Jacob On Brteqe T T- TT t I Tanc,H BLISTER.' OBVIOUSLY THE 1 MJW ABtXIT TH AT f VEAH--MAYB6 THAT SNATURES WAY 1 . By Timmy Hatlo , p - . s i TLcrfea womotom abeI N he avoids asmuch t "eJ'kl It NEVER BtUMEToLw) ,iiTJ , ?U AlASKAN OUT- VSICAL. EXERTIOU ITS - CASE OF M"" They'll Do It Every Time Sun.. Dec. 1. 13 Page 4-C NORTH .KQ832 VK4 Q8 Q74 WEST A A 10 V 103 J 10732 4 J 10 8 8 EAST J85 785 K84 K5 SOUTH (D) 474 AQJ8J A65 A3S No one vulnerable SodUi Wert North Eut IV Pan 1 Fan 2 V Pas 4 V Pan Pass Past Pass Opening lead 6 J " Passings. -woseIpeeo demons a& heart Socfc 77 5t&ro .!?'TMA"VI1 fAS ANOTHER , OUGHTA EE PUT 7 TO SEE THAT HE 7 ; lift 8'JT t CAN 46E NOW J iNCW RESTAUR ant MOULTS 'Vhao aEAV- Clv-f MOTORIST OCTS 7 AwAV FOR COOO.' ) ( CAN'T 'TALK HIS f xJ"f vtdok a lotdp ONlTIK,fcNTALCui5,KeJ I J LCK A TICKET, THE V HOPE HE GETS 7 VvvAVOUTOF y Up--I Pmcues around TW HEON L;fiHT6f S last might J ?f Sacks were hJT Vmt JM&f 1XKi W L ALL FOR STRICT .ktZTf- ' -." (JV--T Ii 1 WAT MUST 6 TH& W f A LITTLE llSWSffi 3 iKM "OMiSftP 11 THEY GET THE OLD A VERY CLOSE FRlENOV the CARS yt h3, fcf 3crfed EL -rN I m7tjy-T-. iiXiSkLxr 'avTAr V -r , i , i i r j i -n r- RAYMOND G.v-59 aasairjSZ' VVVVlBT' JjfcfeLSKfai ?Vy ,,,. wjii.j ,,. 'IiiS BUT YESTERDAY Ajhli WELL, WHAT'S T if' I ' if tij: C IJUSTPON'TLIKE Jijil F COFFEy, jt'iZZfs-XJ' -1?;:::r:rrw?7V ' ( we haq leftover V j ;- wrong . !" 1 leftovers -i . ... , , ,, , dinner? -i v ii t?f?r V i 4-- ' I LOLLIPOP FOR) 37 IIORE VEARS THAT MEAN ) JV 'W : ,M 1 ?'fi ' li HERE'S VOUr KPSCJ TILL OUR HOUS WBBNoJS S . yf . s I . a I. paSts fe sj " V 'J ; ' feJ firlji IV) ZT V 1J F U - r1 Jl J MANt WJ MwNfj "MOtSnUNW W6 MK5MT OF EJCAf 0 INTO WIMHl,fH ASO t-6 MS HOw.9 fufSr l&Kf CCjlW'f fSrr j HiJg w Jirfc s MttV5! I pch a birth wy pact uss ts sjup" jcsy icvw churchiu- weMToMe KsroPvoiie hl.Biwtew , "- rl.i II (Llfcif1 fcl b'jM'Ji 11 t as ysyAu'y- Asnmrr v w y best cu , fjpr euiumM " 1 H i W T fl'r H 1 rWrll 1 (S W i-J"! Y'KNOW, OSCAR, T ME DOESN'T I I ...MAYBE WE'D OH.NO! YOU I I YEH? I JUST WONPER J U IF ALL OF A SUPPEN 1 jL Ur"AtJ m LI 1 O J "VVaU -a 0 PONT THINK SHE'S I LOOK ANY BEPOINSHIM PONT CATCH WHAT KINP OF A f ,F HE ACOUIREP A ( oh, no! HE- .uJLa ,i i iiMI gl -ki ;nr -3 any lmy frienp too happv a favor if me meddling fieldworker our Wuat? I wife of sorts... x . db Li.i II Jjvjap-ll T U1 S"ll? J , ll , OFOOP'S.' J DOES HE? WE BROUGHT V IN HIS OL' BOY'P BE IF... "n-; AND MAYBE ' -- . - - mm l . .. - mm r -- . . -- i r - x - 'im back: Is affairs- r-AFAMiLYy I THAT Y HB WAS TACTFULW MAKINS SURE THW WAS A I p OHi I SAV ! 7 PERHAPS. FROM NOW I I I'LL WAKE A PRELIMINARY MOLD FROW I CvTlvL- ZL HT HM ' fTTT Fl&T .- GUARP ( B0WLIW5 BALL IN TH& gASi ANVTHWa THEVRE H 100KIWQ FOR ON, SRIUS THE BALL WITH- THIS ONE, IP IW TO CAST THE MOST a' y V-1J 0i!N's ffiM m Tlf I 0UT5IPBV DOUBTFUL MOUn ESPECIALLY IBAVINS THIS I STOLEN TOP OUT THE BAG, 50 HE CAkl VALUABLE BOWUtJS 6AU WALL HISrORV! -f;; '7 . p B I I V 5 . I Sr--SaaS Xii ly'l7 ULiUl J i jirai ?w ,r vvJi l ra oh.THANK yo;timy " -whar-cmucki-e.'-evem th' " 1 11 win d W 6LAd to.'.' Y an' we promised "Al 11 7 1 N 1 1 FO'HELPIN' US THREE J MOST MARRIAGE-MAODF.fJF.D IJV,7 ) SOON'SVJE OUR FAT OLE. MAMMY ) THATC ( THAT'S MOT A ITS A GESvJ WfaX,THA"Tfe RE&TTy ' TUBS O' LARD OVER. DOGPATCH GAL DON'T .5 ue " A VJE'D ALLUS EAT V HEV-' LOOi, PCeTTV FOO0LAF '7 BUG WITH V 3 UNLV5UAL,TCO. TO MOUSE HEAVEN ) iN DAST SET FOOT .'! J -Lait LUNCH.'.' ) ON TIME.' -Jx'i &ZniE&3...A LMJ6UL,V CLOVS2. , tOJEWING6 . 1P- rvffl JpvVBACKi VJEALLUSS-IL.- rVf,' I RXK2 LEAF j (oNTlT? STANDING ON A 1 71 - -ctD Pf "c TrvMASLUNCMJ TNFri' V CLovaz -LS TOOTHPICK. 1 -.f imua mmi I Qhman! I'mnlad ll.?v-fi 1 brouohfe lioli 1" CoritVMj hdyg a It co-i'-i 7- -mmmvc 1 m , 1 p . ' , . . rTr. ,t 1 Simii wminripi nv' MJ'i'j 1 j- Sams thinaSi I ajndru vv at vciioo ? I moej- wJl I've sie killed needlessly, -thevd multiply Ic?1 Jf but to take people VoullbeflOiha Pf ewa yAWWiSfA Ymm rf tS I a-c AAMNrXfBur J iAW.KAN.viAisioowieH.Bui in such numbers J'VK waUfarI.that - back tomotTDLO,it all til.l the I n ,&7T:iy tl ?iS : 1 MT 5 Jll ca?vu ( amsshowwi' Mr7vSSJLlK you-. ft p WE PIPNT EUWINflTE J thevd staiivs to VjiW J V makes a sport - Cnippen getter llart minuteV 3J RAY 0 I It Oh?) ' ' ilr'-'a K '45 i you said you 3 SJL death, or become LfflXTX-vOP rr. I I I I rJ t rW, 1 frr : 1 r : t nnir SHCOLFS'T V.OULDNT IT f S SOMETH.NS . ITS A THEOC I - ti... I i J II ,riljT'"i I THEY VB ADDED A CARGO I ITS STARTING) STEP ON IT ! 111 CO.PlA.N. I SUiSs IF AU. THE- BEETLE BAILEYS if SOT. SOA'B UYS PRINK 1 JEASYf THIS TWINCj I !iAt"hi- 1 V" OF SOME KIND. , k. TO SNOW 7 LETS GET 41 ftfrj OTUER OOTF.TS OF THE WOBlP SOT TOSETVES TO FOESET, An? SC.vT i '')'K- IS HEAVY. )UL C?ttu'AM,,i '-T-SS Pl-'VTHw,-?uE9 lri I THEIR AMP....A.'A,0.'-VO.' PONT :V GUS.... 1 SnaS I eHfSSS I y IJ1 vfH GuLt,' THIN ABOUT TWAT.' 7 i , . !r ie3i life mB- '' , ' '. ! I , i u--. i.r, f - l I TH' -TOAn'DOESNTAlM i THfiT I HEV, PALf FOR TW.S JOB 1 ' .-, Vii-S VFAK1 SLIDIMQ DOWMTHET jYj Bl IT L. rYWrTWlfslli 7 Vxil VjrT' ' W Ef0 TH' 9 0PS SITTING !M 111 Y3ET REPLACED AS 1 WHY, THAT I WHERE YOU WONT NEED NO HELo' I T FYJWAIMPD TO CWOJAtIjSw 7 IHS nSrrur?iSjr J? Y A- ACTUALLY BAY THEY GOT THAT U BOSS O' TH' M08? 60. ' DOUBLE-CSOSSW I GOING? WTO.SPl vE7 rAlUA-rPlS rAijAB&O HEARD AAE pyGHT J TH' TIP STRAIGHT FRCA GARBAGE IF HE SET YOU UP HE D I 6TOOUE' J YOU COULD S , fVoSH, " R.VItJ FUN - t CAN COVER. P JCi P II Th' toad" fksokwv to can a w, I give status to the I should a' neeo na! ' II CAM BE T. V. -f j TtW- T Y . J GET ME KNOCKED OFF ? GUY COULD I COPS ANO TM' D A.. AND HIT HIM ! . , tr--- Bflf yS-- a VjU - T s ' MEACt , I ; HEp Gt T BIGGf P'M EVER A MOUTH 1 " ' ' J ""' 1 ' ' 1 w Tricks Developed By OSWALD JACOBY ' Newspaper Enterprise Assn. With 15 high card points and Ihiee aces South had an open ing no trump bid, but he chost to open one heart on account of the worthless doubleton in spades. After the one spade response he rebid to two hearts because he thought that would give his partner more encouragement than a mere one no trump re bid. North jumped to the heart game and West opened the jack of clubs. South played dummy's queen since West might have led from king-jack-ten. East's king forced South's ace and South saw that his only play to make the contract would be to develop three spade tricks. He could not afford to draw trumps right away so he led the four of spades at trick two. West played the 10 and dummy won the trick with the queen. A trump to his ace put South in again for a second spade lead and West had to take his ace. West cashed his ten and nine of clubs, and led the jack of dia monds. South played dummy's queen. East the king, and South won with the ace. South's next play was the queen of trumps. His plan was to hold the lead and then get to dummy with the king in the hope that spades would break. ' However, West produced the 10 of trumps whereupon South had an extra entry to dummy. He overtook his queen with dummy's king: ruffed the trey of spades with the jack of trumps: returned to dummy w ith the nine of trumps and dis carded his two remaining dia monds on the last two spades. To get your copy of "Win at Bridge," just send your name. address, and 50 cents to: Os wald Jacoby Reader Service, c-o this newspaper, P.O. Box 489, Dept. A, Radio City Station, New York 19, N.Y. 30 Q The bidding has been: Sooth West North East 1 Pass 1 Pass 2 V Pass 4 V Pass 4 N.T. Pass 5 Pass 5N.T. Pass 6 V Pass ? You, South, hold: A2 VAKJ5 43 A.QJ987 What do you do now? A Pass. If your partner held two kings, includinc ' the king of clubs and the queen of dia monds iu addition to bis aoe he should have bid seven after you guaranteed all four aoes by your five no-tnunp bid. TODAT'S QUESTION Your partner opens one club. What do you bid with: 4AJ43 VA65 4KQ7( S Answer Monday PPL Plans To Host 4-H Events TL'LELAKE - The Pacific Power and Light Company will host l-H leader banquets in Al turas and Tulelake. The ban quets w ill ic held in Alturas on Tuesday, Dec. 3. and in Tule lake mi Wednesday, Dec. 4. John Emu. 4-H Club special ist. L'nivcrsity of Calilornia at Davis, will give the main ad dress of the program. He will speak on 4-11 leadership. Norval Eastin and Charles Boydcn, managers of the Al turas and Tulelake offices of Pacific Power A Light Com pany, aie in charge of (he prourani'i. These banquets arc designed to recognize Modoc County's 125 4-H Club leaders and their wnes and husbands. The Alturas program will be cm at 7 30 in tlie Fellowship Hall of the Federated Church. Tiie Home Economics Building ol the Tulclake-Bntte Valley Fairgrounds will be the site of the Tulelake dinner. This pro gram will begin at 7 p m. It is estimated the sea con tains enough salt to oner the I' S under a crystal layer I mi!e deep.