the results were miracu
lous! It gave me my first real relief."
Remember this quickly relieve itch
ing and burning of pimples, piles or
hemorrhoids, also promote healing of
dry eczema, chafing, chapping, many
other skin irritations with soothing
Ami rVfef Yr Skim Dittnstl
T?D T7T7 Sample. Write ltosinol,
r Dept. FW3, Balto. 1. Md.
Every Week
there is Family
Reading in
Try casy-lc-lake DOLCIN Tablets fur
moderate pains of Arthritis, Rhcu
matism or Muscular Aches whenever
thcyoccur. Follow directions. Prompt
Lovely V4 sera liies la Central Florida hilb,
lake, grow arcs V495. no money down. S10
mojua S makes from famous Rainbow
Soma Elactrictly, phone 22 mikes to
Quo Coast Fish, bunt Invest or retire.
FREE color folder Write Dept. 320- R
Rainbow Park, Box 321, OCALA, Florida.
AD62O70 X) (O)
Nowl Ton can it the fast relief you need
from nanini backache, headache and
muscular acbca and pains that often cause
rtelleaa nlahta and miserable tired-out
feeiinca. When these discomforts come on
with over-nertion or stress and strain
you want relief want H fartt Another
disturbance may be mitd bladder irritation
follow inc wrong food and drink of ten set.
ting up a resllesa uncomfortable feelintr.
Duan'a Pills work fast In X separate
mys: l.byspeedy paln-rrllevlnr. action to
rase torment of najrving backache, head
aches, muscular achea and pains, , by
to6hi( effect on bladder irritation. S. by
mild diuretic action tending to Increase
output of the 16 miles of kidney tubes,
Knjoy a td n tent's sleep and the
nam happy relief millions have for orer
AO years. Kor convenience, ask for the
large site. iei uuan s film today I
Talk to
Me About
IN 1935, Errol Flynn shot to stardom in a
swashbuckling epic called "Captain Blood."
Three years ago, Errol's son, Sean, then 19,
was signed to star in a sequel to his father's
famous movie, "The Son of Captain Blood."
The film is about to be released in the U.S. In Europe,
it already has made quite a splash and so has Sean.
I had heard he was the spitting image of his late father,
if not in appearance at least in behavior, and I was curi
ous to find out if this was true if I could only locate him.
Nobody seemed to know where he was hiding out. But,
finally, after several transatlantic cables, I received this
wire: "Sean can be reached co Yacht Zacca, Club Nau
tico, Palma de Majorca."
This was only the beginning of an incredible exchange
of telegrams. To make sure I wouldn't fly thousands of
. T "eeaJw"jB'TJj
- .
miles for nothing, I wired Sean to confirm how long he
would be in Majorca. The first response read: "Sean, si;
Errol, no; in Palma until 15 August." He meant that he
was willing to talk about himself but not his father.
To double check that he would be there when I arrived,
I sent another cable. His reply: "Come quick or I'll get an
ulcer." Before I boarded the plane, he dispatched a third
wire: "Robert Burns." Unfortunately, I wasn't able to
figure out that he wanted me to bring him some cigars.
I wasn't sure what Sean looked like, but when I walked
out of the customs building at Palma, I instinctively knew
that the six-foot, three-inch, bronzed, well-built, curly
haired guy with the cocky smile could be no one else.
He piled my luggage into the back seat of a tiny, badly
smashed-up Fiat and, beckoning a gorgeous 19-year-old
girl said, "I'd like you to meet a little friend of mine."
Then the three of us were off on the wildest ride I've
ever taken in my life. As he maneuvered the curves on
Family WHkly. ZcmbT 1, 1MJ