Symphony Given Name -The name o the Klamath Community Symphony has been changed lo the "Klamath Sym phony" by a vote of the board of directors at their last meet ing. This change was made to prevent further confusion with the Klamath Community Con cert Association. Separate tick els are required (or the Klam ath Symphony concerts and will cost Jl for adults and 50 cents for students. The symphony is sponsored by service clubs and professional clubs of the Klamath area. The .board of directors is made up of representatives of these groups. Present board officers include Quinn Kawley, chairman; Mrs. George Blanas, secretary, and Mrs. Mary Bothwell. treasurer. Residents of the Klamath Ba sin are reminded of the first concert of the Klamath Sympho ny to be presented on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at Mills School Auditor ium. The program begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are sold tlirough the sponsoring groups AAUW, Quo la Club, Soroptimist Club, Busi ness and Professional Women's Club. Woman's Library Club, Klamath Falls Lions Club, Ki wanis Club, Rotary Club and the Linkville Kiwanis Club. Tickets are also available at BAZAAR WORK BONANZA Bonanza Wom en' Club met at the library Nov. 19 for an all-duy work meeting to finish up articles for the annual bazaar to be held Dec. 7. Mrs. John Brown is gen eral chairman. Pixie dolls, tea towels and aprons were finished and boxes were covered with Christmas paper (or bazaar ar ticles and for tlie homemade candy which will be made all day Dec. 5. There will also be a day for making Christmas ar rangements and wreaths. Ar ticles for the white elephant sale were gift wrapped. There will be a food sale in connection with the bazaar with Mrs. Mike Ketcham and Mrs. Harold Williams in charge. Derby's Music Store, Bowden's Music Store, Chamber of Com merce and from Mary Both well at First Federal Savings and Loan. Under the direction of Nor mand Poulshock. the symphony is now rehearsing the program which will include parts of Tschaikovsky's Nutcracker Suit and the Overture to Mozart's opera, Don Giovanni. Other numbers will be works of Bizet Hinclemilh and German. The choir is now rehearsing "In Praise of Music" by Hlndc mith as a closing number. Final rehearsals for both choir and symphony will be held on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 1, and Monday evening. Dec. 2. TAKE THE 10 DAY WALK TEST be our guest, try our famous shoes made oi GENUINE DEERSKIN the softest shoes that ever walked Here's What We Mean By OUR 10 DAY WALK TEST! Wear these wonder ful shoes for ten days ... if they do not prove just the right shoes to give you complete fooN happiness, return them and your money will be refunded. Fair enough? Try them NOW. y y ; on I I jy JLJL ZSJfjr Sim Sloll- Norrew, Mtdium Block, or Whit Width, Slim, Extra Wids WfcJxovvd- bv DESCO with the miracle-soft RED CARPET' comfort to pillow every step Hare's 0 repeal ol out rrost unprecedented - our most successful ol'en we went you to wear these buitar-soft, leother-l;ght, fabulously flexible shoes . . . leel how ihey caress your foot and mate pillows out of pavements how the V4 Inch deep Red Carpet U'e'hane cushion l-l-o-a-t-i you through busy days In heovenly foot comfort... feel how lite o dreom ihey fit . . . and see what o fashion lift Ihey give to your newest, smoriest doytime clothes. And you con wosh them deon with us' a swiih of o dop clo'h. PAGE-SB HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Oregon Sunday, December 1, 1WJ IS? SHOES Htorfquarttrt for FmNnp Gifts for Ivtrjr Mtmbr f tk Family! Immmmmmmmmmmmmm miiMf if unlti lime ir tiifffajs,,, FmmumtmWtt.,Jjmm SANTA'S HELPERS These Lady Elks, wives of the officers, ere busy planning the decorations for the Elk's Charity Ball. This gale event will be held Friday, Dec. 6, at the Elks Temple from 9 p.m. until I a.m. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of Christmas baskets for the needy end othsr charities sponsored by the Elks Lodge. Left to right are Beverly Evans, Louise DeNault, Eleanor Victor, Ramona Carter and Sharon Badorek. Eulalona DAR Eulalona Chapter, DAR, met in November in the parlors of the First Methudist Church. Dessert was served by the com mittee composed of Mrs. Al fred Coddingham, Mis. Julian Ager, Mrs. Jack Nixon and Mrs. L. H. Stone. Mrs. Will Wood, regent, pre sided at tlie meeting. The invo cation was given by Mrs. Julian Agcr and Mrs, Roland Wright led the Pledge of Alle giance. It was announced that Mrs. William Bullard had become a new member. The annual candy sale was opened with Mrs. Alfred Cod dingham in charge. Mrs. R e y m o n d Hall an nounced a need among the Ce 1 i lo Indian women and children for clothing of any kind. Suit able items are to be brought to the next meeting. Rules for the annual essay contest were discussed and plans wore formulated by Mrs. L. H. Stone, chairman of his tory awards. Mrs. C. K. Wells, defense chairman, gave her report which included a notation that no one should salute the flag of the United States with a gloved hand. Changes in the by-laws were read and approved. Mrs. Ju lian Agcr was chairman of this committee. There is a need fur genealog ical and cemetery records. Such may be given to Mrs. Floyd Ryser or Pat McVey. For the program, a panel dis cussion was introduced by Mrs. Dick Henzel. The panel was composed of Mrs. Bert Thum as, Mrs. James Barnes, Mrs. Julian Agcr, Mrs. Roland Wright and Mrs. A. 0. Roe nickc, who acted as moderator. The panel topic was DAR activities. FABULOUS $1 DRESS, SWEATER & SKIRT CONTINUES AT THE BOW BAZAAR ONE GROUP DRESSES BUY ONE DRESS AT REGULAR PRICE VALUES $5.98 $6.98 GET A SECOND ONE FOR $00 ONE GROUP SKIRTS cimx GET A t fl ftf) SKIRT SECOND P UU AT REGULAR PRICE DNF COD II VALUES $7.98 - $14.98 Nt POR U ONE GROUP get a (ttinn SWEATER second Pl uu AT REGULAR PRICE ftMP COD I! VALUES - $7.98 $16.95 UNb POR U ONE GROUP CHILDREN'S DRESSES get a tflnn DRESS SECOND Pi UU AT REGULAR PRICE HMP CDD II VALUES -$3.98. $5.98 UNt hUK U SUITS DRESSES u: VALUES TO $46 VALUES TO $25 KIMITb NOW NOW s12-'25 7 -'14 $15 Finest Fashions PLUS Green Stamps Tht Pick of the Finest Fashions for Home, Career, of Campus 4480 South 6th Next to Oregon Food Sojourners Tlie annual couples party of the Sojourners Club was an event of Nov. t at the Yacht Club. A large crowd enjoyed the social hour, potluck dinner and evening of dancing and card playing. On Nov. 13 members attended the regular club meeting at the Willard Hold. Hostesses were Mrs. Otto Biber and Mrs. H. H. Ogle. There was one first . time guest, Mildred Dean, and two third-time guests who are now members, Margaret Gregg and Virginia Turner. Mattie Hagiline and Ruby SHOCKING POSSIBILITY To remove tlie possibility of shock from a damp concrete cellar floor when changing a fuse, place a rubber mat in front of the fuse box. COLLEGE NEWS T o m m y e Laney, Klamath Falls, has been elected record ing secretary of the Collegiate 4-H Club at Linfield College. The club is composed of college students interested in earrjinj on 4-H activities and working with high school and junior high school 4-H clubs in the Yamhill County area. Bray were visitors. After the meeting, cards were played with prizes going to Vir ginia Jacobs for high in pi nochle, and Leah Henninger, first, and Dorothy Neet, second, in bridge. The next meeting will be Nov. 27 at 12:30 p.m. at the Willard Hotel at which time officers will be elected. All members, associ ate members and guests are invited. rZ eniy 1 I vo: 1 lb. box l.o0 2 lb. box 3.15 3 lb. box 4.50 5 lb. box 7.50 Here's a variety to please all tastes . . . crtams, fruits, nuts, crisp and chewy centers . . . ideal for family gifts. 9th and Main Free Delivery Ph. TU 2-3475 for one very dear S3 T CZ3 C K. I N C3 S Nothing has so much feminine appeal as luxury nylons . . . especially when they're archer all dressed up in a special Christmas Box. She knows archer stockings are the finest in pro portioned fit, she chooses them herself in the latest Costume Cued Colours. Flatter her with archer. Seamless Nylons - 1.39 pr., 3 pr. 4.05 Agilon Stretch - 1.65 pr., 3 pr. 4.80 525 Main Park free on our own big lot just behind the itore. Enter from the 5th Street alleyway. Just Arrived! . STRETCHSTRAPSr AND WHAT COMFORT! THE STRETCHBRA" BY WARNER'S9 Warner's invents straps that stretch! The fantastic stretchstra ps stretch over the shoul ders, stay firmly put. Gone are the buckles that used to press into your collarbone! The straps stretch down to a low, low back 2'i inches lower than conventional bras . .. won't ride up. Almost every inch of this nylon-and-Lycra g) bra stretches to fit (ex cept the beautiful nylon eupsl. White, A, B, C, $5.95. In our slimwear department Second Floor 512 Moin Free Parking 5th & Klamath i KV-S Vx- ) i f - - r " f i f : V ".v .' . -': f , .' ' WHAT YOU FEEL IN A WARNERS ... ISN'T THE BR A I 617 MAIN ST. 0