IIKRAI.D AND NKWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon Sunday, December J, 196J PAGE S B FAMILY REUNION The home of the William Cretwells on Donagel Avenue was the scene for this family group picture taken on Sunday, Nov. 17, at a pre-Thanksgiving celebration. The group included their son and daughter and their families. The front row, left to right, are Jamie Croll, Leslie Croll, Megan Creswell, Laura Croll and Mrs. Family Notes Early H ol id ay Sunday. Nov. 17. became sn early Thanksgiving Day lor the William Cresuells who were hosts to their son and daughter and their families at a turkey dinner, complete with all the trimmings of the holiday season. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Croll and their four children. Jamie. Les lie. Laura and Robbie, were vis iting for a few days homeward bound to Kamloops. British Co lumbia, after mere than a year spent in Europe and the British Isles. Dr. Croll was taking ad vanced courses in London. On their return, the Crolls tra veled across the southern part ol the United Slates. The early Thanksgiving din ner party also included Dr. and Mrs. James Creswell and their children. Megan. James An drew and Bill Jr., who reside in Klamath Falls. Dropping in for an afternoon visit were Mr. and Mrs. William Weitkamp of Tulelake. long time friends of the Creswell family. VIVID, CHEERY COLORS! festa -perks moonlight white citron yellow mandarin orange with sprightly flower motifs The NEWEST idee hi coffee makers! Durable polypropy lene perks in ihree glamorous colors . . . will not fade, chip, or crick. Three-step brewing: 1) Pour in water, 2) add coffee, and J) plug it in. Makes 3 to 5 cup! of delicious coffee. Add color to your kitchen with Finln-perti, by T Bend. See Our Ad I "Family EOT ca . "iv nt'j ' IV Simmer-hakes beans to the peak of delicious flavor. Handy alo for cooked cerealv stews, dried fruits, and ai a server. "Klamath's Home Accessory and Gift Store" YOUR STORE 721 Main Party Fetes Recent Bride L.WC.ELI, VALLEY Mrs. .lorry Thomas was guest of honor at a wedding shower at the palish hall the evening of Nov. 13. Mrs. Thomas is the former Sheila Spillane. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Spillane. Hostesses were Mrs. Martin Gift, Mrs. Bide Steward. Mrs. Bud Lee. Mrs. Keith Turner, Mrs. Maurice Wescott. Mrs. Lloyd Gift, Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. Ralph Vaden. Mrs. LeRoy Fernlund, Mrs. Evea Adams and Mrs. Bobby Lee. A centerpiece of blue daisies in a while container on the gift table was later presented to the bride. Mrs. Thomas was assisted in opening her gifts by her two sisters. Mrs. Kenneth Hric ziscsc and Patricia Spillane. Mrs. Bobby Lee served the cakes and Mrs. Bide Steward served the coffee. Punch was served by Maury Wescott. Todoy BEAN POT . . . for flavorful slow-baked beans TU 4-4561 i ' 1 ' ifC i I K tt James Creswell holding James Andrew Creswell. Back row, same order, are Bill Creswell Jr., Mrs. Robert Croll holding Robbie Croll, Mrs. William Creswell and William Creswell. Standing are Dr. Robert Croll, left, and Dr. James Creswell. Photo by Guderian Family Reunion DAIRY Relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Schmoe over the Nov. lfi weekend for a family rain inn and pre-Thanksgiving din ner. A social time was enjoyed following the Sunday dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs, Paul Schmoe of Vancouver, .Mrs. Sallie Hunter of Toppen ish. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nave of Quincy, Wash., Mrs. Eric Johnson. Oakland, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kolh. Lakeview. Mrs. Sid Hall and Judy and Claude, Winston, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kolb and family, Klamath Falls, Mrs. Louise Schmoe and sons. Charles and Silas Kilgore of Langell Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts. Mrs. Tom McAu lilfe and daughters, Klamath 512 Main Free Parking 5fh & Klamath Beautiful Gift! 1 Your if I 1 Chargt I f H : - 1 Account Cly j LEGSIZE NEW FIT FLOURISH- BELLE SHARMEER'S THREE-WAY STRETCH 1 ... 2 ... 3 personal legsizei are avsllable to you In Belle Sharmeer's Agilon Sesmless. So flittering! So much smoother, as they stretch to fit evety Intimat curve of your ankle, knee and calf. Choosa the LEGSIZE that best fits your leg dimen.ions . . . BREV (for short or slim legs), MODITE (for average legs), DUCHESS (for long or ample legs). pojr P'lso Deerl- . UJI.len Ce-p. legi'sferat rraVe Mft First Son Welcomed BONANZA Mr. and Mrs. Boh Freirich are parents of their lirst son. Michael Robert, born Nov. 20. He jcins three sisters, Valerie, Romney and Michcle. Bob "Freirich is coach at Bo nana School where he has taught for several years. Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Freirich Sr. reside in Eu gene. Mrs. Freirich is pres ently visiting her son's family in Bonanza. Falls. Mrs. Louise Wood s, Charlotte and Jori, and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Schmoe. Kar en, Virgie and Don Schmoe, and Albert and Eldnn Burg dorf. During the evening Paul Schmoe showed pictures taken on their trip into Old Mexico last winter and spring. I m STrv.KiNr.e; .v NOVEMBER BRIDE Mrs. Warren Reese Collins, the former Joy Gard, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford B. Gard, former Chiloquin residents now residing in Baldwin Park, Calif. Her marriage was an event of Nov. 9 in Los Angeles. Photo by Hap Byers, Culver City When it omc lo X x - -its Firs the Gannons 1. Seamless super-sneer; re inforced heel and toe. A joy to wear . . . our best seller. 2. Seamless super sheer; micro-mesh, run resist. Gcssamer fine! IK 3. Super sheer, seamless stretch. Re-inforced heel ond toe. 4. Super sheer seamless stretch, run resist mesh whisper thin! 5. Superb luxury! Nude heel, demi toe, lace, run resist, shodow welt. Short, medium, lonq. For evening wear ... for fes tive occasions. . Miiiks lo Hi iltl 619 Klamath's Shop Exclusively for Children We Give iiV.' Green Stamps Box of 3 pair $200 Box of 3 pair $235 Box of 3 pair $250 LAST WEEK! Prices Go Back Up December 6th Collins-Gard Vows Recited Joy Gard. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Gard. Baldwin Park. Calif., former Chiloquin residents, and Warren Reese Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Collins. San Ga briel, were married Nov. 9 at St. Mark's Methodist Church in Los Angeles. Dr. Thomas Wyatt officiated. The wedding reception fol lowed in Fellowship Hall of the church. The bridal pair visited Grand Canyon and CarUbad Caverns on their wedding trip before returning to their new home in San Gabriel. The new Mrs. Collins is a graduate of Chiloquin High School and Northwestern School of Commerce in Portland. Clifford Gard gave his daugh ter in marriage. She wore a gown of Italian bombazine fash ioned with long sleeves and full skirt with bustle back held by Card Party The Lady Elks attended the regular monthly card party session en Nov. 13 in the lodge hall. Marguerite Dunne was award ed high score in bridge and Ber tha Harlan, second. Ramona Carter was high in pinochle. There will be no regular meeting in December. The next play will be Jan. 8. rail's gifts, Main Declare a Holiday Meat the drums three roses. Sequins and pearls trimmed the scalloped neck. A pearl and sequin crown held the fingertip veU and she carried a bouquet of white roses centered with a white orchid. Her going away outfit was a chocolate brown knit suit worn with beige accessories and the bridal orchid. Mrs. Melvin Stewart, Klam ath Falls, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Marilyn Bur nett and Edith Woodward. Al hambra. Calif., Joanne Gold smith, Portland, the bride's niece, and Wanda Gard, Ander son, also a niece. Another niece of the bride, Diane Goldsmith, Portland, was flower girl, and twin nephews of tlie bride, Danny and Dennis Gard, were ring bearers. Kenneth Wooley, Allmmbra. was best man and ushers were Dale Collins, Terrance Collins, Randy Gard and Clifford Gard. Also present for the ceremo ny were Melvin Stewart and Richard Tyler, both of Klamath Falls. It's Jones' Office Supply Brid Books, fram 2.00 Waddina Plan Books from 1.80 Wadding Invitation and gift list book, 2.S0 Showor Invitation cards (pack), (ram S9c Whito or colored Biblos, 3.75 to B.OO Mr. nd Mrs. Gama pak, 5 games, 1.00 r? 7 See Our Wedding Consultant for all Your Needs fanoA ' Office Supply 629 Main During the last Christmas, we always have such a rush in our hosiery department that we are not the demand for "Better Than Gold" hosiery. For our early shoppers we offer this unbeliev ably popular and beautiful hose at unbelievably low prices. Make sure to have plenty of them for your Christmas giving and stock up for yourself. Prices go back up December 6th! toYOV MARY MARTIN Na matter haw much car roll hara lnvetr. IB aar hair, your hands, yalir maka-aa ani avaa yaar (own and fltura emm all ba Ul br yvur baarlnf. A fractfat carftaga and mavtrntnl flatter aar litara and blltlta aaaada tram yaar appaaranra baaldaa balai bara baalthfBL Remem ber praper earrlara la Bat eemelhlnr but mtiit ba practiced aa pari ef your everyday roallne. DON'T aland with a thruil-eut cheel ar droopy head. Cbeel and pelvis shanld ba aquarelv aver each alber. Walk with lege that awing fram the hips, walk with a alight spring and net loo long steps. Phona TU 4-33U for your ejppotntmtnr with beauty HOUSTON BEAUTY SALON, 500 Main St. upstairs over old Town Shop location. Uia our Sth St. entrance. for and Bridal and Shower Needs Brides' Bingo, 1.09 Wadding Caka Figures, fram 2.90 Miniature Brida and Groom, from 16c And many other wadding dacorotions and supplies Including engagement an nouncements, wedding in vitations, etc. Ph. TU 2-4408 1 weeks before able to handle " :M