HERALD AM) NEWS. Klamath SUBURBAN . y 1 F DISTRICT IX Jti?Jiy4, M - J- . ' wvfi j .t;, .. ' i -1 I 'vT V-" v v , - , - ft" S V V. ,Vd Hi ....; jUtir.MUiwr- in -.! FIREMEN'S BALL PLANNED Suburban F re Department firemen Monday evening will begin jelling tickets to the annual Firemen's Ball, to be held New Year's Eve in the National Guard Armory on Shasta Way. F.remen will canvass the South Suburban area in a fire truck to sell the tickets, priced at $l each. Here, firemen Rudy Brown, left, and Paul Lewis display the tickets beside the truck to be used in the canvassing operation. Rescuers Watch Helplessly As Storm And Fire Sink Surplus Cutter Killing 4 CHARLESTON, S. C. i UPI ) The Navy Saturday picked up ttie only survivor from a sur plus Coast Guard cutler which caught fire in a raging storm and sank with five persons aboard while rescue planes cir cled helplessly overhead. The 83 - foot former cutter Judy was purchased about a month ago by Armand Colberg, a 63-year-old California truck line owner who "wanted to get back to the sea." Colberg, of Long Beach, and his 62-year-old wife died when the ship sank on its maiden voyage Friday nitrht. So did the radioman, identified only as "Jim," and George Donald Kidd 21. of Paramount, Calif., an other crewman. A searchlight aboard the sub marine rescue ship Petrel spot ted Robert Stanton, 33. of Nor folk, Va., held barely out of the waves by his lifejacket about midnight. Near him. floating face down, was the body of Kidd, who died half an hour before help came. Thompson Says Wife Knew About Mistress MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. UPI T. Eugene Thompson still fac es his greatest ordeal defend ing his private life against the hammering of a prosecutor who SUNDAY KLAMATH ART GALLERY, 1 to 5 p.m., Christmas auction and sale, works by Basin ar tists. MONDAY MANZAX1TA SOCIAL CUB, 7:30 p.m., meeting, Lois Mur phy, 54B7 Villa Dr. ELLALONA CHAPTER, DAR. 7:30 p.m., dessert. 8 p.m. meeting. First Methodist Cliurch. Guest night. KLAMATH POMONA officers' Midland Communitij. Caicndar V GRANGE, 7:30 installation pia :30 p.m. uactice. Grange Hal KENO LADIES. 7:30 volleyball. Keno gym. p.m., BETHEL 61. Job s Daughters. 7 p.m., Scottish Rite Temple. Election of officers. NOW! IN ANSWER TO POPULAR DEMAND Ponderosci Room OPEN Sunday Evenings 3:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. For Your Dining Pleasure! Paul Bunyan Coffee Shop Open Each Doy (ex cept Saturday) serving hearty breoMosts and delicious lunches. WILLARD HOTEL 205 Main Street Falli. Oregon Sunday. Dmmbtr 1, 19M "It was hell." said Stanton after the Petrel brought him back to Charleston. "All one big nightmare." When the Judy went down Friday niglit 50 miles from here, he said, "winds were gusting up to f0 miles an hour, and waves were more than 30 feet high." Friday morning, the cutler began having trouble with its twin generators. "Without them we couldn't pump the bilges," Stanton said. The Judy radioed for help and maintained radio contact with ships and planes through out the day as the crew worked to save her. "Then we had an engine ex plosion," Stanton said. "It was minor, but with the amount of fuel aboard we realized it would be necessary to jump." Airplanes circled over the stricken ship. The towering waves kept them clear of the cutter and made it impossible to successfully drop pumps. Stanton and Kidd ran below says he masterminded the slay ing of his wife. Tlie dimple-checked criminal attorney took the stand in his own defense Friday and told the murder trial jury that his health improved "remarkably" after telling his wife about an affair with another wenun. . He said he made a clean breast of the affair to his heiress wife. Carol, 34. who was bludgeoned and slabbed to death in their 1 home, March 6. The prosecution, which claims Thompson plotted the slaying to collect more then $1 million in insurance he had taken out on Carol's life and to start a new life with his paramour, will probably present rebuttal wit nesses when the trial resumes Monday. The case was expected to go to the jury of six men and six women sometime this week. Thompson, under direct exam ination by his defense attorney, Hyam Segell, said his wife was a "very fine, lovely woman." He said they got along well and that when he linally decided to tell her about his affair with sultry divorcee Jacqueline Die sel, his wife already knew about it. ANTI-SIOIX Fort Niobrara, near Valen tine. Neb., was huilt in 1830 to keep the Sioux Indians in line after they were moved to their permanent reservations in South Dakota. PAGE- M I to get Mrs. Colberg and the ra dio operator. There they found a man fuel tank had burst, spilling 6(H) gallons of gasoline amidships. The fumes were deadly. Stanton said Airs. Colberg was hying on a bunk in the gal ley. Holding his breath, he dashed in and shook her. He could not wake her. The radio operator was slumped over in the chartroom and "the fumes were so strong we couldn't even enter there," Stanton said. "Right then, we didn't hesi tate. The three of us (Stanton. Colberg and Kidd' tied our selves together and jumped overboard. pi ; i as, .sen . r I'S l.f. v'Ai',r j " fS75-y I PUBLIC HELP APPRECIATED It was public cooperation that made the 14th annual magazine subscription campaign, sponsored by American Legion Post No. 8 Auxili ary, a success. Money from this drive goes to buy pieces of hospital equipment that is loaned without charge to the public. Auxiliaries at Merrill, Malin and Tulelake also received an item of equipment for participating in the drive. If magazines are de layed to subscribers, call Mrs. Leah Glubrecht, hospital equipment chairman, right. Left is Mrs. Lina Motchenbacher, sick and distress chairman. Center is Mrs. Pearl McMahon, auxiliary president. Hearings Set PORTLAND (LTD A series of hearings to determine of lum ber and sawmill workers are en titled to unemployment benefits as a result of the lumber indus try strike and shutdown last summer will open here Tuesday. The initial session will be devoted to questions of a gen Givt the gift thot only you con givo your own. very personal portrait. Call or com in tomor row, W con hove yourt all reody to give in time for Christmas. U.S. National 8th & Main r,Wr-Avl Churchill Observes Birthday LONDON UPI Sir Win stun Churchill celebrated his 8th birthday Saturday sur rounded by his family in his London home and warmed by greetings from young and old all over the world. In the early afternoon of a grey November day. the illus trious elder statesman de lighted a crowd of well wishers gathered outside his house at Hyde Park gate by appearing at a w indow to wave to them. Churchill looked amazingly fit and alert for a man entering his 90th year. He was wealing a green satin smoking jackot and a sharp blue bow tie with white dots. Lady Clementine Churchill. 78. held back the curtains while he stood smiling and waving at the window for a full two minutes. Churchill showed no sign of tlie heartbreak that has filled his past year. He and his wife were surrounded in their home by presents and congratulatory messages from all over the world, with a small dinner party with family and close iriends planned fur the evening. Wrong Words At Wrong Time LIVERPOOL, England (UPI) A 24-year-old Communist who shouted "Long live Khrush chev!" while the crowd at a soccer game here was observ ing a minute's silence in mem ory of President Kenndy was beaten up by other fans it was reported .Saturday. Police rescued James Downey from the crowd, but marched him off to court as a disturber of the peace. The judge put him on probation for a year. Downey said he meant no dis respect. "I was upset by Mr. Kenne dy's death," he said. "I just shouted on an impulse. I was sorry later." On Benefits eral nature, according to F. J. Bradshaw, public relations re presentative of the State Depart ment of Employment benefits division. Later, a series of meet ings dealing with specific chums will be held around the state, probably beginning in January, Bradshaw said. ONE DOZEN PORTRAITS SOLVE ONE DOZEN GIFT PROBLEMS ' 0m Bank Bldg. Ph. TU 4. 3252 Council Fails To Take Firm Stand On Religious VATICAN CITY iUPD - Ro man Catholic delegates and Protestant observers alike ap peared deeply disturbed Satur day over the failure of the Ecu menical Council to adopt a clear-cut position on religious freedom. The council winds up the work of this year's session Monday. Pope Paul VI closes Wednesday with ceremonies in cluding the formal publication of decrees on liturgy and communications. Electronic Eyes, Ears To View Soviet Tests HONOLULU (UPI I - U. S. scientists will have their elec tronic eyes and ears tuned in for the series of Russian rock et tests scheduled to start sometime this week in the Pa cific. For the second time in less than a year, tlie Soviet Union will be dropping their latest rocket models into the cen ter of a network of telemetry apparatus operated by tlie Unit ed States and described as one of the most sophisticated in the world. One source, claiming the U.S. network can detect and record "a whale's eyeblink" any place in the Pacific, said American Ruby's Attorney Wants Site Of Trial Changed DALLAS (UPI i Tom Howard the cigar-chewing lawyer for Jack Ruby, has indicated he will ask that Ruby's trial be moved to another city because of "inflamatory" statements by Disl. Atty. Henry Wade. Ruby shot and killed accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before network televi sion cameras in the basement of the Dallas police station Sun day. Howard said Wade was try ing to stir up prejudice against Ruby and said he may ask that I a Gift she'll Treasure! Plush, luxurious jewel boxes in dozens cf shapes and sizes ... so convenient for her many treasures. Select the style that will please her most from Miller's outstanding collection ... of course free gift wrapping. 3.95 to 28.95 Use Your Charge 512 Main Free Parking 5th and Klamath Delegates will return for a third session from Sept. 14 to Nov. 20, 19M. Sources at the Secretariat for Promoting Christian I'nity said there was no chance of a vote Monday on a statement which would put the Roman Catholic Church on record as recognii ing the freedom of every man to believe and worship accord ing to his conscience. A secretariat statement against anti-Semitism will also miss coming to a vote, the missilcmen were watching movies of Russian rockets test ed last May within hours after they splashed into the Pacific. This latest scries of Russian tests, according to announce ments from Moscow, will start sometime after Monday and end by Jan. 25. I'M A. The rockets will be aimed at a patch of ocean west of Mid way Island and south of Wake Island, both controlled by tlie United States. Midway is a ma jor station in the Pacific mis sile range. The target area is also near tlie Marshall Islands, another prime U.S. rocket test center. Listening posts in Hawaii will also he tuned in on the tests. the trial be moved because of it. Howard charged Wade had known Ruby on a first name basis for 10 years but now re ferred to him as a man who used an alias and lived only a stone's throw from Oswald. Wade is "creating an unfair atmosphere," he said, and add ed that he would probably ask the trial be moved to a city "200 or 300 miles from Dallas, where Dallas newspapers don't circulate." If the trial is moved, Howard said, it would probably be late January or early February be fore Ruby comes to trial. Howard said reports that Os wald and Ruby knew each oth er were just rumors and the first time Ruby saw Oswald was in the jail the night after the assassination. Sleeping on a is like sleeping on a cloud! SEALY MATTRESSES Starting as Low as 39.95 S&H Green Stamps Open Fridays Till 9:00 12th & Main TU 4-88S8 JEWELRY BOXES Account or Lay Awoy! sources said. Bishop Charles Helmsing of Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo., expressed American con cern about the failure to act on religious freedom during Fri day's council session. "We are all waiting for it be fore the end of this session," he said. "There is no reason why i Gold Medal, Crown Unbleached or Sperry's Drifted Snow FLOUR Del Monte CATSUP ir 14-oz. Walter Kendall Burgerbits Dog Food Mary Ellen JAM Strawberry or Blackberry LOW POT ROAST RIB STEAK 79- Tender Aged Navel Oranges Fresh Calif. Dates Grapefruit !; Specials For RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT TOWN it could not come today." However, no action was tak en. Protestant observers were glum. Hie Rev. Albert C. Out ler of the World Methodist Council said a delay until next session would be "lamenta ble." Prof. Robert McAfee Brown, LLSaf LJ YmJ Lai V . V mi L,m.r i 25-LB. BAG Kraft Macaroni & Cheese DINNERS 51oq COST TENDER Leon, Meaty Indian River Pink 2-lb. Jar ;t Nalley's Lumberjack '! 79 c p 79 " Bottle U Blade K( I (J ) C Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday j: y-fX- & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER 3800 So. 6th Freedom representing the World Alliance of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches, said agreement at this session to accept the reli gious freedom statement at least as a basis for further dis cussion is "crucial" to Christian unity talks. He said failure to act would leave him in "pro found gloom." S5 79 Rose Valley Cut Green BEANS 303 Tins ir AGED SHORT RIBS 29t 5 59 lb. bag 49' 1 !4-lb. bag 1093